| Columbia University Business School, Guest Faculty Lecture, Invited by Prof. Sharad Devajaran & Deepak Chopra, (documentary filmed by CNN), New York City, 2015 |
| Harvard Business School; Guest Faculty Lecture, Invited by Prof. Tarun Khanna, Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor at the Harvard Business School, Boston, 2014 |
| Columbia University Business School, Guest Faculty Lecture, Invited by Prof. Sharad Devajaran & Deepak Chopra, (documentary filmed by CNN), New York City, 2015 |
| Harvard Kennedy School; Distinguished Faculty Lecture, “Nanotechnology,” Innovation for Economic Development, Boston, Hosted by Prof Calestous Juma, 2014 |
| Boston University School of Medicine; Invited Seminar Speaker, “Harnessing Nanobiophysics for Next Generation Pathogen Detection,” Invited by Prof. Gerald Keusch, Boston, 2014 |
| Stellenbosch University; Invited Keynote Speaker, “Harnessing the Frontier of Nanotechnology, Physics, and Biology to Decentralize, Personalize, and Mobilize the Next Generation of Healthcare Infrastructure,” Cape Town, South Africa, 2013 |
| Kigali Institute of Science and Technology; Invited Keynote Speaker, “Harnessing the Frontier of Nanotechnology, Physics, and Biology to Decentralize, Personalize, and Mobilize the Next Generation of Healthcare Infrastructure in Africa and Beyond,” Kigali, Rwanda, 2013 |
| Harvard Business School & Harvard Kennedy School; World Bank Institute Event, Harvard University; Guest Faculty Lecture, Invited by Prof. Tarun Khanna, Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor at the Harvard Business School, 2012 |
| Harvard Kennedy School; “Innovations for Economic Development”, Distinguished Faculty Lecture, Luncheon Keynote Address, Invited By Prof Calestous Juma, 2012 |
| Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; Invited Speaker, Invited by Nobel Laureate Peter Agre, 2012 |
| Closing Keynote Speaker, “Opportunities and Challenges for Commercialization of Nanobio Materials,” Center for Nanosciences, Amrita University, 2012 |
| Harvard University; HST Guest Faculty Lecturer for HST 931, Biomedical Enterprise Forum, Sep. 2011 |
| Harvard Kennedy School; Innovation for Economic Development, ‘Technological Convergence’ Harvard University, Distinguished Guest Faculty Lecture; Invited Lunch Speaker, 2011 |
| Harvard Mexico Conference at Harvard Kennedy School, Invited Speaker, 2011 |
| St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Invited Panel Moderator, ‘Frugal Innovations in BRIC: Hype or Hope,’ TB Diagnostics in India, Bangalore, 2011 |
| St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Invited Speech, ‘Overcoming Barriers to Innovation in India’, TB Diagnostics in India, Bangalore, 2011 |
| Singularity University, Invited Speaker & Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, 2011 |
| HST 921, a Harvard Medical School & MIT Joint Program; “Enabling Technology Innovation in Healthcare and the Life Sciences.” Guest Faculty Lecturer, 2010 |
| Featured Keynote Speaker, The Singularity Summit, Keynote Address at Singularity Institute, 2010 |
| Harvard/MIT Health Science and Technology Program; ‘Information Technology in the Healthcare System of the Future,’ Harvard Medical School, Guest Faculty Lecturer, 2009 |
| Harvard Kennedy School; Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Program, ‘Biomedical Technology,’ Invited Speaker and Guest Faculty Lecturer, 2009 |
| Texas A&M University, Invited Lecture, Institute for Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, “Harnessing biological motors to engineer systems for nanoscale transport and assembly,” College Station, TX. Invited by Marlan Scully, 2009 |
| Harvard University, Invited Keynote Address, Annual Leonardo DaVinci Symposium on Engineering and Physical Biology, 2009 |
| Harvard Kennedy School, Invited Conference Speaker, Harvard Kennedy School 15th Annual International Development Conference, Panel of Technological Innovations in Development: Trends in Using Technology to Improve Service Delivery, 2009 |
| National University of Singapore Centre for Quantum Technologies, Invited Conference Speaker: “Quantum aspects of biology: a role for quantum mechanics in bio-machines” at Workshop on Quantum Technologies in Biological Systems, Singapore, 2009 |
| MIT Sloan School of Management, BioInnovations 2008, Pathways to Innovation Panel on “Social Entrepreneurship: An In-Depth Look at For-Profit vs. Non-Profit Models,” MIT, 2008 |
| Harvard Business School; Conference on India: Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA, 2007 Keynote Speaker and Inaugural Guest, VYASA International Conference Research and Applications: Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology and its Relevance in Biomedical Research; Bangalore, India, 2007 |
| Arizona State University, Opening Keynote Speaker, Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science: Quantum Effects in Biological Nanostructures. Tempe, AZ, 2007 |
| University of Waterloo, Invited Colloquium Speaker: Department of Physics Colloquium, Waterloo, Canada, Invited by Prof. Robert Mann, 2007 |
| University of Southern Florida, Invited Speaker, “Precision Control of Molecular Machines That Read/Write DNA”, Nanotechnology: Early Detection of Biomarkers and Diagnosis of Human Disease, Conference on Advances in Nanotechnology: Biomedical Applications, Tampa Bay, FL, 2006 |
| Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Invited Speaker, “Some Emerging Prospects in Astrobiology”- Cambridge, MA, Invited by Prof. Dimitar Sasselov, 2005 |
| MIT, Invited Panel Speaker, Bob Metcalfe and the TR35 Panel, Technology Review’s Emerging Technologies Conference at MIT, Boston, MA, 2005 |
| Harvard Medical School, Invited Keynote Speaker, Osher Institute Dinner, Launching the Asian Medicine Program of Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, Invited by Prof.Ted Kapatchuk, 2005 |
| Hughes Research Lab, Invited Seminar Speaker, “Emerging Prospects in Biocomputing,” Malibu, CA. Invited by Dr. Peter Petre and Dr. Matt Ganz, 2005 |
| Brandeis University, Invited Colloquium Speaker, Department of Physics Colloquium, Waltham, MA, Invited by Prof. Seth Fraden, 2004 |
| UCLA, Invited Colloquium Speaker, Department of Bioengineering, Los Angeles, CA, Invited by Prof.Carlo Montemagno, 2004 |
| Princeton University; Invited Speaker, Seminar Series on Quantum Optics and Molecular Applications, Princeton, NJ. Invited by Prof. Marlan Scully, 2003 |
| Princeton University, Invited Speaker, Seminar Series on Quantum Optics and Molecular Applications, Princeton, NJ. Invited by Prof. Marlan Scully, 2003 |
| Free University of Amsterdam, Invited Seminar Speaker, Physics of Complex Systems, Division of Physics and Astronomy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003 |
| University of Freiburg, Invited Speaker, Institute for Microsystem Technology & the Nano-Physics Group, Germany, 2003 |
| Zurich ETH, Invited Colloquium Speaker, Department of Physics Colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland, Invited by Prof. Henry Baltes, 2003 |
| Zurich ETH, Invited Seminar Speaker, Physical Electronics Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland, Hosted by Prof. Henry Baltes, 2003 |
| Harvard University, Invited Seminar Speaker, Center for Genomics Research, Cambridge, MA, Invited by Dr. Laura Garwin, 2002 |
| Northeastern Physics Dept, Physics Colloquium Address, Complex Systems Center, Boston, MA, 2002 |
| Santa Fe Institute, Invited Speaker, SFI Fellows-at-Large Gathering, Santa Fe, NM, 2002 |
| Harvard University, Invited Seminar Speaker, Departments of Chemistry and Physics, June 2001 |
| Brandeis University, Invited Speaker, “Emerging Interdisciplinary Frontiers and Prospects for Establishing a Biological Physics Network in the Greater Boston Area,” Complex Fluids Workshop, Boston, MA, Invited by Prof. Alexander Grosberg, Panel Chair, Fall 1997 |
| HST, Invited Speaker, “The Vision of HST-Breaking Barriers between Disciplines to Catalyze the Scientific Discoveries of Tomorrow,” HST Visiting Committee, Cambridge, MA |
| HST and Harvard Rowland Institute, Founder and Chair, A 9-week Summer School on “Polymer Physics and Biological Macromolecules,” Cambridge, MA, Summer 2007 |
| Rowland Institute for Science, Chair, Think Tank Meeting, Physics of DNA, Cambridge, MA , July 1997 |
| Stanford University, Opening Keynote Address, “The Vision of SETU,” SETU Conference, Summer 1994 |
| Stanford University, Invited Speaker, “We Americans Should All Work Together to Fight Our Common Enemy of Racism,” Rodney King Rally, Palo Alto, CA, Spring 1992 |