Harvard University
I have taught classes on race in American politics, political behavior, inequality and data science.
- Instructor of Record, Gov 97 Sophomore Tutorial, Spring 2025
- Course title: Intergroup Cleavages and the Politics of Inequality
- Teaching Fellow, GOV 1372 Political Psychology, Fall 2023 (Prof. Ryan Enos)
- A data-driven undergraduate course that seeks to understand how psychology shapes mass political behavior.
- TF for intermediate and data science-track students.
- Teaching Fellow, GenEd 1052/GOVT E-1555 Race in a Polarized America, Spring 2023 (Prof. Jennifer Hochschild)
- A survey-style undergraduate course on the role of race in American political development and contemporary politics.
- Lecture on Affirmative Action: slides (video recording available upon request)
- Teaching Fellow, GOV 1347 Election Analytics, Fall 2022 (Prof. Ryan Enos)
- An advanced, data-driven undergraduate course on U.S. election forecast modeling (for students on the Data Science concentration track).