Reprints 1982

TitleAuthorsYearJournal Citation
Patterns of evolution in the feeding mechanism of actinopterygian fishesLauder, G.V.
American Zoologist 22:275-285
Symposium summary: evolutionary patterns in sctinopterygian fishesLauder, G.V. and K.F. Liem1982American Zoologist 22:343-345
REVIEW: Historial Biology ‘Problems of phylogeneticLauder, George V.1982Science 218:781-782
REVIEW: ‘Lungfish, tetrapods, paleontology andLauder, George V.
1982Copeia 1982:235-23
Historical biology and the problem of design
Lauder, G.V.
1982Journal of Theoretical Biology 97:57-67
Structure and function in the tail of the Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)Lauder, G.V.
1982Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 197:483-495
IntroductionLauder, G.V.1982Pp. xi-xlv in Form and Function, A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology (1916) by E.S. Russell, The University of Chicago Press.