Harvard Language Exchange User Guide

Connecting Harvard community members through language practice

Current Language Exchange Users:
We need your feedback!

Please take our Spring 2023 user survey: https://harvard.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6u4QcLJAfRQwCZn

What is
the Language Exchange?

Using the Language Exchange Database, Harvard affiliates may find partners who would like to “exchange” language practice with them. Browse our resources to find ways to connect with partners and explore your linguistic potential!

Featured Resources

Photo credit nappy

Language Exchange Repository

Looking for ways to stimulate conversation? Find ice-breakers, conversation topics and proposed itineraries, and other supportive materials here.

I speak…

Learn more about the diversity of Harvard’s campus-wide language community, as a reflection of the diversity that the Language Exchange may also contain through the variety of matches possible.

Photo credit RODNAE

Questions? Comments?

Please tell us your ideas for improving the Language Exchange!

Come to the Language Center (Science Center B06) to get your free Language Exchange pin! 10 languages available.

Additional resources:

Are you looking for resources for communicating in English in professional contexts? The Professional Communication for International Scholars site provides an overview of academic culture and communication at Harvard and provides guidance and support on English language skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) and cross-cultural communication skills. You can engage with materials in different areas of communication, complete a variety of tasks to become aware of your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator, and find additional resources.

We are happy to announce that the Language Exchange has received a 2022-2023 CLIF grant!

Please take a look at some of our fellow grant recipients:

For another kind of 1:1 conversation, students may consider the Harvard University Peer Coaching Initiative. [links to: www.convu.com/hupci]

Are you a first generation student? Check out the events during First Generation Visibility Week!