Global Conferences

Conferences Convened & Chaired

Chair, Keynote Speaker, & Host, Nanobiosym Global Initiative Summit, Harvard Campus, Sep. 27-28, 2014
Founder and Chair, HST and Harvard Rowland Institute, A 9-week Summer School on “Polymer Physics and Biological Macromolecules,” Cambridge, MA, Summer 2007
Founder & Chair, SETU, a Think Tank and international conference at Stanford University to build new hi-tech, socioeconomic, and econopolitical bridges between the world’s 2 largest democracies

Key Note Addresses & Other Featured Speeches

Invited Speaker and Technology Pioneer Award Nominee, World Economic Forum, Dalian, China, 2015
Featured Speaker and Winner of Galactic Grant ChallengeInternational Space Station (ISS) R&D Conference (in collaboration with NASA,) 2015
Invited Speaker, XPRIZE Visioneering Conference, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 2015
Invited Thought Leader, Ebola Innovation Summit: 21st Century Tools to tackle Ebola and Improve Health, Hosted by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation in partnership with the Skoll Global Threats Fund and USAID, San Francisco, 2015
Featured Marquis Keynote Speaker, The Inaugural World Nano Summit, presented by The World Nano Foundation, Sandwich UK, 2015
Featured Speaker, Six Ways to Alter the Future of Well-Being -“Mobile Diagnostics Devices that Save Lives” Panel, World Summit on Innovation and EntrepreneurshipNew York, 2014
Featured Speaker, Scientific American SuperSession on Biotechnology and Life Science Development, Scientific American Worldview- A Global Biotechnology Perspective, BIO International Convention, San Diego, 2014
Featured Keynote Speaker, “Harnessing Nanobiophysics,” eMerge Americas, Miami, 2014
Invited Keynote Speaker on Building a New Unified Physics Theory on Life, Information, and Consciousness”, Foundational Questions Institute 4th International Conference on the Physics of Information, Vieques, Puerto Rico, 2014 Invited by MIT Physics Professor Max Tegmark
Keynote Speaker, “Building a Working Tricorder,” Livingston Securities LLC Annual Nanotechnology Conference, New York City, 2013
Keynote Banquet Speaker, Pratham Boston Gala, Boston, 2013
Keynote Speaker, “Breaking the Wall of the Centralised Healthcare Infrastructure Paradigm. Where Physics and Life Meet at the Nanoscale,” Falling Walls International Conference on Future Breakthroughs in Science and Society, Berlin, Germany, 2013
Guest Keynote Speaker, “The Power of Personalized Medicine: Harnessing Nanotechnology to Deliver the Next Generation of Healthcare Infrastructure,” European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Forum, Berlin, Germany, 2013
Invited Speaker, “The Big Impact of Tiny Sensors: How sensing technology will radically change everything from medicine to environmental science,” Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Conference, 2013
Invited Keynote Speaker, Nanomanufacturing Summit & 12th Annual NanoBusiness Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2013
Invited Chief Guest of Honor, Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research, Scientific American, The New York Public Library, 2013
Invited Keynote Speaker, “Harnessing Nanomechanics to Read the Code of Life: Probing the Interaction of Matter, Energy, and Life in the Nanoscale,” NASA Ames Research Center, San Francisco, 2013
Invited Speaker USAID, Washington DC, 2013
Featured Annual Keynote Speaker, “Harnessing DNA Nanomachines to Personalize and Mobilize Medicine,” A*STAR: Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Singapore, 2012
Invited Keynote Speaker, “Holistic Innovation for Promoting World Harmony,” Hong Kong Pei Hua Fo, 2012
Invited Keynote Speaker and Honored Chief Guest, “New Paradigms in Personalized Medicine and Low Cost Medical Diagnostics in the Developing World,” 30th AAPI Annual Conference, Long Beach, 2012
Opening Plenary Address, Pacific Health Summit, Game Changers: Affordability and Technologies for Health, ‘What Technologies are changing the Game for Health? Whose Game are they changing?’ London, 2012
Invited Keynote Speaker, Opening Ceremony, “Quantum Leaps at the Convergence of Traditional Disciplines,” Tällberg Forum: How on Earth Can We Live Together? Sweden, 2012
Featured Keynote Speaker, “Harnessing Nanotechnology to Revolutionize Global Industry,” 2nd Technological Innovation Conference and Expo in Mexico City, 2012
Featured Invited Speaker, Inspirational talk for 1,000 under privileged children and Afghan refugees ,‘The Power of Science, Technology, and Education,’ Bangalore, 2012
Invited Speaker, National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Manufacturing, Design, and Engineering, Washington, D.C., Invited by Charles M. Vest, MIT Fmr President, 2012
Invited Speaker, DAI and World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2012
Plenary Address, STS Forum: Science, Technology, and Society, Kyoto, Japan, 2011
Invited Speaker, “Harnessing Nanotechnology for Personalized Medicine and Point of Care Companion Diagnostics,” BioMethods Boston Conference, 2011
Invited Speaker, “Harnessing Nanotechnology to Produce Next Generation Biofuels,” Clean Technology Conference and Expo, 2011
Joint Keynote Addresses with Prime Minister Tony Blair, Novartis Forum For Excellence, ‘How Emerging Science and Technologies can be Harnessed to Address the Most Pressing Global Challenges,’ Spain, 2011
Featured Keynote Speaker, Ted INDIA, 2010
Featured Keynote Speaker, “The Power of Personalized Medicine,” TEDxAmsterdam, 2010
Featured Invited Speaker, TEDMED, “How Will Nanotechnology Be Used In the Body?” 2010
Invited by PCAST (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology) to advise on the President’s Strategy for American Innovation, 2010
Featured Keynote Speaker, The World Health Medical Technology Conference, Boston University, 2010
Invited Speaker, The 40th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, “Quantum Frontiers of Nano-Bio-Physics,” Snowbird, Utah, 2010
Invited Speaker, PanIIT 2009 Global Conference,” Thriving in Chaos,” Schaumburg, IL., 2009
Invited Chair, Sixth Annual Science and Technology in Society Forum, Session on Science and Technology Diplomacy and International Collaboration, Kyoto, Japan, 2009
Featured Joint Keynote Address with Dean Kamen on Innovation for Social Good, L.I.V.E. World Summit, Social Good Summit, NY, 2009
Invited Keynote Address, Annual Leonardo DaVinci Symposium on Engineering and Physical Biology, Harvard University, 2009
Invited Conference Speaker, Harvard Kennedy School 15th Annual International Development Conference, Panel of Technological Innovations in Development: Trends in Using Technology to Improve Service Delivery, 2009
Keynote Luncheon Address, “Nanotechnology and Regulation Issues” Food and Drug Law Institute, 2nd Annual Conference on Nanotechnology Law, Regulation and Policy, Washington DC, 2009
Invited Keynote Speaker: “Harnessing nanotechnology to accelerate the growth engine of India” at Bio-Partnering Gujarat, Gujarat Global Investor Summit 2009, Vibrant Gujarat Summit, Science City, 2009
Invited Speaker, “Innovation Partnerships for Health Care Delivery in India and China,” US-China-India Innovation Partnerships Conference, Boston, 2008
Invited Speaker, DARPA ConferenceQuantum Effects in Biological Environments, Arlington, VA, 2008
Testimony before the U.S. Senate Subcomittee on Science, Technology, and Innovation Hearing on the National Nanotechnology Initiative: Invited by Senator John Kerry, 2008
Conference Keynote, Round Table on Entrepreneurial Leadership, Leadership and Innovation Conference, NY, 2008
Featured Guest Speaker, Senator John Kerry Roundtable Discussion on Nanotechnology and Biotechnology, Boston, MA, 2008
Invited Speaker, “Innovating in America Today,” NPR On Point Program, Hosted by Tom Ashbrook, 2007
Guest of Honor & Inaugural Keynote Speaker, “Some Frontiers of NanoBiophysics,” 6th International Conference on Frontiers in Research, Kolkatta, India, 2006
Invited Guest of the Hon. Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Vision for Improving Health Care in India, Himachal Pradesh, India, 2006
Invited Speaker, “Nano-Enabled Platform for Pathogen Detection,” NSTI Nanotechnology Conference, Boston, MA, 2006
Invited Speaker, Plenary Session, “Meet the Future NanoBio Billionaires,” Knowledge Millenium Summit (ASSOCHAM), New Delhi, India, 2006
Invited Speaker, “Advancing Beneficial Nanotechnology: Focusing on the Cutting Edge.” 13thForesight Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology, San Francisco, CA, 2005
Invited Panel Speaker, Bob Metcalfe and the TR35 Panel, Technology Review’s Emerging Technologies Conference at MIT, Boston, MA, 2005
Invited Keynote Speaker, “The Cosmology and Cosmogony of Life: Contemporary Issues,” Origin of Life Conference, Rome, Italy, Invited by Dr. T.D. Singh, 2004
Invited Keynote Speaker, “Nanoscale Technologies to Detect Trace Amounts of Biowarfare Agents,” Innovative Nanotechnologies II, Atlantic Nano­-Forum, Alexandria, VA, 2004
Invited Speaker, Extraordinary Innovators Review, World Technology Summit, San Francisco, CA, 2004
Invited Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Single-Molecule Technologies, Ascona, Switzerland, 2003
Invited Speaker, Future Technology Panel, World Technology Summit, London, UK. Chaired by Dr. Phil Campbell, Editor-­in-­chief of Nature, 2002
Invited Keynote Speaker,Molecular Engines that Replicate DNA, IBC First Meeting on Nanobiotechnology, San Diego, CA, 2002
Invited Speaker, “The Information Content of Single Molecule Experiments,” 12th Annual Conversation, sponsored by Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Albany, NY, June 2001
Invited Speaker, “Unifying Themes in Enzymatic Polymerization of DNA,” joint keynote with Prof. Tom Ellenberger, 12th Annual Conversation, sponsored by Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Albany, NY, June 2001
Invited Keynote Speaker, “Some Future Prospects for Interfacing Physics and Bio-Nanotechnology,”Nanotechnology Gathering on Openness in the Realms of “Stuff” and Bits, San Jose, CA, 1999