New Titles – December 2017

Color photo of Islamic titles of the dome

The Spring semester starts next week, so we will continue with our Winter recess hours (Monday through Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM; closed on the weekends) through January 21st. Normal library hours resume on Monday, January 22nd. Before term begins, come by and have a look at the new titles on display. New arrivals from December 2017 are listed alphabetically by author or editor below. Click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.

  • A.S Bruckstein Çoruh. A.K.A. House of Taswir. Fragments from our beautiful future : contemporary interventions in the Bumiller Collection #3 : Rebecca Raue & Steve Sabella. Bielefeld : Kerber, [2017]. HOLLIS 015110118
  • Abdülaziz, Sultan of the Turks, 1830-1876, artist. Eskizlerden tablolara ressam Sultan Abdülaziz. İstanbul : Uluslararası Kültür Sanat Derneǧi, 2013. HOLLIS 015209945
  • Acanfora, Elisa and Mauro Vincenzo Fontana, eds. Camillo d’Errico (1821-1897) e le rotte mediterranee del collezionismo ottocentesco. Foggia : Claudio Grenzi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015126098
  • Adams, Rachel, ed. Wanderlust : actions, traces, journeys, 1967-2017. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015134685
  • Aeschbacher, Ursi Anna. Zdevan Qumr, Stefan Kummer. Biel : Verlag die Brotsuppe, c2016. HOLLIS 015114799
  • Alkalimat, Abdul, Romi Crawford, and Rebecca Zorach, eds. The Wall of Respect : public art and Black liberation in 1960s Chicago. Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015136181
  • Amigo Cerisola, Roberto and Museo Histórico Municipal “Juan Martín de Pueyrredón”. Pintura republicana : colección del Museo Pueyrredón. [San Isidro] : Museo Histórico Municipal “Juan Martín de Pueyrredón” : Municipalidad de San Isidro, [2014]. HOLLIS 015139936
  • Añón, Horacio, artist. Añón, un diseñador en su tiempo : Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, mayo-junio-julio 2017. Montevideo, Uruguay : MNAV, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, MEC, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, [2017]. HOLLIS 015135824
  • Anzani, Giovanni and Elisabetta Chiodini, eds. Alle cucine economiche : un inedito di Angelo Morbelli. [Cornuda] : Antiga, [2017]. HOLLIS 015126097
  • Aramburu, Nekane and Cristina Agàpito, eds. Reproductibilitat 2.2 : colección olorVISUAL. [Palma de Mallorca] : Fundació Es Baluard, Museo d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma : [Santander] : Nocapaper, [2016]. HOLLIS 015167632
  • Ballestín Miguel, José María, author. Zaragoza según el plano de 1712 y su vecindario de 1723. Zaragoza : Institución Fernando El Católico, 2017. HOLLIS 015134744
  • Bambach, Carmen C.. Michelangelo : divine draftsman & designer. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015179931
  • Barlow, Clare, ed. Queer British art, 1861-1967. London : Tate Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015140435
  • Barraco, Daniel, 1956-. Noche de circo : fotografías de Daniel Barraco. Mendoza : Del Amante Universal, 2016. HOLLIS 015117849
  • Bear, Jordan and Kate Palmer Albers, eds. Before-and-after photography : histories and contexts. London, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017. HOLLIS 015092197
  • Becker, Jürgen, ed. Klaus Hartmann Candy Station. Hamburg : Textem Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015114785
  • Beirendonck, Walter van, ed. Powermask : the power of masks. [Tielt] : Lanoo Books, c2017. HOLLIS 015119750
  • Belgin, Tayfun, et al., eds. Back to Paradise : Meisterwerke des Expressionismus aus dem Aargauer Kunsthaus und dem Osthaus Museum Hagen. München : Hirmer, c2017. HOLLIS 015114803
  • Bellini, Andrea, ed. Biennale de l’Image en mouvement 2016. Genève : Centre d’art contemporain Genève : Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015133441
  • Betz, Juliane, author. Le Chant du cygne : die Gazette des Beaux-Arts und die französische Reproduktionsgraphik in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Merzhausen : Ad picturam Fachverlag für kunstwissenschaftliche Literatur, [2016]. HOLLIS 015114804
  • Beuckers, Klaus Gereon and Dorothee Kemper, eds. Typen mittelalterlicher Reliquiare zwischen Innovation und Tradition : Beiträge einer Tagung des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel am 22. Oktober 2016. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner ; Hildesheim : Bernward.Medien, 2017. HOLLIS 015114796
  • Bickerton, Ashley, 1959- author. Ashley Bickerton : ornamental hysteria. London : Newport Street Gallery : Other Criteria, [2017]. HOLLIS 015129621
  • Bolgia, Claudia, author. Reclaiming the Roman Capitol : Santa Maria in Aracoeli from the Altar of Augustus to the Franciscans, c.500-1450. London ; New York : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 015129628
  • Bonomi, Giorgio, ed. Al di qua del muro : estroflessione, disseminazione, monocromia. Legnago (VR) : FerrarinArte, [2017]. HOLLIS 015126096
  • Bouras, Charalampos, author. Byzantine Athens, 10th-12th centuries. London : New York : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group ; Athens : Benaki Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 014934953
  • Bourke, Joanna, ed. War and art : a visual history of modern conflict. London : Reaktion Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015168749
  • Brătescu, Geta. Apparitions. London : Koenig Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015114783
  • Budé, Franz, et al. Look at me and see what I could not (yet) see : Gilbert De Bontridder through the eyes of Sara Bachour & Joep Hinssen, Maarten Davidse & Simon Weins, Studio Oneindigheid (Charlotte Lagro, Chaim van Luit, Joep Vossebeld), Tim Rutten & Roel Pansters, Krist Gruijthuijsen. Maastricht : Bonnefantenmuseum, c2017. HOLLIS 015119751
  • Buhmann, Stephanie, interviewer, editor. Berlin studio conversations : twenty women talk about art. Berlin : The Green Box, [2017]. HOLLIS 015110115
  • Canet, Nicole, author. Le voyage amoureux : beautés orientales – Ouled-Naïls – courtisanes, 1870-1960. Paris : Galerie au bonheur du jour, [2010]. HOLLIS 015214167
  • Caruso, Leonardo Alberto, ed. Genova e la musicalità nelle opere di Nevio Zanardi. Genova : Erga edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015133444
  • Cassinelli, Daniele, Sergio Rebora, and Giorgio Sassi, eds. Immagini nel tempo : fotografi e fotografia a Varese tra ‘800 e ‘900. Milano : Scalpendi editore, maggio 2017. HOLLIS 015126101
  • Cavalletti, Lavinia. I mosaici di Augusto Sezanne per la Cappella Stucky a Venezia : il restauro. Padova : Linea Edizioni, 2017. HOLLIS 015133446
  • Chadō Shiryōkan (Kyoto, Japan). Kōrai chawan : gohon to sono shūhen : Heisei 4-nen shūki tokubetsuten = 高麗茶碗 : 御本とその周辺: 平成4年秋季特別展. Kyōto-shi : Chadō Shiryōkan, Heisei 4 [1992]. HOLLIS 09928012
  • Chaisemartin, Nathalie de and Dinu Theodorescu . Le théâtre d’Aphrodisias : les structures scéniques. Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015091862
  • Chapman, Caroline, 1941- author. Eighteenth-century women artists : their trials, tribulations & triumphs. London : Unicorn, an imprint of Unicorn Publishing Group LLP, 2017. HOLLIS 015092196
  • Chapman, Martin. The sculpture of Auguste Rodin at the Legion of Honor. San Francisco : Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor ; Munich : Delmonico Books, Prestel, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114811
  • Çobanoğlu, Ahmet Vefa, ed. İstanbul’un renkli hazineleri : Bizans mozaiklerinden Osmanlı çinilerine. İstanbul : İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür A.Ş., 2016. HOLLIS 015210399
  • Compton, Stephen C., author. Jugtown Pottery 1917-2017 : a century of art and craft in clay. Winston-Salem, North Carolina : John F. Blair, Publisher, [2017]. HOLLIS 015091482
  • Cooper, Henry, ed. The Cubism seminars. Washington, DC : National Gallery of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015219038
  • Cooper, Tarnya and Charlotte Bolland. The encounter : drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt. London : National Portrait Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015180807
  • Cornwall, Debi, 1973- photographer. Welcome to Camp America : inside G[uantánam]o Bay. Santa Fe, NM : Radius Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015129630
  • Cortez, Constance and Hal Glicksman, eds. Aztlán to Magulandia : the journey of Chicano artist Gilbert “Magu” Luján. Irvine : Universtiy Art Galleries, University of California : Munich : DelMonico Books, Prestel, 2017. HOLLIS 015114802
  • Cosma, Alessandro and Silvia Pedone, eds. Storie di Palazzo Corsini : protagonisti e vicende nell’Ottocento. Roma : Campisano editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 015126107
  • Cross, Susan and Sarah Crowner, eds. Sarah Crowner. Munich, Germany : DelMonico Books/Prestel ; North Adams, Massachusetts : MASS MoCA, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114792
  • Dahm, Friedrich, ed. Die Josephskapelle in der Wiener Hofburg. [Wien] : Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, BDA Bundesdenkmalamt ; Horn : Verlag Berger, 2016. HOLLIS 015110122
  • Daiber, Steven, Norberto Marrero Pírez, et al. Privacidad. La Habana, Cuba : Yamilys Brito Jorge ; Florence, MA : Red Trillium Press, 2011. HOLLIS 015220117
  • De Fazio, Giuseppe, 1955- artist. Giuseppe De Fazio : grumi contratti di senso. Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2017]. HOLLIS 015133442
  • Decker, Julie, ed. North : finding place in Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska : Anchorage Museum ; Seattle and London : University of Washington, 2017. HOLLIS 015170368
  • Decker, Julie, et al. Unsettled : Art + Environment Conference 2017. Munich : Hirmer ; Reno : Nevada Museum of Art, c2017. HOLLIS 015114797
  • Demand, Thomas, 1964- artist. The boat is leaking : the captain lied. Milan : Fondazione Prada, [2017]. HOLLIS 015126100
  • Demand, Thomas, Laura Owens, Jorge Pardo, Jordan Wolfson, and Christopher Wool. Michel Majerus on aluminum. Berlin : Distanz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114809
  • Dercon, Chris, Helen Sainsbury, and Wolfgang Tillmans, eds. Wolfgang Tillmans 2017. London : Tate Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015134684
  • Di Stefano, Mariana, ed. La escritura de la crítica de artes : pautas para la formación profesional. Buenos Aires, República Argentina : Editorial Biblos, 2013. HOLLIS 015117700
  • Dillemuth, Stephan, 1954-. Stephan Dillemuth : Schall & Rauch : eine Revue in Bildern. Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2017. HOLLIS 015110128
  • Dorn, Lydia Rosía, author. Diplomatenporträts der Frühen Neuzeit : Botschafter und Gesandte in der Malerei von Tizian über Van Dyck bis Aved. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015105584
  • Eisenman, Stephen F. . William Blake and the Age of Aquarius. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press ; [Place of publication not identified] : Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, 2017. HOLLIS 015134689
  • Ekman, Marie-Louise, 1944-. Marie-Louise Ekman. Stockholm : Moderna Museet ; London : Koenig Books, c2017. HOLLIS 015110125
  • Emin, Tracey, 1963-. Tracey Emin : works 2007-2017. New York : Rizzoli, 2017. HOLLIS 015174420
  • Erbaş, Deniz, ed. Sanat üretenler, sanat öğretenler : cumhuriyet’in yükseköğretim kurumlarında sanatçı kuşakları yetiştiren eğitimci sanatçılar üzerine bir seçki = Art creators/art educators : a selection over the educator artists who have taught artist generations in the higher education institutions of the Republic / metin yazarı: Deniz Erbaş ; editör: Deniz Erbaş ; çevirmen: Kemal Taşkıran. İstanbul : Türkiye Iş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2015. HOLLIS 015210088
  • Erfan, Frantsysk, ed. Ĭosyf Bokshaĭ : khudoz͡hnyk pravdy, li͡udyna pravdy = Josif Bokshaj : The Painter of Truth, The Man of Truth. Uz͡hhorod : Vseukraïnsʹke derz͡havne vydavnyt͡stvo “Karpaty”, 2016. HOLLIS 015222489
  • Erickson, Ruth, author, curator. Mark Dion : misadventures of a 21st-century naturalist. Boston : Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston ; New Haven ; London : In association with Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015140439
  • Erwitt, Elliott. Cuba : Elliott Erwitt. Kempen : TeNeues, c2017. HOLLIS 015114805
  • Evans, David, 1929-1988. David Evans (1929-1988). [London?] : Liss Llewellyn Fine Art, 2017. HOLLIS 015134693
  • Exner, Andreas and David Pestorius, eds. Derivan Matisse Yellow LT Peugeot 504 : angewandte monochrome Malerei = applied monochrome painting = peinture monochrome appliquée. Frankfurt am Main : Kann-Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015114806
  • Fetting, Rainer, 1949- artist. Rainer Fetting : taxis, monsters and the good old sea. Berlin : Distanz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015110127
  • FICTILIS, ed. Museum of capitalism. New York, NY : Inventory Press, LLC, [2017]. HOLLIS 015061784
  • Findlay, James A. and Ellen G.K. Rubin. Pop-ups, illustrated books, and graphic designs of Czech artist and paper engineer, Vojtěch Kubašta (1914-1992). Fort Lauderdale, Fla. : Bienes Center for the Literary Arts, 2005. HOLLIS 015205896
  • Finessi, Beppe, ed. Fare luce = Shedding light. [Mantua] : Corraini edizioni, marzo 2017. HOLLIS 015133443
  • Fischer, Sören, ed. Egbert Kasper : Zeichnungen 1993-2017 : eine Publikation des Landkreises Görlitz und der Städtischen Sammlungen Kamenz zu Ehren des 60. Geburtstags des Künstlers. Kamenz : Städtische Sammlungen Kamenz, 2017. HOLLIS 015110116
  • Foret, Joseph. L’Apocalypse; livre unique, poids: 210 kg., prix: 2 millions d’anciens francs. Imaginé et réalisé de 1958 à 1961 par Joseph Foret. Exposition mai – juillet 1962, Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André. Catalogue. [Paris], [J. Foret], [1962]. HOLLIS 01576114
  • Fox, Howard N., ed. Playing with fire : paintings by Carlos Almaraz. Los Angeles : Los Angeles County Museum of Art ; Munich ; New York : DelMonico Books, an imprint of Prestel Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114789
  • Fraire, Cristina, photographer. La vida austera. Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones Larivière, [2016]. HOLLIS 015117701
  • Frojmovic, Eva and Catherine E. Karkov, eds. Postcolonising the medieval image. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 015026949
  • Fujisawa, Murasaki, ed. Suzuki Harunobu = 鈴木春信 . Tōkyō : Heibonsha, 2017. HOLLIS 015127803
  • Gaballo, Marcello, ed. Decor Carmeli : il convento, la chiesa e la confraternita del Carmine di Nardò. Galatina (Le) : Mario Congedo editore, 2017. HOLLIS 015126099
  • Galerie au bonheur du jour. Gloedeneries caravagesques :von Gloeden, von Plüschow, Vincenzo Galdi : photographies fin XIXe : exposition du 21 septembre au 29 octobre 2005 … Galerie Au bonheur du jour … Paris. Paris (11 rue Chabanais, 75002) :N. Canet-Galerie Au bonheur du jour, 2005. HOLLIS 015215267
  • Ganteaume, Cécile R., author. Officially Indian : symbols that define the United States. Washington, DC : National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, 2017. HOLLIS 015134701
  • Garvey, Susan Gibson and Andrea Kunard. Marlene Creates : places, paths, and pauses a retrospective. Fredericton : Goose Lane Editions, 2017. HOLLIS 015134698
  • Giloy-Hirtz, Petra. Elke Härtel : Rapunzel : Genese einer Skulptur = genesis of a sculpture. München : Hirmer, c2017. HOLLIS 015110117
  • Giron, Mónica. Modelo de ejercicios terrestres. Buenos Aires : Arta Ediciones, [2016]. HOLLIS 015139938
  • Globus, Doro and Karsten Schubert, eds. About Bridget Riley : selected writings 1999-2016. London : Ridinghouse, 2017. HOLLIS 015136179
  • Gloeden, Wilhelm von, Baron, 1856-1931. Von Gloeden : ieri e oggi : Von Gloeden yesterday and today. Milano, Italy : Babilonia Edizioni, ©1993. HOLLIS 015215306
  • Godfrey, Mark and Zoé Whitley, eds. Soul of a nation : art in the age of Black power. London : Tate Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015129606
  • Golaz, Anne, 1983- artist, photographer, writer of texts. Corbeau. London : MACK, [2017]. HOLLIS 015129629
  • González Durán, Yerandee, artist. What Hath God Wrought : Stamp Album. La Habana, Cuba : [Published by the author?], 2017. HOLLIS 015220129
  • Gustafson, Donna and Andrés Mario Zervigón. Subjective objective : a century of social photography. Munich, Germany : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114813
  • Gutgesell, Natalie, 1972- author. Alexandra von Berckholtz : Malerin und Mäzenin im 19. Jahrhundert. Halle : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015110119
  • Hasenöhrl, Josef, 1954- artist. Josef Hasenöhrl : Holzbilder. [Wiener Neustadt] : Edition Fantart, 2017. HOLLIS 015110121
  • Heinrich, Jürgen (Art therapist), artist. Jürgen Heinrich : Im Labyrinth. Bielefeld : Kerber, [2017]. HOLLIS 015110123
  • Herkenhoff, Paulo, author. Mulheres do presente, a clareza entre sombras. São Paulo, Brazil : Instituto Tomie Ohtake, 2016. HOLLIS 015141661
  • Hernandez, Robb, Tyler Stallings, and Joanna Szupinska-Myers. Mundos alternos : art and science fiction in the Americas. [Riverside] : UCR ARTSblock, University of California, Riverside, [2017]. HOLLIS 015134692
  • Heroven, Catalina and Dagmar Korbacher, eds. Wir geben den Ton an : Bilder der Musik von Mantegna bis Matisse : eine Sommerausstellung im Kupferstichkabinett : Kupferstichkabinett – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 21. Juli-5. November 2017 = We set the tone : picturing music from Mantegna to Matisse. [Berlin] : Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ; Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015114798
  • Hilditch, Lynn, author. Lee Miller, photography, surrealism and the Second World War : from Vogue to Dachau. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015136182
  • Hli͡uk, Havrylo, 1912-1983, artist. Zasluz͡henyĭ dii͡ach mystet͡stv URSR Hli͡uk Havrylo Martynovych (1912-1983) : z͡hyvopys, hrafika. Kyïv : Novyĭ druk, 2007. HOLLIS 015214147
  • Hockney, David, artist. David Hockney. London : Tate Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 015001836
  • Hollstein, F. W. H. The new Hollstein : Dutch & Flemish etchings, engravings, and woodcuts, 1450-1700. Roosendall, Netherlands : Koninklijke van Poll in cooperation with the Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum, 1993-. Additional volume: v. 33, Abraham de Bruijn, pts. 1-2. HOLLIS 005554985
  • Howe, Jeffrey, ed. Nature’s mirror : reality and symbol in Belgian landscape. [Chestnut Hill, Mass.] : McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College [2017]. HOLLIS 015140440
  • Isaacson, Walter, author. Leonardo da Vinci. New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, [2017]. HOLLIS 015180558
  • Jahn, Andrea, Amelia Kutschbach, and Russell Maltz, eds. Russell Maltz. Bielefeld : Kerber, c2017. HOLLIS 015120276
  • KAI 10 / Arthena Foundation, Galerie Guido W. Baudach, and SVIT (Prague, Czech Republic), eds. Metamorphosis : Habima Fuchs, Thomas Helbig, Renaud Jerez, Kris Lemsalu, Mary-Audrey Ramirez. Berlin : Distanz ; Berlin : Gestalten, distributor, c2017. HOLLIS 015110126
  • Kayser, Christian and Ekkehard Mai, eds. Späte Grand Tour : Reisebriefe des Malers Hermann F. Plüddemann (1809-1868) aus der Schweiz und Italien. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015114793
  • Kellein, Thomas, ed. Shirin Neshat : the home of my eyes : in Venice, Museo Correr. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2017. HOLLIS 015114812
  • Kisters, Sandra, author. The lure of the biographical : on the (self-)representation of modern artists. Amsterdam : Valiz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015119752
  • Kluz, Ed, artist. The lost house revisited. London ; New York : Merrell Publishers Limited, 2017. HOLLIS 015174421
  • Klymenko, Oleksandr, author. New horizons : painting and texts : transcendental art = Novye gorizonty : zhivopisʹ i teksty : transt͡sendentnoe iskusstvo. Kyiv : Oranta, 2007. HOLLIS 015214205
  • Koopstra, Anna, author. Giovanni da Rimini : Scenes from the lives of the virgin and other saints. London : National Gallery Company Limited, 2017. HOLLIS 015142656
  • Krejs, Christiane, ed. Lightness and matter : matter and lightness. [Wien] : Kunstraum Niederösterreich : Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2017. HOLLIS 015120273
  • Kvapilová, Ludmila, author. Vesperbilder in Bayern : von 1380 bis 1430 zwischen Import und einheimischer Produktion. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015110124
  • Lacagnina, Davide, ed. Vittorio Pica e la ricerca della modernità : critica artistica e cultura internazionale. Milano : Mimesis, [2016]. HOLLIS 015126102
  • Lacher, Reimar F., ed. Harz und Arkadien : Pascha Johann Friedrich Weitsch (1723-1803), Landschaftsmaler der Aufklärung : Katalog zur Ausstellung im Gleimhaus Halberstadt. Halle (Saale) : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015110120
  • Lack, H. Walter, author. The Bauers : Joseph, Franz & Ferdinand : masters of botanical illustration : an illustrated biography. Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, [2015]. HOLLIS 014363588
  • Lambie, Jim, 1964- artist. Jim Lambie. New York, NY : Skira Rizzoli, 2017. HOLLIS 015128908
  • Landfester, Manfred, Hubert Cancik, and Helmuth Schneider, eds. Brill’s New Pauly : encyclopaedia of the ancient world : Classical tradition. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2006-2011. HOLLIS 010101303
  • LDXArtodrome Gallery. Edition V : Katalog der LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin, Malta, Hongkong. Berlin : Artodrome, [2016]. HOLLIS 015120268
  • Lebensztejn, Jean-Claude, author. Pissing figures 1280-2014. New York : David Zwirner Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015134703
  • Lebrero, Cecilia, ed. Hablando con las paredes : el Museo Pueyrredón, la casa y su gente. Acassuso, Buenos Aires, Argentina : Museo Pueyrredón ; [San Isidro, Argentina] : SI, San Isidro, Municipio, [2017]. HOLLIS 015140039
  • LeGrove, Judith, author. Geoffrey Clarke : a sculptor’s materials. Bristol : Sansom & Company, a publishing imprint of Redcliffe Press Ltd., 2017. HOLLIS 015136183
  • Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie und Konservierungswissenschaft, Technische Universität München, et al., eds. Inkarnat und Signifikanz das menschliche Abbild in der Tafelmalerei von 200 bis 1250 im Mittelmeerraum. München : Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 2017. HOLLIS 015120270
  • Liedmann, Mareike and Verena Smit, eds. Zugänge zu Archäologie, Bauforschung und Kunstgeschichte – nicht nur in Westfalen : Festschrift für Uwe Lobbedey zum 80. Geburtstag. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015110131
  • Lindman, Erik, 1985- artist. Blanks. Paris : Almine Rech Gallery, [2015]. HOLLIS 015119749
  • López, Marcos. Premio Ediciones Larivière : Festival de la Luz 2016 : descubrimientos. C.A.B.A. : Ediciones Lariviére, [2016]. HOLLIS 015140038
  • Lynn, Eleri, author. Tudor fashion. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015123475
  • Marciari, John, author. Art of Renaissance Rome : artists and patrons in the Eternal City. London : Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 015128906
  • Marrero, Norberto, 1966- artist. Un cuento de hadas. [La Habana, Cuba] : [Red Trillium Press], [2012]. HOLLIS 015220147
  • Martine, David Bunn. No reservation : New York contemporary Native American art movement. New York : AMERINDA, [2017]. HOLLIS 015129631
  • McBreen, Ellen and Helen Burnham . Matisse in the studio. Boston, Massachusetts : MFA publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956137
  • Michel, Alice, author. Degas and his model. New York : David Zwirner Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015134704
  • Miyaji, Akira, Hida Romi, and Itakura Masaaki, eds. Higashi Ajia. I, Gokan, Sangoku, Nanbokuchō = 東アジア. I, 後漢・三国・南北朝. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Chūō Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan, 2017. HOLLIS 015085289
  • Mohebbi, Sohrab and Ruth Estévez, eds. Hotel theory reader. Vancouver, BC : Fillip Editions ; Los Angeles, CA : Redcat, 2016. HOLLIS 015134696
  • Morales Cano, Sonia, author. La escultura funeraria gótica : Castilla La Mancha. Madrid : Sílex, [2017]. HOLLIS 015167630
  • Morgan Evans, Thomas, author. 3D Warhol : Andy Warhol and sculpture. London : I.B. Tauris, 2017. HOLLIS 015090503
  • Moser, Walter, ed. Österreich : Fotografie 1970-2000. Wien : Albertina : Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114810
  • Mulryne, J.R., Krista De Jonge, Pieter Martens, and R.L.M., eds. Architectures of festival in early modern Europe : fashioning and re-fashioning urban and courtly space. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015218874
  • Mury, Francine, artist. Francine Mury : derive di tempo e di memorie. Arezzo : Magonza, [2017]. HOLLIS 015126103
  • Mus, Eva, 1940- artist. Eva Mus : retrospectiva. Valencia : Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana, [2016]. HOLLIS 015173398
  • Museo de Arte Moderno (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Pierrick Sorin. Buenos Aires : Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, [2011?]. HOLLIS 015117703
  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Richard Serra : drawings 2015-2017 : rambles, composites, Rotterdam verticals, Rotterdam horizontals, rifts : Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. New York, NY : Gagosian ; Göttingen, Germany : Steidl, [2017]. HOLLIS 015120275
  • Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, ed. Genshin : jigoku gokuraku e no tobira : issen nenki tokubetsuten = 源信 : 地獄極楽への扉 : 一〇〇〇年忌特別展 . [Japan] : Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan : Asahi Shinbunsha, Heisei 29 [2017]. HOLLIS 015127815
  • Navareño Mateos, Antonio and Pedro F. Osona Romanillos. Historia y arte del cementerio sacramental de San Lorenzo de Madrid. Madrid : Archicofradía Sacramental de San Lorenzo, 2016. HOLLIS 015173399
  • Navarrete, Carmen and Juan Vicente Aliaga, eds. Producción artística en tiempos del precariado laboral. Ciempozuelos (Madrid) : Tierradenadie ediciones, [2017]. HOLLIS 015167631
  • Njami, Simon, ed. Afriques capitales = Capital Africas. Heidelberg : Kehrer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015120266
  • Oddo, Licia and Jorge Facio Lince, eds. Quirino De Ieso : il maestro del retinato. [Milan] : Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015133448
  • Okazaki-shi Bijutsu Hakubutsukan, ed. Ieyasu no shōzō to Tōshōgū shinkō : tokubetsu kikakuten = 家康の肖像と東照宮信仰 : 特別企画展 . Aichi-ken Okazaki-shi : Okazaki-shi Bijutsu Hakubutsukan, 2017. HOLLIS 015085295
  • Ovsi͡annykov, O. and S. Tarasenko, eds. Nebo na zemli : ikonopysna maĭsterni͡a = Heaven on earth. [Place of publication not identified], [publisher not identified], [2011]. HOLLIS 015214183
  • Paladino, Mimmo, 1948- artist. Mimmo Paladino. Milano, Italy : Skira, 2017. HOLLIS 015126104
  • Paoli, Marco, author. Botticelli : Venere e Marte : parodia di un adulterio nella Firenze di Lorenzo il Magnifico. Pisa : Edizioni ETS, [2017]. HOLLIS 015106487
  • Pasini, Maria Paola, author. Capolavori in guerra : il salvataggio dell’arte bresciana durante i conflitti del Novecento. Brescia : Morcelliana, [2016]. HOLLIS 015133447
  • Pauwels, Yves. L’architecture et le livre en France à la Renaissance : une “magnifique décadence”?. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2013. HOLLIS 015183567
  • Pavlenko, Natali͡a, artist. Natalka Pavlenko : alʹbom. Kyiv : [publisher not identified], 2009. HOLLIS 015214226
  • Pchaiek, Christina. Die Modellsammlung heiliger Stätten aus der Zeit von 1696 bis 1732 im Fürst Thurn und Taxis Zentralarchiv : Studien zur ihrer Geschichte, Funktion und Gestaltung. Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, c2017. HOLLIS 015120274
  • Peer, Peter, ed. Kampf und Leidenschaft : japanische Farbholzschnitte : 07. April bis 20. August 2017. Graz : Neue Galerie, Universalmuseum Joanneum, c2017. HOLLIS 015114784
  • Pelizzari, Maria Antonella, ed. Framing community : Magnum Photos, 1947-present. Munich : Hirmer Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015114807
  • Penone, Giuseppe, artist. Giuseppe Penone matrice. Milano : Rizzoli, [2017]. HOLLIS 015129620
  • Petrus, Marco, 1960- artist. Marco Petrus : matrici. Venezia : Marsilio, giugno 2017. HOLLIS 015126105
  • Pirovano, Carlo, ed. Longaretti : catalogo generale della pittura. Milano : Electa, 2014-. HOLLIS 015133445
  • Pitta, Matheus Rocha, 1980- artist. Matheus Rocha Pitta : aos vencedores as batatas. Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, c2017. HOLLIS 015114788
  • Puig, Herman, ed. Von Gloeden et le XIXe siècle : Eugène Durieu, Charles Simart, Guglielmo Marconi, Vincenzo Galdi, Guglielmo Pluschow, Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden, auteurs anonymes. Paris : H. Puig : Distribution, Creatis, ©1980. HOLLIS 015215310
  • Quarenghi, Giacomo, 1744-1817, architect. Giacomo Quarenghi : l’architetto degli zar. Zanica (BG) Italy : Museum Book, June 2017. HOLLIS 015126106
  • Rafael, Marie-France, author. Reisen ins Imaginativ : künstlerische Situationen und Displays. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114790
  • Ratković-Bukovčan, Lada. Glass of antiquity in the Mimara Museum. Zagreb, Croatia : Muzej Mimara, 2006. HOLLIS 011425918
  • Raymond, Claire, 1967- author. Women photographers and feminist aesthetics. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 015118338
  • Rivas, Silvia, 1957- artist. Silvia Rivas : trabajos, textos y proyectos = works, texts and projects. Buenos Aires, Argentina : ARTA Ediciones, [2016]. HOLLIS 015139937
  • Rizvi, Kishwar, ed. Affect, emotion, and subjectivity in early modern Muslim Empires : new studies in Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal art and culture. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2018]. HOLLIS 015026791
  • Rollig, Stella and Harald Krejci, eds. Roland Kollnitz/Hermann Bayer Zufallsbekanntschaft = Chance acquaintance. Wien : 21, [2017]. HOLLIS 015105292
  • Rollig, Stella and Tobias G. Natter, eds. Klimt and antiquity : erotic encounters. Munich : Prestel ; Vienna : Belvedere, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114786
  • Romberg, Marion, 1979-. Die Welt im Dienst des Glaubens : Erdteilallegorien in Dorfkirchen auf dem Gebiet des Fürstbistums Augsburg im 18. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015114791
  • Ros de Barbero, Almudena, ed. Colección Alicia Koplowitz : Grupo Omega Capital. Bilbao : Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoa = Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao : [Madrid] : Ediciones El Viso, c2017. HOLLIS 015173397
  • Rüber-Schütte, Elisabeth, ed. Der Reliquienfund aus der Pfarrkirche St. Crucis in Görschen. Halle (Saale) : Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, [2017]. HOLLIS 015105586
  • Rüber-Schütte, Elisabeth, ed. Lucas Cranach in Sachsen-Anhalt : Forschungen und Berichte aus der Denkmalpflege. Halle (Saale) : Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, [2016]. HOLLIS 015105585
  • Ruiz de Samaniego, Alberto. Cuerpos a la deriva. Madrid : Abada Editores, 2017. HOLLIS 015167633
  • Russek, Janet, photographer. Remnants : photographs of the Lower East Side. Santa Fe, NM : Radius Books [2017]. HOLLIS 015134706
  • Sáez, Manuel, 1961- artist. Por las ramas. València : Universitat de València, [2017]. HOLLIS 015173400
  • Safronova, Yevgeniya, 1977-. Yevgeniya Safronova : spaces. Bielefeld : Kerber, c2017. HOLLIS 015110130
  • Sagradini, Mario, 1946- artist. Vademecum : (con la gentil participación de Lucía y Mario). Montevideo, Uruguay : Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, [2016]. HOLLIS 015135803
  • Saint Non, Jean Claude Richard de and Fragonard, Jean-Honoré. Panopticon italiano : un diario di viaggio ritrovato, 1759-1761. Roma : Elefante, ©2000. HOLLIS 015129164
  • Sala, Teresa-M., author. Visions dels Pirineus : entre la Renaixença i el Modernisme. Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona Edicions, [2017]. HOLLIS 015173401
  • Sarralde, Ruben, artist. Sarralde. [Uruguay] : Funcación Sarralde ; [Buenos Aires?] : Mar Dulce, 2017. HOLLIS 015135785
  • Schaschl, Sabine and René Zechlin, eds. Tomás Saraceno : aerosolar journeys. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114794
  • Scheibitz, Thomas, 1968-. Frank\\Thomas Scheibitz. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2017. HOLLIS 015120269
  • Schneider, Betsy, photographer. To Be Thirteen. Santa Fe, NY : Radius Books ; 2017. HOLLIS 015129622
  • Schulenburg, Stephen von der and Matthias Wagner, eds. Yokohama 1868-1912 : Als die bilder leuchten lernten = when pictures learned to shine. Frankfurt am Main : Museum Angewandte Kunst, [2016]. HOLLIS 015120279
  • Schwartz, Alexandra, author. As in nature : Helen Frankenthaler paintings. Williamstown, Massachusetts : Clark Art Institute, [2017]. HOLLIS 015134700
  • Serrell, Beverly, 1943- author. Exhibit labels : an interpretive approach. Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015]. HOLLIS 014526033
  • Shaw, Tate, author. Blurred library : essays on artists’ books. Victoria, TX : Cuneiform Press, University of Houston-Victoria [2016]. HOLLIS 015128907
  • Shields, Scott A., author. E. Charlton Fortune : the colorful spirit. Portland, Oregon : Pomegranate, 2017. HOLLIS 015134691
  • Shields, Scott A., author. Richard Diebenkorn : beginnings, 1942-1955. Portland, Oregon : Pomegranate, 2017. HOLLIS 015134690
  • Signori, Alain, 1962-. Alain Signori : Kopfbilder – Resonanzraum des Unbewussten : Ausstellungskatalog. Düsseldorf : Edition Virgines, 2017. HOLLIS 015120267
  • Sillman, Amy, artist. Amy Sillman : the all-over. Brooklyn, NY : Dancing Foxes Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015134697
  • Silvestri, Maria, author. Francesco Marino di Teana : 1920-1957, da Teana alla Galleria Denise René. Venosa (Pz) : Osanna edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015133449
  • Spicolli, Tomás. Bazofia. [Temperley, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina?] : Tren en Movimiento, [2010?]. HOLLIS 015140041
  • Stupía, Eduardo, artist. Stupía : fósiles y sedimentos. Buenos Aires, Argentina : Galería Jorge Mara La Ruche, [2016]. HOLLIS 015117704
  • Stupía, Eduardo, ed. Felipe Pino : Químicamente puro : pinturas 1970-2011 : del 7 de junio al 21 de julio de 2012. Buenos Aires : Fundación OSDE, 2012. HOLLIS 015140040
  • Succi, Dario, author. Il Bucintoro nella grande arte della Serenissima. [Treviso] : Zel Edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015133411
  • Sultan, Terrie, 1952- author. From lens to eye to hand : photorealism 1969 to today. Munich : Prestel Verlag ; Water Mill, New York : Parrish Art Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 015114808
  • Tate Gallery Liverpool and Modern Art Oxford. We can’t stop thinking about the future : artist Aleksandra Mir speaks with the space world. [London, UK] : Strange Attractor Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015134699
  • Testaferrata, Elena and Valerio Tesi. Umberto Buscioni : le vetrate della chiesa di San Paolo a Pistoia. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015126108
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The artist project : what artists see when they look at art. [London] : Phaidon Press Limited ; [New York, NY] : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015140447
  • Thompson, Sarah E., et al. Kuniyoshi Kunisada. Boston : MFA Publications, [2017]. HOLLIS 015168739
  • Thomson, Julie J. (Julie Jean) author. Begin to see : the photographers of Black Mountain College. Asheville, NC : Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, ©2017. HOLLIS 015134694
  • Trümper, Timo. author. Der Gothaer Tafelaltar : ein monumentales Bilderbuch der Reformationszeit. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015114795
  • Tudisco, Gustavo and Sergio Medrano. Ruega por nosotros : las imágenes religiosas del Museo Pueyrredón. [San Isidro] : Museo Histórico Municipal “Juan Martín de Pueyrredón” : Municipalidad de San Isidro, [2011]. HOLLIS 015140042
  • Vale, Teresa Leonor M., ed. The chapel of St John the Baptist in the church of Sao Roque : the commission, the building, the collection. London : Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd , 2017. HOLLIS 015136178
  • Van de Loo, Marie-Jose and Selima Niggl, eds. Jung und wild : die 1980er Jahre in München Hans Matthäus Bachmayer, Dietrich Bartscht, Miriam Cahn, Gunter Damisch, Martin Disler, Franz Hitzler, Leiko Ikemura, Siegried Kaden, Gustav Kluge, Max Neumann, Helmut Sturm : eine Ausstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste, München, 24. Mai-9. Juli 2017. München : Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, [2017]. HOLLIS 015120271
  • Vanriet, Jan, 1948- artist. Jan Vanriet : pieśń losu = song of destiny. Gdańsk : Muzeum Narodowe, 2015. HOLLIS 015191442
  • Vavra, Elisabeth and Matthias Johannes Bauer, eds. Die Kunst des Fechtens. Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, c2017. HOLLIS 015114787
  • Viroli, Giordano and Cristina Ambrosini, eds. La Pinacoteca civica di Forlì. Genova : Sagep, [2016]-. HOLLIS 014922609
  • Volovich, Vitaliĭ, author. Masterskai͡a : Zapiski khudozhnika. Ekaterinburg : Avtograf, 2017. HOLLIS 015182641
  • Wagner K., Matthias and Julia Kartesalo, eds. Vom Verbergen. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2017. HOLLIS 015110129
  • Wegman, William, photographer. William Wegman : being human. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015171454
  • Weijde, Erik van der. This is not my book. Leipzig : Spector Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015095254
  • Weinberger, Karlheinz, 1921- photographer. Karlheinz Weinberger : Swiss rebels. Göttingen, Germany : Steidl, 2017. HOLLIS 015120272
  • Wilkinson, David. The Alfred Wallis factor : conflict in post-war St Ives art. Cambridge, United Kingdom : The Lutterworth Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015106226
  • Wittmann, Herbert, author. Peter Heel : der vornehme Bildhauer von Pfronten (1696-1767). Friedberg : Edition Atlantis, 2017. HOLLIS 015120278
  • Woods, Naurice Frank, Jr., author. Henry Ossawa Tanner : art, faith, race, and legacy. New York : Routledge, 2018. HOLLIS 015129625
  • Xu, Qu and Jérôme Sans. Xu Qu : currency wars. Brussels : Almine Rech Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015119753
  • Yang, Jiechang, 1956- artist. I often do bad things : Yang Jiechang : texts and works, 1982-2016. Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, 2017. HOLLIS 015114830
  • Zagert, Rodolfo, 1950- artist. Rodolfo Zagert. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones Lea, 2013. HOLLIS 015117705
  • Zechlin, René, author. Petra Kaltenmorgen. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015105587
  • 10 Anuario de ilustradores : décima edición aniversario : 2016. Buenos Aires : Juana Azurduy, 2016. HOLLIS 015117698
  • L’Apocalypse de Cambrai = Die Apokalypse von Cambrai = The Cambrai Apocalypse. Luzern : Quaternio Verlag Luzern [2017]. HOLLIS 014715801