Volume 14, forthcoming
Now accepting
Volume 13, 2015
Turkish Verbal Morphology
E. Groat
The Case Filter and Stylistic Fronting in Icelandic
G. Poole
Arabic Agreement and Functional Projections
N. Bolotin
Checking Theory and Scope Interpretation Without Quantifier Raising
H. Kitahara
A Note on Underspecification and Binding
H. Thráinsson
Some Remarks on Focus and Logical Structures in Italian
A. Calabrese
Particles, Derived Verbs, and the Abstract Clitic Hypothesis
K. S. Ferguson
Relativized Minimality and the A/A’ Distinction
J. O’Neil
Extraposition from NP and VP-Internal Subjects
K.Takami & S. Kuno
Checking Theory and Nominative Case in Icelandic
D. Jonas
Volume 12, 2007
The IE ‘a-Preterit’ – The Tocharian Evidence
H. Fellner
The Development of the Voiced Labiovelars in Germanic
S. Johnsen
Rule Application and Neighbor Effects in English Nonce Word Stress
P. Liu
The Edge of Order: Analytic Biases in Ludlings
A. Nevins & A. Endress
The Germanic Word for ‘Sword’ and Delocatival Derivation in Proto-Indo-European
S. Nikolaev
Reverse-Engineering the Language Faculty: Origins and Implications of the Minimalist Program
D. Ott
The Gender of the Old Saxon Suffix –skepi
S. Palviainen
The Tocharian A Accent
K. Plaster
Women are not Dangerous Things: Gender and Categorization
K. Plaster & M. Polinsky
A Note on Myc.te-re-ja and the Athematic Inflection of the Verba Contracta
J. Rau
Vedic Sanskrit aśītí– ’80’
J. Rau
The Derivational History of the Greek Stems in –ád–
J. Rau
Volume 11, 2005
Gapping in Chinese: A Functional Approach
R. Ai
English fogg ‘aftergrass’
J. Bourns
Toward the Interpretation of the Old Phrygian Inscription from Vezirhan
Y. Gorbachov
One-replacement, unaccusativity, acategorical roots and Bare Phrase Structure
H. Harley
Neg-raising, Last Resort, and the nature of the CSC
T. Kato
Contrastive Specification of Person on Syntactic Arguments
A. Nevis
YAv.haosrauuah– and dəuš.srauuah–
J. Rau
The Derivational History of PGmc. *weþru– ‘lamp’
J. Rau
Volume 10, 2004
T-to-C and overt marking of Counterfactuals: syntactic and semantic implications
G. Aygen
The structure of DP in European Portugese – evidence from adjectives and possessives
M. Gonzaga
The emergance of a phrase
H. Kasai
Inaudible pre-spell-out movement
T. Kato
Imperative semantics and the subject-adressee relationship in the English imperative
G. Moon
Case, referentiality and non-configurationality
B. Öztürk
Distinguishing two Greek particles of “emphasis”: de: and the:n in the poetry of Theocritus
D. Lassiter
The Development of the Nominative Singular of the ja-stem Masculine Nouns in Gothic
S. Palviainen
Volume 9, 2003
C. Quinn, C. Bowern, & G. Ayge
The Light Verb Jungle
M. Butt
Eventuality in Terms of Richer and More Rigid Light Verb Syntax:
Some Evidence from Chinese
R. Ai
The Locality Mismatch in the Light Verb Construction in Korean and Hindi
J-S. Jun
Cyclic Interpretation in Verbal Complexes in Japanese
K. Nakatani
How light are North Australian ‘light verbs’?
C. Bowern
Restructuring Predicates in Hungarian
A. Csirmaz
Complex Predicates in Turkish
B. Öztürk
Volume 8, 2003
lus ca change…: Lachman’s Law in Latin
J. Jasanoff
Acute vs. circumflex: Some Notes on PIE and Post-PIE Prosodic Phonology
J. Jasanoff
Hittite naishut, neshut
J. Jasanoff
The Pronomial Suffix of the Third Person Masculine Singular in Hebrew
R. Hasselbach
Desiderative and Non-desiderative Denominatives in Vedic Sanskrit and Related Forms
B. Fortson
C as a locus of Case/Agreement
T. Tanaka
Haitian -la and the Specificity Feature
G. Poliquin
Vowel Harmony in Canadian French
G. Poliquin
Pseudo-incorporation in Turkish
B. Öztürk
Case Matters and Minimalist Concerns
C. Boeckx
Are There “Non-Restrictive” Pre-Relatives in Turkish?
G. Aygen
Volume 7, 1999
The Problem of NC Configurations and Phonological Opacity in Bantu Languages
M. Asano
Deletion, Insertion, and Symmetrical Identity
E. Bakovic
A Note on Pharyngeal Features
B. Vaux
Disjoint Reference in the Short Passive
W. Philip
Don’t Imperatives
G. Moon
Korean Benefactive Constructions: An Empathy Phenomenon
G. Moon & S. Lee
Aspectual Constructions with the Auxiliary Verb iss -‘exist’ in Korean
S. Lee
The Syntax and Semantics of the Dake and Sika Constructions
S. Kuno
Volume 6, 1997
On the Copulative Structure in Japanese
M. Asano
Raising Russian Relatives: Anti-Symmetry Theory in Russian
S. Brown
The Sentential Complementation of Salentino and Distributed Morphology
A. Calabrese
On the Contraction of “est” in Plautine Latin
B. Fortson
Nominative Case Markers of the Kumamoto Dialect of Japanese
M. Fukada
Case Marking in Japanese: -ni
T. Iwahata
Compositional Interpretation of Korean Quantifiers
Y. Jang & I-K. Kim
NPI’s and the Left-Periphery
J-M. Gonzalez
Existential Quantifiers and Referentiality
K. Nakatani
The Cwyzhy Dialect of Abkhaz
B.Vaux & Z.Pesiypa
Volume 5, 1995
An Argument for LF Feature-Movement
Y. Jang
On the Scope Marking Strategies in Wh-in-situ Languages
Y. Jung
Optionality in Scrambling
S-Y. Kim
Phrasal NEG Deletion
J-M. Gonzalez
Referential Hierarchies and C-Command in Picurís
L. Nichols
The Nature of Syntactic Structure
J. O’Neil
The Implications of Morphological Variations in Welsh Lenition
E. Pyatt
Underspecification and Natural Classes
C. Reiss
High Vocoids in Turkana
S. Zetterstand
Negative Polarity Items in Japanese and English
S. Kuno
Volume 4, 1994
Differences in Adverbial Behavior between English and French: A Minimalist Approach
K. Abe
On the Nature of “pa” in Capeverdean Creole and its Possible Source
M. Baptista
Deriving the Invisibility of PP Nodes for Command from AGR0+P0 Case Checking
K. S. Ferguson
Prolegomena to a Synchronic Analysis of the Hittite Quotative Particle
B. Fortson
Against Functional Category Deletion: A Bare Theory Argument
E. Groat
A Functional Constraint on Quantifier Float in Japanese
T. Iwahata
Internally-Headed Relative Clauses in Korean
Y. Jung
Middle Verbs in Icelandic
M. Kissock
NEG Incorporation and NPI’s in Spanish
J-M. Gonzalez
Vowel Copy and Stress in Northern Tiwa
L. Nichols
On Negative Polarity Items in Japanese and English: An Analysis in Terms of Movement for Feature Checking
N. Nishioka
Three Final Vowels, and Their Relevance in Dating Early English Laws
L. Oliver
More on Accent in Vedic Sanskrit Vocatives
S. Peter
Deriving the X’-Structure of Syntactic Adjunction
G. Poole
Structural Predication in Welsh: The Distribution of Overt Pr0 yn
E. Pyatt
Deriving a Phonological Universal from Optimality Theory
C. Reiss
Volume 3, 1993
A Comparative Analysis of the Particle “ki” in Capeverdian and Haitian
M. Baptista
S. D. Epstein
Notes on the Shortest Move Metric and Object Checking
K. S. Ferguson
There Expletives: A Minimalist Approach
E. Groat
The Agr Feature Parameter Its Role in the Acquisition of Korean Negation
S-Y. Kim
Deducing ‘Superiority’ Effects from the Shortest Chain Requirement
H. Kitahara
Contraction: PF Evidence for the Theory of Feature-Checking
H. Kitahara
A Unified Analysis of Superiority, Crossover and Scope
J. O’Neil
Agreement in Turkish Relative Clauses
G. Poole
Coordination, ATB-Extractions and the Identification of pro
E. Rögnvaldsson
On the Structure of Infinitival Complements
H. Thráinsson
A Note about Object Resumptives in Hebrew
N. Bolotin
Volume 2, 1993
The Notion of Phonological Complexity in Phonological Theory
A. Calabrese
Syllabic Resonants and Laryngeals in Greek
B. Fortson
Recovering Zuni Auxiliaries and Their Role in Event Classification
L. Nichols
Linguistics Methodology in Comparative Law
L. Oliver
The Beginning Always Causes the Most Stress: Toward a Syntax of the Vocative in Vedic
S. Peter
It’s Not That Grimm: An Autosegmental Analysis of Affrication in the High German Sound Shift
S. Peter
The Iroquoian Word for ‘Water’, ‘Wet’ and /m/ in Cherokee
S. Peter
The Role of Phonetic Aspiration in the Proto-Brythonic Spirantization Sandhi
E. Pyatt
Gemination and the Sinhala Prenasalized Stop
E. Pyatt
Syllable Structure and Assimilation in Old Icelandic
C. Reiss
Syllabification and Epenthesis in Armenian
B. Vaux
The Origins of Altaic Labial Attraction
B. Vaux
Volume 1, 1992
Turkish Verbal Morphology
E. Groat
The Case Filter and Stylistic Fronting in Icelandic
G. Poole
Arabic Agreement and Functional Projections
N. Bolotin
Checking Theory and Scope Interpretation Without Quantifier Raising
H. Kitahara
A Note on Underspecification and Binding
H. Thráinsson
Some Remarks on Focus and Logical Structures in Italian
A. Calabrese
Particles, Derived Verbs, and the Abstract Clitic Hypothesis
K. S. Ferguson
Relativized Minimality and the A/A’ Distinction
J. O’Neil
Extraposition from NP and VP-Internal Subjects
K.Takami & S. Kuno
Checking Theory and Nominative Case in Icelandic
D. Jonas