Featured Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

2024. FitzPatrick, Mackinley.New Insights on Cord Attachment and Social Hierarchy in Six Khipus from the Santa Valley, Peru“. Ethnohistory 71(4):443–469.

2022. Hammer, Emily, Mackinley FitzPatrick, and Jason Ur. “Succeeding CORONA: declassified HEXAGON intelligence imagery for archaeological and historical research“. Antiquity:1–17.

Popular and Web

2024. FitzPatrick, Mackinley.The Daily Life of a Khipologo“. In Situ: News and Events of the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology:20–24. Spring Semester.

2024. FitzPatrick, Mackinley.Khipus at Harvard: Misadventures with Khipu Naming Conventions“. In Situ: News and Events of the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology:20–24. Spring Semester.