Are there any postdoctoral positions available that I can apply for now?
Postdoctoral positions are available from time to time and are advertised on Harvard’s online portal for academic hiring.
I am happy to help you prepare applications for external postdoctoral fellowships if there is a strong connection to our ongoing work.
Will you be accepting new graduate students this year?
I am likely to accept one student for Fall of 2025. Please send a CV and brief statement of interest outlining your background and research experience and commenting on your interest in our work. I am unable to respond to all email because of volume, and I will respond if there is a potentially good fit with our group.
What is the typical duration of a PhD program?
Approximately 5 years. For more detail please see my Lab Expectations.
Should I apply to the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) or to Earth and Planentary Sciences (EPS)?
You can also apply either through the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences or through the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Do I need to take the GRE?
What background should I have to do well as a graduate student in your group?
My graduate students have a strong background in physics and at have taken at least differential equations. Many have had related research experience and coursework in meteorology, geophysical fluid dynamics, or atmospheric sciences. All of my students are passionate about understanding the effects of climate change on the large-scale flows of the atmosphere or ocean.

When is the application deadline? When will I hear about admission?
The application deadline is sometime in mid-December for admission the following fall semester. Please check the departmental web site link above for the exact date. The application folders are shared with faculty by mid-January. Decisions on admissions are made in early February and applicants are informed of the result shortly thereafter.
What are the most important criteria for admission?
I consider past research experience, work experience, and past academic performance fairly equally when selecting new students. Your statement of purpose must express a clear intent to work with me and explain why you find our research interesting and how it is a good fit for your own career goals. We are committed to diversity in the group.
When should I visit Harvard?
Harvard hosts a visit for admitted students in the spring, and EPS and SEAS students visit at the same time.
Can I switch research advisers or work with more than one advisor during my PhD?
Yes. You can decide that another advisor is a better fit to your interests and switch research groups if they can fund your work.

What financial support can I expect?
All Ph.D. students are guaranteed tuition and stipend support for the normal duration of their time at Harvard. In SEAS, during the first academic year the funding comes from Harvard, after that it comes from my research grants. I encourage my students to apply for external fellowships like NSF because they look good on your CV.
Can I apply for a Masters instead of a Ph.D.?
There is presently no relevant MS program to which you can apply. Ph.D. students can obtain an MS degree at the end of their coursework, and can also get MS degrees in Computational Science or in Data Science (as examples) by taking a few extra courses.
Are there opportunities or requirements to teach?
A requirement of your graduate fellowship is that you serve as Teaching Fellow (TF) during your time at Harvard. Once you’ve fulfilled your requirement you can teach more classes if you wish.