Reprints 2000

TitleAuthorsYearJournal Citation

 430 KB TitleA hydrodynamic analysis of fish swimming speed: wake structure and locomotor force in slow and fast labriform swimmers
AuthorsDrucker E.G. and Lauder G.V.
Journal CitationJournal of Experimental Biology 203:2379-2393.
  441 KB TitleFunction of the caudal fin during locomotion in fishes: kinematics, flow visualization, and evolutionary patterns
AuthorsLauder G.V.
Journal CitationAmerican Zoologist 40:101-122.
 274 KB TitleLocomotion in scombrid fishes: morphology and kinematics of the finlets of the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus
AuthorsNauen J.C. and Lauder G.V.
Journal CitationJournal of Experimental Biology 203:2247-2259.
 746 KB TitleThree-dimensional kinematics and wake structure of the pectoral fins during locomotion in leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata
AuthorsWilga C.D. and Lauder G.V.
Journal CitationJournal of Experimental Biology 203:2261-2278.
  230 KB TitleFunction of the heterocercal tail in white sturgeon: flow visualization during steady swimming and vertical maneuvering
AuthorsLiao, J. and G.V. Lauder
Journal CitationJournal of Experimental Biology 203: 3585-3594