Reprints 1992

TitleAuthorsYearJournal Citation

 2,378 KB TitleKinematics of aquatic prey capture in the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina
AuthorsLauder, G.V. and T. Prendergast
Journal CitationJournal of Experimental Biology 164:55-78
 1,084 KB TitleFuntion and History: The pharyngeal jaw apparatus in primitive ray-finned fishes
AuthorsLauder, G.V. and P.C. Wainwright
Journal CitationIn: Systematic, Historical Ecology, and North American Freshwater Fishes. R.L. Mayden, Ed., Stanford: Stanford Unversity Press
 1,090 KB TitlePerformance consequences of a trophic polymorphism: feeding behavior in typical and cannibal phenotypes of Ambystoma tigrinum
AuthorsReilly, S.M., G.V. Lauder and J.P. Collins
Journal CitationCopeia 1992(3): 672-679

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TitleMorphnology, Behavior, and Evolution: Comparative Kinematics of Aquatic Feeding in Salamanders
AuthorsReilly, S.M.and G.V. Lauder
Journal CitationBrain Behav Evol 1992(40):182-196

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TitleThe Evolution of Feeding Biology in Sunfishes (Centrachidae)
AuthorsWainwright, P.C. and G.V. Lauder
Journal CitationChapter 16 in Systematics, Historical Ecology, and North American Freshwater Fishes, edited by R.L. Mayden, Stanford University Press, Palo Alto.