Reprints 1981

TitleAuthorsYearJournal Citation
Prey capture by Luciocephalus pulcher: implications for models of jaw protrusion in teleost fishesLauder, G.V. and K.F. Liem
Environmental Biology of Fishes 6:257-268
Form and function: structural analysis in evolutionary morphologyLauder, G.V.1981Paleobiology, 7(4), pp. 430-442
Intraspecific functional repertoires in the feeding mechanism of the characoid fishes, Lebiasina, Hoplias, and Chalceus.Lauder, G.V.1981Copeia, pp. 154-168 (1981)
Sponder, Debra L. and George V. Lauder
Sponder, Debra L. and George V. Lauder
1981Terrestrial feeding in the mudskipper, Periophthalmus: a cineradiographic analysis
Prey capture in the chain pickerel Esox niger: correlations between feeding and locomotor behavior
Rand, David M. and George V. Lauder
1981Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:1072-1078
Edward Phelps Allis :discovery of his anatomical illustrationsLauder, George V.
1981Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 16:285-291
The protractor pectoralis muscle and the classification of teleost fishesGreenwood, P.H. and Lauder, G.V.1981Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 41(4): 2 1 3-234