About Us

Mission Statement

HESIRSC’s mission is to build a global community of Harvard Extension School (HES) students and to provide targeted opportunities for community building and academic and career development in complement to what is offered by HES. Through moderated events with industry professionals, the club will create opportunities for HES IR students (and all interested HES affiliates) to engage in critical thought and dialogue outside of the classroom, providing a space for networking where students will be able to connect to experts and colleagues across the world. HES IRS Club members share a strong interest in international relations and represent a variety of disciplines.

The Club’s Vision

HESIRSC’s vision is to connect HES IR students around the globe in order to create a strong network of peers and mentors to engage with, and a welcoming space for academic dialogue outside of the classroom. HESIRSC aims to offer multiple avenues for student engagement with the club and will work in tandem with HES, the Dean of Students Office and the Harvard Extension Student Association (HESA) to create the most fulfilling student experience possible.

Amended May 22, 2023

Article I. Name 

The name of the group shall be the Harvard Extension School International Relations Student Club (HESIRSC).

Article II. Purpose 

The HESIRSC supports a community of current and future leaders in government and international affairs. The group will seek to create a safe space for all Harvard Extension School (HES) students (and eligible Harvard affiliates) to engage in critical thought and dialogue involving issues related to International Relations.

Article III. Membership

  1. Full membership in this group shall be open to all students in good standing currently enrolled in a degree program through HES. Membership shall be retained until the student severs relations with the University whether by graduation or otherwise. Membership will be retained during the vacations and recesses of the University. Full HESIRSC members are eligible to vote regarding HESIRSC Board Member candidacy as well as participate in the HESIRSC WhatsApp Group, Slack Channel, all HESIRSC Club events, all HESIRSC Public events, and lead and serve on HESIRSC Committees.
  2. Any enrolled HES student may join the HESIRSC by submitting a fully completed Membership Form that includes their HES student email address. Any HESIRSC member may freely resign from the HESIRSC, at any time, by submitting an email stating their wish to the HESIRSC main email address (hesirsc@g.harvard.edu).
  3. Any enrolled HES Certificate Seeker may seek partial membership in the HESIRSC. HES Certificate seekers are eligible to participate in the HESIRSC WhatsApp Group, Slack Channel, all HESIRSC Club events, and all HESIRSC Public events. HES Certificate Seekers may join the HESIRSC by submitting a fully completed Membership Form that includes their HES student email address. Any HESIRSC partial member may freely resign from the HESIRSC, at any time, by submitting an email stating their wish to the HESIRSC main email address (hesirsc@g.harvard.edu).
  4. Any HES Class Participant may submit a fully completed Membership Form to be eligible to participate in all HESIRSC Club events, and all HESIRSC Public events. Any HESIRSC Class Participant may freely resign from the HESIRSC, at any time, by submitting an email stating their wish to the HESIRSC main email address (hesirsc@g.harvard.edu).

Article IV. Officers

  1. The officers of the group shall be known as the “Board” and consist of, at a minimum, a President, Vice-President, and Director of Events. The Board may also include a Director of Communications, Director of Executive Affairs, Director of Global Engagement, Director of Technology, Deputy Director of Communications, Deputy Director of Events, Deputy Director of Global Engagement, Deputy Director of Technology, and other appointed officers as may be deemed necessary by a simple majority of the HESIRSC President, Vice-President, and Director of Events.
  2. Per HES rules, the President, Vice-President, and Director of Events shall be enrolled International Relations graduate degree or joint degree candidates at HES. All other officers may be enrolled graduate and undergraduate degree candidates in any HES program.
  3. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the group and shall have general supervision and control of its activities and programs.
  4. The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume their duties when the President is unable to serve. The Director of Events shall assist the President and assume their duties when the President and Vice-President are unable to serve. 

Article V. Elections 

  1. Officers shall be elected each Spring semester by a simple majority of the voting members of the club. Pursuant to the schedule and process and process established by the HES OSA (Office of Student Affairs) elections shall be held near the month of April. For the spring semester, the term of office shall start on the first day after winter recess and shall terminate on the last day of the spring exam period. For the fall semester, the term of office shall start on the first day after summer recess and shall terminate on the last day of the fall exam period. If an officer vacancy opens before elections, then the Board may solicit nominees from members. If only one member is eligible, then that member assumes the seat with a majority vote from the Board members. If more than one member is nominated and eligible, then an election shall be held in the final month of the semester.
  2. If no candidates for President, Vice-President, or Director of Events are received for election, and the current officeholder will be resigning from one of these positions, then the outgoing Board may appoint a replacement for the next board who is also a degree-holder. A simple majority of the President, Vice-President, and Director of Events must approve the appointment of new officers.

Article VI. HESIRC Board Meetings

  1. Meetings of the Board shall be held once per semester, at a minimum, for the purpose of determining HESIRSC policy, activities, programs, and other HESIRSC business. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President, the Vice President, Director of Events, or any three Board members.
  2. The President shall chair all meetings. In the President’s absence, the Vice-President shall serve as chair. In the President and Vice-President’s absence, the Director of Events shall serve as chair.
  3. Notice of regular and special meetings shall be communicated at least five business days prior, by HES email, to all members of the Board.
  4. During Board meetings, all Board members shall have one vote with respect to any resolutions put forward. Board members may vote by written proxy if necessary, so long as their written vote is submitted to the HESIRSC President’s email address prior to the beginning of the regular or special Board meeting.

Article VII. Amendments

  1. This HESIRSC Constitution may be amended by a simple majority of all votes cast by HESIRSC Board members in good standing.
  2. However, any three full members of the HESIRSC may propose a Constitutional amendment by submitting a written proposal to the HESIRSC President, Vice-President, or Director of Events, via email, prior to a meeting. Amendments proposed by full HESIRSC but non-Board members may be voted on at the regular or special meeting following the initial regular or special meeting during which it was proposed.