Title | Authors | Year | Journal Citation |
Hydrodynamics of median-fin interactions in fish-like locomotion: Effects of fin shape and movement | Han P. et. al | 2020
| Physics of Fluids 32: 011902 |
Tunas as a high-performance fish platform for inspiring the next generation of autonomous underwater vehicles and movement | Wainwright D.K. and Lauder G.V. | 2020 | Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 15 (2020) 035007 |
Tuna locomotion: a computational hydrodynamic analysis of finlet function | Wang J. et. al | 2020 | J. R. Soc. Interface 17: 20190590 |
Cover | Photo © Brian Skerry | 2020 | J. R. Soc. Interface 17: 20190590 |
Airfoil-like mechanics generate thrust on the anterior body of swimming fishes | Lucas K.N. et. al | 2020 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Apr 2020, 201919055; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1919055117 |
Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur | Ibrahim N. et. al | 2020 | Nature 581, 67–70 (2020) |
Cover | Ibrahim N. et. al | 2020 | Nature 581, 67–70 (2020) |
Fish-like aquatic propulsion studied using a pneumatically-actuated soft-robotic model | Wolf Z. et. al | 2020 | Bioinspir. Biomim. 15 (2020) 046008 |
The denticle surface of thresher shark tails: Three-dimensional structure and comparison to other pelagic species | Popp M. et. al | 2020 | Journal of Morphology 2020; 1-18 |
Longer development provides first-feeding fish time to escape hydrodynamic constraints | Dial T. et. al | 2020 | Journal of Morphology doi:10.1002/jmor.21224 |
How zebrafish turn: analysis of pressure force dynamics and mechanical work | Thandiackal R. et. al | 2020 | Journal of Experimental Biology 223 doi:10.1242/jeb.223230 |