
HES3C is an active and vibrant community of more than 2,000 members.

If you are an ALM degree candidate in the field of Sustainability, seeking sustainability certificates, taking sustainability classes at HES or have general interest in sustainability while taking other courses as Harvard Extension School, you can become a member of the club.

Sign up here to be registered in our database.

HES3C provides several ways to connect with the members. We frequently host networking opportunities (both on-campus and virtual via zoom). There are also other ways to engage with the community:

LinkedIn page

In addition, HES3C regularly posts updates on our LinkedIn page. Follow our LinkedIn page to get regular updates.


HES3C sends out monthly newsletters to its members. You will get the latest newsletter in your inbox if you agreed to receive our newsletters during the club registration signup.

Mentorship program


Luminary Leaders program

With the HES3C global community now consisting of over 2,000 members and counting, there is immense networking opportunity across US, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific! And the Luminary Leaders program was revitalised last year, after the pandemic, exactly for this purpose. Led by the Director of Student and Alumni Advisory Council, the Luminary Leaders consist of 10 Luminaries representing a region or cluster who serve as ambassadors in engaging local chapters and spreading environmental and social awareness. Last year, the Luminaries organized over 10 networking events across regions, setting a foundation toward illuminating a brighter HES3C light globally!


Interested in voicing your opinions about sustainability-related issues. HES3C provides a platform for its members to showcase their opinions to the world. You can submit your blog article to us and we will publish them on the website. Here are the rules of the blog.

For more information, feel free to drop us a mail hes3c@g.harvard.edu.

For any question or inputs, feel free to drop us a mail at hes3c@g.harvard.edu