New Titles – February 2018

View of mosque in Constantinople. Black and white print

With so much snow on the ground, it’s hard to believe that next week marks the official start of Spring. But, Spring colors are starting to pop up among our new arrivals. New titles from February 2018 are listed alphabetically by author or editor below.  Click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.

  • Abdilla Cunningham, Margaret, Kenneth Gambin, Emmanuel Magro Conti, and Godwin Vella, eds. De Valette’s dagger : exhibition catalogue : 18 March-9 July 2017. [Valletta] : Heritage Malta, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183414
  • Abildgaard, Hanne. Barbermaleren John Christensen. [Koebenhavn] : Gads Forlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204438
  • Accatino, Alfredo, author. Outsiders : storie di artisti geniali che non troverete nei manuali di storia dell’arte. Firenze : Giunti, [2017]. HOLLIS 015210276
  • Acuña, Maximiliano, photographer. A 35 mm de la realidad. CABA : Zahir, diciembre 2016. HOLLIS 015212173
  • Adorno, Serea Cattaneo, ed. Alberto Giacometti, Peter Lindbergh : substance and shadow : Alberto Giacometti sculptures and their photographs by Peter Lindbergh. [London] : Gagosian London, [2017]. HOLLIS 015207379
  • Afinoguénova, Eugenia, author. The Prado : Spanish culture and leisure, 1819-1939. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2018]. HOLLIS 015207386
  • Ahmadi, Shiva, 1975-. Shiva Ahmadi. Milan : Skira ; New York : Leila Heller Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015116369
  • Aitken, Molly Emma, ed. A Magic world : new visions of Indian painting. Mumbai, India : Published by Radhika Sabavala for the Marg Foundation, 2016. HOLLIS 015269741
  • Amigo, Roberto, Florencia Battiti, and Prilidiano Pueyrredón. Prilidiano Pueyrredón. Buenos Aires : Aguilar Argentina, 2014. HOLLIS 015212174
  • Anciaux, Kristina, et al. Van de wereld : beelden van beslotenheid en bevrijding. Leuven : Davidsfonds, ©2017. HOLLIS 015187015
  • Anda Alanis, Enrique X. de and Diana Paulina Pérez Palacios, eds. Estudios sobre imagen en publicaciones mexicanas del periodo 1920-1970. México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2017. HOLLIS 015224819
  • Andaloro, Maria and Carla D’Angelo. Mosaici medievali a Roma attraverso il restauro dell’ICR 1991-2004. Roma : Gangemi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205408
  • Anderson, Emily, ed. Transpacific borderlands : the art of Japanese diaspora in Lima, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and São Paulo. Los Angeles, California : Japanese American National Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015221603
  • Andō, Hiroshige, 1797-1858. Hiroshige. Munich : Prestel, ©2017. HOLLIS 015190129
  • Andrada, Félix, ed. Discursos de la piel : Felipe Santiago Gutiérrez (1824-1904). Ciudad de México : Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes : Patronato del Museo Nacional de Arte, 2017. HOLLIS 015224816
  • Andreeva, Ekaterina and Nelli Podgorskai͡a, eds. Novye khudozhniki = The new artists. Moskva : Moskovskiĭ muzeĭ sovremennogo iskusstva : Maier, 2012. HOLLIS 015246876
  • Andrew, Brook, 1970- artist. Evidence : Brook Andrew. Ultimo, N.S.W. Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Media, 2015. HOLLIS 015214929
  • Angelini, Alessandro, Roberto Longi, Gabriele Fattorini, Laura Martini, Marco Ciampolini, and Roggero Roggeri, eds. Il buon secolo della pittura senese : dalla maniera moderna al lume caravaggesco. Ospedaletto, Pisa : Pacini editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015021154
  • Anton, Serge, 1966-. Faces. Tielt : Lannoo, ©2017. HOLLIS 015205589
  • Arcidiacono, Cayetano, photographer. Un paraíso tan fugaz. [Mendoza?, Argentina] : Ediciones de El Amante Universal, [2015]. HOLLIS 015212175
  • Armi, C. Edson, author. The brick system of romanesque architecture : the Lombard band and its transformation in Catalonia and France. [Roma] : “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188502
  • Arvatov, B. (Boris Ignatʹevich), 1896-1940. Art and production. London : PlutoPress, 2017. HOLLIS 015206650
  • Ashcom, Morgan, author, photographer. What the living carry. [London] : Mack Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214940
  • Aufaure, Cécile and Juliette Singer. Paris musées : histoire des musées de la Ville de Paris. Paris : Paris Musées, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187025
  • Ayman, Oya, ed. Sığla ormanlarında sanat = Art in sweetgum forests. Ankara : Doğa Koruma Merkezi, 2017. HOLLIS 015271818
  • Azor Hernández, Ileana, Luisa Fernanda Grijalva Maza, Alfonso Adolfo Rodolfo Gómez Rossi, eds. Más allá del texto : cultura digital y nuevas epistemologías. San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, México : Universidad de las Américas, Puebla ; Ciudad de México : Editorial Itaca, 2016. HOLLIS 015116998
  • Babur, Emperor of Hindustan, 1483-1530, author. The illustrated Baburnama. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. HOLLIS 015208575
  • Bacchi, Andrea and Liliana Barroero, eds. La riscoperta del Seicento : i libri fondativi. Genova : Sagep editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177801
  • Bacon, Francis, 1909-1992, artist. Francis Bacon : un viaggio nei mille volti dell’uomo moderno. Silea (TV) : Piazza editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 015188504
  • Badovinac, Zdenka, Eda Čufer, and Anthony Gardner, eds. NSK del Kapital al capital : Neue Slowenische Kunst : un hito de la década final de Yugoslavia. [Madrid] : Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, [2017]. HOLLIS 015217286
  • Baere, Bart de, Defne Ayas, Nicolaus Schafhausen, and Marie Egger, eds. How to gather : acting relations, mapping positions. Rotterdam : Witte de With, ©2017. HOLLIS 015179023
  • Bai, Wenyu. Shenyang gu gong bo wu yuan yuan cang jing pin da xi. Hui hua juan = 沈阳故宫博物院院藏精品大系. 绘画卷. Shenyang : Wan juan chu ban gong si, 2016. HOLLIS 015175593
  • Bailey, Kate, ed. Opera : passion, power and politics. London : V&A Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015188741
  • Bajac, Quentin, ed. Being modern : building the collection of The Museum of Modern Art. Paris, France : Fondation Louis Vuitton ; New York, New York : The Museum of Modern Art, 2017. HOLLIS 015214919
  • Baldassari, Francesca and Alessandro Agresti, eds. Studi di storia dell’arte in onore di Fabrizio Lemme. Roma : Etgraphiae, 2017. HOLLIS 015177810
  • Baliç, İlkay and Süreyyya Evren, eds. Canan : Kaf dağı’nın ardında = Behind Mount Qaf. İstanbul : Arter, [2017]. HOLLIS 015270787
  • Ballen, Roger, 1950- . Roger Ballen : alter ego y otras razones. Santiago de Chile : LOM ediciones : Centro Cultural Matucana 100, 2017. HOLLIS 015235561
  • Banassini, Óscar, ed. Body blend trade culture : Debora Delmar Corp. Ciudad de México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2015. HOLLIS 015224813
  • Barba Ahuatzin, Beatriz, ed. Iconografía mexicana XIII : dioses y héroes. Mexico, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2017. HOLLIS 015141658
  • Barbillon, Claire, Jérôme Godeau, and Amélie Simier, eds. Bourdelle et l’antique : une passion moderne. Paris : Paris-Musées, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187026
  • Barnes, Hunter, photographer. Tickets. London, UK : Reel Art Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015188752
  • Barrios, José Luis. Fordlandia. Barcelona, España : RM Verlag, S.L. ; México, D.F., México : Editorial RM, S.A. de C.V., XXIV. HOLLIS 015235565
  • Bartnig, Horst. Horst Bartnig : konkret: unterbrechungen = concrete: interruptions. Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, ©2017. HOLLIS 015177143
  • Bastek, Alexander, ed. Hundert Meisterwerke : die Sammlung des Museums Behnhaus Drägerhaus Lübeck. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015177129
  • Battiti, Florencia and Benito Quinquela Martín. Benito Quinquela Martín. Buenos Aires : Aguilar Argentina, 2014. HOLLIS 015212177
  • Baudelaire, Eric, 1973-. The music of Ramón Raquello and his orchestra & other stories. Rotterdam : Witte de With, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179024
  • Baumgartner, Marta, ed. Roma rinascente : la città antica tra Quirinale e Pincio. Roma : De Luca editori d’arte, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191225
  • Bausback, Peter. Antike orientalische Knüpfkunst : Ausstellung, (16.-26. Oktober 1976), Franz Bausback, Mannheim. Mannheim : Franz Bausback, 1976. HOLLIS 015237545
  • Becksteiner, Wolfgang, 1972-. Wolfgang Becksteiner : Werkbuch 2003-2017. Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, ©2017. HOLLIS 015177150
  • Bedeschini, Giulio Cesare, approximately 1582-1627, author, artist. Die Zeichnungen des Giulio Cesare Bedeschini. [Köln] : Wallraf das Museum, [2013]. HOLLIS 015192780
  • Bedoret, Alexia, et al. Félicien Rops (1833-1898) : “Rops suis, vertueux ne puis, hypocrite ne daigne”. Paris : Somogy, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187019
  • Béguin, Gilles, author. Khajuraho : Indian temples and sensuous sculptures. Milan, Italy : 5 Continents Edition, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183407
  • Belli, Eleonora, author. Madonne Bardini : i rilievi mariani del secondo Quattrocento fiorentino = Madonna reliefs from the Second Half of the Florentine Quattrocento. Firenze : Museo Stefano Bardini : Centro Di, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187109
  • Benati, Giulia, ed. Milano : Museo e tesoro del Duomo : catalogo generale. Cinisello Balsamo : Silvana Editoriale, 2017. HOLLIS 015183409
  • Benvenuto, Stella, 1943- artist. Stella Benvenuto : obras, 1982-1992. Buenos Aires, Argentina : Luna, [2014]. HOLLIS 015212178
  • Bergez, Daniel, author. Peindre le rêve : des rêves bibliques au surréalisme. Paris : Citadelles & Mazenod, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187020
  • Berggruen, Olivier and Anunciata von Liechtenstein, eds. Picasso : tra cubismo e classicismo : 1915-1925. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183410
  • Bertolo, Luca. Luca Bertolo : 2012-2017 : le belle parole : ad Anna Ines e Davide Libero = the beautiful words : to Anna Ines and Davide Libero. Milano : Mousse Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015177804
  • Bertolotti-Bailey, Francesca, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Angie Keefer, Lauren Mackler, and David Reinfurt, eds. The Serving Library annual 2017/2018. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Roma Publications, 2017. HOLLIS 015205591
  • Bertoncini, Gino, 1930-2012, artist. Gino Bertoncini : luce e sentimento. Lucca : Maria Pacini Fazzi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205381
  • Bianchini, Elena, Agnese Parronchi, and Josephine Zāyāl. Presenti silenti : terrecotte – ceramiche – pitture – grafiche. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183420
  • Billeter, Felix, et al. Kunsthändler, Sammler, Stifter : Günther Franke als Vermittler moderner Kunst in München 1923-1976. Berlin ; Boston : Walter De Gruyter GmbH, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204420
  • Bimbenet-Privat, Michèle and Alexis Kugel. Chefs-d’oeuvre d’orfèvrerie allemande : Renaissance et baroque. Dijon : Éditions Faton, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205607
  • Bischofberger, Jürg, ed. Charles-Francois Daubigny et ses amis peintres = Charles-Francois Daubigny und seine Malerfreunde. Elsau : Verlag Kunsthaus Elsau, 2017. HOLLIS 015190128
  • Boccioni, Umberto, 1882-1916, artist. Umberto Boccioni i disegni del Castello Sforzesco di Milano. Milano : Scalpendi editore, settembre 2017. HOLLIS 015191218
  • Boghiguian, Anna, artist, author. Anna Boghiguian. Milano, Italy : Skira, 2017. HOLLIS 015177805
  • Bolaños, María, Vincenzo Farinella, Tommaso Mozzati, Miguel Morán Turina, Carlos Morán Sánchez, and Manuel Arias Martínez. Hijo del Laocoonte : Alonso Berruguete y la antigüedad pagana. Madrid : Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte, 2017. HOLLIS 015191240
  • Bolpagni, Paolo and Francesca Pola, eds. Mario Nigro : gli spazi del colore = the spaces of colour. Lucca : Edizioni Fondazione Ragghianti studi sull’arte, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191224
  • Boltanski, Christian, 1944- artist. Boltanski : anime : di luogo in luogo. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188506
  • Bonde, Lisbeth, et al. Peter Martensen paa Frederiksborg. [Hilleroed] : Det Nationalhistoriske Museum paa Frederiksborg, 2017. HOLLIS 015204447
  • Bopearachchi, Osmund, author. Seven weeks after the Buddha’s enlightenment : contradictions in text, confusions in art. New Delhi : Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2016. HOLLIS 015269729
  • Borghi, Alfonso, 1944- artist. Alfonso Borghi : la pittura come poesia. [Milan] : Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205400
  • Bossan, Enrico, ed. Under the tent : contemporary Sahrawi and Tuareg artists from the Sahara. [Crocetta del Montello] : Antiga edizioni, 2017. HOLLIS 015188514
  • Bossmann, Peter and Vasja Nagy . Other pictures at an exhibition. Celovec : Zalozba Drava GmbH, 2016. HOLLIS 015190149
  • Boyd, Leslie and Sandra Dyck. Dorset Seen. Ottawa : Carleton University Art Gallery 2017. HOLLIS 015207378
  • Bracewell, Michael, 1958- author. What is Gilbert & George?. London : HENI Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214945
  • Branca, Mirella, ed. Artisti italiani dal secondo dopoguerra agli anni Sessanta alla Galleria Tornabuoni : per Piero Fornaciai gallerista fiorentino. Firenze : Galleria Tornabuoni, [2017?]. HOLLIS 015188503
  • Brandenburg, Hugo. Die konstantinische Petersbasilika am Vatikan in Rom : Anmerkungen zu ihrer Chronologie, Architektur und Ausstattung. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015177138
  • Bras, Krijn Elzard, 1949- author. Oog in oog : christelijke mystiek in woord en beeld. Bilthoven : Skandalon, 2017. HOLLIS 015179025
  • Brauchitsch, Boris von, author. Gabriele Münter : eine Biographie. Berlin : Insel Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015204422
  • Braun, Adolphe, 1811-1877. Adolphe Braun : ein europäisches Photographie-Unternehmen und die Bildkünste im 19. Jahrhundert. München : Schirmer/Mosel ; München : Münchner Stadtmuseum, Sammlung Fotografie, 2017. HOLLIS 015185996
  • Brendecke, Arndt and Peter Vogt, eds. The end of Fortuna and the rise of modernity. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, Oldenbourg, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190158
  • Bressan, Marina and Marino De Grassi, eds. Nel segno di Klimt : Gorizia salotto mitteleuropeo fra tradizione e modernità. Mariano del Friuli : Edizioni della Laguna, [2016]. HOLLIS 015188512
  • Breuer, Marco and David Campany. One : minimalism and the photograph. Santa Fe, NM : Radius Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214944
  • Bria, Ginevra, ed. Africa, raccontare un mondo = Africa, telling a world. Cinisello Balsamo : Silvana Editoriale, 2017. HOLLIS 015183405
  • Brook, Carolina, Elisa Camboni, Gian Paolo Consoli, Francesco Moschini, and Susanna Pasquali, eds. Roma-Parigi : accademie a confronto : l’Accademia di San Luca e gli artisti francesi, XVII-XIX secolo. Roma : Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, [2016]. HOLLIS 015183413
  • Bruskin, Grisha, 1945- artist. Grisha Bruskin : icone sovietiche. [Crocetta del Montello] : Antiga edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191219
  • Bucur-Deckard, Maria, 1968- author. Gendering modernism : a historical reappraisal of the canon. London, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017. HOLLIS 015178730
  • Buranelli, Francesco and Fabrizio Capanni, eds. La chiesa dei Bolognesi a Roma : Santi Giovanni Evangelista e Petronio. Roma : Palombi Editori, 2017. HOLLIS 015188516
  • Bürger, Stefan. Fremdsprache Spätgotik : Anleitungen zum Lesen von Architektur. Kromsdorf/Weimar : VDG Weimar im Jonas Verlag für Kunst und Literatur GmbH, c2017. HOLLIS 015190141
  • Burini, Silvia and Ada Masoero, eds. Kandinskij : il cavaliere errante verso l’astrazione. Milano : 24 ore cultura, marzo 2017. HOLLIS 015188522
  • Burrieza Sánchez, Javier, author. Escultores y escultura procesional de la Semana Santa de Castilla y León. [Sevilla] : Ediciones Tartessos, [2017]. HOLLIS 015222859
  • Busch, Christophe, Klaartje De Boeck, and Veerle Vanden Daelen, eds. The art of war : door de oorlog getekend = marqué par la guerre = defined by conflict. Leuven : Davidsfonds Uitgeverij ; Amsterdam : AUP, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187008
  • Busching, Claudia and Pomona Zipser, eds. In den Raum zeichnen : umreissen – verdichten – spuren : ein Kooperatonsprojekt über Lineare Skulptur in Berlin, Galerie Parterre Berlin, Galerie Nord, Kunstverein Tiergarten, Haus am Kleistpark. Berlin : Metropol, c2017. HOLLIS 015190145
  • Bütler, Heinz, author. Métro zum Höllentor : Andreas Walser, 1908 Chur – 1930 Paris. Zürich : Limmat Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185997
  • Butôt, F. C.. Hollandse en vlaamse kunst uit de 17e eeuw : hoogtepunten van minder bekende meesters. Rotterdam, [1973?]. HOLLIS 005047475
  • Cabañas Bravo, Miguel and Wifredo Rincón García, eds. Imaginarios en conflicto : lo español en los siglos XIX y XX : XVIII Jornadas Internacionales de Historia del Arte, Madrid, 14-16 de septiembre, 2016. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2017. HOLLIS 015210299
  • Cafiero, Gioconda, ed. Una storia di corallo : il museo Ascione. Firenze : Altralinea edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183423
  • Caillet, Aline and Frédéric Pouillaude, eds. Un art documentaire : enjeux esthétiques, politiques et éthiques. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017. HOLLIS 015167958
  • Camarero Bullón, Concepción and Félix Labrador Arroyo, eds. La extensión de la corte : los sitios reales. Madrid : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, [2017]. HOLLIS 015217281
  • Caro, Anthony, 1924-2013, artist. Anthony Caro : first drawings last sculptures. New York : Mitchell-Innes & Nash, [2016]. HOLLIS 015221606
  • Carrasco, Dimarco, Alejandro de la Fuente, Diego Maureira, and Mónica Isla. Ensayos sobre artes visuales. Volumen V, Visualidades de la transición : debates y procesos artísticos de los años 80 y 90 en Chile. Santiago [Chile] : LOM Ediciones : Centro Cultural La Moneda, Centro de Documentación, 2016. HOLLIS 015224817
  • Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain). Inéditos 2017. [Madrid] : Fundación Montemadrid, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205415
  • Cassel Oliver, Valerie, exhibition organizer, curator, contributing essayist. Annabeth Rosen : fired, broken, gathered, heaped. Houston, Texas : Contemporary Arts Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015207371
  • Casu, Carla, ed. Piero Manzoni : nuovi studi. [Poggibonsi] : Carlo Cambi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205411
  • Çaycı, Ahmet. İslam Mimarisinde Anlam ve Sembol. Konya, Turkey : Palet Yayınları, 2017. HOLLIS 015271739
  • Cederlund, Johan, James A. Ganz, Christophe Leribault, Carl-Johan Olsson, and Vibeke Röstorp. Anders Zorn : le maître de la peinture suédoise. Paris : Paris-Musées, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205603
  • Celona, Jacopo, Giovanni Cordoni, and Melanie Zefferino, eds. Florence Biennale : International Biennial of Contemporary Art XIth edition : Earth, creativity & sustainability : 6-15 October 2017, Firenze, Fortezza da Basso. Bologna : Fausto Lupetti editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188519
  • Centro Cultural Recoleta (Buenos Aires, Argentina). BA : Buenos Aires photo 2012 : del 25 al 29 de Octubre de 2012 : Centro Cultural Recoleta. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Centro Cultural Recoleta, 2012. HOLLIS 015212176
  • Chatterjee, Anuradha, author. John Ruskin and the fabric of architecture. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015177507
  • Chávez Mac Gregor, Helena and Esteban King Álvarez. Fernando Palma : … amotla otlacualacac oncan tlanahuatiz quename ye huitz quiahuitl … mocualnezacayotl = … no relampagueó para anunciar que llovería … tu hermosura. México, D.F. : Museo Universitario del Chopo, 2015. HOLLIS 015224821
  • Chew, Teng Beng, 1938-. Dr. Chew Teng Beng : mini retrospective, 1960-2013. Penang, Malaysia : Art Gallery, Penang, 2014. HOLLIS 014420255
  • Chhachhi, Sheba, artist. Arc silt dive : the works of Sheba Chhachhi. New Delhi : Tulika Books in association with Volte Gallery, Mumbai, 2016. HOLLIS 014797812
  • Chiara, John, 1971- contributor, photographer, artist. John Chiara : California. New York, N.Y. : Aperture ; San Francisco, CA : Pier 24 Photography, 2017. HOLLIS 015193714
  • Chillida, Eduardo, 1924-2002. Eduardo Chillida (San Sebastián 1924 – 2002 San Sebastián). Köln : Galerie Boisserée, c2017. HOLLIS 015204425
  • Christoffersen, Michael Bank and Holger Reenberg, eds. Andy Warhol – the man behind the myth. Herning : HEART – Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 015204439
  • Chung, Byungmo and Sunglim Kim, eds. Chaekgeori : the power and pleasure of possessions in Korean painted screens. Seoul, Korea : Dahal Media, [2017]. HOLLIS 014940554
  • Classen, Constance, 1957- author. The museum of the senses : experiencing art and collections. London ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017. HOLLIS 015192759
  • Cogswell, Jim, artist. Jim Cogswell : cosmogonic tattoos. Ann Arbor, Michigan : University of Michigan, 2017. HOLLIS 015221604
  • Comte, Claudia, 1983-. Claudia Comte. Luzern : Jrp Ringier Kunstverlag Ag, c2017. HOLLIS 015204453
  • Cool, Alexandra, 1961-. Wie zal het zeggen. Leuven : Uitgeverij P., c2017. HOLLIS 015205592
  • Cordero Reiman, Karen and Laura Mart, eds. Another promised land : Anita Brenner’s Mexico = Otra tierra prometida : el México de Anita Brenner. Los Angeles : Skirball Cultural Center, with the assistance of the Getty Foundation, 2017. HOLLIS 015214917
  • Cortjaens, Wolfgang, 1966-. Oscar Begas, 1828-1883 : ein Berliner Maler zwischen Hof und Bourgeoisie : Biografie und Catalogue Raisonné seiner Gemälde. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015177125
  • Costaras, Nicola, Kate Lowry, Helen Glanville, Pippa Balch, Victoria Sutcliffe, and Polly Saltmarsh, eds. A changing art : nineteenth-century painting practice and conservation. London : Archetype Publications : In association with the British Association of Picture Conservators-Restorers, 2017. HOLLIS 015136153
  • Cragg, Tony, 1949- artist. Tony Cragg : sculptures and works on paper. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188507
  • Crestani, Simone, 1984- artist. Simone Crestani : tensioni sublimi = sublime tensions. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : Silvana, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191220
  • Croke, Fionnuala, author. Chester Beatty Library : director’s choice. London : Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 015040252
  • D’Apuzzo, Mark Gregory and Irene Graziani, eds. Luigi Crespi : ritrattista nell’età di papa Lambertini. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183416
  • Dackerman, Susan and Jennifer L. Roberts. Jasper Johns : catalogue raisonné of monotypes. New York, NY : Matthew Marks Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214939
  • Danesi, Fabien. La nuit, les molécules, l’horizon : œuvres de la collection du FRAC Corse. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2015]. HOLLIS 015177820
  • Dangol (Family : Dangol, Hira Lal), artist. Birds of Nepal : the art of Hira Lal Dangol & his family legacy. [Nepal] : Dangol’s Bird Art Gallery & Nepal Investment Bank Ltd., 2017. HOLLIS 015269745
  • Davis, Whitney, author. Visuality and virtuality : images and pictures from prehistory to perspective. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193718
  • De Chirico, Giorgio, 1888-1978, artist, author. Reading de Chirico. Florence, Italy : Forma edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177806
  • De Lucchi, Michele, artist. Haystacks : Michele De Lucchi. Milano : Postmedia books, 2017. HOLLIS 015188517
  • De Marchi, Andrea and Cristina Gnoni Mavarelli, eds. Legati da una cintola : l’Assunta di Bernando Daddi e l’identità di una città. Firenze : Mandragora, [2017]. HOLLIS 015137268
  • De Muzio, Alex, ed. Masserie nella terra dei laghi : architettura rurale nel Gargano settentrionale. Foggia : Claudio Grenzi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183418
  • Defauwes, Jac, Miny Defauwes, et al, eds. North West South East : the artist and his collector : Defauwes Collection. Amsterdam : Schilt Publishing B.V., [2017]. HOLLIS 015187012
  • Dehejia, Harsha V. and Vijay Sharma. Pahari paintings of an ancient romance : the love story of Usha-Aniruddha. New Delhi : D.K. Printworld, 2011. HOLLIS 012656268
  • Denaro, Dolores, ed. Erica Pedretti : Flügelschlag : mit Werkverzeichnis 1952-2014 = the beat of wings : with catalogue raisonné 1952-2014. Wien (AT) : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190143
  • Deseyve, Yvette and Birk Ohnesorge, eds. Toni Stadler : “Ich finde nicht, ich suche” : Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Berlin : Gebr. Mann Verlag ; [München] : EvS, Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204437
  • Dewulf, Bernard, Paul van Tongeren, Staf Daems, et al. Dazzling desire : Diamonds and their emotional meaning. Wommelgem : BAI, 2017. HOLLIS 015205593
  • Di Maggio, Nelson. Juan Manuel Besnes e Irigoyen : primer pintor uruguayo = Juan Manuel Besnes e Irigoyen : first Uruguayan painter. Montevideo : ORT : CCE : Itaú Fundación, 2017. HOLLIS 015219652
  • Diao, David, 1943-. David Diao : works 1969-2005. [Hong Kong?] : Timezone 8, ©2005. HOLLIS 010124861
  • Dias, Ana Lenice and Gabriela Dias Clemente, eds. Leonilson, catalógo raisonné = Leonilson, catalogue raisonné. São Paulo : Projeto Leonilson, 2017. HOLLIS 015217290
  • Dickey, Stephanie S., ed. Rembrandt and his circle : insights and discoveries. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205567
  • Diederen, Roger and Laurence des Cars, eds. Gut, wahr, schön : Meisterwerke des Pariser Salons aus dem Musee d’Orsay. München : Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung ; München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177128
  • Dobbe, Martina, Robert Fleck, and Susanne Schoub. Pia Fries : Weisswirt & Maserzug. Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, [2016]. HOLLIS 015185979
  • Doosry, Yasmin, ed. Von Kirchner bis Baselitz : Ein Jahrhunderterbe: die Sammlung Hans Kinkel im Germanischen Nationalmuseum. Nürnberg : Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 2017. HOLLIS 015190138
  • Downey, Juan, artist. Juan Downey : radiant nature. Claremont, California : Pitzer College Art Galleries ; Los Angeles, California : Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, [2017]. HOLLIS 015207374
  • Dudley, Don. Don Dudley : activated walls and related projects. Cologne : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2017. HOLLIS 015177141
  • Dufour, Liliane and Fabio Granata, eds. Siracusa, immagini e immaginario : verso un museo storico della città. [Syracuse] : Lombardi editori, giugno 2017. HOLLIS 015210285
  • Duplaix, Sophie, ed. Nalini Malani : the rebellion of the dead = la rébellion des morts : retrospective 1969-2018. Paris, France : Centre Pompidou ; Berlin, Germany : Hatje Cantz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185991
  • Dybdahl, Lars, Anne-Louise Sommer, Alison Britton, and Lisbeth Bonde. Karen Bennicke spatial destabilization. Copenhagen : Strandberg Publishing, 2016. HOLLIS 015204444
  • Eberle, Sandra and Petra Pechaček . Schloss Bruchsal. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015177126
  • Eder, Rita, author. Narraciones : pequeñas historias y grandes relatos en la pintura de Antonio Ruiz El Corcito. México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2016. HOLLIS 015235571
  • Eichhorn, Ulrike. Palladio-Aldinen. Berlin : Edition Eichhorn, [2017-. HOLLIS 015190163
  • Ekelund, Robert B. (Robert Burton), 1940- , John D. Jackson, and Robert D. Tollison. The economics of American art : issues, artists, and market institutions. New York : Oxford University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015171449
  • Elderfield, John, et al. Cézanne portraits. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193699
  • Elmgreen & Dragset. Die Zugezogenen : Elmgreen & Dragset. London : Koenig Books ; Krefeld : Museum Haus Lange, c2017. HOLLIS 015186006
  • Elsner, Jaś, Stefanie Lenk, et al. Imagining the divine : art and the rise of world religions. [Oxford] : Ashmolean, Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214921
  • Embach, Michael. Die Trierer Apokalypse (StB Trier, Hs 31 4°) : der älteste Bildzyklus zur Geheimen Offenbarung aus dem Mittelalter. Trier : Paulinus, 2016. HOLLIS 015190157
  • Engelberg, Meinrad von, Felicitas Janson, and Georg Peter Karn, eds. Mainzer Barock : ein vergessenes Erbe? : zur Prägung und Ausprägung der barocken Kunst im Mainzer Raum. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015186001
  • Engledow, Sarah. The popular pet book. Canberra : National Portrait Gallery, [2016]. HOLLIS 015214931
  • Erben, Dietrich. Architekturtheorie : eine Geschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. München : C.H. Beck, c2017. HOLLIS 015190159
  • Eroğlu Bilgin, Süreyya. Batı Anadolu Beyliklerinde Bezeme Anlayışı : (Camiler). Ankara, Turkey : Gece Kitaplığı, 2017. HOLLIS 015271735
  • Esposito, Donato, author. Frederick Walker and the Idyllists. London : Lund Humphries, 2017. HOLLIS 015249045
  • Faass, Martin. Max Liebermann. Köln : Wienand Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015190160
  • Fajt, Jiří and Wilfried Franzen, eds. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag ; Leipzig : Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), [2017]-. HOLLIS 015190140
  • Falomir, Miguel, et al. Arcimboldo : las Floras y la Primavera. [Palma de Mallorca] : Banca March ; Bilbao : Museo de Bellas Artes, [2017]. HOLLIS 015222858
  • Fanfani, Giuseppe, 1947- artist. Giuseppe Fanfani : anime prave : opere sull’Inferno dantesco. [Cesena] : Manfredi edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 015210278
  • Farocki, Harun, author. Harun Farocki. Zehn, zwanzig, dreissig, vierzig : Fragment einer Autobiografie. Berlin : N.B.K. ; Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015192779
  • Fassi, Luigi and Steirischer Herbst, eds. Prometheus unbound = Der entfesselte Prometheus. [Milan] : Mousse Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188529
  • Faus, Clàudia and Clara Plasencia, eds. The MACBA collection : selected works. Barcelona : MACBA, Museu d’art contemporani de Barcelona, [2017]. HOLLIS 015222866
  • Feldbauer, Martin. Martin Feldbauer : allmächtiger Algorithmus = almighty algorithm. Syke : Syker Vorwerk ; Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2017. HOLLIS 015190167
  • Fémelat, Armelle, author. Gauguin, d’art et de liberté. Neuilly-sur-Seine : Michel Lafon : BeauxArts Éditions, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187021
  • Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia, ed. Arcimboldo. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191212
  • Fernández Félix, Miguel, ed. Leo Matiz, el muralista de la lente : Siqueiros en perspectiva : a cien años de su nacimiento. Ciudad de México : Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes : Fundación Leo Matiz, 2017. HOLLIS 015224828
  • Ferrer, Carolina, 1966- artist. Carolina Ferrer – Encarna Sepúlveda : ángulos del vacío. Valencia : Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana, [2016]. HOLLIS 015222862
  • Fessel, Mónica, 1971- photographer, writer of supplementary textual content. Pasajes. Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina : Editorial Municipal de Rosario, año 2016. HOLLIS 015212180
  • Fineder, Martina, Thomas Geisler, and Sebastian Hackenschmidt. Nomadic Furniture 3.0 : neues befreites Wohnen?. Zürich : Niggli, [2017]. HOLLIS 015167069
  • Finkelstein, Avram, 1952- author. After silence : a history of AIDS through its images. Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2018]. HOLLIS 015189211
  • Finney, Paul Corby, ed. The Eerdmans encyclopedia of early Christian art and archaeology. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Comapny, [2017]. HOLLIS 015128849
  • Finotto, Mautizio, artist, editor. Maurizio Finotto : vita, morte e miracoli. Bologna : Edizioni MAMbo, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188509
  • Fiz, Alberto, ed. Barnils, Capogrossi, Perilli, Pijuan : alfabeto segnico. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188505
  • Fiz, Alberto, ed. Pittura analitica : ieri e oggi = then and now. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, 2016. HOLLIS 015183411
  • Fliri, Michael, 1978- artist. Michael Fliri. Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015210279
  • Fochessati, Matteo and Gianni Franzone, eds. Rubaldo Merello : tra divisionismo e simbolismo : Segantini, Previati, Nomellini, Pellizza. Genova : Sagep editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191226
  • Fogolino, Marcello, 1483?-1558?, artist. Ordine e bizzarria : il Rinascimento di Marcello Fogolino. Provincia autonoma di Trento : Castello del Buonconsiglio, Monumenti e collezioni provinciali, 2017. HOLLIS 015114184
  • Folsach, Kjeld von and Joachim Meyer. The human figure in Islamic art : holy men, princes, and commoners. Copenhagen : The David Collection ; Strandberg Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015190594
  • Fontana, Rubén and Zalma Jalluf, eds. Historia gráfica del Di Tella. [Buenos Aires] : Capital Intelectual, [2017]. HOLLIS 015212181
  • Forbes, David W., author. Paintings, prints, and drawings of Hawaii from the Sam and Mary Cooke collection. Honolulu, Hawaii : Mānoa Heritage Center, 2016. HOLLIS 015188743
  • Fornasiero, Jean, Lindl Lawton, and John West-Sooby, eds. The art of science : Nicolas Baudin’s voyagers 1800 – 1804. Kent Town, South Australia Wakefield Press, 2016. HOLLIS 015214925
  • Forsaith, Peter S., author. Image, identity and John Wesley : a study in portraiture. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, [2018]. HOLLIS 015207388
  • Fortini, Attilio, author. Che cos’è l’arte contemporanea. [Brescia] : Temperino rosso edizioni, sett. 2017. HOLLIS 015205402
  • Frangi, Francesco, Valerio Guazzoni, and Marco Tanzi, eds. Genovesino : natura e invenzione nella pittura del Seicento a Cremona. Milano, Italia : Officina libraria, [2017]. HOLLIS 015181450
  • Frangi, Reale F., 1933- artist. Reale F. Frangi : l’oltre. Monghidoro (Bo) : Con-fine edizioni d’arte&cultura, settembre 2017. HOLLIS 015188520
  • Franzen, Niclas, et al. Tyra Kleen. [Björkvik] : Kerstin Gullstrand Hermelin, 2016. HOLLIS 015204450
  • Frassineti, Mimmo, photographer. Street art oggi a Roma : nelle immagini di Mimmo Frassineti. Roma : De Luca editori d’arte, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188510
  • Frazzetto, Giuseppe, author. Artista sovrano : l’arte contemporanea come festa e mobilitazione. Bologna – Italy : Logo Fausto Lupetti editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205403
  • Fredholm, Susanne. Making sense of heritage planning in theory and practice : experiences from Ghana and Sweden. Göteborg : University of Gothenburg, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, c2017. HOLLIS 015172033
  • Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Paths to perfection : Buddhist art at the Freer/Sackler. Washington, D.C. : Freer/Sackler, the Smithsonian’s museum of Asian art ; London : Giles, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179935
  • Frehner, Matthias and Marianne Karabelnik. James Licini : 15 Stahlbauten in Ascona. Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, [2017]. HOLLIS 015227793
  • Fuhrmeister, Christian, Monika Hauser-Mair, and Felix Steffan, eds. Kunst und Nationalsozialismus : vermacht, verfallen, verdrängt : die Sammlung der Städtischen Galerie Rosenheim in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und in den Nachkriegsjahren. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177145
  • Fulíková, Anna . Vladimír Kopecký. [Praha] : Retro Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 015272913
  • Furtwängler, Elisabeth, author. Druckgraphik im Paris der Nachkriegszeit : l’estampe est à la mode. München : Deutscher Kunstverlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015185980
  • Gabori, Sally, 1924-2015.. Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori : dulka warngiid. South Brisbane, Queensland : Queensland Art Gallery, 2016. HOLLIS 015214922
  • Galende, Federico, 1965-, author. La república perdida : un ensayo no visual sobre Gonzalo Díaz. Santiago de Chile : Editorial Universitaria, 2017. HOLLIS 015235573
  • Galiotto, Raffaello. Marmo 4.0 : sperimentazioni nel design litico = experiments in lithic design. Venezia : Marsilio, settembre 2017. HOLLIS 015210280
  • Galli, Mauro. Pittori tra Torino e le Langhe : al tempo di Augusto Monti. [Italy] : [publisher not identified], [2017]. HOLLIS 015188528
  • Garbuno, Mara. El fotógrafo Juan Rulfo. Barcelona, España : RM Verlag, S.L., 2017. HOLLIS 015235566
  • García, Pilar and Marco Morales Villalobos, eds. Reverberaciones : arte y sonido en las colecciones del MUAC. México, D.F. : MUAC, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM, 2017. HOLLIS 015235574
  • Garduño, Flor, photographer. Flor Garduño. México : Ediciones Tecolote, [2016]. HOLLIS 015224823
  • Gartenfeld, Alex, Gean Moreno, Stephanie Seidel, eds. The everywhere studio. Munich : Prestel Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015215610
  • Gaskell, Nathaniel and Shilpa Vijaykrishnan, eds. Figures in time. Bangalore : Tasveer Arts Pvt. Ltd., 2015. HOLLIS 014797778
  • Giasson, Patrice, ed. A studio in the gallery : the playful universe of Ignacio Iturria. Purchase, New York : Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, SUNY, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193706
  • Gil, Alberto, ed. Juan Gris, María Blanchard y los cubismos (1916-1927). Málaga : Fundación Palacio de Villalón, [2017]. HOLLIS 015210300
  • Gil, Emilio and Eduardo Azofra, eds. De vítores y letras. Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017. HOLLIS 015217279
  • Gilmour, Joanna, author. Sideshow alley : infamy, the macabre & the portrait. Canberra, Australia : National Portrait Gallery, [2015]. HOLLIS 015214930
  • Giovanelli, Louise, artist. Louise Giovanelli : in conversation. Swindon : Anomie Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015214923
  • Gómez de Tuddo, Alejandro. KIII, pantonecrolis, columbarium : Alejandro Gómez de Tuddo. Ciudad de México : Uroboros-Basilisco, [2017]. HOLLIS 015235569
  • Goodrow, Gerard A.. Jenseits des Dokumentarischen : aktuelle Fotografie aus China und Deutschland = Beyond the sphere of reproduction : contemporary photography from China and Germany = Fuzhi zhi wai : Zhong De dangdai sheying. Bietigheim-Bissingen : [Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen], c2017. HOLLIS 015190146
  • Gottwald, Antonia and Holger Zaborowski, eds. Licht, Mitte, Raum : die Arbeiten des Bildhauers Hans Kock im Greifswalder Dom 1982-1989. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015190147
  • Goya, Francisco, 1746-1828, artist. Goya y la corte ilustrada. [Barcelona] : Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa,” ; [Madrid] : Museo Nacional del Prado, [2017]. HOLLIS 015222863
  • Grandas, Teresa, ed. Hard gelatin : hidden stories from the 80s. Barcelona : MACBA, [2017]. HOLLIS 015217283
  • Grasso, Linda M., author. Equal under the sky : Georgia O’Keeffe and twentieth-century feminism. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015185496
  • Gratz, Harald Reiner, 1962- artist. Harald Reiner Gratz : Bilder zur Geschichte. Halle (Saale) : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015185981
  • Griffo, Alessandra and Maria Matilde Simari, eds. Gli Uffizi e il territorio : bozzetti di Luca Giordano e Taddeo Mazzi per due grandi complessi monastici. Firenze – Italia : Giunti : Firenze musei, settembre 2017. HOLLIS 015183425
  • Grillmeyer, Siegfried, ed. Manfred Hürlimann : Wegumweg : ein Bilderzyklus im Caritas-Pirckheimer-Haus. [Würzburg] : Echter Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015190166
  • Grosso, Giacomo, 1860-1938, artist. Giacomo Grosso : una stagione tra pittura e Accademia. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale ; Torino : Albertina press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205382
  • Gruber, Gerlinde, Sabine Haag, Stefan Weppelmann, and Jochen Sander, eds. Rubens : the power of transformation. Munich : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190150
  • Gu gong bo wu yuan, Gu gong Gulangyu wai guo wen wu guan, ed. Hai guo wei lan : Gu gong Gulangyu wai guo wen wu guan zhan lan tu lu = 海國微瀾 : 故宮鼓浪屿外国文物馆展览图录 = Treasures from oversea countries : exhibition catalogue of Kulangsu gallery of foreign artefacts from the Palace Museum collection. Beijing Shi : Gu gong chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015175599
  • Gualandi, Francesca, ed. Unici : secoli XIII-XVI. Bologna : Galleria Fornaro Gaggioli Antichità all’Oratorio, [2017?]. HOLLIS 015183426
  • Gunnarsson, Torsten and Ulla Eliasson. Carl Larsson’s house : from log cottage to total work of art. Sundborn : Carl Larssongården, [2016]. HOLLIS 015221912
  • Gürkan, Selahattin. Battalgazi kültür envanteri 2016. Turkey : Battalgazi Belediyesi, 2016. HOLLIS 015271741
  • Habibi, Negar, 1981- author. ʻAli Qoli Jebādār et l’occidentalisme safavide : une étude sur les peintures dites farangi sāzi, leurs milieux et commanditaires sous Shāh Soleimān (1666-94). Leiden : Brill, [2018]. HOLLIS 015193259
  • Hamel, Sonja van. Groeten van het rode autootje : een reis in ansichtkaarten. Amsterdam : De Harmonie, c2017. HOLLIS 015205568
  • Hamilton, Vivien, Julien Domercq, Harriet K. Stratis, et al. Drawn in colour : Degas from the Burrell Collection. London : National Gallery Company, 2017. HOLLIS 015188744
  • Hamling, Tara, author. A day at home in early modern England : material culture and domestic life, 1500-1700. New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015180628
  • Hammelev Jörgensen, Mikael, author. Förhandlingar om kulturföremål : parters intressen och argument i processer om återförande av kulturföremål. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, [2017]. HOLLIS 015167070
  • Hanlon, David R., author. Illuminating shadows : the calotype in nineteenth-century America. Nevada City, California : Carl Mautz Publishing, 2013. HOLLIS 015264507
  • Hansen, Dorothee, ed. Franz Radziwill und Bremen. Bremen : Kunsthalle Bremen, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185998
  • Harris, Lyle Ashton. Today I shall judge nothing that occurs : selections from the Ektachrome archive. New York, N.Y. : Aperture, 2017. HOLLIS 015188749
  • Hassler, Katrin. Kunst und Gender : zur Bedeutung von Geschlecht für die Einnahme von Spitzenpositionen im Kunstfeld. Bielefeld : Transcript, c2017. HOLLIS 015185982
  • He, Shizhe. Dunhuang shi ku lun gao = 敦煌石窟论稿. Lanzhou Shi : Gansu min zu chu ban she, 2004 (2008 printing). HOLLIS 015259049
  • Heathcote, Richard and Anna Jug, eds. Stanley Spencer : a twentieth-century British master. Adelaide, South Australia : Wakefield Press, 2016. HOLLIS 015214924
  • Heck, Kilian, Sabine Bock, and Jana Olschewski, eds. Schlösser und Herrenhäuser der Ostseeregion : Bausteine einer europäischen Kulturlandschaft = Castles and manor houses in the Baltic Sea region : components of an European cultural heritage. Schwerin : Thomas Helms Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015190175
  • Heinz, Stefan. Erzbischof Richard von Greiffenklau und sein Grabmal : zur Memoria eines geistlichen Kurfürsten am Beginn der Reformationszeit. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015177142
  • Henson, Bill, 1955- photographer. Bill Henson. Melbourne, Vic. National Gallery of Victoria, 2017. HOLLIS 015207381
  • Hernández Vicente, Álvaro, 1990- author. Patrimonio en el recuerdo : la imagen de la nobleza en el paisaje urbano de la ciudad de Murcia. Murcia : Universidad de Murcia, 2016. HOLLIS 015210298
  • Heusgen, Wolfgang. Geschweisste Skulpturen : Ergebnisse aus 25 Jahren “Arbeiten mit Stahl” : Wolfgang Heusgen. Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2017. HOLLIS 015190131
  • Heyden, Thomas, Melitta Kliege, and Eva Kraus, eds. Boris Lurie : anti-pop. Nürnberg : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204421
  • Hill, Marcos, author. “Mulatas” e negras pintadas por brancas : questões de etnia e gênero presentes na pintura modernista brasileira. Belo Horizonte : C/Arte, 2017. HOLLIS 015224833
  • Hilliard, David, 1964-. David Hilliard : photographs. New York : Aperture, c2005. HOLLIS 009711379
  • Hinkson, Lauren. Josef Albers in Mexico. New York, New York : Guggenheim Museum Publications, [2017]. HOLLIS 015053065
  • Hintze, Heinrich, 1800-1861. Mit Akribie ins Bild gesetzt : Malerei und Graphik von Heinrich Hintze, 1800-1861. Frankfurt am Main : Edition Fichter, c2017. HOLLIS 015204432
  • Hirst, Damien. Treasures from the wreck of the Unbelievable : one hundred drawings. London : Other Criteria [2017]. HOLLIS 015188751
  • Hofmann, Irene, et al. Future shock. Santa Fe, New Mexico : SITE Santa Fe. 2017. HOLLIS 015207372
  • Höhl, Claudia, Gerhard Lutz, and Joanna Olchawa, eds. Drachenlandung : ein Hildesheimer Drachen-Aquamanile des 12. Jahrhunderts. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015204424
  • Höller, Carsten, artist. Carsten Höller : Henie Onstad Sanatorium. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204427
  • Höller, Carsten, artist. Carsten Höller : Y. Santander, España : Fundación Botín, [2017]. HOLLIS 015217284
  • Hosoe, Eikō, 1933- photographer. Shashinshū = 冩眞集 = Ordeal by roses. [Tokyo] : Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha, Heisei 27 [2015]. HOLLIS 015182875
  • Hulst, Titia, ed. A history of the western art market : a sourcebook of writings on artists, dealers, and markets. Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188747
  • Hurlston, David and Deborah Edwards, eds. John Olsen : the You Beaut Country. Melbourne, Vic. : National Gallery of Victoria, 2016. HOLLIS 015214916
  • Husslein-Arco, Agnes and Alfred Weidinger. Egon Schiele. Vienna : Belvedere, [2016]. HOLLIS 015190156
  • ʻAfrāvī, Bahrām, et al. Lūgūtāypʹhā-yi Īrānī : kārī az Gurūh-i Pizhūhishī-i ʻAfrāvī = لوگوتايپ‌هاى ايرانى : کارى از گروه پژوهشى عفراوى . Tihrān : Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Hunarī-i Sīʹbāl-i Hunar, 1388 [2009]. HOLLIS 013334714
  • İnay Erten, Özlem, 1980- interviewer. Bana sanat nedir dersen? : sanatçı konuşmaları. İstanbul : Bozlu Sanat ve Yayıncılık A.Ş., 2017. HOLLIS 015270790
  • Innocenti, Clarice, ed. Il restauro degli arazzi. Firenze : Centro Di, [2016]. HOLLIS 015210282
  • Ishino, Fumi, photographer. Rowing a tetrapod. London : Mack Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193715
  • İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Uluslararası Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı. Çağdaş hat, çağdaş resim karma : III. Millî Kültür Şürası Sergisi = Contemporary calligraphy, contemporary painting mixed : Third National Cultural Council Exhibition. İstanbul : Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, [2017]. HOLLIS 015142020
  • Jacobi, Hannah, 1982- interviewer. Stimmen aus Teheran : Interviews zur zeitgenössischen Kunst im Iran. Frankfurt am Main : Edition Faust, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185999
  • Jarefjäll, Patrik, author. Navarsmide : en metodstudie ur ett hantverksperspektiv. Göteborg : Göteborgs Universitet, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, [2016]. HOLLIS 015167071
  • Jestaz, Bertrand, author. Monuments vénitiens de la première renaissance : à la lumière des documents. Venezia : Istituto veneto di scienze lettere ed arti ; Paris : Éditions Picard, 2017. HOLLIS 015205606
  • Join-Lambert, Sophie and Anne Leclair. Joseph-Benoît Suvée, 1743-1807 : un artiste entre Bruges, Rome et Paris. Paris : Arthena, Association pour la diffusion de l’histoire de l’art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187022
  • Jordens, Peter, author. Hendrik Werkman en De Ploeg : The next call en het constructivisme. Zwolle : WBOOKS, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187010
  • Judovitz, Dalia, author. Georges de La Tour and the enigma of the visible. New York : Fordham University Press, 2018. HOLLIS 015187401
  • Junge, Franziska, 1982-. Lebendig schaut der Tod zurück : Portraits. Leipzig : Trottoir Noir, 2017. HOLLIS 015190164
  • Jurkowlaniec, Grażyna, Ika Matyjaszkiewicz, and Zuzanna Sarnecka, eds. The agency of things in Medieval and early modern art : materials, power and manipulation. New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015236086
  • Kac, Eduardo. Telepresence & bio art : networking humans, rabbits, and robots. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2005. HOLLIS 009730587
  • Kadoi, Yuka, ed. Persian art : image-making in Eurasia. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press Ltd, [2018]. HOLLIS 015128710
  • Kaiser, Franz Wilhelm and Michael North, eds. Die Geburt des Kunstmarktes : Rembrandt, Ruisdael, Van Goyen und die Künstler des Goldenen Zeitalters. München : Hirmer Verlag GmbH, c2017. HOLLIS 015177127
  • Kang, Woo-Bang and Okyang Chae-Duporge. Trésors de Corée : Bulguksa et Seokguram. Paris : Cercle d’art, 2016. HOLLIS 015187018
  • Katz, Leandro, 1938- photographer. Leandro Katz : arrebatos diagonales y rupturas. Buenos Aires, Argentina : Espacio Fundación Telefónica, 2013. HOLLIS 015212182
  • Kauffmann, Angelica, 1741-1807, artist. Ich sehe mich : Frauenporträts von Angelika Kauffmann : Magazin zur Ausstellung. Schwarzenberg : Förderverein “Freunde Angelika Kauffmann Museum Schwarzenberg”, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204428
  • Kaup-Hasler, Veronica, Christiane Kǖhl, Andreas R. Peternell, and Wilma Renfordt, eds. Where are we now? : Positionen zum Hier und Jetzt = positions on the here and now. Graz : Steirischer Herbst ; Berlin : Green Box, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190139
  • Kavali-Filliozat, Vasundhara, author. Splendours of Indian Iconography : a guide to the masterpieces of Lokeśvara Temple at Paṭṭadakal. Torino : AIT, Asia Institute Torino ; Roma : ISMEO ; Pisa (Italy) : Edizioni ETS, [2016]. HOLLIS 015205405
  • Keizer, Joost M., author. The realism of Piero della Francesca. London ; New York : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015207389
  • Keller, Mariah, ed. Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art : uncommon legacy. New York : Scala Arts Publishing Inc., 2017. HOLLIS 015214937
  • Kelley, Bill, Jr. and Grant Kester, eds. Collective situations : readings in contemporary Latin American art, 1995-2010. Durham : Duke University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015206649
  • Kelowna Art Gallery. A legacy of Canadian art from Kelowna collections. Kelowna, BC : Kelowna Art Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 015193712
  • Kemp, Pierre, 1886-1967. De hand van Pierre Kemp ; Schetsboek 1907c. Maastricht : Bonnefantenmuseum, c2017. HOLLIS 015179028
  • Kemperdick, Stephan, Johannes Rößler, and Joris Corin Heyder, eds. Der Genter Altar : Reproduktionen, Deutungen, Forschungskontroversen = The Ghent altarpiece : reproductions, interpretations, scholarly debates. Berlin : Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ; Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190130
  • Kertesz-Badrus, Andrei. Türkische Teppiche in Siebenbürgen. Bukarest : Kriterion, 1985. HOLLIS 015237551
  • Ketelsen, Thomas and Alexander Roob, eds. Chinesische Methode : die Fotografik der New School of Wood Engraving. [Köln] : Wallraf das Museum, [2012]. HOLLIS 015167066
  • Ketelsen, Thomas and Christoph Orth, eds. Giovanni Maria Morandi : ein Barockkünstler in Rom : [erscheint anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Graphischen Kabinett des Wallraf-Richartz-Museums & Fondation Corboud, 2. April bis 28. Juni 2015]. Köln : Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 2015. HOLLIS 015172034
  • Ketelsen, Thomas and Jasmin Hartmann, eds. Provenienz Macht Geschichte : Ankäufe deutscher Zeichnungen des 19. Jahrhunderts im Nationalsozialismus. [Köln] : Wallraf das Museum, [2015]. HOLLIS 015167077
  • Ketelsen, Thomas and Verena Schraub, eds. Tizian und Tintoretto in der Druckgrafik : Kunst, Kalkül, Kommerz. Köln : Wallraf-Richartz Museum & Fondation Corboud, 2013. HOLLIS 014023055
  • Ketelsen, Thomas, ed. 1917 : in Erinnerung an Luise Straus-Ernst : die Rekonstruktion ihrer Kriegsausstellung im Wallraf mit einer Reflexion von Louisa Clement. Köln : Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud ; Baden-Baden : Aga Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015167064
  • Ketelsen, Thomas, ed. Der Abklatsch : eine Kunst für sich. [Köln] : Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, Graphische Sammlung, [2014]. HOLLIS 015167065
  • Ketelsen, Thomas, ed. Die Erfindung der Landschaft um 1500 : Einem Zeitgenossen von Hieronymus Bosch auf der Spur. Köln : Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, 2013. HOLLIS 015167068
  • Ketelsen, Thomas, ed. Die Klecksographie : zwischen Fingerübung und Seelenschau. [Köln] : Wallraf, das Museum, [2013]. HOLLIS 015167072
  • Khoo, Sui Hoe, 1939- artist. Mini retrospective 1967-2013 : Khoo Sui Hoe. Penang, Malaysia : The Art Gallery, Penang, 2013. HOLLIS 014420253
  • Kidd, Jane, 1952- artist. Curious. Kelowna, BC : Kelowna Art Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 015193709
  • Kinsman, Jane, author. Frank Stella : the Kenneth Tyler collection. Canberra, A.C.T. : National Gallery of Australia, 2016. HOLLIS 015214928
  • Kirsten, Sven A. and Otto Von Stroheim. The art of tiki. [Los Angeles, California] : La Luz de Jesus Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193705
  • Klinger, Max, 1857-1920, artist. Max Klinger: Opus II : Rettungen ovidischer Opfer. [Köln] : Wallraf das Museum, [2014]. HOLLIS 015167075
  • Knips, Ignaz. Perspektive und Gewalt : ein Versuch. Köln : Salon Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015172035
  • Koella, Rudolf. Félix Vallotton : Bad an einem Sommerabend = Le bain au soir d’été. Wädenswil am Zürichsee : Nimbus, Kunst und Bücher, c2017. HOLLIS 015190133
  • Kogler, Leopold and Karla Starecek. Martin Veigl : urban theatre. Bad Traunstein : Steinverlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015190134
  • Köhler, Thomas and Annelie Lütgens. Jeanne Mammen : the observer : retrospective 1910-1975. München : Hirmer Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190132
  • Kokocinski, Alessandro, 1948- . Kokocinski : la vita e la maschera : da Pulcinella al clown. Milano : Skira, 2017. HOLLIS 015177807
  • Kornhauser, Elizabeth Mankin, 1950- author. Thomas Cole’s journey : Atlantic crossings. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2018]. HOLLIS 015253049
  • Koschat, Michael, author. “Urgesund” und “kerndeutsch” : Kärntens bildende Kunst im Schatten des Hakenkreuzes : Streiflichter und Gedankensplitter. Klagenfurt am Wörthersee : MohorjevaHermagoras, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185988
  • Kóthay, Katalin Anna, ed. Art and society : ancient and modern contexts of Egyptian art : proceedings of the international conference held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 13-15 May 2010. Budapest : Museum of Fine Arts, 2012. HOLLIS 015256241
  • Krämer, Felix, 1971-. Claude Monet. München : C.H. Beck, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190162
  • Krapf, Michael. Johann Evangelist Scheffer von Leonhardshoff, detto il Raffaelino, 1795-1822 : ein Beitrag zur Romantik in Wien. Salzburg : Artbook, 2017. HOLLIS 015204456
  • Kries, Renate von. Maria Sibylla Merian : Künstlerin und Forscherin : die “Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium” aus kunsthistorischer und biologischer Sicht. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015186000
  • Krischel, Roland, ed. Tintoretto : a star was born. Köln : Wallraf, das Museum, Wallraff-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud : München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015169716
  • Krischke, Roland, Kerstin Löw, and Elke Anna Werner, eds. Cranach und Luther. Halle (Saale) : mitteldeutscher verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015204423
  • Kristín Jónsdóttir, 1933-. Kristin Jonsdottir fra Munkathvera. [Reykjavik] : Kristin Jonsdottir fra Munkathvera, [2016]. HOLLIS 015204445
  • Krivdić, Elio and Günther Dankl, eds. Artur Nikodem : Maler und Fotograf der Moderne. Innsbruck : Tyrolia-Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015204452
  • Kruse, Karl Bernhard, author, editor. Die Baugeschichte des Hildesheimer Domes. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner ; Hildesheim : Bernward Medien, 2017. HOLLIS 015190127
  • Kuhlmann-Hodick, Petra and Agnes Matthias, eds. Käthe Kollwitz in Dresden. London : Paul Holberton Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214920
  • Kunsthalle Bremen–Der Kunstverein in Bremen and the Museum Barberini, Postdam . Max Beckmann : the world as a stage. Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204431
  • Kunstmuseum Bern and Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH. Gurlitt : status report. [Munich] : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204455
  • Kyōto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, Mainichi Shinbunsha, et al, eds. Kokuhō : Kyōto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan kaikan 120-shūnen kinen tokubetsu tenrankai = 国宝 : 京都国立博物館開館 120周年記念特別展覧会 = National treasures : masterpieces of Japan : Kyoto National Museum 120th anniversary commemorative special exhibition. [Tokyo] : Mainichi Shinbunsha, 2017. HOLLIS 015190776
  • La Motta, Alessandro, 1966- artist. Alessandro La Motta : dalle dee madri ai miti della rinascita. Rimini : NFC edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205409
  • Labarta, Ana, author. Anillos de la Península Ibérica, 711-1611. Valencia : Ángeles Carrillo Baeza, 2017. HOLLIS 015217285
  • Labastida, Alejandra and Esteban King Alvárez. Erick Meyenberg : el regreso del dinosaurio. México, D.F. : Universidad Navional Autonoma de México, 2015. HOLLIS 015224818
  • Lachapelle, David and Nemuel Depaula, eds. David Lachapelle. Köln : Taschen, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204454
  • Lange-Krach, Heidrun, author. Das Gebetbuch Kaiser Maximilians I. : meisterhafte Zeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance. Luzern : Quaternio Verlag Luzern, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204457
  • Langer, Martin, author. Die katholische Pfarrkirche St. Marien Oschersleben. Regensburg : Schell + Steiner, [2017]. HOLLIS 015167073
  • Langford, Martha, ed. Narratives unfolding : national art histories in an unfinished world. Montreal : McGill-Queen’s University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015171452
  • Laquidara, Mimí, 1989- photographer. Esculturas. Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina : Editorial Municipal de Rosario, año 2016. HOLLIS 015212183
  • Lara Elizondo, Lupina, author, editor. Cruce de caminos : arte de México y España. Ciudad de México : Promoción de Arte Mexicano, 2017. HOLLIS 015224814
  • Lasikova, Galina, ed. Klassicheskoe iskusstvo islamskogo mira IX-XIX vekov : Devi͡anosto devi͡atʹ imen vsevyshnego = Классическое искусство исламского мира IX-XIX веков : Девяносто девять имен всевышнего = Classical Art of Islamic World from IX to XIX Centuries : Ninety-nine Names of God. Moskva : Izdatelʹskiĭ dom Mardzhani, 2013. HOLLIS 013728923
  • Lau, Chu-Pak, author. Classical Chinese huanghuali furniture from the Haven Collection. Hong Kong : University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong, 2016. HOLLIS 015176757
  • Laugée, Thierry and Carole Rabiller, eds. Critique d’art et nationalisme : regards français sur l’art européen au XIXe siècle. Bruxelles : P.I.E. Peter Lang, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179029
  • Le Pogam, Pierre-Yves, et al. Ève, ou, La folle tentation. Autun : Musée Rolin, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205608
  • Leeflang, Micha, ed. King Christian II of Denmark in portraits : a portrait by Joos van Cleve rediscovered. Helmond : Institute of Old Masters Research, c2017. HOLLIS 015179030
  • Leers, Dan, author. William Henry Fox Talbot and the promise of photography. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : Carnegie Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188746
  • Legewie, Heiner and Georg Eichinger, eds. Artists in Athens – city of crisis = Kallitechnes sten Athena – pole tes krises = Künstler in Athen – Stadt der Krise. Berlin : Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2017. HOLLIS 015190126
  • Lehmann, Doris H., ed. Vom Streit zum Bild : Bildpolemik und andere Waffen der Künstler. Merzhausen : Ad picturam, Fachverlag für kunstwissenschaftliche Literatur e.K., 2017. HOLLIS 015177136
  • Leijonhufvud, Gustaf, author. Decision making on indoor climate control in historic buildings : knowledge, uncertainty and the science-practice gap. Göteborg : University of Gothenburg, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, [2016]. HOLLIS 015172036
  • Lending, Mari, 1969- author. Plaster monuments : architecture and the power of reproduction. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214942
  • Leonardini, Nanda, ed. El desnudo femenino. Lima : Grupo de Estudio Guanahaní, 2015. HOLLIS 015224815
  • Leotta, Maria Cristina. La ceramica ellenistica a rilievo dell’Italia centrale : produzione e diffusione. Roma : Scienze e Lettere, 2017. HOLLIS 015183415
  • Lesec, Cédric, author. Ateliers d’artistes. Paris : Courtes et longues, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205609
  • Lesvigne, Marie-Valérie, Isabelle Levêque, and Jean-Luc Maeso. Arkas Koleksiyonu’ndan su manzaraları = Paysages d’eaux de la Collection Arkas = Landscapes of water from the Arkas Collection. İzmir : Arkas Sanat Merkezi, 2017. HOLLIS 015270812
  • Leubnerová, Šárka, ed. František Tkadlík : 1786-1840. V Praze : Národní galerie v Praze, 2017. HOLLIS 015262705
  • Levine, Gregory P. A., 1963- author. Long strange journey : on modern Zen, Zen art, and other predicaments. Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015180841
  • Levitt, Helen, author. One, two, three, more. Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015193716
  • Lévy, Sophie, ed. Musée d’Arts de Nantes guidebook to the collections. Ghent : Musée d’Arts de Nantes : Snoeck, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179031
  • Lewis, Mary Tompkins, author. Paul Cézanne : painting people. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193713
  • Ligabue, Antonio, 1899-1965, artist. Antonio Ligabue. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205383
  • Lille métropole musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut. De Picasso à Séraphine : Wilhelm Uhde et les primitifs modernes. Villeneuve-d’Ascq : Musée d’art moderne de Lille-Métropole, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187024
  • Lindeman, Christina K., author. Representing Duchess Anna Amalia’s Bildung : a visual metamorphosis in portraiture from political to personal in eighteenth-century Germany. London : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 015207385
  • Linscheid, Petra, author. Spätantike und Byzanz : Bestandskatalog Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe : Textilien. Mainz : Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum, 2017. HOLLIS 015190152
  • Lippert, Sarah J., ed. Space and time in artistic practice and aesthetics : the legacy of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. London : I.B. Tauris, 2017. HOLLIS 015206648
  • Lisman, A. J. A. M., author. Een buitenplaats in detail : Vreedenhoff aan de Vecht. Amsterdam : Stokerkade cultuurhistorische uitgeverij, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205569
  • Lo Giudice, Marcello, 1957- artist. Marcello Lo Giudice : Eden, pianeti lontani. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188511
  • Loe, Hikmet Sidney, author. The Spiral Jetty encyclo : exploring Robert Smithson’s earthwork through time and place. Salt Lake City : The University of Utah Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015010460
  • Loi, Nicola, ed. Duecento sculture esposte a Materima. Milano : Studio Copernico ; Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191223
  • Long mei shu guan. Bai nian yi cheng : Long mei shu guan (Chongqing guan) kai guan zhan = 百年艺程:龙美术馆(重庆馆)开馆展. [China] : Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014797201
  • Longo, Loredana, 1967- author. Loredana Longo : from explosion to breaking. . HOLLIS 015177818
  • Losty, Jeremiah P., author. A mystical realm of love : Pahari paintings from the Eva and Konrad Seitz collection ; photography: John Bodkin, Dawkins Colour, London, Rainer Wolfsberger, Zürich, Digitalisierungszentrum der Zentralbibliothek, Zürich. London : Francesca Galloway, 2017. HOLLIS 015221605
  • Lü, Fengya, 1947-. Art Totems bridging east & west : Eddie Lui’s four decades of artistic pursuit. Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179932
  • Lugoboni, Giovanni Luigi, 1946- author. Dimore, ville, palazzi veronesi : conoscere Verona attraverso le prestigiose dimore, i palazzi pubblici e privati, le ville, i ponti storici, i monumenti, i progettisti e i committenti di tutte le epoche, dalla Verona romana ai nostri giorni. Caselle di Sommacampagna (Verona) : Cierre grafica, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205406
  • Lukas, Jiří and Miroslava Přikrylová. Pražské veduty 18. století = Prague vedute of the 18th century. [Prague] : Muzeum hlavního města Prahy, [2017]. HOLLIS 015262704
  • Ma, Shu. Zuo guan = 坐观. 北京 : 中国建筑工业出版社, 2012. HOLLIS 015186271
  • Madeline, Laurence and Virginie Perdrisot-Cassan, eds. Picasso 1932. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux ; Musée Picasso, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205610
  • Mainberger, Sabine and Esther Ramharter, eds. Linienwissen und Liniendenken. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2017. HOLLIS 015190165
  • Mallgrave, Harry Francis, ed. The companions to the history of architecture. Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2017. HOLLIS 014892136
  • Mancini Giovanni, 1953-2016, artist. Giovanni Mancini : una vita per l’arte = a life for art. Roma : Gangemi editore spa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188524
  • Mangieri, Anthony F., author. Virgin Sacrifice in Classical Art : women, agency, and the Trojan War. New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, [2018]. HOLLIS 015207390
  • Mann, Judith W., ed. Federico Barocci : inspiration and innovation in early modern Italy. London : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015207382
  • Manzano, Acisclo, 1940- artist. Acisclo : escultor. Ourense : Deputación Ourense, [2017]. HOLLIS 015222864
  • Mara, Lucía, photographer. Here, there and everywhere. Buenos Aires, Argentina : Galería Jorge Mara, La Ruche, [2017. HOLLIS 015139939
  • Marchesseau, Daniel, ed. Paul Cézanne : le chant de la terre. Martigny, Suisse : Fondation Pierre Gianadda, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187027
  • Maresca, Paola, author. Alchimia e segreti di Cosimo I in Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze. Firenze : Angelo Pontecorboli editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183400
  • Marrocco, Marco, author. Vincent sul divano : si può sopravvivere all’arte?. Roma : Fefè editore, IX/2017. HOLLIS 015205407
  • Marstine, Janet, ed. Routledge companion to museum ethics : redefining ethics for the twenty-first century museum. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2011. HOLLIS 015260831
  • Martín López, David, ed. Dolor, represión y censura política en la cultura del siglo XX. Granada [Spain] : Libargo, 2017. HOLLIS 015222861
  • Martinelli, Andrea, 1965- artist. Andrea Martinelli : l’ora delle ombre. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183417
  • Martínez y Martínez, Gabriela and Said Emmanuel Dokins Millán, eds. Visible / invisibilización : aproximaciones en torno a la violencia. México, D.F. : Pneuma : Sociedad Dokins para la Nueva Practica Artísticas, 2015. HOLLIS 015224838
  • Martins, Alberto Alexandre and Glória Kok. Nos caminhos do barroco. São Paulo, SP : ClaroEnigma, [2015]. HOLLIS 015224834
  • Masemann, Malte. Das Blaue Leuchten. [Leipzig] : Lubok Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015190154
  • Maspes, Francesco Luigi and Enzo Savoia, eds. I macchiaioli : capolavori da collezioni lombarde. Milano : GAM Manzoni, Centro studi per l’arte moderna e contemporanea, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205384
  • Mastalia, Francesco, photographer. Yoga : the secret of life. Brooklyn, NY : powerHouse Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015188750
  • Mata, Paulo Aureliano da and Tales Frey, eds. Evocações da arte performatica : (2010-2013). Jundai : Paco Editorial, [2016]. HOLLIS 015235564
  • Matelowski, Anke, author. Die Berliner Secession, 1899-1937 : Chronik, Kontext, Schicksal. Wädenswil : Nimbus, Kunst und Bücher, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190168
  • Mathis, Rémi and Valérie Sueur-Hermel, eds. Animal : a beastly compendium : treasures from the Prints and Photographs Department at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. London ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188742
  • Matta-Clark, Gordon, 1943-1978, artist. Gordon Matta-Clark : anarchitect. [Bronx] ; New Haven : The Bronx Museum of the Arts in association with Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188739
  • Matz, Reinhard. Fotografien verstehen. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2017. HOLLIS 015185990
  • Mautz, Carl. author. Biographies of western photographers : a reference guide to photographers working in the 19th century American West. Nevada City, CA Carl Mautz Publishing 2018. HOLLIS 015264499
  • Mazzocca, Fernando, Paola Marini, and Roberto De Feo, eds. Canova, Hayez, Cicognara : l’ultima gloria di Venezia. Venezia : Marsilio ; [Milan] : Electa, settembre 2017. HOLLIS 015183412
  • McCormick, Carlo. Magic City : die Kunst der Strasse = The art of the street. [Bayreuth] : SC Exhibitions, Showbiz Culture ; Berlin : From Here to Fame Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015190148
  • Méndez Domínguez, Carlos, ed. La flor en la cultura mexicana. Ciudad de México : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2017. HOLLIS 015224822
  • Menegazzo, Rossella, ed. Il Rinascimento giapponese : la natura nei dipinti su paravento dal XV al XVII secolo. Firenze – Italia : Giunti : Firenze musei, ottobre 2017. HOLLIS 015183421
  • Mensger, Ariane, ed. Weibsbilder : Eros, Macht, Moral und Tod um 1500. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag ; Basel : Kunstmuseum Basel, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185995
  • Mensua, Xisco, 1960- artist, writer of introduction. No return. [València] : Fundació General de la Universitat de València, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205417
  • Mercurio, Gianni, ed. Keith Haring : about art. Firenze : Gamm Giunti : [Milan] : 24 ore cultura, febbraio 2017. HOLLIS 015205404
  • Mesara, Gülbün, Aykut Kazancıgil, and Ahmed Güner Sayar. A. Süheyl Ünver bibliyografyası. Cağaloğlu, İstanbul : İşaret Yayınları, 2017. HOLLIS 015270776
  • Micó, Jesús and Cristina de Middel. Un cierto panorama : reciente fotografía de autor en España. Madrid : Comunidad de Madrid : Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, [2017]. HOLLIS 015222860
  • Millet, Jean François, 1814-1875, artist. Millet : 13 octobre 2017-22 janvier 2018. [Lille, France] : Palais beaux-arts Lille ; Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205604
  • Mitchell-Innes & Nash. Julian Stanczak : the life of the surface : paintings 1970-1975. New York : Mitchell-Innes & Nash, 2017. HOLLIS 015221607
  • Mittelberger, Felix, Sebastian Pelz, Margit Rosen, and Anselm Franke, eds. Maschinensehen : Feldforschung in den Räumen bildgebender Technologien. Leipzig : Spector Books, [2013]. HOLLIS 015167074
  • Modersohn, Antje and Wolfgang Werner, eds. Paula Modersohn-Becker, Otto Modersohn : der Briefwechsel. Berlin : Insel Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015190169
  • Moeller, Magdalena M.. Brücke Museum Berlin : Jubiläumsband. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177139
  • Moeller, Magdalena M., ed. Brücke-Museum Berlin : Highlights. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177124
  • Moi, Osvaldo, 1961- artist. Osvaldo Moi. Milano, Italy : Skira, 2017. HOLLIS 015177808
  • Moncond’huy, Dominique, ed. La licorne et le bézoard : une histoire des cabinets de curiosités. Montreuil : Gourcuff Gradenigo, [2013]. HOLLIS 013934584
  • Montanari, Tomaso and Dimitrios Zikos. Making beauty : the Ginori Porcelain Manufactory and its progeny of statues. Florence : Mandragora, 2017. HOLLIS 015183408
  • Montesano, Gian Marco, 1949- artist. Gian Marco Montesano : dietro le quinte. Legnago (VR) : FerrarinArte, [2013?]. HOLLIS 015188525
  • Moor, Antoine de, Cäcilia Fluck, and Petra Linscheid, eds. Excavating, analysing, reconstructing : textiles from the first millennium AD from Egypt and neighbouring countries. Tielt, Belgium : Lannoo, ©2017. HOLLIS 015187013
  • Morris, Susan. Self moderation = Selbstmoderation = La modération de soi. [Vienna] : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, [2016]. HOLLIS 015177149
  • Moschig, Günther. Informel in Österreich : Kunst aus Österreich im internationalen Kontext. Wien : Löcker, c2017. HOLLIS 015190170
  • Moscoso, Manuela and Daniela Pérez, eds. Octopía : Eduardo Navarro. Ciudad de México : Museo Tamayo : INBA, 2016. HOLLIS 015235572
  • Muellner, Nicholas. In most tides an island. [London] : Self Publish, Be Happy, 2017. HOLLIS 015254994
  • Müller-Schareck, Maria and Mona Schieren, eds. Response to Agnes Martin : documentation. Hamburg : Textem, [2016]. HOLLIS 015190174
  • Muller, Frank (Historian), author. Images polémiques, images dissidentes : art et Réforme à Strasbourg (1520 – vers 1550). Baden-Baden ; Bouxwiller : Verlag Valentin Koerner, 2017. HOLLIS 015172037
  • Müller, Karsten, ed. Carl Lohse : Kraftfelder : Die Bilder 1919/21. Dresden : Sandstein Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177140
  • Muñoz Fernández, Francisco Javier, author. El museo ausente : la evacuación del Museo de Arte Moderno de Bilbao a Francia durante la Guerra Civil. Bilbao : Universidad del País Vasco, 2017. HOLLIS 015205416
  • Munroe, Alexandra, Philip Tinari, and Hou Hanru. Art and China after 1989 : theater of the world. New York, NY : Guggenheim Museum Publications, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185579
  • Murphy, Erin Kathleen and William Keyse Rudolph, eds. Highest Heaven : Spanish and Portuguese Colonial Art from the Collection of Roberta and Richard Huber. San Antonio, TX : San Antonio Museum of Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 015193700
  • Musée d’art et d’industrie de Roubaix. Faire le beau : le bestiaire de La Piscine. Gand : Snoeck, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179026
  • Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, ed. Orozco y Los Teules, 1947. Ciudad de México : Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes : Asociación de Amigos del MACG, 2017. HOLLIS 015224836
  • Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes (Mexico). MPBA : Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes. México, D.F. : MPBA, 2012. HOLLIS 015235570
  • Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, CA. Point counterpoint. San Diego, CA : Museum of Photographic Arts, Becky Moores Center for Visual Learning, 2017. HOLLIS 015207375
  • Myers, Rick, artist. A bullet for Buñuel : fragments of a failed bullet. New York : Primary Information, 2017. HOLLIS 015185588
  • Napoleone, Giulia, 1936- artist. Giulia Napoleone : dialoghi. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177819
  • Nationaal Centrum voor de Plastische Kunsten in de XVIde en XVIIde Eeuw, ed. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard; an illustrated catalogue raisonné of the work of Peter Paul Rubens based on the material assembled by the late Dr. Ludwig Burchard in twenty-six parts. London, New York, Phaidon, 1968-. HOLLIS 004838783
  • National Museum of Australia. Encounters : revealing stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander objects from the British Museum. Canberra, ACT : National Museum of Australia Press, 2015. HOLLIS 014599879
  • Navarro Goig, Gema, ed. Entre mitos : libros de artista. [Spain] : [publisher not identified], [2017?]. HOLLIS 015217280
  • Nekrassova, Natalia, ed. Diligence and elegance : the nature of Japanese textiles. Toronto : Textile Museum of Canada, 2017. HOLLIS 015193710
  • Neshat, Shirin, 1957- photgrapher. Shirin Neshat : Frauen in Gesellschaft. Tübingen : WV, Wasmuth, 2017. HOLLIS 015227794
  • Netuschil, Claus K., ed. Nie wieder Krieg! : Künstler im Ersten Weltkrieg : Max Beckmann, Karl Deppert, Josef Eberz, Frans Masereel, Ludwig Meidner, Karl Scheld und Karl Thylmann. Darmstadt : Kunst Archiv Darmstadt e.V., [2016?]. HOLLIS 015204433
  • Neumann, Nicolas, ed. Napoléon : images de la légende = images of the Napoleonic legend. Paris : Somogy, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187023
  • Neylon, John, author. Franz Kempf : aspects of a journey 1947 – 2016. Kent Town, S.Aust. Wakefield Press, 2016. HOLLIS 015214926
  • Nittolo, Felice, 1950- artist. Felice Nittolo : geografie a ritroso = Felice Nittolo : geographies from now to then. Ravenna : Longo editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205410
  • Noortwijk, Liesbeth van and Gerrit Willems, eds. Jongkind & vrienden : Monet, Boudin, Daubigny en anderen. Bussum : Uitgeverij Thoth, 2017. HOLLIS 015187014
  • Noyes, Ruth S., author. Peter Paul Rubens and the Counter-Reformation crisis of the Beati moderni. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015207384
  • O’Dea, Madeleine, author. The phoenix years : art, resistance, and the making of modern China. New York : Pegasus Books 2017. HOLLIS 015180842
  • Oehlen, Albert, 1954- artist. Albert Oehlen : Elevator paintings, Trees. New York : Gagosian, [2017]. HOLLIS 015207380
  • Ólafsdóttir, Ásta. Asta Olafsdottir leikid a timann : bok um myndlist og fleira = Playing on time : book on art and more. Reykjavik : Asta Olafsdottir, [2016]. HOLLIS 015204440
  • Oppenheimer, Geof and Anne Leonard, eds. The hysterical material. Chicago : The Smart Museum of Art and Soberscove Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015188745
  • Ortega, Gonzalo, ed. Héctor Zamora : re/vuelta. Monterrey, N.L., México : MARCO, 2017. HOLLIS 015235568
  • Osano, Shigetoshi, ed. Originali e copie : fortuna delle repliche fra Cinque e Seicento. Firenze : Centro Di, [2017]. HOLLIS 015137266
  • Ostrander, Tobias, ed. On the horizon : contemporary Cuban art from the Jorge M. Perez Collection : exhibition guide. Miami : Pérez Art Museum Miami , [2017]. HOLLIS 015214932
  • Özten, Nilgün and Hülya Balcı, eds. Ahmet Güneştekin : Cenup güneşi. İstanbul : Doğan Kitap, 2017. HOLLIS 015270873
  • Packer, Lelia and Jennifer Sliwka. Monochrome : painting in black and white. London : National Gallery Company Limited, 2017. HOLLIS 015214918
  • Pacquement, Alfred. Jean Dubuffet in het Rijksmuseum = Jean Dubuffet at the Rijksmuseum. [Amsterdam, Netherlands] : Rijksmuseum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179033
  • Palacios, Carlos E., Fernando Barolomé Delmar, and David Gutiérrez Castañeda. Los irrespetuosos = The disrespectful = Die Respektlosen. México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2013. HOLLIS 015224826
  • Paladini, Michele, 1989- author. Il giallo dei bronzi dorati da Cartoceto di Pergola. Ancona : Italic, [2017]. HOLLIS 015210281
  • Palazzo, Michela and Francesca Tasso, eds. Leonardo da Vinci : la sala delle Asse del Castello Sforzesco = the Sala delle Asse of the Sforza Castle. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]-. HOLLIS 015205377
  • Paley, Albert, artist. Complementary contrasts : the glass and steel sculptures of Albert Paley. Tacoma, Washington : Museum of Glass, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193702
  • Pam, Max, 1949- photographer. Max Pam : autobiographies. Madrid : La Fábrica, [2016]. HOLLIS 015217287
  • Pan, Shenliang . Mo geng tang cang, mo yuan ji sheng = 墨耕堂藏・墨缘集勝. Beijing : Ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014638368
  • Panichi, Roberto, 1937- artist. Sequenze orfiche : martirologio della follia. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177822
  • Panofsky-Soergel, Gerda, 1929- author. Erwin Panofsky von Zehn bis Dreissig und seine jüdischen Wurzeln. Passau : Dietmar Klinger Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015177146
  • Pasculli, Francesca, author. Tommaso Martini : vita e opere di un pittore del Settecento. Rossano (CS) : Ferrari editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183419
  • Passath, Niki, 1977-. Niki Passath : thinking like a machine : an artists journey into robotics. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2017. HOLLIS 015190135
  • Pastore, Chiara, author. Storia della scultura in pietra di età arcaica e classica a Siracusa. [Rome] : Stamen, [2016]. HOLLIS 015188526
  • Patarini, Virgilio, ed. Cross over : attraversamenti e sconfinamenti nell’arte italiana contemporanea : tra figurazione 2.0, astrazione geometrica e informale. [Milan] : Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015210277
  • Patella, Luca Maria, 1934- artist. Luca Maria Patella : non oso, oso non essere. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205385
  • Patton, Pamela A. and Judith K. Golden, eds. Tributes to Adelaide Bennett Hagens : manuscripts, iconography, and the late medieval viewer. London : Harvey Miller Publishers, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187011
  • Pauwels, Peter J.H., Sergio Servéllon, and Han Steenbruggen. Constructivistische verbanden : noord, zuid = Constructivist relations : north, south. Heerenveen-Oranjewoud : Museum Belvedere ; Drogenbos : FeliXart Museum, ©2017. HOLLIS 015205571
  • Pedrosa, Adriano and Camila Bechelany, eds. Histórias da sexualidade : catálogo. São Paulo, Brazil : MASP, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, 2017. HOLLIS 015224825
  • Pedrosa, Adriano and Fernando Oliva, eds. Pedro Correia de Araújo : erótica. São Paulo, Brazil : MASP, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, 2017. HOLLIS 015224837
  • Peleggi, Maurizio, author. Monastery, monument, museum : sites and artifacts of Thai cultural memory. Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015178725
  • Pepe, Sheila, 1959- artist, interviewee. Sheila Pepe : hot mess formalism. Phoenix, AZ : Phoenix Art Museum ; Munich : DelMonico Books, an imprint of Prestel, a member of Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, 2017. HOLLIS 015185994
  • Perelli, Lorenza, author. Arte che non sembra arte : arte pubblica, pratiche artistiche nella vita quotidiana e progetto urbano. Milano, Italy : Franco Angeli, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188527
  • Pérez Segura, Javier, author. ¡Bienvenido, Mr. Carnegie! : arte español en las internacionales de los Estados Unidos, (1898-1995). Madrid : Universidad de Alcalá, 2017. HOLLIS 015210301
  • Pericoli, Tullio, artist. Tullio Pericoli : le colline davanti : viaggio nella terre di Langhe, Roero e Monferrato. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177809
  • Perl, Jed, author. Calder : the conquest of time : the early years, 1898-1940. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2017. HOLLIS 015188185
  • Pesante, Luca, ed. Falsi e copie nella maiolica medievale e moderna : modelli, tecniche, diffusione, gusto, riconoscibilità : atti della terza giornata di studi sulla ceramica, Bagnoregio, 11 giugno 2016. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188518
  • Petrova, Evgenii͡a, ed. Pervai͡a mirovai͡a voĭna, 1914-1918 = Первая мировая война, 1914-1918. Sankt-Peteburg : Gosudarstvennyĭ Russkiĭ muzeĭ : Palace Editions, 2014. HOLLIS 015246866
  • Piazza, Stefano, ed. La Sicilia dei Viceré nell’età degli Asburgo (1516-1700) : la difesa dell’isola, le città capitali, la celebrazione della monarchia. Palermo : Caracol, [2016]. HOLLIS 015188513
  • Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778, artist. Piranesis Antike : Befund und Polemik. [Köln] : Wallraf das Museum, [2013]. HOLLIS 015167076
  • Platino, 1948- artist, editor. Platino : à travers l’autre = durch einander. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015186003
  • Poivert, Michel, author. Peintres photographes : de Degas à Hockney. Paris : Éditions Citadelles & Mazenod, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187028
  • Pomajzlová, Alena, author. Obraz a slovo v českém výtvarném umění šedesátých let. Brno : Barrister & Principal : Západočeská galerie v Plzni, 2017. HOLLIS 015272942
  • Porzio, Francesco, author. Caravaggio e il comico : alle origini del naturalismo. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177800
  • Porzio, Giuseppe, 1976- author. Giuseppe Piscopo : “opere bellissime di varie istoriette e favolosi soggetti”. Napoli, Italy : Porcini, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183401
  • Prévost-Marcilhacy, Pauline. Les Rothschild : bâtisseurs et mécènes. Paris : Flammarion, c1995. HOLLIS 006651646
  • Puntelli, Giammarco, ed. L’eternità nell’arte. [Milan] : Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, [2016]. HOLLIS 015188523
  • Purcell, Mark, author. The country house library. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015214941
  • Rabchinskey, Ilán and Mario Bellatin. El medio terrestre : Ilán Rabchinskey + Mario Bellatin. México, D.F. : Artes de México : Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno del Distrito Federal, 2016. HOLLIS 015224831
  • Radhakrishnan, K. S., 1956- artist. Mapping with figures : the evolving art of KS Radhakrishnan. Kolkata : Akar Prakar in collaboration with National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) Bengaluru in association with Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2015. HOLLIS 014797826
  • Radice, Barbara, ed. Ettore Sottsass : there is a planet : exhibition catalogue Triennale Design Museum. Milano : Electa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188508
  • Radine, Leonie, ed. Hausbesuch = Home visit. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König : Museum Ludwig, c2017. HOLLIS 015185983
  • Rake, Peta and Kristy Trinier, eds. For the time being : 2017 Alberta Biennal of Contemporary Art. Edmonton, Alberta : Art Gallery of Alberta ; Banff, Alberta : Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193711
  • Ramírez, Fausto, author. José María Velasco : pintor de paisajes. Ciudad de México : Fondo de Cultura Ecónomica : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2017. HOLLIS 015224827
  • Ranft, Andreas and Wolfgang Schenkluhn, eds. Herrschaftslandschaft im Umbruch : 1000 Jahre Merseburger Dom. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner GmbH, 2017. HOLLIS 015185984
  • Ray Choudhury, Upendra Kishore, 1863-1915, author. Essays on half-tone photography : a facsimile of the essays as they appeared in Penrose’s pictorial annual. Kolkata : Jadavpur University, 2014. HOLLIS 015269748
  • Real Academia de la Historia (Spain). Catálogo de fotografías de antigüedades y monumentos. Madrid : Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado : Real Academia de la Historia, marzo de 2017. HOLLIS 015066689
  • Reinés, Tuca. Tuca Reinés : o olhar em suspensão = a mirada en suspensíon = the suspended gaze. São Paulo : APC, 2016. HOLLIS 015224835
  • Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669, artist. Rembrandt : von der Macht und Ohnmacht des Leibes : 100 Radierungen : Katalog zur Ausstellung des Augustinermuseums : Haus der Graphischen Sammlung, Augustinermuseum, Freiburg i. Br., 28. Oktober 2017 – 28. Januar 2018 : Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg, 21. Juni 2018 – 9. September 2018. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177132
  • Reyero, Carlos, author. Fortuny, o, el arte como distinción de clase. Madrid : Cátedra, 2017. HOLLIS 015205418
  • Riboulet, Célia, ed. Encuentros : arte y nuevos medios en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas. Ciudad de México : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Lerma/División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades : Juan Pablos Editor, 2016. HOLLIS 015235563
  • Rice, Kevin and Pan Wendt, eds. RE : collection at Confederation Centre Art Gallery. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island : Confederation Centre Art Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 015193708
  • Riding, Jacqueline, author. Basic instincts : love, lust and violence in the art of Joseph Highmore. London : Paul Holberton Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214935
  • Rijdams, Marcel, author. Stadschap Brussel : Kritische bespiegelingen over het stedelijke landschap. Antwerpen : Garant, 2017. HOLLIS 015205570
  • Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926, author. Letters to a young painter. New York, New York : David Zwirner Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214943
  • Rivero Lake, Rodrigo, Sylvia Navarrete, et al., eds. Amados objetos : colecciones MAM y R. Rivero Lake. México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, INBA, [2017]. HOLLIS 015235562
  • Robakowski, Józef, artist. Józef Robakowski : nearer-farther. Milano : Mousse Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015210283
  • Robert Bowman Ltd.. Helaine Blumenfeld, Henry Moore : a dialogue 1985 -2015. London : Bowman Sculpture, [2015]. HOLLIS 015193704
  • Rojas, Vania and Andés Duprart, eds. Xul Solar : panactivista. Ciudad de México : Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2017. HOLLIS 015224839
  • Róna, Jaroslav, 1957- artist, author. Jaroslav Róna : architektura, publikace, scéna. Praha : Pražská scéna, 2017. HOLLIS 015272939
  • Roth, Andrew, Philip E. Aarons, and Claire Lehmann, eds. Artists who make books. London ; New York : Phaidon, 2017. HOLLIS 015188748
  • Rovati, Costanzo, artist. Costanzo Rovati : universo vita. Roma : Verso l’arte edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183422
  • Ruff, Thomas, 1958- photographer, author. Thomas Ruff. London : Whitechapel Art Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188740
  • Ruitenbeek, Klaas, ed. Faces of China : portrait painting of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912). Berlin : Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin : Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015209334
  • Ruiz, Oswaldo. Welcome to paradise. Ciudad de México : La Caja de Cerillos Ediciones, 2017. HOLLIS 015235575
  • Russo, Alfonsina, et al., eds. Tessere la speranza : dal culto della Vergine del Rosario al restauro della Madonna della cintura di Gaeta. Roma : Gangemi editore SpA international, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177824
  • Rüth, Bernhard, ed. Religiöse Kunst der Moderne im Raum Rottweil 1945-2017. Rottweil : Dominikanermuseum, c2017. HOLLIS 015204435
  • Sadowsky, Thorsten, ed. “Jetzt soll ich wieder am Theater malen.” : Ernst Ludwig Kirchner und das alpine Theaterschaffen. Köln : Wienand, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185986
  • Sáez Delgado, Antonio and Filipa María Valido-Viegas de Paula-Soares, eds. Almada Negreiros en Madrid. Madrid : Ediciones UAM Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2016. HOLLIS 015177826
  • Salé, Marie-Pierre. Dessiner en plein air : variations du dessin sur nature dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Paris : LienArt, 2017. HOLLIS 015186244
  • Salvagni, Isabella, author. Il destino manifesto : gli Aldobrandini di Clemente VIII e la Minerva. Roma : Campisano, 2017. HOLLIS 015210284
  • Salvagnini, Sileno, ed. L’Accademia di belle arti di Venezia. Il Novecento. Crocetta del Montello (TV) : Antiga edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014785775
  • Sanguineti, Daniele, ed. Domenico Piola : 1628-1703 : percorsi di pittura barocca. Genova : Sagep editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191222
  • Sano, Emily J., Randall Nadeau, and Alison J. Miller . Heaven and Hell : salvation and retribution in Pure Land Buddhism. San Antonio, TX : San Antonio Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193701
  • Sassu, Giovanni and Francesca Cappelletti, eds. Carlo Bononi : l’ultimo sognatore dell’Officina ferrarese. Ferrara : Fondazione Ferrara arte, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205375
  • Sbrzesny, Raphael. Raphael Sbrzesny : Service Continu – 7/7. Leipzig : Spector Books, c2017. HOLLIS 015185992
  • Scailliérez, Cécile, ed. François Ier et l’art des Pays-Bas. Paris : Somogy éditions d’art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205611
  • Scardi, Gabi, ed. Adrian Paci : the guardians. Milano : Mousse Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015177821
  • Schachter, Benjamin, author. Image, action, and idea in contemporary Jewish art. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015221608
  • Schad, Robert, 1953-. Robert Schad : durch Zeit und Raum. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015177133
  • Schenini, Elio, ed. Sulle vie dell’illuminazione : il mito dell’India nella cultura occidentale, 1808-2017. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205413
  • Scheuch, Heimo, Moritz Stipsicz, and Valerie Loudo. Insights : Wienerberger contemporary photography collection. Heidelberg : Kehrer, c2017. HOLLIS 015185985
  • Schimpf, Simone and Theres Rohde, eds. Out of office : Büro-Kunst, oder, Das Büro im Museum. Frankfurt am Main : Surface, c2017. HOLLIS 015184451
  • Schmelz, Itala and Daniel Garza Usabiaga . Fabiola Torres-Alzaga : entre actos. México, D.F. : Universidad Navional Autonoma de México, 2015. HOLLIS 015224820
  • Schmidt, Frank, ed. Schlaf : eine produktive Zeitverschwendung. Köln : Snoeck ; Bremen : Museen Böttcherstrasse, Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177134
  • Schneider, Anna, ed. Oscar Murillo. München : Stiftung Haus der Kunst, [2017]. HOLLIS 015193703
  • Schneider, Gregor, 1969- artist. Gregor Schneider : Kindergarten. Ciudad de México : MUAC, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM, 2017. HOLLIS 015235567
  • Scholz, Freimut. Neptun auf der Jagd nach Liebe und andere Göttergeschichten : die Puttenreliefs der Ziervasen im Nymphenburger Schlosspark. München : Franz Schiermeier Verlag, 2016. HOLLIS 015185993
  • Schoonmaker, Trevor, et al. Prospect.4 : the lotus in spite of the swamp, a project of Prospect New Orleans. New Orleans, LA : Prospect New Orleans ; Munich : DelMonico Books, an imprint of Prestel, a member of Verlagsgruupe Random House GmbH, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204434
  • Schreck, Hanna-Reetta. Minä maalaan kuin jumala Ellen Thesleffin elämä ja taide. Helsinki : Kustannusosakeyhtiö Teos, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204448
  • Schultes, Lothar. Pferde in der Kunst. Weitra : Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, [2017?]. HOLLIS 015204436
  • Schumacher, Andreas, Annette Kranz, and Annette Hojer, eds. Florentiner Malerei : Alte Pinakothek : die Gemälde des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. [München] : Alte Pinakothek ; Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185978
  • Schwanberg, Johanna, ed. Dom Museum Wien : art, religion, society. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190155
  • Schwanberg, Johanna, ed. Highlights of the Dom Museum Wien : historical treasures and key works of modernism. Berlin : De Gruyter ; Wien : Dom Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 015190161
  • Serres, Karen and Barnaby Wright, eds. Soutine’s portraits : cooks, waiters & bellboys. London : The Courtauld Gallery in association with Paul Holberton Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015221602
  • Serri, Chiara, et al. Fosco Grisendi : stand your ground. Albissola Marina (Savona) : Vanilla, [2014]. HOLLIS 015188521
  • Severi, Mauro, author. San Martino in Rio : la collegiata e la facciata del Piermarini. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205412
  • Sgarbi, Vittorio, Claudio Nembrini, and Ruggero Savinio. Gianfranco Bruno pittore : opere 1960-2013. Genova : Erga edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177823
  • Sha, Jiali, author. Ding yao ci qi tan suo yu jian shang = 定窑瓷器探索与鉴赏. Changsha : Hunan mei shu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015085481
  • Shabatura, Stefanii͡a. Neskorenyĭ dukh tvorchosti. Kyïv : Smoloskyp, 2017. HOLLIS 015259941
  • Shanxi li shi bo wu guan, ed. 2014 Shanxi li shi bo wu guan bi hua lun tan : “Quan Qiu Shi Ye Xia Zhongguo Gu Dai Bi Hua Bao Hu Yan Jiu” Guo Ji Xue Shu Yan Tao Hui lun wen ji = 2014陜西历史博物馆壁画论坛 : “全球视野下中国古代壁画保护研究”国际学术研讨会论文集 = The 2014 Mural Paintings Forum of Shaanxi History Museum : collected papers of International Conference on the Study of Chinese Ancient Mural Paintings Preventive Conservation From a Global Perspective. Xi’an Shi : San Qin chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833429
  • Shanxi Sheng kao gu yan jiu yuan, ed. Lintong Xinfeng : Zhan guo Qin Han mu zang kao gu fa jue bao gao = 临潼新丰 : 战国秦汉墓葬考古发掘报告. 北京 : 科学出版社, 2016. HOLLIS 015175577
  • Shapero, Natalie, Susan Stewart, Patricia C. Phillips, and Susan Lubowsky Talbott. Ann Hamilton : habitus. Philadelphia, PA : The Fabric Workshop and Museum ; Munich : DelMonico Books–Prestel, 2017. HOLLIS 015204419
  • Shaughnessy, Jonathan, et al. 2017 Canadian Biennial. Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada = Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 2017. HOLLIS 015221601
  • Shore, Robert (Robert M.), author. Beg, steal and borrow : artists against originality /!cRobert Shore. London, United Kingdom : Laurence King Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015185495
  • Shore, Stephen, 1947- artist, photographer. Stephen Shore. New York, New York : The Museum of Modern Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015207373
  • Sidner, Rob, Courtenay McGowen, Pratapaditya Pal, and John Gillow. Kantha : recycled and embroidered textiles of Bengal. Santa Fe, NM : Radius Books ; San Diego, CA : Mingei International Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214934
  • Siemon, Julia, ed. The Silver Caesars : a Renaissance mystery. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015236208
  • Siemoni, Valfredo, ed. Da Caravaggio, il San Giovanni Battista Costa e le sue copie : atti della giornata di studio – Empoli 11 aprile 2015. [Italy] : [publisher not identified], [2016]. HOLLIS 015205401
  • Siercke, Karen, et al. I morgen er aldrig en ny dag Tomorrow is never a new day. [Slangerup] : Ordskaelv, [2016]. HOLLIS 015204446
  • Simeti, Turi, 1929- artist. Turi Simeti : opere 1961-2017. Milano : Prearo editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015191227
  • Sitaramamma, J. (Jagarlamudi), author. History of Mahayana Buddhism : its art architecture and literature in Southeast Asia. Delhi : Agam Kala Prakashan, 2017. HOLLIS 014904401
  • Slaa, Willem te, Tonko Grever, and Quirine van Aerts. Ferdinand Bol : het huis, de collectie, de kunstenaar. [Zwolle] : WBooks : Museum Van Loon, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179027
  • Smerling, Walter and Ina Hesselmann, eds. Karl Fred Dahmen : das Prinzip Landschaft. Bonn : Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V. ; Köln : Wienand, [2017]. HOLLIS 015185987
  • Smith, Alison, Caroline Bugler, Susan Foister, and Anna Koopstra.. Reflections : Van Eyck and the Pre-Raphaelites. London : National Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 015193707
  • Smith, R. J., 1959- author. American witness : the art and life of Robert Frank. New York, NY : Da Capo Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015192761
  • Smolka, Wolfgang J., Claudius Stein, and Katharina Weigand, eds. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich : the main building. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015185989
  • Söderström, Göran, 1934- author. Strindbergs måleri. Stockholm : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204449
  • Spiess, Karl, 1891-1945. Karl Spiess, 1891-1945 : ein sächsischer Lichtbildner und seine Fotografien = a Saxon light artist and his photographs. Halle (Saale) : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015204429
  • Spoerri, Daniel, 1930- artist. Daniel Spoerri : Bronze Age. Milano : Mudima, [2016]. HOLLIS 015188530
  • Stamen, Jeffrey P., Cynthia Volk, and Yibin Ni. A culture revealed : Kangxi-era Chinese porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang collection = Wen cai zhuo ran : Jie rui tang cang Kangxi sheng shi ci = 文采卓然 : 潔蕊堂藏康熙盛世瓷 . [Boston] : Jieruitang Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015243727
  • Staubli, Corina, 1959-. Corina Staubli : beneath the skin. Stuttgart : Arnoldsche, c2017. HOLLIS 015190142
  • Steiger, Johann Anselm, author. Die Kanzel in St. Marien zu Rostock (1574/1723) : ein Kompendium des christlichen Glaubens in Bildern und Worten. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015186004
  • Steiner, Juri and Stefan Zweifel, eds. Phantom Dada : Flucht durch die Zeit, 1916/2016. Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, 2016. HOLLIS 015190173
  • Stern, Jean and Molly Siple. Painting California : seascapes and beach towns : paintings of the California Art Club. New York, NY : Skira Rizzoli, 2017. HOLLIS 015185497
  • Straub, Jan, 1948-. Die Heiliggeistkirche und das Burgerspital in Bern. Bern : GSK, Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte, c2017. HOLLIS 015177148
  • Strobel, Thomas, 1958- author. Otto Brückwald : ein vergessener Künstler und Architekt. Altenburg : E. Reinhold Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190151
  • Surliuga, Victoria, 1972- author. Ezio Gribaudo : il mio Pinocchio. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183424
  • Szech, Anna, ed. Paul Klee : the abstract dimension. Basel : Fondation Beyeler, [2017]. HOLLIS 015186002
  • Tamer, Marzio, artist. Marzio Tamer : pittore per natura = painter of nature. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205386
  • Tan, Boon Hui and Michelle Yun, eds. After darkness : Southeast Asian art in the wake of history. New York, NY : Asia Society Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015221600
  • Tempel, Benno, author. Art deco Paris. Zwolle : Waanders Uitgevers ; [Den Haag] : Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179034
  • Teodori, Brunella and Jennifer Celani, eds. Dall’asta al museo : Elia Volpi e Palazzo Davanzati nel collezionismo pubblico e privato del Novecento. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015137687
  • Thøgersen, Mette Ladegaard. Haven ved havet. [Kerteminde] : Oestfyns Museer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204442
  • Thun-Hohenstein, Christoph and Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel, eds. Ephemera : die Gebrauchsgrafik der MAK-Bibliothek und Kunstblättersammlung = the graphic design of the MAK library and works on paper collection. Wien : Verlag für moderne Kunst ; Wien : MAK, c2017. HOLLIS 015167067
  • Tihinen, Juha-Heikki, ed. Eva Törnwall-Collin. [Ekenäs] : Stiftelsen Pro Artibus, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204441
  • Timár, Endre and Maria Barnas. Mark Manders : Rokin fountain. Arnhem : Roma Publications, 2017. HOLLIS 015205590
  • Tinel, Koenraad, 1934- artist. Koenraad Tinel : CRUX. [Ghent, Belgium] : MER. Paper Kunsthalle, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205594
  • Tirapelli, Percival, ed. Fragmentos : coleções de Rafael Schunk e Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo. [São Paulo] : Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, 2016. HOLLIS 015224824
  • Tosetti Grandi, Paola, author. Il mecenatismo accademico dei Gonzaga e la loro cultura antiquaria e umanistica nel Cinquecento. Mantova : Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, 2016. HOLLIS 015052889
  • Trummer, Thomas D., ed . Das Reich ohne Mitte = The empire without a center. Wien : Verlag für moderne Kunst, [2017?]. HOLLIS 015190136
  • Tumanov, Rostislav, author. Das Kopenhagener Stundenbuch : Bildprogramm und Layout im Kontext spätmittelalterlicher Lektüre- und Andachtspraktiken. Köln : Böhlau Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015167078
  • Tummers, Anna, Elmer Kolfin, and Jasper Hillegers. De kunst van het lachen : humor in de Gouden Eeuw. Zwolle : Waanders Uitgevers ; Haarlem : Frans Hals Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015205572
  • Turnauer, Christine, 1946-. The dignity of the Gypsies. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, c2017. HOLLIS 015177135
  • Ufer, Walter, 1876-1936, artist. Walter Ufer : rise, fall, resurrection. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, [2014]. HOLLIS 015207377
  • Unbehaun, Lutz, ed. Schloss Heidecksburg : die Residenz der Grafen und Fürsten von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Rudolstadt : Thüringer Landesmuseum Heidecksburg Rudolstadt, 2016. HOLLIS 015177147
  • University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong. Ci yi dan qing : Linda ji jin zhen cang Jingdezhen dang dai gong yi da shi zhi tao ci gui bao = 瓷藝丹青 : 琳達基金珍藏景德鎮當代工藝大師之陶瓷瑰寶 /$$c香港大學美術博物館 = Painted ceramics : contemporary treasures by Jingdezhen’s national masters from the Lamda Foundation. Xianggang : Xianggang da xue mei shu bo wu guan, 2016. HOLLIS 015176775
  • Upritchard, Francis, 1976- artist. Francis Upritchard : Jealous Saboteurs. Melbourne : Monash University Musuem of Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 015214927
  • Utagawa, Kuniyoshi, 1798-1861, artist. Kuniyoshi : il visionario del mondo fluttuante. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015183427
  • Vacano, Paulo Lucas von. Cross the streets. Rome, Italy : Drago, 2017. HOLLIS 015191221
  • Valentini, Giuseppe, 1938- author. Il duomo di Milano : l’ultima delle grandi cattedrali gotiche. Torino : Lindau, settembre 2017. HOLLIS 015188531
  • Valjakka, Timo, ed. Kaikin tavoin uutta suomalaista kuvanveistoa = By any means : new Finnish sculpture. Helsinki : Parvs ; [Helsinki] : Yhteistyössä Raimo Utriaisen taidesäätiö, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204443
  • Vandi, Loretta, ed. Ornament and European modernism : from art practice to art history. New York ; London : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015207383
  • Varela Braga, Ariane, 1978- author. Une théorie universelle au milieu du XIXe siècle : la Grammar of ornament d’Owen Jones. Roma : Campisano editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015188532
  • Veiteberg, Jorunn. Kunstnardrivne visningsrom aarestadar for ny kunst. Oslo : Kulturradet ; Bergen : I kommisjon hos Fakbokforlaget, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204451
  • Veneziano, Giuseppe, 1971- artist. Giuseppe Veneziano : un artista contro. Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy : Contini galleria d’arte, [2014]. HOLLIS 015188533
  • Vermi, Arturo, 1928- artist. Arturo Vermi : figure in un tempo-spazio. [Poggibonsi] : Carlo Cambi editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 015205414
  • Vischer, Theodora, ed. Fondation Beyeler : the collection : with works and texts by the artists. Riehen : Fondation Beyeler ; Berlin : Hatje Cantz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204426
  • Vitellozzi, Paolo, author. Tesori di una collezione privata : intagli, cammei, gioielli, objets de vertu. Perugia : Volumnia editrice, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177811
  • Vlaming, Miriam, 1971-. Human nature : Miriam Vlaming. Bielefeld : Kerber, c2017. HOLLIS 015177144
  • Vos, Joanna De, ed. The artist/knight. [Lichtervelde] : Hannibal, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187009
  • Vries, Marietta de and Suzanna de Sitter, eds. Claudy Jongstra. Rotterdam : Nai010 Uitgevers, ©2017. HOLLIS 015187016
  • Wäcker-Babnik, Erika and Stefan Graupner, eds. Werner Mally : Restlicht : eine temporäre Gedenkskulptur. München : Deutscher Kunstverlag, ©2017. HOLLIS 015190153
  • Walker, Sophie, author. The Japanese garden. London ; New York, NY : Phaidon Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015249687
  • Wang, Eugene Yuejin. Shaping the Lotus Sutra : Buddhist visual culture in medieval China. Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press ; Chesham : Combined Academic [distributor], 2007. HOLLIS 015246910
  • Wang, Michelle C., author. Maṇḍalas in the making : the visual culture of esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2018. HOLLIS 015249320
  • Wang, Ping, ed. Han mo da zhou shu hua yi zhen = 翰墨达州 书画遗珍 . [China] : Sichuan ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015175614
  • Warmerdam, Mart, ed. Van Gogh in Haarlem : kunsthandel J.H. de Bois, 1913-1946. Haarlem : 99 Uitgevers/Publishers, [2017]. HOLLIS 015187017
  • Weber, C. Sylvia, ed. HAP Grieshaber und der Holzschnitt : Sammlung Würth und Leihgaben. Künzelsau : Swiridoff Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190144
  • Weber, C. Sylvia, ed. Verborgene Schätze aus Wien : Meisterwerke von Dürer, Botticelli, Rembrandt, Rubens, Amerling, Klimt und Hundertwasser u.a. : die Kunstsammlungen der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien zu Gast in der Kunsthalle Würth. Künzelsau : Swiridoff Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015190137
  • Welchman, John C., ed. Yoshua Okón : colateral = collateral. Ciudad de México : MUAC, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM : Editorial RM ; Puebla, Pue. México : Museo Amparo ; Barcelona : RM Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015235576
  • Wenley, Robert, Nina Cahill, and Rosalie Van Gulick. Pride & persecution : Jan Steen’s old testament scenes. Birmingham : The Barber Institute of Fine Arts ; London : Paul Holberton Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214936
  • Westerbeck, Colin and Joel Meyerowitz. Bystander : a history of street photography. London: Laurence King Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015192762
  • Wieczorek, Uwe, ed. Hilti Art Foundation : Kirchner, Léger, Scully & more : works from the collection. Zürich : Midas Verlag AG, [2017]. HOLLIS 015204430
  • Wiegand, Armin, author. Mehr als “schlicht”! : Klassizismus und Rundbogenstil am Beispiel der Kirchen in Kurhessen und Waldeck. Darmstadt : Theiss, 2017. HOLLIS 015186005
  • Wiley, Kehinde, 1977-. Kehinde Wiley. New York : Rizzoli, 2012. HOLLIS 013400521
  • Witschey, Erica, ed. Picasso, Lautrec. Madrid : Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, [2017]. HOLLIS 015217288
  • Woo, Ian, 1967- artist. Ian Woo : a review, 1995-2011. Singapore : Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, LASALLE College of the Arts, [2012]. HOLLIS 014131026
  • Wood, Jonas, 1977- artist. Clippings. New York : Karma, [2017]. HOLLIS 015214946
  • Wu Hong and Zheng Yan . Gu dai mu zang mei shu yan jiu = 古代墓葬美术研究 . Beijing : Wen wu chu ban she, 2011-. HOLLIS 012954019
  • Wünsche-Werdehausen, Elisabeth. Toskana. Ditzingen : Reclam, 2017. HOLLIS 015177137
  • Wye, Deborah, author, interviewer, organizer. Louise Bourgeois : an unfolding portrait : prints, books, and the creative process. New York, New York : The Museum of Modern Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015129609
  • Xu, Jiang and Li Jianhua. Shi ji Fengmian : Lin Fengmian hua chuan zhan = 世纪风眠 : 林风眠画传展 = Fengmian in the century : paintings from Lin Fengmian. Beijing: Zhongguo qing nian chu bao she, 2016. HOLLIS 014762817
  • Yang, Haegue and Franck Gautherot, eds. Haegue Yang : lingering nous. Dijon : Presses du Réel Editions, ©2017. HOLLIS 015205605
  • Ybarra Sastrústegui, Casilda, ed. Zuloaga en el París de la Belle Époque, 1889-1914. Madrid : Fundación MAPFRE, c2017. HOLLIS 015210302
  • Yeşilbaş, Evindar. Diyarbakır Köprüleri. Turkey : Bilgin Kültür Sanat, 2017. HOLLIS 015271726
  • Zaya, Octavio, Jorge Villacorta, Alexia Hochschild, et al. Próxima parada : artistas peruanos en la colección Hochschild = Next stop : Peruvian artists in the Hochschild collection. [Madrid, Spain] : [Communidad de Madrid], 2017. HOLLIS 015222865
  • Zhejiang mei shu guan, ed. Xin xiang, fei meng : Fu Juanfu de yi shu shi jie = 心香·飞梦 : 傅狷夫的艺术世界 = Fu Juanfu’s art world. Hangzhou Shi : Zhejiang ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015085466
  • Zhonghua shu ju bian ji bu, Haining Shi dang an xue hui, and Haining Shi dang an ju, eds. Song Yunbin jiu cang shu hua tu lu = 宋雲彬舊藏書畫圖錄 . Beijing Shi : Zhonghua shu ju, 2015. HOLLIS 014934881
  • Zhongshan da xue yi shu xue yan jiu zhong xin. Yi shu shi yan jiu = 藝術史硏究 = The study of art history. Guangzhou : Zhongshan da xue chu ban she, 1999-. HOLLIS 008754773
  • Zuckerman, Heidi, interviewer. Conversations with artists. Aspen, CO : Aspen Art Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015207376
  • Zuffi, Stafano, ed. Vite di Caravaggio : testimonianze e documenti. Milano : Abscondita, [2017]. HOLLIS 015177803
  • Zúñiga, Araceli and César Espinosa. La mirada transgresora : Bienales Internacionales de Poesía Visual, Experimental, 1985-2009. Ciudad de México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México : Museo Universitario del Chopo, 2017. HOLLIS 015215664