Keynote Speakers
Keynote 1 (Thursday)
Emily Dolan
Keynote 2 (Friday)
Tara Rodgers and Jonathan Sterne
Keynote 3 (Saturday)
Sumanth Gopinath

Emily I. Dolan is Associate Professor of Music at Brown University. Dolan works on the music of the late eighteenth and nineteeth centuries, focusing on issues of orchestration, timbre, aesthetics, and instrumentality. She is the author of The Orchestral Revolution: Haydn and the Technologies of Timbre (Cambridge University Press, 2013). She has published articles and essays in Current Musicology, Eighteenth-Century Music, Studia Musicologica, Keyboard Perspectives, Representations, and 19th-Century Music. In 2018, she guest edited a double issue of Opera Quarterly entitled “Vocal Organologies and Philologies.” With Alexander Rehding, Dolan co-edited The Oxford Handbook of Timbre (2021) and is completing her second book, Instruments and Order.

Dr. Tara Rodgers (Analog Tara) is a multi-instrumentalist composer, mix engineer, and historian of electronic music. She is the author of Pink Noises: Women on Electronic Music and Sound (2010) and numerous essays on sound and music technologies. Pink Noises is recognized as “an absolutely singular undertaking… changing the ways we think about electronic music” (Cycling ’74). Her music is described as “assertive work, bold in the precision and subtlety it takes to mix such signals with thrill and grace and restraint” (NPR Music). Originally from New York, she is now based in the Washington, DC, area.

Jonathan Sterne teaches in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University. He is author of Diminished Faculties: A Political Phenomenology of Impairment (Duke 2021); MP3: The Meaning of a Format (Duke 2012), The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction (Duke 2003); and numerous articles on media, technologies and the politics of culture. He is also editor of The Sound Studies Reader (Routledge 2012) and co-editor of The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age (Minnesota 2016). He is working on a series of essays on artificial intelligence and culture, and with Mara Mills, he is writing Tuning Time: Histories of Sound and Speed.

Sumanth Gopinath is Associate Professor of Music Theory at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. He has written or co-edited books on the ringtone industry (The Ringtone Dialectic: Economy and Cultural Form, 2013), mobile music studies (The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Music Studies, 2014), and the music of Steve Reich (Rethinking Reich, 2019). He is the leader of the independent Americana band The Gated Community.
Organizing Committee
Landon Morrison, lead organizer
Carolyn Abbate
Michèle Duguay
Toru Momii
Alexander Rehding
Please send all questions and comments to