Reprints 2008

TitleAuthor/sYearJournal Citation
TitleAuthor/sYearJournal Citation
The Musculotendinous System of an Anguilliform Swimmer: Muscles, Myosepta, Dermis, and Their Interconnections in Angilla rostrataDanos, Nicole, Nina Fisch and Sven Gemballa2008Journal of Morphology 269:29-44
Escaping Flatland: three dimensional kinematics and hydrodynamics of median fins in fishesTytell, Eric D., Emily M. Standen and George V. Lauder2008The Journal of Experimental Biology 211:187-195
Extremely fast prey capture in pipefish is powered by elastic recoil.Van Wassenbergh, Sam, James A. Strother, Brooke E. Flammang, Lara A. Ferry-Graham and Peter Aerts2008Journal of The Royal Society Interface 5(21):285-296
Speed-dependent intrinsic caudal fin muscle recruitment during steady swimming in bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirusFlammang, Brooke E. and George V. Lauder2008The Journal of Experimental Biology 221:587-598
Advances in Comparative Physiology from High-Speed Imaging of Animal and Fluid MotionLauder, George V. and Peter G.A. Madden2008Annual Review of Physiology 70:143-163
Fluid dynamics of feeding behaviors in white-spotted bamboo sharksNauwelaerts, Sandra, Cheryl D. Wilga, George V. Lauder and Christopher P. Sanford2008The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3095-3102
Functional regionalization of the pectoral fin of the benthic longhorn sculpin during station holding and swimmingTaft, N.K., G.V. Lauder and P.G.A. Madden2008Journal of Zoology, 1-9
Understanding the Hydrodynamics of Swimming: From Fish Fins to Flexible Propulsors for Autonomous Underwater VehiclesBozhurttas, Meliha, James Tangorra, George Lauder and Rajat Mittal2008Advances in Science and Technology 58:193-202
Hydrodynamics of the escape responses in bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirusTytell, Eric D. and George V. Lauder2008The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3359-3369
Pelvic fin locomotor function in fishes: three-dimensional kinematics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)Standen, E.M.2008The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 2931-2942