New Titles – May 2017

Now that the semester is over, we’ve taken down the course reserves and given the New Books display a bit more room to spread out. Come by and have a look! Or else, check out the list of  new arrivals from May 2017.  Titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.


  • Aalders, Steven, Jan Andriesse, Emily Ansenk, et al. Jan Roeland : Een hommage. Zwolle : Waanders & De Kunst, 2017. HOLLIS 014946665
  • Abrams, Nora Burnett, curator. Ryan Mcginley : the kids were alright. New York : Skira Rizzoli Publications, 2017. HOLLIS 014938807
  • Aceves, Gustavo, artist. Gustavo Aceves : lapidarium. Roma : Palombi editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986114
  • Acidini, Cristina and Alessandra Griffo, eds. L’immagine dei giardini e delle ville medicee nelle lunette attribuite a Giusto Utens. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2016]. HOLLIS 014912606
  • Adami, Valerio, 1935- artist. Valerio Adami : metafisiche e metamorfosi. [Poggibonsi] : Carlo Cambi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 014945365
  • Addison, Laura M., ed. No idle hands : the myths & meanings of tramp art. Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014986180
  • Adler, Dan, et al. Liz Magor. Hamburg : Kunstverein in Hamburg, c2017. HOLLIS 014944569
  • Affentranger, Angelika, et al. La colección de Hermann y Margrit Rupf. Bilbao : Guggenheim, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931515
  • Agiuoni, Enzo, ed. Omaggio a Totò. Cave de’ Tirreni (SA) – Italy : Areablu edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945360
  • Agosti, Barbara, Francesco Grisolia, and Maria Rosa Pizzoni, eds. Le postille di Padre Resta alle vite di Baglione : omaggio a Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò. Milano : Officina Libraria, [2016]. HOLLIS 014756577
  • Agramunt Lacruz, Francisco, author. Arte en las alambradas : artistas españoles en campos de concentración, exterminio y gulags. Valencia : Universitat de València Publicacions, ©2016. HOLLIS 014955980
  • Aguirre, Peio and San Telmo Museoa, eds. Modernitate bakan bat : “arte berria” Donostiaren inguruan : 1925-1936. Donostia : San Telmo Museoa : [Madrid] : La Fábrica, [2016]. HOLLIS 014915720
  • Ahmado, Shiva. Rebel, Jester, Mystic, Poet: Contemporary Persians. Toronto : Aga Khan Museum. Published in association with Black Dog Publishing Limited, London, 2017. HOLLIS 015010234
  • Ahrens, Anna. Der Pionier : wie Louis Sachse in Berlin den Kunstmarkt erfand. Köln : Böhlau Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015000207
  • Aigner, Carl and Peter Fürst , ed. Zyklus 10.0 Ausstellung : zeitgenössische Kunst, Dormitorium – Stift Lilienfeld : Mitteleuropa/Donauraum : Malerei, Grafik, Skulptur, Fotografie, Video, Zeichnung, Installation, Objektkunst. Bad Traunstein : Steinverlag, c2015. HOLLIS 014980804
  • Aikema, Bernard, ed. Jheronimus Bosch e Venezia : [Catalogo della mostra: Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, Appartamento del Doge, 18 febbraio – 4 giugno 2017]. Venezia : Marsilio, 2017. HOLLIS 014955967
  • Aikema, Bernard, Thomas Dalla Costa, and Paola Marini, eds. Paolo Veronese : giornate di studio. Venezia : Lineadacqua : Fondazione Giorgio Cini onlus, [2016]. HOLLIS 014948146
  • Alayrac-Fielding, Vanessa, ed. Rêver la Chine : chinoiseries et regards croisés entre la Chine et l’Europe aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Tourcoing : Éditions Invenit, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983706
  • Albarracín, Pilar, 1968-. Pilar Albarracín : ritos de fiesta y sangre. Málaga : CAC Málaga : Gestión Cultural y Comunicación, 2016. HOLLIS 014915718
  • Albarrán Samaniego, Arturo, author. Por donde todos transitan : la Ciudad de México en las paginas de El Universal (1920-1930). México, D.F. : bInstituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, 2016. HOLLIS 015000141
  • Albers, Josef. Josef Albers: Midnight and Noon. New York : David Zwirner. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015005213
  • Albertina, Vienna. Egon Schiele. Munich : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929975
  • Alburquerque, Kira d’, author, editor. Giovanni Battista Foggini (1652-1725) : premier sculpteur à la cour de Cosme III de Médicis : un fonds inédit de dessins. Bologna ; Paris : Maurizio Nobile, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945354
  • Alcalá, José Ramón and Vicente Jarque. CAAC Cuenca : Colecciones y Archivos de Arte Contemporáneo = Collections and Archives of contemporary art. [Cuenca] : Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, [2016]. HOLLIS 014920308
  • Alcock, Susan E., Mariana Egri, and James F.D. Frakes, eds. Beyond boundaries : connecting visual cultures in the provinces of ancient Rome. Los Angeles : Getty Publications, [2016]. HOLLIS 014652584
  • Alexander-Skipnes, Ingrid, ed. Visual culture and mathematics in the early modern period. New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 014917801
  • Alioto, Massimiliano, 1972- artist. Asfissia : Massiliano Alioto. [Milan] : Fondazione Maimeri, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955949
  • Alleene, Carlos, et al. Yves Beaumont : Omzwervingen. [Gent] : Snoeck, c2016. HOLLIS 014983693
  • Allen, Laura and Luke Casper Pearson, eds. Drawing futures : speculations in contemporary drawing for art and architecture. London : UCL Press, University College London, 2016. HOLLIS 014938812
  • Allievi, Laura, 1981- author. Raffaello : il principe delle arti. [Pisa] : Felici editore, marzo 2017. HOLLIS 014998744
  • Almeoni, Piero and Paola Sabatti Bassini, eds. OsservatorioinOpera. Milano : Postmedia books, [2014]. HOLLIS 014945366
  • Als, Hilton. Alice Neel: Uptown. New York : David Zwirner. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., 2017. HOLLIS 015010224
  • Altea, Giuliana and Nico Stringa. Fancello : lo spazio della metamorfosi. Nuoro : Ilisso, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955954
  • Alvarez, Raul, ed. Panorama del arte contemporaneo en Uruguay. Montevideo: Intendencia de Montevideo: Centro de Exposiciones Subte, 2016. HOLLIS 014942116
  • Alys, Francis. Le temps du sommeil Francis Alys. Wien : Secession ; Berlin : Revolver Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014980777
  • Amao, Damarice, Clément Chéroux, and Pia Viewing, eds. Eli Lotar. Arles : Photosynthèses editions, [2017]. HOLLIS 014948007
  • Ammirati, Domenick. Michele Abeles: Zebra. London : Sadie Coles HQ. Distributed in the U.S.A. by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 015005211
  • An, Kyung, author. Who’s afraid of contemporary art? : an A to Z guide to the art world. London : Thames & Hudson, 2017. HOLLIS 014944212
  • Ancken, Rüdiger von, author. Der Marinemaler Walter Zeeden (1891-1961) : Schifffahrts- und Eisenbahnmotive aus sechs Jahrzehnten. Wiefelstede : Oceanum Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014929971
  • Andraschek-Holzer, Ralph. Klosterbilder im Vergleich : Klosterneuburg und Heiligenkreuz. St. Pölten : NÖ Landesbibliothek, 2016. HOLLIS 014929972
  • Andreini, Alessandro and Francesco Vossilla, eds. Giuseppe Castiglione : gesuita e pittore nel celeste impero = Jesuit and painter in the Celestrial Empire. Firenze : Edizioni Feeria, Comunità di San Leolino, 2015. HOLLIS 014893122
  • Antonetto, Marco and Dario Reteuna, eds. Il pittorialismo italiano e l’opera fotografica di Peretti Griva : dalle collezioni fotografiche del Museo nazionale del cinema. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931510
  • Appel, Karel, 1921-2006. Karel Appel : der abstrakte Blick. Hagen : Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen ; Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, c2016. HOLLIS 014953011
  • Applin, Jo. Ida Applebroog : Mercy Hospital. New York : Karma, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938827
  • Armengol, David, author. Un centro de arte = Un centre d’art = An art center. Barcelona : Institut de Cultura de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona ; Bilabo : Consonni, 2015. HOLLIS 014931513
  • Arnaldi, Valeria, author. Gli amori di Frida Kahlo. Roma : Bizzarro/Red Star Press, dicembre 2016. HOLLIS 014955950
  • Arteaga, Agustín, ed. México 1900-1950 : Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco and the Avant-Garde. Dallas : Dallas Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993674
  • Aruz, Joan and Michael Seymour. Assyria to Iberia : art and culture in the Iron Age. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 014917789
  • Ashida, Carlos, et al., eds. Dr. Atl : rotación cósmica ; a cincuenta años de su muerte. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México : Secretaría de Cultura, Gobierno de Jalisco : Instituto Cultural Cabañas, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000128
  • Atencio, Tiqui, author. Could have, would have, should have : inside the world of the art collector. London : Art/Books, 2016. HOLLIS 014917808
  • Atzeni, Alessandro, 1986- author. Gherreris : dai bronzetti alle statue di Mont’e Prama. Cagliari : Condaghes, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931498
  • Augustijn, Piet. Glasrijk Tubbergen 2016. Europa grenze(n)loos glas. Tubbergen : Glasrijk 2016. HOLLIS 014993637
  • Aurenhammer, Hans and Regine Prange, eds. Das Problem der Form : Interferenzen zwischen moderner Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft. Berlin : Gebr. Mann Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014834554
  • Avendaño Trujillo, Octavio, ed. Mitos oficiales. Ciudad de México : Periferia Taller Gráfico S.C., 2014. HOLLIS 015000138
  • Ayres, Sara and Elettra Carbone, eds. Sculpture and the Nordic region. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014917797
  • Babaie, Sussan, Natasha Morris, and Venetia Porter. Honar: The Afkhami Collection of Modern and Contemporary Iranian Art. London : Phaidon Press Limited, 2017. HOLLIS 015010241
  • Baca, Miguel de and Makeda Best, eds. Conflict, identity, and protest in American art. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. HOLLIS 015025004
  • Baechler, Donald, 1956- artist. Donald Baechler : black and white. Trento : Studio d’arte Raffaelli, [2015]. HOLLIS 014938551
  • Bailey, Martin, ed. Anthony Green : painting life. London : Royal Academy of the Arts, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986207
  • Baitinger, Holger, author. Selinus V : die Metallfunde aus Selinunt : der Fundstoff aus den Grabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts auf der Agora. Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, 2016. HOLLIS 015014628
  • Baker, Camille C. and Kate Sicchio, eds. Intersecting art and technology in practice : techne/technique/technology. New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 014923236
  • Baldauf, Anette, et al., eds. Spaces of commoning : artistic research and the utopia of the everyday. Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2016. HOLLIS 014924732
  • Balken, Debra Bricker, author, curator. Mark Tobey : threading light. New York : Skira Rizzoli ; Andover, Massachusetts ; Addison Gallery of American Art, 2017. HOLLIS 015005196
  • Ball, Katherine Brewer and David Frantz, eds. Stand close, it’s shorter than you think : a show on feminist rage. Los Angeles, California : ONE Archives at the USC Libraries, [2015]. HOLLIS 014923228
  • Ballard, Murray, author, photographer. The prospect of immortality. London, England : Gost Books, 2016. HOLLIS 014980965
  • Balthi, Sabine. Courbet, frère artiste. Paris : Les impliqués Éditeur, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983698
  • Baltrusch, Ernst and Christian Wendt, eds. Der Erste : Augustus und der Beginn einer neuen Epoche. Darmstadt : Philipp von Zabern, [2016]. HOLLIS 014848043
  • Bardaouil, Sam, author. Surrealism in Egypt : modernism and the Art and Liberty group. London ; New York, NY : I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 014980757
  • Barisone, Luciano, et al. Garo : déflagration : éloge de la peinture et poétique élémentale de notre terre : Alexandrie, Reykjavík, Lisbonne, Istanbul et le Cervin. Berne : Till Schaap Edition, c2017. HOLLIS 014953008
  • Barlow, Phyllida. JOEL SHAPIRO. New York : Levy Gorvy. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 014938830
  • Barnes, Bernadine. Michelangelo and the Viewer in his Time. London : Reaktion Books Ltd. Distributed in the U.S.A. by University of Chicago Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015010236
  • Barreto, Luís Filipe and Vítor Serrão, eds. Património cultural chinês em Portugal. Lisboa, Portugal : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, I.P. : Fundação Jorge Álvares, 2015. HOLLIS 015021309
  • Barriocanal López, Yolanda, author. La actividad escultórica en Ourense, del Renacimento al Barroco. [Madrid] : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) : [Ourense] : Grupo Marcelo Macías, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945380
  • Barth, Nadine, ed. Bling bling baby. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, [2016]. HOLLIS 014980782
  • Barunke, Regina, Valentina Desideri, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Maxine Kopsa, Candice Lin, and Raimundas Malasauaskas. Gerlach en koop. vol 2 : Choses tuées. Amsterdam : Roma Publications, 2016. HOLLIS 014983673
  • Bassegoda, Bonaventura and Ignasi Domènech, eds. Coŀleccionistes, antiquaris, falsificadors i museus : noves dades sobre el patrimoni artístic de Catalunya al segle XX. Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions : Barcelona : Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona : Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Iniciativa Digital Politècnica : Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya : Museu del Disseny de Barcelona : Girona : Universitat de Girona : Lleida : Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida : Tarragona : Publicacions de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2016. HOLLIS 014955983
  • Baumgartner, Karen. Andrew Wyeth: People and Places. Chadds Ford, PA : Brandywine River Museum of Art. Published by Skira Rizzoli, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015010229
  • Bausero, Cristina, Carlos Muñoz, and Elisa Pérez Buchelli. Blanes ocupado, 79 artistas, 30 + 1 gestos democráticos. [Montevideo] : Museo Juan Manuel Blanes, [2016]. HOLLIS 014942149
  • Beard, Jason. Gavin Turk: Who What When Where How & Why. London : Other Criteria. Distributed in the U.S.A. by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015005215
  • Beat, Kuert. Beat me : A pictorial requiem to hallucination and desire. Amsterdam : Eyemazing Editions, 2017. HOLLIS 014983668
  • Beilfuss, Elke, author. Oskar Schlemmer : Meister der tanzenden Form. [Wiesbaden] : Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft in der Verlagshaus Römerweg GmbH, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944575
  • Belasco, Daniel, ed. Bradley Walker Tomlin : a retrospective. New Paltz, New York : Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 014956140
  • Belén, Paola, et al. La representación de lo indecible en el arte popular latinoamericano. [La Plata, Argentina] : Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica, [2015]. HOLLIS 014932972
  • Bellesi, Sandro, ed. Accademia di belle arti di Firenze : scultura 1784-1915. Pisa : Pisa University Press, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986115
  • Belting, Hans, author. Face and mask : a double history. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014941453
  • Beltramini, Guido, ed. Andrea Palladio : il mistero del volto. Milano : Officina Libraria, dicembre 2016. HOLLIS 014921800
  • Benati, Daniele, ed. Guercino tra sacro e profano. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955955
  • Bencini, Giorgio and Marco Salucci, eds. L’architettura ritrovata : progetti e allestimenti nel Museo dell’Opera del Duomo di Firenze = The architecture rediscovered : projects and layouts for the Museuo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence. Firenze : Mandragora, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945343
  • Bergner, Evelyn and Roman Zieglgänsberger, eds. Werner Graeff : ein Bauhauskünstler berichtet = recollections of a Bauhaus artist. Wiesbaden : Museum Wiesbaden ; München : Hirmer ; [2017]. HOLLIS 014980781
  • Berninger, Ulrike, ed. Ave Caesar : die Antikenausstattung des Hirsvogelsaals in Nürnberg. Nürnberg : Museum Tucherschloss und Hirsvogelsaal, Museen der Stadt Nürnberg ; Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014980766
  • Bertoni, Franco, ed. Volti : ritratti in Romagna dal primo Novecento ad oggi. Imola (Bo) Italy : Editrice La mandragora, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955961
  • Biass-Fabiani, Sophie, Hélène Marraud, and Véronique Mattiussi. Kiefer Rodin. Paris : Gallimard, 2017. HOLLIS 014983704
  • Bieber, Alain and Lukas Feireiss, eds. Planet B ideas for a new world = Ideen für eine neue Welt. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2016]. HOLLIS 014953000
  • Bignardi, Massimo, ed. Ciro Pica : la geometria, la forma. Fisciano (SA) : Gutenberg edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986131
  • Bignardi, Massimo, ed. Paolo Signorino : luoghi, figure e oggetti del racconto. Fisciano (SA) : Gutenberg edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986122
  • Bimbi, Adriano, Rodolfo Ceccotti, and Gao Jun, eds. Yang Feiyun : alla ricerca della propria origine. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955970
  • Birkenstock, Eva. Kaya. Köln : Buchhandlung Walther König, 2016. HOLLIS 015000221
  • Bischoff, Cäcilia and Franz Pichorner. Der Weg zum vollendeten Museum : Kaiser Franz Joseph I. und das Gesamtkunstwerk an der Wiener Ringstrasse. [Wien] : KHM-Museumsverband, c2016. HOLLIS 014980779
  • Bisogni, Fabio, author. Lo specchio della storia anzi la storia allo specchio : saggi di storia dell’arte medievale e moderna. Siena : Nuova immagine, [2016]. HOLLIS 014892158
  • Black, Jonathan, 1969- author. Winston Churchill in British art, 1900 to the present day : the titan with many faces. London, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. HOLLIS 014979612
  • Blakemore, Amy, Susie Rosmarin, and Thedra Cullar-Ledford. Right here, right now : Houston. Volume 2. Houston, Texas : Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, 2016. HOLLIS 014938823
  • Blenheim Art Foundation. Ai Weiwei at Blenheim Palace. Woodstock [England] : Blenheim Art Foundation, 2015. HOLLIS 014986201
  • Blenheim Art Foundation. Lawrence Weiner at Blenheim Palace. Blenheim Palace, Woodstock. Published by Blenheim Art Foundation, Woodstock. 2015. HOLLIS 014986200
  • Bock, Nicolas, Ivan Foletti, and Michele Tomasi, eds. Survivals, revivals, rinascenze : studi in onore di Serena Romano. Roma : Viella, gennaio 2017. HOLLIS 014945347
  • Boehle, Esther, Brigitte Franzen, and Pawel Potoroczyn, eds. Pawel Althamer Aachen projects, 1992/2010/2014. Aachen : Ludwig Forum ; London ; [Köln] : Koenig Books, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000228
  • Boespflug, François and Emanuela Fogliadini. La natività di Cristo nell’arte d’Oriente e d’Occidente. Milano : Jaca Book, novembre 2016. HOLLIS 014895351
  • Bogt, Henk ter. Bert Andreae : Voorste scherm, voorlaatste stand. De smalste kier als ruimste venster. Groningen : Philip Elchers, 2017. HOLLIS 014993638
  • Bolton, Andrew, 1966-. Rei Kawakubo : Comme des Garçons : art of the in-between. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993680
  • Bomford, David. Conservation of paintings. London : National Gallery Publications, ©1997. HOLLIS 009011527
  • Bonde, Lisbeth. Foelelsen er alt Preben Fjederholt – kunst og liv. [Koebenhavn] : Gyldendal, [2016]. HOLLIS 014953017
  • Bonito Oliva, Achille, author. Basquiat e gli American Graffiti. Milano : Abscondita, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955951
  • Borsi, Stefano, author. Il lungo viaggio di un grande mito architettonico medievale : dal palazzo di Diocleziano ad Antiochia al palazzo di Madonna Intelligenza. Melfi (Italia) : Libria, giugno 2016. HOLLIS 014938560
  • Bottini, Claudia, ed. Carlo Dell’amico l’anima che perse la memoria. Spoleto : ADD-art edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945353
  • Boughriet, Halida, 1980- artist. Halida Boughriet : Pandora’s box. Albissola Marina (SV) : Vanilla edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955964
  • Bowron, Edgar Peters, ed. Buying Baroque : Italian seventeenth-century paintings come to America. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Frick Collection, The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944216
  • Braconi, Matteo, author. Il mosaico del Catino Absidale di S. Pudenziana : la storia, i restauri, le interpretazioni. Todi (PG) : Tau editrice, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945351
  • Brandi, Cesare, author. Credi al mio pessimo e tenerissimo carattere : lettere 1930-1981. Roma : Castelvecchi, febbraio 2017. HOLLIS 014955972
  • Brandizzi Vittucci, Paola. La gens Aelia Lamia : personaggi e monumenti del I sec a.C. a Sperlonga, Roma e Formia. Firenze : Phasar edizioni, 2016. HOLLIS 014998745
  • Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève, Yves Carlier, Bernard Chevallier, Anne Dion-Tenenbaum, Guillaume Fonkenell, and Jean-Denis Serena . Les Tuileries : grands décors d’un palais disparu. Paris : Editions du patrimoine, Centre des monuments nationaux, [2016]. HOLLIS 014983707
  • Brettell, Richard R. and Joachim Pissarro. Pissarro à Éragny : la nature retrouvée. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983717
  • Brito, Alejandro, Rafael Barajas (El Fisgón), and Carlos Monsiváis. ¡Que se abra esa puerta! : sexualidad, sensualidad y erotismo : exposición presentada en el Museo del Estanquillo de agosto de 2017 a enero de 2017. Ciudad de Mexico : Museo del Estanquillo, 2017. HOLLIS 015000142
  • Brock, Bazon, 1936-. Kritik der kabarettistischen Vernunft : ein autobiografisches Scherbengerücht. [Berlin] : Distanz Verlag ; Berlin : Gestalten, distributor, c2016-. HOLLIS 015000206
  • Brock, Bazon, 1936-. Stefan Rinck. Leipzig : Lubok : Brussels : Sorry We’re Closed, 2016. HOLLIS 014929980
  • Brooks, Julian, 1969- author. The lure of Italy : artists’ views. Los Angeles : The J. Paul Getty Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993685
  • Brown, Stephen and Goergiana Uhlyarik. Florine Stettheimer : painting poetry. New York ; Toronto ; New Haven : The Jewish Museum ; Art Gallery of Ontario ; Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993677
  • Brugerolles, Emmanuelle and Olivia Savatier Sjöholm, eds. Dessiner le quotidien : la Hollande au siècle d’or. Paris : LienArt, [2017]. HOLLIS 014948005
  • Bruijn, Hilde de and Carrie Pilto. Enrico Baj. Play as protest. Amstelveen : Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst 2017. HOLLIS 014946661
  • Bryant, Julius and Susan Weber, eds. John Lockwood Kipling : arts and crafts in the Punjab and London. New York : Bard Graduate Center Gallery ; New Haven : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929298
  • Buchhart, Dieter, et al. Constructing paradise. Salzburg : Verlag Anton Pustet, c2017. HOLLIS 015000213
  • Buckley, Gail. Fighting for Freedom: National Museum of African American History and Culture. National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.. Double Exposure. Published in association with D Giles Limited, London. 2017. HOLLIS 014993684
  • Bucklow, Spike, author. Red : the art and science of a colour. London : Reaktion Books Ltd., 2016. HOLLIS 014733371
  • Buelli, Manuela, 1987- author. Un’estetica del disgusto : Damien Hirst. Roma : GalassiaArte, gennaio 2017. HOLLIS 014945367
  • Bueno Vargas, Javier, ed. La ictiocola de esturión : caracterización, empleo en creaciones artísticas y en restauración de bienes culturales. Granada : EUG, 2015. HOLLIS 014945383
  • Bündge, Hendrik, et al. Jongsuk Yoon. Berlin : Distanz, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980797
  • Bürger, Stefan and Ludwig Kallweit, eds. Capriccio & Architektur das Spiel mit der Baukunst : Festschrift für Bruno Klein. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944560
  • Burickson, Abraham and Ayden LeRoux. Odyssey Works : transformative experiences for an audience of one. New York, New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2016]. HOLLIS 014917802
  • Burollet, Thérèse. Albert Bartholomé, 1848-1928. Paris : Arthéna, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983708
  • Busch, Kathrin, ed. Andrea Winkler. Köln : Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, c2017. HOLLIS 014980764
  • Busch, Werner, author. Adolph Menzel : the quest for reality. Los Angeles : The Getty Research Institute, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956158
  • Buttafuoco, Pietrangelo, ed. Artemisia Gentileschi. Milano : Skira editore, 2016. HOLLIS 014931471
  • Byrne, Alison and Heather Hakimzadeh. Turn the page : the first ten years of Hi-Fructose. Virginia Beach, VA : Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986199
  • Cabañas, Kaira M., ed. Laercio Redondo : intimacies = proximidades. Berlin : The Green Box, [2016]. HOLLIS 014980788
  • Cabrera García, María Isabel and Pedro Ordóñez Eslava, eds. Sin etiquetas, sin límites : creación contemporánea. Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2016. HOLLIS 014945389
  • Cacchione, Orianna, et al. Zhang Peili : record. repeat. [Chicago, Illinois] : The Art Institute of Chicago, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956146
  • Cai, Heng and Teo Han Wue. Wu Guanzhong : beauty beyond form. Singapore : National Gallery Singapore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986178
  • Calabrese, Angelo and Giuseppe Briguglio, eds. Corrado Cagli : attualità per il tempo della continuità. Genova : Sagep, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955965
  • Calenne, Luca, 1970- author. Le “tenebre oneste” di Mattia Preti : un simposio di amici di Galileo nell’Allegoria dei cinque sensi della collezione Barberini. Roma : Bardi Edizioni, 2016. HOLLIS 014938539
  • Campbell, Karin. Sheila Hicks : material voices. Omaha, Nebraska : Joslyn Art Museum, [2016]. HOLLIS 015005206
  • Campeau, Sylvain, Marie-Claude Landry, and Valérie Litalien. Yan Giguère. Joliette (Québec) : Musée d’art de Joliette, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938810
  • Canadian Photography Institute and Andrea Kunard. Photography in Canada 1960-2000. Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, 2017. HOLLIS 014938814
  • Candela, Iria, et al. Lygia Pape : a multitude of forms. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956131
  • Carlier, Sylvie . Tentations, l?appel des sens (1830-1914). Villefranche sur Saône : Musée Paul Dini 2016. HOLLIS 014983700
  • Caroli, Flavio, author. Il museo dei capricci : 200 quadri da rubare. Milano : Electa, novembre 2016. HOLLIS 014854555
  • Casali, Claudia, ed. Déco : ceramica : il gusto di un’epoca = ceramics : the style of an era. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931501
  • Casas i Hierro, Marià and Jordi Falgàs. Art en el llibre : ex-libris del Modernisme i el Noucentisme = Art in the book : bookplates from Modernisme and Noucentisme. Girona : Fundació Rafael Masó : Ursula Llibres, 2015. HOLLIS 014882969
  • Cassidy, Donna, Elizabeth Finch, and Randall R. Griffey. Marsden Hartley’s Maine. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929295
  • Castán Chocarro, Alberto, author. Señas de identidad : pintura y regionalismo en Aragón (1898-1939). Zaragoza : Institución Fernando el Católico, Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza, 2016. HOLLIS 014920309
  • Castlemon, Harry, 1842-1915, author. Frank on the prairie. Great Falls, Montana : C.M. Russell Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 014993689
  • Castro Flórez, Fernando. Concha Jerez : tiempo dia-rio. Murcia : Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia : CENDEAC, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938573
  • Cauteren, Katharina van. Oer : de wortels van Vlaanderen : Vlaamse kunst tussen 1880 en 1930. Tielt : Uitg. Lannoo N.V. [2017]2. HOLLIS 014983694
  • Cella, Bernhard, Leo Findeisen, and Agnes Blaha. No-ISBN : on self-publishing. Cologne : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2015]. HOLLIS 014694713
  • Cerritelli, Claudio, ed. Artista totale Bruno Munari = Bruno Munari total artist. Mantova : Maurizio Corraini s.r.l., [2017]. HOLLIS 014945358
  • Chambers, Emma, ed. Paul Nash. London : Tate Publishing, 2017. HOLLIS 014929293
  • Chang, Yu, 1901-1966, artistWong, Rita, ed. Chang Yu ban hua quan ji / Sanyu catalogue raisonné : prints / [edited by] Rita Wong. Taibei Shi : Li Qing wen jiao ji jin hui, 2017. HOLLIS 015003626
  • Chatzidakis, Michail, author. Ciriaco d’Ancona und die Wiederentdeckung Griechenlands im 15. Jahrhundert. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag ; Wiesbaden : In Kommission bei Harrassowitz, 2017. HOLLIS 014980783
  • Chen, Zhaofu, ed. Yan hua bai nian : 1915-2015. Zhengzhou : Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833413
  • Cheng, Yong, ed. Ming Qing ci qi zhen yan dui bi jian ding. [China] : Xue lin, 2016. HOLLIS 014889545
  • Cherny, Robert W., author. Victor Arnautoff and the politics of art. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980763
  • Chevillot, Catherine and Antoinette le Normand-Romain, eds. Rodin : le livre du centenaire. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993656
  • Chiaramonte, Giovanni, 1948- photographer. Ultima Sicilia. Roma : Postcart, novembre 2016. HOLLIS 014998747
  • Chikiamco, Clarissa, Russell Storer, and Adele Tan, eds. A fact has no appearance : art beyond the object. Singapore : National Gallery Singapore, 2016. HOLLIS 014986188
  • Chillida Belzunce, Ignacio and Alberto Cobo. Eduardo Chillida : catálogo razonado de escultura = eskulturaren katalogo arrazoitua = catalogue raisonné of sculpture. Donostia-San Sebastián : Nerea, [2014]-. HOLLIS 014298201
  • Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn and Marcella Beccaria, eds. Wael Shawky. Milano : Skira, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945361
  • Churner, Rachel. Jordan Kantor: Selected Exhibitions, 2006-2016. San Francisco : no place press. Distributed in the U.S.A. by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 015010248
  • Cincinelli, Saretto, ed. The lasting : l’intervallo e la durata. Roma : Galleria nazionale d’arte moderna e contemporanea, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931511
  • Civai, Alessandra, ed. Il monastero restituito : Astino : la storia il restauro, le opere ritrovate. Bergamo : Fondazione MIA, Congregazione Misericordia Maggiore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926331
  • Claeys, Ulrike, ed. Helga Marten : Werkverzeichnis. St. Märgen : Edition Claeys, 2016-. HOLLIS 014944546
  • Clarke, David J. and Xu Xi. Interruptions : with photographs by David Clarke and essays by Xu Xi. [Hong Kong] : University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, [2016]. HOLLIS 014993683
  • Clauss, Mechthild. Wo ist Bethlehem? : die spirituelle Bildsprache der Schwäbisch Haller Marienkirche “unter dem Berg”, genannt Urbanskirche. [Schwäbisch Hall] : [Stadt Schwäbisch Hall], c2015. HOLLIS 014944577
  • Codognato, Mario, ed. Anish Kapoor. [Cesena] : Manfredi edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955956
  • Coffin, Sarah D. and Stephen Harrison . The Jazz Age : American style in the 1920s. Cleveland, OH : The Cleveland Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015005198
  • Cogeval, Guy, Caroline Mathieu,and Isolde Pludermacher, eds. Manet e la Parigi moderna. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955957
  • Coŀlectiu AIMEE, ed. Art i decreixement = Arte y decrecimiento = Art et décroissance. Girona : Documenta Universitaria, març de 2016. HOLLIS 014910903
  • Collins, Ian. Rose Hilton. London : Lund Humphries, 2016. HOLLIS 014917807
  • Coltrinari, Francesca, author. Loreto cantiere artistico internazionale nell’età della controriforma : i committenti, gli artisti, il contesto. Firenze : Edizioni Edifir, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955953
  • Coltrinari, Francesca, compiler. Artisti e committenti a Loreto (1538-1590) : nuovi documenti. Firenze : Edifir edizioni Firenze, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931499
  • Comes, Federica, 1983- author. Gli spazi dell’architettura per la musica : l’esperienza napoletana : il Teatro San Carlo e il Conservatorio di San Pietro a Majella. Lavagna (Ge) : Zona, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986126
  • Comis, Guido and Maria Giuseppina Di Monte, eds. Meret Oppenheim : opere in dialogo da Max Ernst a Mona Hatoum. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 014998753
  • Conway, Kelly A. and Lindsy R. Parrott. Tiffany’s Glass Mosaics. Corning, NY : Corning Museum of Glass. Distributed by University of Washington Press, Seattle, 2017. HOLLIS 015005202
  • Corgnati, Martina. Giuliana Fresco. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986117
  • Cork, Richard, interviewer. Face to face : interviews with artists. London : Tate Publishing, 2015. HOLLIS 014980759
  • Corn, Wanda M., author. Georgia O’Keeffe : living modern. Brooklyn, NY : Brooklyn Museum ; Munich ; New York : DelMonico Books/Prestel, 2017. HOLLIS 014923224
  • Cornelis, Bart, et al., eds. Collecting for the public : works that made a difference : essays for Peter Hecht. London : Paul Holberton publishing in association with Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris and Vereniging Rembrandt, the Hague, 2016. HOLLIS 015002910
  • Corry, Maya, Deborah Howard, and Mary Laven, eds. Madonnas & miracles : the holy home in Renaissance Italy. London : Philip Wilson Publishers, 2017. HOLLIS 015005201
  • Costa Florencia, Javier, 1956- author. El retablo escultórico del siglo XVIII en el Alto Aragón : ordenenzas gremiales, comitentes y aspectos formales, iconográficos y constructivos. Huesca : Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses : Diputación Provincial de Huesca, 2016. HOLLIS 014931516
  • Courage, Cara, author. Arts in place : the arts, the urban and social practice. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993690
  • Cox, Geoff and Jacob Lund. The contemporary condition : introductory thoughts on contemporaneity & contemporary art. Berlin : Sternberg Press, 2016. HOLLIS 014923829
  • Cramer, Johannes, Barbara Perlich, and Günther Schauerte, eds. Qasr al-Mschatta : ein frühislamischer Palast in Jordanien und Berlin. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014899861
  • Creper, Paolo, Fred Licht, and Alessandra Limetti. Adolf Vallazza, Gianni Berengo Gardin : opere = Werke = works : 1970-2016. Roma : Contrasto, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955963
  • Crispolti, Enrico, ed. Giuseppe Fiducia : “I am a painter” = “io sono un pittore”. Roma : Gangemi editore SpA international, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931504
  • Cristino, Gaetano and Romeo D’Emilio, eds. Emanuele Cavalli nelle collezioni pugliesi. Foggia : Claudio Grenzi editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955974
  • Croquer, Luis. Franz Erhard Walther: The Body Draws. Seattle : Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington\. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 015005194
  • Crow, Thomas E., 1948- author. No idols : the missing theology of art. [Sydney], NSW : University Of Sydney/Power Publications, 2017. HOLLIS 014985942
  • Curatola, Giovanni, ed. Le grandi stagioni dell’arte islamica del Mediterraneo medievale. Milano : Jaca Book, novembre 2016. HOLLIS 014885159
  • D’Alessandro, Jill, Colleen Terry, et al. Summer of love : art, fashion, and rock and roll. San Francisco : Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco ; Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986181
  • D’Amelio, Angela Maria, Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, and Simonetta Tozzi, eds. L’arte del sorriso : la caricatura a Roma dal Seicento al 1849. Roma : Campisano Editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931505
  • D’Apuzzo, Mark Gregory, author, compiler. La collezione dei bronzi del Museo civico medievale di Bologna. San Casciano Val di Pesa (Firenze), Italia : Libro Co. Italia, [2017]. HOLLIS 014998748
  • Dal Bello, Mario, 1947- author. Guido Reni : le armonie. Città del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926296
  • Dalmia, Yashodhara, author. Buddha to Krishna : life and times of George Keyt. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014923235
  • Daniels, Rebecca. Transferences: Sidney Nolan in Britain. Chichester : Pallant House Gallery. Published in association with Sidney Nolan Trust, Powys, 2017. HOLLIS 015010217
  • Davenport, Nancy. Renovacion/Renovation/Renovation: Nancy Davenport. New York : Cabinet Books. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 014993693
  • Davies, Glyn and Eleanor Townsend, eds. A Reservoir of Ideas: Essays Ii Honour Of Paul Williamson. Paul Holberton Publishing, London. 2017. HOLLIS 014986215
  • de Beaupré, Antoine, Serge Vincendet, and Sam Stourdzé, eds. Total records : photography and the art of the album cover. New York, N.Y. : Aperture, 2016. HOLLIS 014917787
  • De Chirico, Fabio and Bianca Pedace, eds. Giuliano Giuman : last time. Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955976
  • De Giorgi, Manuela, author. Il transito della Vergine : testi e immagini dall’Oriente al Mezzogiorno medievale. Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull’alto Medioevo, 2016. HOLLIS 014998749
  • De Innocentis, Ivana, author. Urban lives : viaggio alla scoperta della street art in Italia. Palermo : Dario Flaccovio editore, febbraio 2017. HOLLIS 014938552
  • De Middel, Cristina, 1975- artist. Cucurrucucú. Barcelona, Spain : RM, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955984
  • De Wachter, Ellen Mara, 1977- author. Co-art : artists on creative collaboration. London ; New York, NY : Phaidon Press Limited, 2017. HOLLIS 015005220
  • Degl’Innocenti, Piero, 1942- author. L’architettura del Battistero fiorentino di San Giovanni : progetto, appalto, costruzione, vicende. Firenze : Angelo Pontecorboli editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938562
  • Dehmel, Heinz and Felix Billeter, eds. “ABC de la Peinture” von Paul Sérusier : zur Kunsttheorie der Nabis und ihrer Rezeption in Deutschland. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, c2016. HOLLIS 014944573
  • Delanghe, Chloë, artist. Reasons to be cheerful. Brussels, Belgium ; Lausanne, Switzerland ; Berlin, Germany : WIELS ; Motto Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015013002
  • Dertinger, Richard and Wolfgang Hansmann. Philipp Georg Brüll (1648-1706) : ein westfälischer Bildhauer der Barockzeit im Hochstift Paderborn. Paderborn : Bonifatius, c2016. HOLLIS 014924730
  • Di Resta, Sara, author. Le “forme” della conservazione : intenzioni e prassi dell’architettura contemporanea per il restauro. Roma : Gangemi editore SpA international publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931502
  • Dickel, Hans, author. Natur in der zeitgenössischen Kunst : Konstellationen jenseits von Landschaft und Materialästhetik. München : Verlag Silke Schreiber, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000214
  • Dion, Arthur, ed. As we see it : the collection of Gail and Ernst von Metzsch. New Britain, Connecticut : New Britain Museum of American Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 014956142
  • Domènech Vives, Ignasi and Francesc Quílez Corella, eds. Ramon Casas : la modernidad anhelada. [Barcelona] : Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” : Ediciones Invisibles y el Consorci del Patrimoni de Sitges, DL 2016. HOLLIS 014926343
  • Dominique Lévy Gallery. Günther Uecker : verletzte felder = wounded fields. London : Dominique Lévy, 2016. HOLLIS 015010225
  • Donatone, Guido, author. La maiolica di Laterza del Seicento. Galatina (Le) : Mario Congedo editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926332
  • Dornfeld, Matthias, artist. Matthias Dornfeld. [Milan] : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945369
  • Douglas, Stan, ed. Artcenter talks : Graduate seminar : the first decade 1986-1995. New York, New York : David Zwirner Books ; Pasadena, California : ArtCenter Graduate Press, 2016. HOLLIS 014938819
  • Durand-Ruel Snollaerts, Claire. Camille Pissarro : Le premier des impressionnistes = the First among the Impressionists. Vanves : Éditions Hazan, [2017] ; Paris : Musée Marmottan Monet, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983713
  • Duvivier, Christophe, ed. Camille Pissarro : impressions gravées : musée Tavet-Delacour, 19 mars-11 juin 2017. Paris : Somogy éditions d’art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983715
  • Dziewior, Yilmaz and Rita Kersting, eds. Gerhard Richter : neue Bilder = New paintings. Köln : Museum Ludwig ; Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2017. HOLLIS 014953009
  • Ebelt, Ryan. KENT WILLIAMS: VIA LACTEA. Pacific Grove : Allen Spiegel Fine Arts. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 014938828
  • Eburne, Jonathan P. and Catriona McAra, eds. Leonora Carrington and the international avant -garde. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014947710
  • École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (France). D’Antigone à Marianne : rêves et réalités de la République : collection des Beaux-arts de Paris : exposition du 24 février au 20 avril 2017, Palais des beaux-arts. Paris : Beaux-arts de Paris éditions : Ministère de la culture et de la communication, [2017?]. HOLLIS 014983705
  • Edwards, Jason and Sarah Burnage, eds. The British school of sculpture, c.1760-1832. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, [2017]. HOLLIS 014917796
  • Eeles, Simon, photographer. A picture book of down under. ©2016. HOLLIS 014854557
  • Eipeldauer, Heike and Martin Germann, eds. James Welling : metamorphosis. Ghent : S.M.A.K ; Munich : Prestel, c2017. HOLLIS 014953010
  • Elms, Anthony. Rodney Mcmillian. New York : Studio Museum in Harlem. Published in association with Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 015010216
  • Elofsson, Haakan. Dance me Dansa mig : Haakan Elofsson. Stockholm : Bokförlaget ETC, [2016]. HOLLIS 014953018
  • Elsner, Jaś, ed. Comparativism in art history. Abingdon, England : Ashgate, 2017. HOLLIS 014956152
  • Elson, Verity and Rosemary Shirley, eds. Creating the countryside : the rural idyll past and present. London : Paul Holberton Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 014896119
  • Emslander, Fritz and Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen. Hans Op de Beeck the silent castle. Wien : Verlag für moderne Kunst, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980796
  • Enckell Julliard, Julie, Élisa de Halleux, and Emmanuelle Neukomm. Kleines Handbuch der Zeichnungskunst. Zürich : Scheidegger und Spiess [2016]. HOLLIS 015000222
  • Erle, Wendy, et al. Museum of the Southwest : selections from the permanent collection. Midland, TX : Museum of the Southwest, [2016]. HOLLIS 015005209
  • Eschelbacher, Andrew J., ed. A new American sculpture, 1914-1945 : Lachaise, Laurent, Nadelman, and Zorach. Portland, Maine : Portland Museum of Art ; Fort Worth, Texas : Amon Carter Museum of American Art , [2017]. HOLLIS 015005200
  • Eslami, Alireza Naser, ed. Genova, una capitale del Mediterraneo tra Bisanzio e il mondo islamico : storia, arte e architettura : atti del Convegno internazionale : Genova, giovedì 26 – venerdì 27 maggio 2016. [Milan] : Bruno Mondadori, 2016. HOLLIS 014945371
  • Étienne, Noémie, author. The restoration of paintings in Paris, 1750-1815 : practice, discourse, materiality. Los Angeles : The Getty Conservation Institute, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938833
  • Faroux, Renaud, ed. La grande utopie de Kijno. Paris : Somogy, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993654
  • Fassi, Luigi and Alberto Salvadori, eds. AgiVerona Collection : che il vero possa confutare il falso = may truth vanquish falsehood. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931497
  • Favela Fierro, Ma. Teresa (María Teresa), author. El misticismo de los escultores japoneses en México : Kiyoshi Takahashi, Sukemitsu Kaminaga, Kiyoto Ota y Hiroyuki Okumura. México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, 2015. HOLLIS 015000137
  • Feest, Christian and C. Ronald Corum. Frederick Weygold : artist and ethnographer of North American Indians. Altenstadt, Germany : ZKF Publishers, [2017]. HOLLIS 015005207
  • Feldman, Anita and Ariel Plotek, eds. Richard Deacon : what you see is what you get. San Diego : The San Diego Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956143
  • Feng, Yuan and Lü Zhangshen, eds. Qi jin kong ji : Shang Zhou qing tong qi yi shu zhan = Auspicious metals : bronze art of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Beijing : Qing hua da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015021189
  • Feng, Yuan, ed. Qing hua cang zhen, han mo dan qing : Qing hua da xue yi shu bo wu guan cang pin zhan. Beijing : Qing hua da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015021183
  • Feng, Yuan, ed. Qing hua cang zhen, wan xia yu hui : Qing hua da xue yi shu bo wu guan zang pin zhan. Beijing : Qing hua da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014851045
  • Feng, Yuan, ed. Qing hua zang zhen, si xiu xie ying : Qing hua da xue yi shu bo wu guan zang pin zhan. Beijing : Qing hua da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015021164
  • Feng, Yuan, ed. Qing hua zang zhen, sui fang zhi xiang : Qing hua da xue yi shu bo wu guan zang pin zhan. Beijing : Qing hua da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015021174
  • Ferguson, Patricia F., author. Ceramics : 400 years of British collecting in 100 masterpieces. London : Philip Wilson Publishers, 2016. HOLLIS 014956141
  • Ferrari, Roberto, 1949- author. Il sistema della cultura e dell’arte a Brescia dal 1922 al 1943. Brescia : Aref, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938564
  • Fig, Joe, 1968-. Inside the artist’s studio. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2015]. HOLLIS 014980758
  • Figari, Pedro. Figari [catalogo]. Montevideo: Museo Juan Manuel Blanes, 2015. HOLLIS 014942144
  • Figenschou, Anne Vira and Kjersti Sundt Sissener. Poesi tekst og toner som inspirasjon. [Oslo] : Orfeus, 2016. HOLLIS 014953019
  • Fischel, Julia. John Armstrong: Paintings, 1938-1958 — An Enchanted Distance. London : Piano Nobile, 2017. HOLLIS 015010222
  • Fischer, Joshua, Patrick Ronse, and Lara Verlinde. Thorsten Brinkmann : The great Cape Rinderhorn. Sint-Amandsberg : Art Paper Editions, 2017. HOLLIS 014946667
  • Fitzpatrick, Chris and Karel Martens, eds. Karel Martens : motion. [Amsterdam] : Roma Publications ; München : Kunstverein München, 2017. HOLLIS 014983669
  • Flubacher, Christophe. Symbolisme : sortilèges de l’eau. Lausanne : Favre ; Lens : Fondation Pierre Arnaud, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983701
  • Flyntz, Liz and David Everitt Howe, eds. The Present is the Form of All Life: The Time Capsules of Ant Farm and LST. Brooklyn : Pioneer Works Press. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 014993695
  • Fochessati, Matteo and Gianni Franzone, eds. La trama dell’arte : arte e design nella produzione della MITA. Genova : Sagep editori, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938565
  • Fogg, Sam and Andrew Butler-Wheelhouse. A Library of Manuscripts from India. Sam Fogg Ltd, London. Published by Paul Holberton Publishing, London. 2017. HOLLIS 014993687
  • Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, ed. Giorgio de Chirico : catalogo generale. [San Marino] : Maretti editore, 2014-. HOLLIS 014130011
  • Fontana, Cristina, author. Sulle vie della fede : l’arte dei santuari delle provincie di Como e Lecco (Diocesi di Como, Milano e Bergamo) = On the paths of faith : art in the shrines of the provinces of Como and Lecco (Dioceses of Como, Milan and Bergamo). Menaggio (Co) : Attilio Sampietro editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014854558
  • Fontana, Mauro Vincenzo, author. La pinacoteca Pomarici Santomasi. Foggia : Claudio Grenzi editore, [2016]-. HOLLIS 014998750
  • Fontanella, Megan. Visionaries : creating a modern Guggenheim. New York, New York : Guggenheim Museum Publications, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956129
  • Fontcuberta, Joan, 1955- author. La furia de las imágenes : notas sobre la postfotografía. Barcelona : Galaxia Gutenberg, 2016. HOLLIS 014955985
  • Foster, Kathleen A., author. American watercolor in the age of Homer and Sargent. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Philadelphia Museum of Art ; New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014923226
  • Fourestié, Anne and Isabelle Gui. Photographier le patrimoine aux 19e et 20e siècles : histoire de la collection photographique de la Médiathèque de l’architecture et du patrimoine (1839-1989). Paris : Hermann, [2017]. HOLLIS 014948009
  • Fox, William and Dan Torop.. Broken ground : new directions in land art. Tallahassee : Florida State University Moseum of Fine Arts, c2017. HOLLIS 014956144
  • Franceschini, Amy and Michael Swaine. For want of a nail. [Santa Fe, New Mexico?] : Pilot Editions, 2015. HOLLIS 015012998
  • Francescutti, Elisabetta, Caterina Furlan, and Pier Angelo Passolunghi. Susegana, il Pordenone, i Collalto. Crocetta del Montello (TV) : Antiga edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014947423
  • Franchini, Mario, 1932- author. Itinerari d’arte nelle Valli Borbera e Spinti : viaggio alla scoperta del patrimonio artistico tra Piemonte e Liguria. Alessandria : Edizioni dell’Orso, [2017]. HOLLIS 014945370
  • Frank, Patrick, ed. Manifestos and polemics in Latin American modern art. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014931895
  • Frank, Robert, 1924-. Robert Frank : books and films, 1947-2016. [Place of publication not identified] : Steidl, 2016. HOLLIS 014999528
  • Frantz, David Evans, Lucas Hilderbrand, and Kayleigh Perkov, eds. Cock, paper, scissors. Los Angeles : ONE Archives at the USC Libraries with the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 014923230
  • Frasquet Bellver, Lydia, ed. Al voltant del patrimoni : planificació, autentificació i finançament europeu. València : Universitat de València, [2015]. HOLLIS 014945379
  • Freer Gallery of Art, author. Painting with light : photography at the Freer/Sackler. London : GILES, an imprint of D Giles Limited, [2017]. HOLLIS 014917790
  • Freire, Maria, 1917-2015. Maria Freire. Montevideo: Intendencia de Montevideo: Museo Blanes, 2016. HOLLIS 014942148
  • Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Institut für Spezielle Botanik and Herbarium Haussknecht, eds. Carl Haussknecht : ein Leben für die Botanik. Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, [2013]. HOLLIS 014924729
  • Frommel, Sabine and Gerhard Wolf, eds. Architectura picta nell’arte italiana da Giotto a Veronese. Modena : Franco Cosimo Panini, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938542
  • Fundación Arte Cubano. Sosabravo : a todo/full color. [Madrid] : Fundacion Arte Cubano, [2015]. HOLLIS 014920313
  • Gabardi, Melissa. Italian jewelry in the 20th century. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : Silvana, 2016. HOLLIS 014955966
  • Gabriel, Jeanette Hanisee, author. Micromosaics : private collections. United States : Brian McCarthy, 2016. HOLLIS 015001280
  • Gabriele, Mino, author. Il primo giorno del mondo. Milano : Adelphi, [2016]. HOLLIS 014892097
  • Gago, Beatriz. G.P.C. : evolución de la vanguardia en la crítica de Guy Pérez-Cisneros. [Madrid] : Fundación Arte Cubano : Ediciones Vanguardia Cubana, [2015]. HOLLIS 014955989
  • Gaillard, Laurent, author. Les peintres d’Autun, 1900-1950 : une inspiration en terre autunoise : une école de peinture entre ville et ruralité. Paris : Somogy, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993655
  • Galerie Xavier Hufkens. Malcolm Morley : history painting. Brussels, Belgium : Xavier Hufkens, [2016]. HOLLIS 014993639
  • Galguera, Hilario, ed. Kounellis : Museo Espacio, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 29.1.2016-30.6.2016. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, 2016. HOLLIS 014980768
  • Galilee, Beatrice and Adrian Villar Rojas. Adrian Villar Rojas: The Roof Garden Commission — The Theater of Disappearance. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art. Distributed by Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017. HOLLIS 014993688
  • García Barragán, Elísa and Leticia López Orozco. La Constitución de 1917 en el arte. México : Secretaria de Educación Pública : Instituto Nacional de Estudios Historicos de las Revoluciones de México : Gobierno del Estado de México, 2016. HOLLIS 015000126
  • García Joya, Mario. A La Plaza con Fidel: Un Essayo Fotografico de Mayito. New York : Errata Editions. Books on Books, 21. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 014986214
  • García Saavedra, Soledad and Brandon LaBelle, eds. Block mágico = Magic block. Berlin : Errant Bodies Press, 2015. HOLLIS 014956145
  • García Torres, Mario, 1975- artist. Mario García Torres : an arrival tale. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980771
  • Gartenfeldl, Alex, et al. A public character : Shannon Ebner. [Amsterdam?] ROMA Publications, [2016]. HOLLIS 014946663
  • Gavarro, Raffaele, ed. Giacinto Cerone : santo e contrario. [Cesena] : Manfredi edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014998746
  • Gay-Mazuel, Audrey and Julie Ruffet-Troussard. Odiot : un atelier d’orfèvrerie sous le Premier Empire et la Restauration. [Paris] : Musée des arts décoratifs, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983702
  • Gayford, Martin and Sara Lee. Eileen Cooper : between the lines. London : Royal Academy of Arts, [2015]. HOLLIS 014980762
  • Gianandrea, Manuela and Mario D’Onofrio. Fondi nel Medioevo. Roma : Gangemi editore SpA international, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938553
  • Gianfreda,Sandra and Martina Pfister, eds. Vibrant metropolis, idyllic nature : Kirchner, the Berlin years. Zürich : Kunsthaus Zürich ; Munich : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 014953012
  • Giasson, Patrice and Helaine Posner, eds. Leandro Ehrlich: Port of Reflections. Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, State University of New York, Purchase. 2017. HOLLIS 015005204
  • Giertler, Camille and Musée d’art moderne et contemporain. Hétérotopies : des avant-gardes dans l’art contemporain. Strasbourg : Musées de la ville de Strasbourg, 2017. HOLLIS 014983703
  • Giger, Bernhard. Begegnung im Atelier : Künstlerporträts 1971-1976 = Studio encounter : artist portraits 1971-1976. Bern : Stämpfli Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014944580
  • Giménez Cubillos, Socorro and Claudia A. Herrera Martínez, eds. Antropofagia y modernidad : arte brasileño en la Colección Fadel. Ciudad Autonóma de Buenos Aires : MALBA ; Ciudad de México : Museo Nacional de Arte, [2016]. HOLLIS 014937042
  • Gioni, Massimiliano and Gary Carrion-Murayari, eds. Raymond Pettibon : a pen of all work. London : Phaidon Press Limited ; New York, NY : Phaidon Press Inc., in association with New Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 014923227
  • Gisolfi, Diana, author. Paolo Veronese and the practice of painting in late Renaissance Venice. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015010238
  • Goertz, Ralph, ed. Lindbergh, Winogrand, women. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König : [Düsseldorf] : IKS – Institut für Kunstdokumentation und Szenografie, [2017]. HOLLIS 014953013
  • Goetz, Ingvild, Karsten Löckemann, and Leo Lencsés, eds . Michael Buthe und Ingvild Goetz : Eine Freundschaft. Ostfildern : Hatje/Cantz, c2016. HOLLIS 014952997
  • Goizueta, Elizabeth Thompson, ed. Rafael Soriano : the artist as mystic = el artista como místico. Boston : McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929294
  • Golfer, Adam, photographer. A house without a roof. Brooklyn, New York : Booklyn, 2016. HOLLIS 014938809
  • Gori, Giuliano, ed. Daniele Lombardi : la porta sonora : paradiso. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926333
  • Gotō Bijutsukan Gakugeibu. Heian kohitsu no meihin : Iijima Shunkei no mita shugyoku no sakuhin kara Heian Shodō Kenkyūkai happyakkai kinen tokubetsuten Heian kohitsu no meihin zuroku. Tōkyō : Gotō Bijutsukan, 2016. HOLLIS 014884973
  • Gouzi, Christine and Christophe Leribault, eds. Le baroque des lumières : chefs-d’oeuvre des églises parisiennes au XVIIIe siècle. Paris : Paris musées, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983709
  • Grady, Elizabeth M.. Future Imperfect: A Blade of Grass, 2014-15. New York : A Blade of Grass Books. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 015010249
  • Grant, Kim, 1962- author. All about process : the theory and discourse of modern artistic labor. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956157
  • Grant, Simon, ed. Informal beauty : the photographs of Paul Nash. London : Tate Publishing, 2016. HOLLIS 014938820
  • Granzotto, Giovanni, ed. Jorrit Tornquist : colore sempre. Roma : Il cigno GG edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955960
  • Graschopf, Birgit, 1978-. Birgit Graschopf : Oberflächentiefe = Surfacedepth. Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2016. HOLLIS 014944559
  • Grazioli, Elio, author. Duchamp oltre la fotografia : strategie dell’infrasottile. [Monza] : Johan & Levi, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938566
  • Greco, Emanuele, ed. La pittura moderna, 1860-1930. Firenze : Edifir edizioni Firenze, [2016]. HOLLIS 014894305
  • Greenfield, Lauren. Lauren Greenfield: Generation Wealth. London : Phaidon Press Limited, 2017. HOLLIS 015010242
  • Gribaudo, Paola, ed. Pier Tancredi De-Coll’ : pura pittura. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 014998755
  • Gronlund, Melissa, author. Contemporary art and digital culture. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014986209
  • Grubanov, Ivan, 1976-. Unnation : a conversation. Heidelberg : Kehrer, c2016. HOLLIS 014980786
  • Gruhl, Bernhard. Wittenberg castle church : reformation memorial church. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2016. HOLLIS 014848044
  • Grünewald, Dietrich, ed. Visuelle Satire Deutschland im Spiegel politisch-satirischer Karikaturen und Bildergeschichten. Berlin : Christian A. Bachmann Verlag, 2016. HOLLIS 014953004
  • Gruyter, Jos de and Harald Thys, eds. I piccoli pupazzi sporchi di pruppà. Milan, Italy : Mousse Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 014945372
  • Gu gong bo wu yuan, ed. Guan yao ci qi yan jiu = The researches of porcelain of guan kiln. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014915919
  • Gu gong bo wu yuan, Fujian bo wu yuan, Zhejiang Sheng bo wu guan, and Sichuan bo wu yuan bian. Fan tian dong tu bing di lian hua : gong yuan 400~700 nian Yindu yu Zhongguo diao su yi shu. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016 nian 9 yue. HOLLIS 014915908
  • Gu gong chu ban she. Guan yao ci qi. [China] : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014915903
  • Gu gong chu ban she. Tang Yin shu hua quan ji. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014915879
  • Gual, Malén and Rubén Ventureira, eds. El primer Picasso : A Coruña, 2015, 20 de febrero / 24 de mayo : Museo de Belas Artes da Coruña. A Coruña : Ayuntamiento de A Coruña : Xunta de Galicia, 2015. HOLLIS 014920307
  • Guang hui de “wu, qi zhi shi” wan sui. Long live the glorious May Seventh Directive. New York, NY : errata editions, 2016. HOLLIS 014993692
  • Guillén, Marina, ed. Ricardo García : melancholiae. Granada : Diputación de Granada, [2016]. HOLLIS 014920310
  • Gullström, Beatrice, Alison Hissey, Carola Krueger, Peter Sawbridge, and Nick Tite. Revolution : Russian art 1917-1932. London, England : Royal Academy of Arts, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986179
  • Guo li li shi bo wu guan. Chang Yu hua ji = The San Yu’s paintings. Taibei Shi : Guo li li shi bo wu guan, Min guo 84 [1995]. HOLLIS 015004658
  • Guo li li shi bo wu guan. Xiang si Bali : Guan cang Chang Yu zhan. Taibei shi : Guo li li shi bo wu guan, 2017. HOLLIS 015004654
  • Gurrieri, Francesco, ed. Il Battistero di San Giovanni : conoscenza, diagnostica, conservazione : atti del ciclo di conferenze : Firenze, 24-25 novembre 2014. Firenze : Mandragora, [2017]. HOLLIS 014955971
  • Hacke, Bent and Troels Andersen. The identification, conservation and restoration of the Black Cross by K.S. Malevich : with an appendix on two attributions. Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, [2016]. HOLLIS 014953020
  • Hackforth-Jones, Jos and Iain Robertson, eds. Art business today : 20 key topics. London : Lund Humphries : in association with Sotheby’s Institute of Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 014929305
  • Hahn, Cynthia J. (Cynthia Jean), author. The reliquary effect : enshrining the sacred object. London : Reaktion Books, 2017. HOLLIS 014929303
  • Haldemann, Anita, Tobias Burg, and Olivier Sécardin. Catharina van Eetvelde : ILK : Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum Folkwang. Heidelberg : Kehrer, c2016. HOLLIS 014944544
  • Halilaj, Petrit, 1986- artist. Space shuttle in the garden : Petrit Halilaj. [Milan] : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945355
  • Hall, Marcia B. and Thomas Willette, eds. Naples. New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015002908
  • Halla, Karel, et al. Gothic art in the Cheb region : gothic art on the territory of the historical Cheb region and the collection of gothic art in the Gallery of Fine Art in Cheb. Cheb : Gallery of Fine Art, 2009. HOLLIS 014922949
  • Halpern, Gregory. ZZYZX: Gregory Halpern. MACK, London. 2016. HOLLIS 015005217
  • Halsman, Philippe. Dalí by Halsman. [Sabadell] : By Architect Publications, S.L. : [Figueres] : Distribucions d’Art Surrealista, S.A., June 2016. HOLLIS 014938574
  • Hambourg, Maria Morris, and Jeff L. Rosenheim . Irving Penn : centennial. New York : Published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986182
  • Hametner, Michael. Übermalen 15 Gespräche – ein Porträt des Malers Johannes Heisig. Halle (Saale) : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015000219
  • Hanru, Hou and Luigia Lonardelli, eds. Please come back = il mondo come prigione? = the world as prison?. [Milano, Italy] : Mousse, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986132
  • Harju, Virpi. Suomen Taideyhdistyksestä Kansallisgalleriaksi kuvallisen kulttuurimme rakentajat. Helsinki : Kansallisgalleria, 2016. HOLLIS 014953025
  • Harrison, Martin, ed. Francis Bacon : la France et Monaco. Paris : Albin Michel ; Monaco : Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation, c2016. HOLLIS 014986174
  • Hartleb, Wilfried, 1951-. Die Neuburg : Adelssitz und Künstlerschloss am Inn : illustrierte Geschichte eines Baudenkmals. Salzweg : Landkreis Passau, Kulturreferat, 2016. HOLLIS 014952990
  • Hartog Jager, Hans den. Danaë Moons : out of grip. [Amsterdam] : Fw:Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993641
  • Harutyunyan, Angela, author. The political aesthetics of the Armenian avant-garde : the journey of the ‘painterly real’, 1987-2004. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015000196
  • Hatleberg, Curran, photographer. Lost coast. [Oakland] : TBW Books, [2016]. HOLLIS 014987173
  • Hegholz, Fabian. Die Wohnung Friedrich Wilhelms IV. im Berliner Schloss. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014980787
  • Hendler, Sefy, 1972- author. Gracious and beautiful monster : the literary universe of Bronzino’s Nano Morgante. Florence : Maschietto editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926298
  • Hepworth, Barbara, 1903-1975, author. Barbara Hepworth : writings and conversations. London : Tate Publishing, 2015. HOLLIS 014980760
  • Herda-Mousseaux, Rose-Marie and Benjami Couilleaux, eds. Sérénissime! : Venise en fête de Tiepolo à Guardi. Paris : Paris Musées : Musée Cognacq-Jay, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983712
  • Hering, Michael, ed. Gert & Uwe Tobias : Grisaille. München : Hirmer, [2016]. HOLLIS 014980785
  • Hermans, Taco, 1955-. Middeleeuwse woontorens in Nederland : de bouwhistorische benadering van kasteelvorm. Hilversum : Verloren, 2016. HOLLIS 014983670
  • Hernández Guardiola, Lorenzo, 1953- author. Gaspar Requena, pintor valenciano del Renacimiento (c. 1515-después de 1585). Xàtiva : Ulleye, 2015. HOLLIS 014938575
  • Hernández, Pablo José, author. Esencia y existencia de la Argentina en sus pintores. Merlo [Buenos Aires, Argentina] : Ediciones Instituto Superior Dr. Arturo Jauretche, mayo 2015. HOLLIS 014933089
  • Herrmann, Daniel F., ed. Eduardo Paolozzi. London, [England] : Whitechapel Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 014986183
  • Hick, Darren Hudson, author. Artistic license : the philosophical problems of copyright and appropriation. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015002459
  • Hindman, Sandra and Ariane Bergeron-Foote. France 1500 : the pictorial arts at the dawn of the Renaissance. Paris ; Chicago : Les Enluminures, 2010. HOLLIS 014927877
  • Hinrichs, Nina, 1980-. Wattenmeer und Nordsee in der Kunst : Darstellungen von Nolde bis Beckmann. Gottingen : V&R unipress, c2017. HOLLIS 015000220
  • Hirsch, Helen, ed. Mirror images : reflections in art and medicine = Spiegelbilder in Kunst und Medizin. Wien : VfmK Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2017. HOLLIS 015000226
  • Hlavajova, Maria and Simon Sheikh. Former West: Art and the Contemporary After 1989. BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. Published in association with MIT Press, Cambridge. 2016. HOLLIS 014993691
  • Hoban, Stephen, Kelly Kivland, and Katherine Atkins, eds. Gregg Bordowitz, Sam Lewitt, Josephine Meckseper, Matt Mullican : artists on Hanne Darboven. New York : Dia Art Foundation, [2016]. HOLLIS 014917792
  • Hobelleitner, David Franz and Edgar Lein, eds. Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität : Kunst in der Steiermark vom Mittelalter bis 1918. Graz : UP, Uni-Press Graz, c2016. HOLLIS 015000210
  • Hochdörfer, Achim, ed. Guyton : Wade Guyton : das New Yorker Atelier. München : Museum Brandhorst, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen ; Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2017. HOLLIS 014952989
  • Hoek, Jack van. De Eindhovense kennissen van Vincent van Gogh. De drukker, de lithograaf, de fotograaf en de schilder. Eindhoven : (Z)OO Producties 2017. HOLLIS 014946664
  • Hoffmann, Jens, Caroline A. Jones, Vito Manolo Roma, and Kenneth Goldsmith. The arcades : contemporary art and Walter Benjamin. New York : The Jewish Museum ; New Haven : Yale University Press [2017]. HOLLIS 014923231
  • Hölling, Hanna, author. Paik’s virtual archive : time, change, and materiality in media art. Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944215
  • Honnami, Kiyoshi, 1954- author. “Monoha” no kigen : Ishiko Junzō, Ri Ūfan, Gurūpu “Genshoku” ga hatashita yakuwari. Tōkyō : Suiseisha, 2016. HOLLIS 014884711
  • Hook, Philip, author. Rogues’ gallery : a history of art and its dealers. London : Profile Books Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 014908634
  • Horak, Ruth. Werkschau XXI : Maria Hahnenkamp. Wien : Fotogalerie Wien, [2016]. HOLLIS 015014634
  • Horn, Roni, 1955- artist. Th rose prblm. Göttingen : Steidl, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000232
  • Hosseini, Anita. Die Experimentalkultur in einer Seifenblase das epistemische Potenzial in Chardins Malerei. Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink, [2017]. HOLLIS 014952991
  • Howe, Graham. Edward Weston: Portrait of a Young Man as an Artist. London : Merrell Publishers Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 015010219
  • Howgate, Sarah. Gillian Wearing and Claude Cahun : behind the mask, another mask. London, [England] : National Portrait Gallery Publications ; Princeton, [New Jersey] : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956133
  • Huerta, Pedro Luis, ed. Modelo, copia y evocación en el románico hispano. Aguilar de Campoo : Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico, 2016. HOLLIS 014945385
  • Humphries, Alan, Henry Oakeley, and Victor Hoffbrand. English Delftware Apothecary Jars and Their Contents : the Victor Hoffbrand Collection. London : Oakley Book, 2017. HOLLIS 014925737
  • Husslein-Arco, Agnes and Severin Dünser, eds. 21er Raum im 21er Haus Wien : November 2012 – April 2016 : Anna-Sophie Berger, Andy Boot, Vittorio Brodmann, Andy Coolquitt, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Iman Issa, Barbara Kapusta, Susanne Kriemann, Adriana Lara, Till Megerle, Adrien Missika, Noële Ody, Sarah Ortmeyer, Mathias Pöschl, Rosa Rendl, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Anja Ronacher, Constanze Schweiger, Zin Taylor, Philipp Timischl, Rita Vitorelli, Salvatore Viviano = 21er Raum at 21er Haus Vienna. Wien : Belvedere, c2016. HOLLIS 014944542
  • Iannacchione, Anita and Rachel Alliston, eds. The others : an exhibition at König Galerie, curated by Elmgreen & Dragset = eine Ausstellung in der König Galerie, kuratiert von Elmgreen & Dragset. London ; [Köln] : Koenig Books, c2017. HOLLIS 015000227
  • Idemitsu Bijutuskan. Iwasa Matabē to Genji-e : koten e no chōsen. [Tōkyō] : Idemitsu Bijutsukan, [2017]. HOLLIS 014884972
  • Igloliorte, Heather L., author. SakKijâjuk : art and craft from Nunatsiavut. Fredericton, NB : Goose Lane Editions ; St. John’s, NL : The Rooms Corporation, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986196
  • Inglese, Carlo and Antonio Pizzo, eds. I tracciati di cantiere : disegni esecutivi per la trasmissione e diffusione delle conoscenze tecniche. Roma : Gangemi Editore, 2016. HOLLIS 014998759
  • Insolera, Lydia Salviucci, ed. Immagini e arte sacra nel Concilio di Trento : “per istruire, ricordare, meditare e trarne frutti”. Roma : Artemide, [2016]. HOLLIS 014892098
  • Iskandar Jalil. Iskandar Jalil: Kembara Tanah Liat (Clay Travels). National Gallery Singapore. 2016. HOLLIS 014986177
  • Itō, Shirō. Shinzō chōkoku jūyō shiryō shūsei. Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2016-. HOLLIS 014895288
  • Iversen, Margaret, author. Photography, trace, and trauma. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014944213
  • Iwasaki, Naoko and Mori Michihiko. Nihon no hyōsō : Kyōto Daigaku Sōgō Hakubutsukan tokubetsuten, Kyōto Bunka Hakubutsukan sōgō tenji zuroku = Soukou : Japan way to beauty and preserve cultural heritage. Kyōto-shi : Kabushiki Kaisha Akutibu KEI (Kyōto Daigaku Sōgō Hakubutsukan Myūjiamu Shoppu), 2016. HOLLIS 014884962
  • Jadi, Marie Christine. Helene Schjerfbeck und Gwen John : der Ausdruck von Emotionen in der Malerei der Moderne. Berlin : Reimer, c2017. HOLLIS 014952992
  • Jakobsen, Kjetil and Katherine Lund. Krigsbilder kunst under okkupasjonen 1940-45. Arendal : Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, [2015]. HOLLIS 014953021
  • Jansen, Marije. Japan Modern: Japanese Prints from the Elise Wessels Collection. Amsterdam : Rijksmuseum. Published in association with nai010 Uitgevers/Publishers, Rotterdam. Distributed in the U.S.A. by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015005203
  • Jellitsch, Peter, ed. Peter Jellitsch : the way you moved through me. Vienna : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2016. HOLLIS 014980800
  • Jensen, Kirsten M., ed. Charles Sheeler : fashion, photography, and sculptural form. Doylestown, Pennsylvania : James A. Michener Art Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956132
  • Jones, Kellie, 1959- author. South of Pico : African American artists in Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s. Durham : Duke University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014980756
  • Jorn, Asger and Karen Friis. I begyndelsen var billedet : Asger Jorn i Canica Kunstsammlung = In the beginning was the image : Asger Jorn in the Canica Art Collection. Silkeborg : Museum Jorn, 2016. HOLLIS 014953016
  • Kähler, Susanne and Andreas Mietzsch. Paul Egon Schiffers : Bildhauer im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin : Zentralverlag, 2016. HOLLIS 014944570
  • Kalenberg, Angel, ed. Nelson Ramos : nada del arte le fue ajeno : exposición antológico. Montevideo, Uruguay : Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, [2016]. HOLLIS 014942163
  • Kalvar, Richard. Earthlings. Paris : Flammarion : Distributed in North America by Rizzoli International Publications, ©2007 ([Quart, Aosta], Italy : Musumeci). HOLLIS 011394512
  • Kaufmann, Sylke. Louise Seidler (1786-1866) : Leben und Werk : mit einem Oeuvreverzeichnis ihrer Ölgemälde, Pastelle und bildmässigen Zeichnungen. Bucha bei Jena : QV, Quartus-Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014848045
  • Kawabata, Noriko and Kanae Ogawa, eds. Kirameki de kazaru – raden no bi o atsumete = Dazzling beauty : the art of Asian lacquerware inlaid with mother-of-pearl. [Daizaifu-shi] : Kyūshū kokuritsu hakubutsukan, 2016. HOLLIS 014917457
  • Kay, Sarah, author. Animal skins and the reading self in medieval Latin and French bestiaries. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014915208
  • Kerber, Peter Björn, author. Eyewitness views : making history in eighteenth-century Europe. Los Angeles [California] : J. Paul Getty Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015005195
  • Kessels, Erik. The Many Lives of Erik Kessels. Aperture Foundation, Inc., New York. 2017. HOLLIS 015005197
  • Keuning, Ralph. Joseph Klibansky : Leap of faith. Zwolle : Waanders & De Kunst, 2017. HOLLIS 014983691
  • Kielmayer, Oliver, ed. Maureen Kägi : one could say that it was a paranoid gesture from my side. Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2017. HOLLIS 015000224
  • Kikol, Larissa. Tollste Kunst – kindliche Ästhetik in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Bielefeld : Transcript, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944583
  • Kimmig-Völkner, Susanne, Eva Pluhařová-Grigienė, and Kai Wenzel, eds. Gestaltungsräume : Studien zur Kunstgeschichte in Mittel- und Ostmitteleuropa : Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Michaela Marek. Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015000217
  • Kirchhoff, Peter. Günther Fruhtrunk Serigraphien. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944562
  • Kirin, artist. Entrelíneas. Buenos Aires : Galería Jorge Mara La Ruche, [2014]. HOLLIS 014933087
  • Kirin, Asen. Gifts and Prayers: The Romanovs and Their Subjects. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, Athens. 2016. HOLLIS 014938801
  • Klein, Inga, Nadine Mai, and Rostislav Tumanov, eds. Hüllen und Enthüllungen : (Un-)Sichtbarkeit aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Berlin : Dietrich Reimer Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014944549
  • Klein, William, photographer. William Klein. London : Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 015005218
  • Klemm, Christian and Lukas Gloor. Edvard Munch und die Familie Esche : die Bildnisse, die Sammlung. Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000215
  • Ko, Jae, 1961- artist. Flow. Houston : Contemporary Arts Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 014938815
  • Koelnmesse GmbH, ed. Art Cologne : 51. Internationaler Kunstmarkt, 26.-29. April 2017. Hamburg : Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius : Munich : Hirmer Verlag, distributor, [2017]. HOLLIS 015000209
  • Koenning, Katrin and Sarker Protick. Astres noirs. [Paris] : Chose Commune, [2016]. HOLLIS 014999524
  • Körte, Mona and Judith Elisabeth Weiss. Randgänge des Gesichts kritische Perspektiven auf Sichtbarkeit und Entzug. Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink, [2017]. HOLLIS 014952993
  • Kowalczyk, Bożena Anna, ed. Bellotto and Canaletto : wonder and light. Milano : Silvana Editoriale, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955962
  • Kraczon, Kate. Becky Suss. Philadelphia : Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 014986205
  • Kratsman, Miki, 1959- photographer. The resolution of the suspect. Cambridge, MA : Peabody Museum Press ; Santa Fe, NM : Radius Books, [2016]. HOLLIS 014686415
  • Krieger, Peter, ed. Metonimias : Luis Carrera-Maul. ©2016. HOLLIS 015000136
  • Kronberger, Michaela, ed. Die Virgilkapelle in Wien : Baugeschichte und Nutzung. Wien : Phoibos Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 014929981
  • Krongaard Kristensen, Hans and Bjoern Poulsen. Danmarks byer i middelalderen. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2016. HOLLIS 014953022
  • Krüger, Klaus, 1957- author. Grazia : religiöse Erfahrung und ästhetische Evidenz. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014867931
  • Krzanich, Michael, 1964- photographer. Someone’s mana. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, 2016. HOLLIS 014944584
  • Kubo, Sadajirō, ed. Ei kyū gashū. 東京 : 瑛九画集刊行会, 1971. HOLLIS 014871074
  • Kuck, Jürgen Bernhard, 1952-. Jesus Christus Vita – Jesus Christus ist das Leben : der Jagdfries zu Königslutter und die Signatur Lothars III. Berlin : Lehmanns Media, 2015. HOLLIS 014952994
  • Kudielka, Robert and Angela Lammert, eds. Grenzenlos Kunst?. Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, c2016. HOLLIS 015000218
  • Kuhnen, Hans-Peter, ed. Khirbat al-Minya : der Umayyadenpalast am See Genezareth. Rahden/Westf. : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2016. HOLLIS 014766283
  • Kulturstiftung der Länder and Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, eds. Oskar Schlemmer, Wandbild Familie. Berlin : Kulturstiftung der Länder, 2016. HOLLIS 014944554
  • Kunaichō Sannomaru Shōzōkan. Kindai gajo : Shuzōhin mokuroku kaiga. Meiji jidai hen. [Tokyo] : Kunaichō, Heisei 28 [2016]. HOLLIS 014866339
  • Kunsthalle Giessen, ed. Knut Eckstein : too common = zu allgemein. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2016. HOLLIS 014944566
  • Kunsthandel Widder. Karl Hauk : zwischen Expressionismus und Neuer Sachlichkeit. Wien : Verlag publication PNo1 Bibliothek der Provinz, 2016. HOLLIS 014980798
  • Kunstmuseum Bern and Daros-Latinamerica. Without restraint : Werke mexikanischer Künstlerinnen aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection = works by Mexican women artists from the Daros Latinamerica Collection. Ostfildern, Germany : Hatje Cantz Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944593
  • Kunstraum Dornbirn and Thomas Häusle, eds. Worship : Nathalie Djurberg, Hans Berg. [Vienna] : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2016. HOLLIS 014944594
  • Kunze, Max and Konstantin Lappo-Danilevskij, eds. Drevnost’ i klassitsizm : nasledie Vinkel’mana v Rossii : Akten des internationalen Kongresses St. Petersburg 30. September – 1. Oktober 2015 = Antike und Klassizismus : Winckelmanns Erbe in Russland. Mainz : Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen ; Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 014944545
  • Kurtze, Anne, author. Durchsichtig oder durchlässig : zur Sichtbarkeit der Reliquien und Reliquiare des Essener Stiftsschatzes im Mittelalter. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929976
  • Kyongfa, Che, Hashimoto Azusa, Michelle Ho, and Reuben Keehan. Time of Others. Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. Organized and published in association with National Museum of Art, osaka; Singapore Art Museum; Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane; and Japan Foundation Asia Center, Tokyo. 2015. HOLLIS 014986191
  • Kyōto Kokuritsu Kindai Bijutsukan, Mainichi Shinbunsha, Kyōto Shinbunsha, and Mainichi Broadcasting System. Rinpa imēji ten : Rinpa 400-nen kinen = Rinpa image. [Kyōto] : Kyōto Kokuritsu Kindai Bijutsukan : Mainichi Shinbunsha : Kyōto Shinbun ; [Ōsaka] : MBS, [2015]. HOLLIS 014528871
  • Laabs, Annegret and Uwe Gellner, eds. Peter Herrmann Malergrüsse aus Berlin = Painter’s greetings from Berlin. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944571
  • Lacarra Ducay, María Carmen, author. Pinturas murales góticas en las iglesias de Sos del Rey Católico. Zaragoza : Institución Fernando el Católico, MMXVI [2016]. HOLLIS 014910904
  • Lamas, Salomé, artist. Parafiction : selected works. Milano : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945373
  • Lambirth, Andrew, 1959- author. David Inshaw. London : Unicorn Press Ltd, 2015. HOLLIS 014980761
  • Landauer, Susan, author. Of dogs and other people : the art of Roy De Forest. Oakland, California : Oakland Museum of California in association with University of California Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956130
  • Laoureux, Denis. Peinture partagé. Une collection d’art abstrait wallon. Namur : Province de Namur 2016. HOLLIS 014993640
  • Lara Elizondo, Lupina, author. Maestros de la imaginación : arte mexicano. México : Qualitas Compañía de Seguros : Promoción de Arte Mexicano, 2016-. HOLLIS 015000134
  • Laskaris, Caterina Zaira, 1972- author. Grammatiche della percezione. Milano : Mimesis, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938567
  • Laurent, Cédric. Voyages immobiles dans la prose ancienne : la peinture narrative sous la dynastie Ming (1368-1644). Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2017. HOLLIS 014983714
  • Le Bihan, Olivier. Dufy : le bonheur de vivre : exposition, Evian-les-Bains, Palais Lumière, du 11 février au 5 juin 2017. Gand : Snoeck, 2017. HOLLIS 014946660
  • Le Fur, Yves, ed. Picasso primitif. Paris : Flammarion : Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993657
  • Lee, Sylvia W.S.. Ming dai nü hua jia Li Yin hui hua zhan. Xianggang : Zhong wen da xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014921940
  • Leisch-Kiesl, Monika, 1960-. ZeichenSetzung – BildWahrnehmung : Toba Khedoori : gezeichnete Malerei. Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, c2016. HOLLIS 014944568
  • Lemoine, Pierre, author. Versailles : château, estate, collections. Paris : Éditions Artlys, [2016]. HOLLIS 014948010
  • Letinsky, Laura and Jessica Moss, eds. There was a whole collection made : photography from Lester and Betty Guttman. Chicago, Illinois : Smart Museum of Art, the University of Chicago, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938799
  • Levy, Thomas, ed. Mel Ramos : catalogue raisonné. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 014847803
  • Lew, Christopher Y. and Mia Locks, eds. Whitney Biennial 2017. New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014929296
  • Lewis, Michael and Naomi Speakman, eds. Los pilares de Europa : la Edad Media en el British Museum. [Barcelona] : Fundació Bancària “la Caixa” : Editorial Planeta, SA, [2016]. HOLLIS 014910905
  • Li, Boyan, ed. Guan gu : Rong xi gu mei shu guan cang ci. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014915916
  • Liesbrock, Heinz, ed. Claus Goedicke : Dinge. Bottrop : Josef Albers Museum, Quadrat Bottrop ; München : Schirmer/Mosel, c2017. HOLLIS 014944576
  • Limberg, Kirsten Maria, author, researcher. Bechtold : Erwin Bechtold, Malerei zwischen Zufall und Ordnung. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2016]. HOLLIS 014929973
  • Lingham, Susie, ed. Singapore Biennale 2016 : an atlas of mirrors : [27 October 2016 – 26 February 2017]. Singapore : Singapore Art Museum, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986175
  • Lissoni, Andrea, ed. Philippe Parreno : anywhen. London : Tate Publishing, 2016. HOLLIS 014929300
  • Livingstone, Andrew and Kevin Petrie, eds. The ceramics reader. London ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017. HOLLIS 014908633
  • Lo Pinto, Luca, ed. One, no one and one hundred thousand 19/2-22/5/2016, Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz : Darren Bader, Jason Dodge, Phanos Kyriacou, Adriana Lara, Jonathan Monk, Marlie Mul, Amalia Soto Climent, Lina Viste Groenli. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2016]. HOLLIS 014980774
  • Lombardi, Beatrice. Cinzia Rossi Ghion. [Forte dei Marmi] : Edizioni Museo Ugo Guidi, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986135
  • Longari, Elisabetta, ed. Fausta Squatriti : se il mondo fosse quadro saprei dove andare… = if the world were square, I’d know my way. Firenze : Mandragora, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986137
  • Longhauser, Elsa and Miwon Kwon. Michael Asher : January 26- April 12, 2008. Santa Monica : Santa Monica Museum of Art, 2008. HOLLIS 014997916
  • Lookianov, Dmitry, photographer. Instant tomorrow. [Berlin?] : Peperoni Books, 2016. HOLLIS 014944551
  • López Rodríguez, Arturo, author. Fermín Revueltas : la suversión del color. Durango, Dgo. : Instituto de Cultura del Estado de Durango, 2015. HOLLIS 015000129
  • López Vázquez, José Manuel B., author. ‘Espejo del perfecto sacerdote’ : un programa iconográfico de la catedral de Tui. Santiago de Compostela : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2015. HOLLIS 014915719
  • Louis, François, 1963- author. Design by the book : Chinese ritual objects and the Sanli tu. New York City : Bard Graduate Center, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993686
  • Lours, Mathieu. Paris et ses églises du grand Siècle aux Lumières. Paris : Picard, [2016]. HOLLIS 014867508
  • Low, Sze Wee, ed. Artist and Empire: (En)Countering Colonial Legacies. National Gallery Singapore. Organized in association with Tate Britain, London. 2016. HOLLIS 014986190
  • Lumbreras, Ernesto, 1966- author. La mano siniestra de José Clemente Orozco : (derivaciones, transbordos y fugas). México, D.F. : Grupo Editorial Siglo Veintiuno, 2015. HOLLIS 015000135
  • Lunghi, Elvio, ed. Memorie di Bettona di Pietro Onofri : vita civile e religiosa di una città dell’Umbria al tempo dell’Impero napoleonico. Foligno (Pg) : Il formichiere, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926336
  • Lütticken, Sven. Cultural revolution aethetic practice after autonomy. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980769
  • Lybeer, Charlotte. Charlotte Lybeer : epidermis Il. [Sint-Amandsberg] : Art Paper Editions, c2015. HOLLIS 014983672
  • Ma, Yuanhao. Guanyin zao xiang hai wai yi zhen. [China] : Zhejiang she ying chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014886708
  • MacDowell, Marsha. Conscience of the Human Spirit: The Life of Nelson Mandela — Tributes by Quilt Artists from South Africa and the United States. East Lansing, MI : Michigan State University Museum, 2014. HOLLIS 015010228
  • MacDowell, Marsha and Lijun Zhang, eds. Zhongguo xi nan pin bu. Nanning : Guangxi ren min zhu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014917788
  • Mack, Gerhard, ed. Vierzig Jahre Gegenwart die Galerie Wilma Lock in St. Gallen. Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980803
  • MacLean, Rory. Pictures of You: Ten Journeys in Time. Toronto : Bone Idle. Distributed in the U.S.A. by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015010247
  • Madesani, Angela. Emanuele Gregolin : pagine. Milano : Prearo editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938554
  • Maggia, Filippo, ed. New trends in Japanese photography. Milano : Skira, 2016. HOLLIS 014915679
  • Maggiori, Roberto, author. Nino Migliori : settant’anni di fotografia e arti visive. San Severino Marche (MC) : Editrice Quinlan, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931506
  • Maier, Danica. Grafting Propriety: From Stitch to the Drawn Line. Black Dog Publishing Limited, London. 2015. HOLLIS 014986208
  • Mainardi, Patricia. Another world: nineteenth-century illustrated print culture. [S.l.] : Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014821892
  • Makariou, Sophie and Nathalie Bazin, eds. Alexandra David-Néel : une aventurière au musée : [exposition présentée à Paris, Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet, du 22 février au 22 mai 2017]. Paris : Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet : Réunion des musées nationaux, DL 2017, cop. 2017. HOLLIS 014983699
  • Malsch, Friedemann, ed. Bertrand Lavier. Heidelberg : Kehrer ; Vaduz : Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, c2016. HOLLIS 014944558
  • Malycha, Christian. Sein und Bild : André Butzer 1994-2014. Bielefeld : Kerber, c2017. HOLLIS 015000223
  • Mann, Stephan, ed. Ulrich Erben : Zeiten. Goch : Pagina Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015000233
  • Männig, Maria. Hans Sedlmayrs Kunstgeschichte eine kritische Studie. Köln : Böhlau Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 014952995
  • Marcoci, Roxana. Louise Lawler : receptions. New York, New York : Museum of Modern Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956135
  • Mariano, Fabio and Andrea A. Giuliano. Il Castello d’Aquino a Rocchetta Sant’Antonio tra storia e restauro. Fermo : Andrea Livi editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955933
  • Marrinan, Michael, author. Gustave Caillebotte : painting the Paris of naturalism, 1872-1887. Los Angeles : The Getty Research Institute, [2016]. HOLLIS 014923234
  • Marstine, Janet, author. Critical practice : artists, museums, ethics. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014938831
  • Martín, Carlos. Iconoclastic gestures : heterodox images. Barcelona : “La Caixa” Foundation, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931517
  • Martin, Simon. “The Mythic Method: Classicism in British Art, 1920-1950.”. Chichester : Pallant House Gallery, 2016. HOLLIS 015010218
  • Martínez Assad, Carlos R., author. Legado mesiánico, la sillería del coro de San Agustín : el salón el Generalito de San Ildefonso. México, Distrito Federal : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Dirección General del Patrimonio Universitario, 2015. HOLLIS 015000132
  • Martínez López, Cándida and Felipe Serrano Estrella, eds. Matronazgo y arquitectura : de la Antigüedad a la Edad Moderna. Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2016. HOLLIS 014920311
  • Marziano, Luciano, author. Ceramica è arte : raccolta di testi critici e recensioni. Misterbianco (CT) : Emil edizioni, agosto 2016. HOLLIS 014926335
  • Marzo Magno, Alessandro, author. Missione grande bellezza : gli eroi e le eroine che salvarono i capolavori italiani saccheggiati da Napoleone e da Hitler. Milano : Garzanti, marzo 2017. HOLLIS 014945356
  • Maslov, Sasha. Veterans: Faces of World War II — Sasha Maslov. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, Inc., 2017. HOLLIS 015010244
  • Mason, Darielle, ed. Phulkari : the embroidered textiles of Punjab from the Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz collection. Philadelphia : Philadelphia Museum of Art ; New Haven : In association with Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929302
  • Massoni, Giacomo, 1992- author. La grancia di Montisi. Siena (Italia) : Betti editrice, [2016]. HOLLIS 014998752
  • Mathews-Berenson, Margare. Deborah Remington: A Life in Drawing. New York : Deborah Remington Charitable Trust for the Visual Arts. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015010227
  • Mazzocca, Fernando, ed. Cenacolo Belgioioso : i ritratti. Milano : Medusa, [2016]. HOLLIS 014854560
  • McBreen,Ellen and Helen Burnham. Matisse in the studio. Boston, Massachusetts : MFA publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956137
  • McClary, Richard P., author. Rum Seljuq architecture, 1170-1220 : the patronage of sultans. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014795569
  • McDonough, Tom, ed. Boredom. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014944214
  • McEwen, Jean, artist, author. Jean McEwen : 1923-1999 : De ma main à la couleur = hand to colour. London : Black Dog Publishing, 2016. HOLLIS 014917794
  • McGuirk, Justin and Gonzalo Herrero Delicado, eds. Fear and love : reactions to a complex world. London : Phaidon, 2016. HOLLIS 014923225
  • McIntosh, Alexandra and Nicolaus Schafhausen. Edgar Leciejewski. Tones. Berlin : Sternberg Press 2017. HOLLIS 014944578
  • McMonagle, Christine, ed. Hugo McCloud : painting. New York : Sean Kelly ; Berlin : Hatje Cantz, c2017. HOLLIS 014944550
  • McPherson, Heather, author. Art & celebrity in the age of Reynolds and Siddons. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956156
  • Meade, Fionn and Joan Rothfuss, eds. Merce Cunningham : co:mm:on ti:me. Minneapolis : Walker Art Center, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929299
  • Meade, Fionn and Jordan Carter. Question the wall itself. Minneapolis : Walker Art Center, [2017]. HOLLIS 015005199
  • Mecacci, Andrea, author. Dopo Warhol : il pop, il postmoderno, l’estetica diffusa. Roma : Donzelli editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 014945357
  • Meghani, Kajal. Splendours of the Subcontinent: A Prince’s Tour of India, 1875-6. London : Bradford Art Galleries. Published by Royal Collection Trust. Distributed in the U.S.A. by University of Chicago Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015005210
  • Meier, Oliver, Michael Feller, and Stefanie Christ. Der Gurlitt-Komplex : Bern und die Raubkunst. Zürich : Chronos, [2017]. HOLLIS 015000225
  • Meister, Sarah Hermanson. Arbus, Friedlander, Winogrand: New Documents, 1967. New York : Museum of Modern Art. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York. 2017. HOLLIS 014986203
  • Mejcher-Atassi, Sonja and May Muzaffar, eds. Rafa Nasiri : artist books. Milano : Skira, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938568
  • Mellado, Justo Pastor, 1949- author. Escenas locales : ficción, historia y política en la gestión de arte contemporáneo. [Argentina?] : Editorial Curatoría Forense, [2015?]. HOLLIS 014933090
  • Mendoza, Florencia, ed. Muestra homenaje a Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo : catálogo. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Bellas Artes., 2015. HOLLIS 014933091
  • Mersmann, Jasmin, author. Lodovico Cigoli : Formen der Wahrheit um 1600. Boston : Walter de Gruyter, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944585
  • Messina, Gaby. Saber ver : la vida como obra, la obra como vida : conversaciones con artistas argentinos. Buenos Aires : Sudamericana, [2016]. HOLLIS 014933092
  • Michna-Bales, Jeanine. Through Darkness To Light: Photographs Along the Underground Railroad — A Photographic Essay by Jeanine Michna-Bales. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, Inc., 2017. HOLLIS 015010246
  • Mieves, Christian and Irene Brown, eds. Wonder in Contemporary Artistic Practice. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York. Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies, 21. 2017. HOLLIS 014956151
  • Mikuriya, Junko Theresa, author. A history of light : the idea of photography. London, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017. HOLLIS 014939935
  • Millozzi, Federica. Gianni Turin : e-pi-gra-fi-e : sacrificio e memoria = sacrifice and memory. Cittadella (Pd), Italia : Biblos, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955975
  • Milošević, Žaklina, ed. Adriano Piazzesi. Firenze : Angelo Pontecorboli editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931496
  • Milovanovic, Nicolas. Le mystère Le Nain. Paris : LienArt, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983710
  • Milroy, Sarah and Ian A.C. Dejardin, eds. Vanessa Bell. London : Philip Wilson Publishers, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938804
  • Mínguez García, Hortensia, author. Gráfica contemporánea : del elogio de la materia a la gráfica intangible. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2013. HOLLIS 015000130
  • Mínguez García, Hortensia, ed. Libro-arte/abierto. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2012. HOLLIS 015000133
  • Mininni, Massimo and Augusto Morari, eds. Giorgio Morandi : Tacita Dean : “Semplice come tutta la mia vita”. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986118
  • Miquel Juan, Matilde, Olga Pérez Monzón, and Miriam Bueso Manzanas, eds. Ver y crear : obradores y mercados pictóricos en la España gótica (1350-1500). Madrid : Ediciones de La Ergástula, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938576
  • Mirus, Wolff, ed. Otto Ritschl : das Werkverzeichnis 1919-1976. München : Hirmer, 2017. HOLLIS 014980776
  • Mitrani, Àlex, ed. Recordar Cirici. Barcelona : EINA : Comanegra, [2016]. HOLLIS 014915722
  • Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz, Matthias von der Bank, and Ines Heisig, eds . Mittelrhein-Museum Koblenz : Auswahlkatalog. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014980773
  • Mizuno, Keisaburō. Nihon chōkokushi kiso shiryō shūsei. Kamakura jidai. Zōzō meiki hen. Tōkyō : Chūō Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan, Heisei 15- [2003-. Additional volume: v. 13 pt. 1-2. HOLLIS 009053919
  • Möckel, Birgit, ed. Fortsetzung folgt! : 150 Jahre Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen 1867 e.V. Berlin : Vice Versa Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000216
  • Moctezuma Barragán, Andrés, 1958-, photographer. Gubias y rodillos del México indígena : exposición del Taller Popular de Grabado : Otro tiempo… desde el fondo del tiempo. México, D.F. : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2016. HOLLIS 015000131
  • Modigliani, Amedeo, 1884-1920, artist. Modigliani. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 014998754
  • Molesworth, Helen and Bob Nickas.. Lozano c.1962. New York, NY : Karma, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938826
  • Molina, Álvaro, ed. La historia del arte en España : devenir, discursos y propuestas. Madrid : Ediciones Polifemo, 2016. HOLLIS 014955986
  • Möllers, Sebastian, Luisa Pauline Fink, and Andreas Schäfer, eds. Ein Künstlerpaar der Moderne : Emil Maetzel & Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944567
  • Moore, Nicolas, ed. James Moore : photographs 1962-2006. [Bologna] : Damiani, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938569
  • Moorhouse, Paul. Howard Hodgkin : absent friends. London : National Portrait Gallery Publications, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986184
  • Morales, Mariano, author. Poética de la imagen : diálogos con la pintura. Puebla, Pue. : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Dirección de Fomento Editorial, 2016. HOLLIS 014886415
  • Moran, Claire, author. Staging the artist : performance and the self-portrait from realism to expressionism. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 014917800
  • Morehead, Allison, author. Nature’s experiments and the search for symbolist form. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956154
  • Moreno Negrete, Sarbelio, author, photographer (expression). De Querétaro al mundo : los retablos dorados. [Querétaro?] : [publisher not identified], [2014]. HOLLIS 015000127
  • Mosse, Richard and Giorgio Agamben. Richard Mosse: Incoming. MACK, London. 2017. HOLLIS 015005219
  • Mössinger, Ingrid and Kerstin Drechsel, eds. Max Beckmann : portraits, self-portraits, faces : Druckgrafik aus der Sammlung Jürgen und Antje Conzelmann, Frankfurt am Main und den Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz. Chemnitz : Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, [2016]. HOLLIS 014929974
  • Mu, Qun. Yi shu sheng tai : Dang dai yi shu yu shi jue wen hua san lun. [China] : Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833562
  • Mu, Qun . Shi jue de zhi hui : Dang dai yi shu pi ping yu yi shu li lun wen ji. [China] : Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833557
  • Muellner, Nicholas and Catherine Taylor, eds. Dark archives, 1-41. [Ithaca, New York] : Image Text Ithaca Press, 2016. HOLLIS 014987184
  • Müllerschön, Nicola and Christoph Tannert, eds. Salwa Aleryani intending probability. Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980793
  • Musée d’art et d’histoire and Fondation Pierre Arnaud. Peintures flamandes et hollandaises du Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève. Lausanne : Favre, [2016]. HOLLIS 014948008
  • Musée Maillol, Culturespaces, and Musée de la Boverie. 21 rue La Boétie : d’après le livre d’Anne Sinclair. Vanves : Hazan ; Paris : Musée Maillol, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983697
  • Museo d’arte Mendrisio. Quadrifonia : Chiostro dei Serviti. Mendrisio : Museo d’arte Mendrisio, [2016]. HOLLIS 014992690
  • Museu d’Art Modern Tarragona. 40 art i lletres : una visió litèraria de 40 anys de creació artistica (1976-2016). Tarragona : Diputació de Tarragona, Museu d’Art Modern ; Barcelona : Viena Edicions, novembre de 2016. HOLLIS 014955991
  • Museum Moderner Kunst Wörlen. “Wie ist darin doch auch viel Gemeinsames” : das Künstlerpaar Bilger-Breustedt. Passau : Museum Moderner Kunst Wörlen, c2016. HOLLIS 014953015
  • Musolino, Grazia, ed. Palazzo Ciampoli tra arte e storia : testimonianze della cultura figurativa messinese dal XV al XVI secolo. Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938544
  • Mutani, Roberto, author. Il sogno e l’arte : il linguaggio dell’anima. Torino : Allemandi, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938570
  • Nadel, Dan. Jason Fox. New York: Canada. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015005212
  • Nahmad, Ezra. Ezra Nahmad : leave. [Berlin] : Peperoni books, 2016. HOLLIS 014944579
  • Napolitano, Giorgio, 1947- author. La ceramica a Napoli : dallo storicismo al Novecento. [Naples] : Edizioni Fioranna, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955958
  • Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, ed. Kaikei : Nihonjin o miryōshita hotoke no katachi : tokubetsuten = The buddhist Master sculptor Kaikei : timeless beauty from the Kamakura period : special exhibition. [Nara-ken] : Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, Heisei 29-nen [2017]. HOLLIS 015016148
  • Nasgaard, Roald and Gwendolyn Owens. Higher states : Lawren Harris and his American contemporaries. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada : Goose Lane Editions ; Kleinburg, Ontario : McMichael Canadian Art Collection, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956134
  • Natier, Michel and Philippe Piguet. Portraits impressionnistes : le visage d’une nouvelle société. Louviers : Musée municipal de Louviers, [2016]. HOLLIS 014983716
  • Nationaal Centrum voor de Plastische Kunsten in de XVIde en XVIIde Eeuw, ed. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard; an illustrated catalogue raisonné of the work of Peter Paul Rubens based on the material assembled by the late Dr. Ludwig Burchard in twenty-six parts. London, New York, Phaidon, 1968-. Additional volumes: v. 19.4, Portraits after Existing Prototypes, and v. 27.1, Works in Collaboration: Jan Brueghel I & II.  HOLLIS 004838783
  • Naumann, Francis M.. Man Ray continued and noticed : defiance, formalism, conceptualism, invention, and humor in the work of Man Ray. New York : Francis M. Naumann Fine Art, 2016. HOLLIS 014923232
  • Navas, Ignacio, José Castiella, Óskar Ranz, Miren Pastor, Álvaro Gil, et al. Ayudas para proyectos de artes plásticas y visuales 2015, 4 marzo – 26 junio = Arte plastiko eta ikusizkoetako proiektuetarako laguntzak 2015eko, Martxoak 4 – Ekainak 26 = Grants for plastic and visual arts project 2015, 4th March – 26th June : Centro de Arte Contemporaneo de Huarte. [Pamplona] : Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura, Deporte y Juventud : Huarte : Centro de Arte Contemporaneo de Huarte, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931514
  • Navone, Nicola, author. Gli architetti Adamini a San Pietroburgo : la raccolta dei disegni conservati in Ticino. Mendrisio : Mendrisio Accademy Press : Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931509
  • Nemerov, Alexander. Ralph Eugene Meatyard : American mystic. San Francisco : Fraenkel Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986204
  • Neto, Ernesto and the Huni Kuin. Aru Kuxipa : sacred, secret. Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2016. HOLLIS 014980790
  • Neuburger, Katharina. Die amerikanische Erfahrung, oder, Weshalb Marcel Duchamp in New York Werke ausstellen konnte, die keine Kunst sind. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, c2017. HOLLIS 014952998
  • Nezu Bijutsukan, author, host institution. Ko-imari zukan : Yamamoto korekushon sōmokuroku. 東京 : 根津美術館, 2017. HOLLIS 014884967
  • Nicholson, Jovan, author. Winifred Nicholson : liberation of colour. London : Philip Wilson Publishers, 2016. HOLLIS 014938805
  • Nicolai, Olaf, 1962- artist. Il diario del vento = Wind diary. [Rome] : Nero, [2016?]. HOLLIS 014829142
  • Niemeier, Wolf-Dieter, author. Das Orakelheiligtum des Apollon von Abai/Kalapodi : eines der bedeutendsten griechischen Heiligtümer nach den Ergebnissen der neuen Ausgrabungen. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014867932
  • Nigro, Mario, 1917-1992, artist. Mario Nigro : dal “ritmo verticale” al “tempo totale”. Milano : A arte Invernizzi, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986121
  • Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. Skulpturer Sculptures : Haakon Anton Fageraas. [Oslo] : Teknisk Industrie ; [Oslo] : Vigeland-museet, [2016]. HOLLIS 014953024
  • Novitskova, Katja, 1984- artist. Dawn mission. Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2016?]. HOLLIS 014945375
  • Nurchis, Federica, 1984- author. Alberto Martini (1931-1965) : da Longhi ai Maestri del colore. Milano – Italy : Ledizioni, novembre 2016. HOLLIS 014945359
  • Obra Social “La Caixa” and Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Un Thyssen nunca visto : exposición. [Barcelona] : Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931518
  • Occhipinti, Carmelo, ed. Raffaello, Correggio, Caravaggio : un’esperienza tattile : sulle orme di Scannelli. Roma : UniversItalia, 2016. HOLLIS 014921820
  • Odermatt, Arnold, 1925- photographer. Feierabend = après le boulot = after work. Göttingen, Germany : Steidl, 2016. HOLLIS 014862797
  • Oehmichen, Manfred. Manfred Oehmichen : Farbe unter Druck – Monotypien = color under pressure – monotypes. Bielefeld : Kerber, c2017. HOLLIS 014929977
  • Oglander, Eric, artist. Mirrors. Oakland, CA : TBW Books, 2015. HOLLIS 014987177
  • Oltra, Consol, ed. Lluïsa Vidal : pintora del modernismo. Barcelona : Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, septiembre 2016. HOLLIS 014945384
  • Ommeren, Ruud van. José Herrera : De evolutie van de Spaanse kunstenaar-schilder. Schiedam : Scriptum, 2015. HOLLIS 014983692
  • Orihuela Uzal, Antonio, author. La caja verde de Duchamp : y otras estampas cifradas. Santander, Cantabria : El Desvelo, 2016. HOLLIS 014945387
  • Orozco, Miguel, author. La odisea de Miró y sus Constelaciones : el pintor y sus marchantes. Madrid : Visor Libros, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955988
  • Orrock, Amy. Bruegel: Defining a Destiny. Holburne Museum, Bath. Published in association with Philip Wilson Publishers, I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, London. 2017. HOLLIS 014938822
  • Ottinger, Didier, ed. Magritte : the treachery of images. Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944552
  • Padgett, J. Michael. The Berlin painter and his world : Athenian vase-painting in the early fifth century B.C. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Art Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993676
  • Padiyar, Satish, Philip Shaw, and Philippa Simpson, eds. Visual culture and the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014879102
  • Padon, Thomas and Christine Podmaniczky. American treasures : the Brandywine River Museum of Art. New York, NY : Skira Rizzoli ; Chadds Ford, PA : Brandywine River Museum of Art, 2017. HOLLIS 015005216
  • Pagnozzato, Riccarda, author. Ore immense : l’arte, la mia vita. Padova : Il poligrafo, ottobre 2016. HOLLIS 014854561
  • Paitz, Kendra, ed. Carrie Schneider : nine trips around the sun : selected works from 2006-2015. Normal, IL : University Galleries of Illinois State University, [2016]. HOLLIS 014956148
  • Paladino, Vera, ed. Patrizia Comand : La nave dei folli = The ship of fools. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2015]. HOLLIS 014986116
  • Paolini, Claudio. Intorno alla cattedrale : case e palazzi di piazza del Duomo e di piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, 2016. HOLLIS 014921806
  • Paparoni, Demetrio, author. The devil : atlante illustrato del lato oscuro : da Giotto a Picasso, da Pollock a Serrano, dai tarocchi ai videogiochi. Milano : 24 ore cultura, febbraio 2017. HOLLIS 014926337
  • Pape, Joana. Apres tout – das eigene Gefühl Alice Haarburger zum 125. Geburtstag. Reutlingen : Stadt Reutlingen, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000208
  • Pascal, Jean-Pierre. Estampes du Viêt Nam. Nîmes : Atelier Baie, 2017. HOLLIS 014948006
  • Pasolini, Alessandra and Rafaella Pilo, eds. Cagliari and Valencia during the Baroque age : essays on art, history and literature. Valencia : Albatros, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955982
  • Passoni, Riccardo and Giorgina Bertolino, eds. Dalle bombe al museo : 1942-1959 : la rinascita dell’arte moderna : l’esempio della GAM di Torino. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931500
  • Pastorino Rodríguez, Magalí, author. A la huella de Giordano Bruno : una arqueología del arte contemporáneo en las prácticas docentes de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes (1985-1993). Montevideo, Uruguay : CSIC, Universidad de la República Uruguay, [2016]. HOLLIS 014942138
  • Patalocco, Alessio, ed. Le torri e le case-torre di Narni. Nardi : Opera pia Alberti e dei Nobili Narni, 2016. HOLLIS 014945362
  • Pate, Alan Scott. Kanban: Traditional Shop Signs of Japan. Mingei International Museum, San Diego. Published by Princeton University Press. 2017. HOLLIS 015005214
  • Paul, Stella, author. Chromaphilia : the story of color in art. London ; New York, NY : Phaidon Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014944217
  • Paulsen, Kris, author. Here/there : telepresence, touch, and art at the interface. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929125
  • Peabody, Rebecca. Consuming Stories: Kara Walker And The Imagining Of American Race. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2016. HOLLIS 015010235
  • Pejčochová, Michaela and Clarissa von Spee, eds. Modern Chinese painting & Europe : new perceptions, artists encounters, and the formation of collections. Berlin : Reimer, c2017. HOLLIS 014944553
  • Pel, Martin, author. 1920s jazz age fashion & photographs. London : Unicorn : in association with Fashion and Textile Museum, [2016]. HOLLIS 014917791
  • Pellegrini, Gino, 1941-2014, artist. Gino Pellegrini. Ravenna : Danilo Montanari editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938556
  • Pelloso, Angelo, author. Scamozzi in cantiere : la “barchessa” di Piombino Dese. Crocetta del Montello (Tv) : Terra ferma, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955979
  • Peltz, Lucy. Facing the text : extra-illustration, print culture, and society in Britain, 1769-1840. San Marino, California : Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931619
  • Pena, Gonçalo, artist. Unfinished Mandarin. Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945376
  • Peng, Lü, author. Bloodlines : the Zhang Xiaogang story. Milano : Skira, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955968
  • Peng, Yong and Pan Yue. Ming dai gong ting nü xing shi. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014915930
  • Pereda, Raquel, author. Pedro Figari : vida y pasión. Montevideo, Uruguay : Ediciones Cruz del Sur : Librería Linardi y Risso, [2016]. HOLLIS 014942135
  • Peredo, Melchor, author. Xalapa : reducto de la revolución muralista mexicana. Veracruz, Veracruz, México : Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura, 2015. HOLLIS 015000144
  • Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Isabel, et al. Hans Holbein d.Ä., Die Graue Passion. Berlin : Kulturstiftung der Länder ; Stuttgart : Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944548
  • Phillips, Tom, 1937- author. A humument : a treated Victorian novel. London ; New York : Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2016. HOLLIS 014917805
  • Pinchbeck, Cara, Lindy Allen, and Louise Hamby. Art from Milingimbi : taking memories back. Sydney, N.S.W. : Art Gallery of New South Wales, [2016]. HOLLIS 014923229
  • Pissarro, Joachim. Alberto Giacometti, Yves Klein: In Search of the Absolute. New York : Gagosian Gallery. Distributed by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 014993679
  • Plasencia, Clara. Miralda : Madeinusa. Barcelona : Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 2016. HOLLIS 014955987
  • Plaza, Carlos, author. Españoles en la corte de los Medici : arquitectura y política en tiempos de Cosimo I. Madrid : CEEH, Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica, [2016]. HOLLIS 014915721
  • Poli, Francesco, ed. Sutherland, Vangi : un alto dialogo fra pittura e scultura. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955969
  • Pontiggia, Elena, ed. Franca Ghitti. Milano : Skira, [2016]. HOLLIS 014998751
  • Porstmann, Gisbert and Johannes Schmidt, eds. Otto Griebel : Verzeichnis seiner Werke. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929978
  • Prat, Louis-Antoine, 1944- author. Le dessin français au XVIIIe siècle. Paris : Louvre éditions : Somogy, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956448
  • Prose, Francine. Line Into Color, Color Into Line: Helen Frankenthaler, Paintings 1962-1987. Beverly Hills : Gagosian Gallery. Published by Gagosian Gallery, New York. Distributed by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York, 2016. HOLLIS 014938817
  • Pruitt, Rob, 1964- author. Rob Pruitt’s eBay flea market. Year 1. Venice, Italy : bruno, 2015. HOLLIS 015013013
  • Puklus, Peter, 1980- photographer. The epic love story of a warrior. [London, England] : SPBH Editions, 2016. HOLLIS 014987190
  • Pulfer, Reto and Nikola Dietrich, eds. Reto Pulfer Zustandskatalog = Catalogue of states and conditions. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980792
  • Pulga, Patrizia, 1950- author. Le donne fotografe dalla nascita della fotografia ad oggi : uno sguardo di genere. Bologna : Pendragon, [2017]. HOLLIS 014998756
  • Pütz, Frank. “Die Perle des Waldecker Landes” Schloss Friedrichstein in Bad Wildungen. [Kassel] : Mhk, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel ; Kromsdorf : Jonas Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014953002
  • Quiles, Daniel R.. Jaime Davidovich in Conversation with Daniel R. Quiles. New York : Fundacion Cisneros/Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015010230
  • Quilici Buzzacchi, Mimì, artist. Mimì Quilici Buzzacchi : tra segno e colore. Modena : Palombi editori, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986133
  • Raaij, Ernst van. De triomf van Thomas van Aquino : Een schilderij van Willem van Konijnenburg. Nijmegen : Valkhof Pers, 2016. HOLLIS 014946666
  • Ragaglia, Letizia, ed. Judith Hopf : up. Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955977
  • Raiford, Leigh and Heike Raphael-Hernandez, eds. Migrating the Black body : the African diaspora and visual culture. Seattle : University of Washington Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931896
  • Ramírez-Weaver, Eric M., 1971- author. A saving science : capturing the heavens in Carolingian manuscripts. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014884562
  • Ramirez, Joe, 1958-. The gold projections. Heidelberg : Kehrer, c2017. HOLLIS 014944547
  • Ramkalawon, Jennifer. Maggi Hambling: Touch — Works on Paper. London : Lund Humphries, 2017. HOLLIS 015010220
  • Ramon, Artur, author. Falsas sirenas son. Barcelona : Elba, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938577
  • Rancillac, Bernard, 1931- artist. Bernard Rancillac. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986134
  • Rangel, Gabriela L. Told and Untold: The Photo Stories of Kati Horna in the Illustrated Press. New York : Americas Society. Distributed in the U.S.A. by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 014993681
  • Ratzka, Thomas and Germar Zieroff, eds. Gunter Ullrich : Graphiker und Maler. Aschaffenburg : Museen der Stadt Aschaffenburg, 2015. HOLLIS 014944581
  • Räuchle, Viktoria. Die Mütter Athens und ihre Kinder : Verhaltens- und Gefühlsideale in klassischer Zeit. Berlin : Reimer, c2017. HOLLIS 014862806
  • Ravenet Ramírez, Mariana and Carlos Padial, eds. Ravenet. [Madrid] : Fundación Arte Cubano, [2015]. HOLLIS 014920312
  • Reckert, Annett, ed. Spurenlese Künstlerporträts fotografiert von Angelika Platen : Dokumente aus dem Archiv Marzona. Delmenhorst : Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst, [2015]. HOLLIS 014953003
  • Rehberger, Lena Rebekka. Die Grabmalkunst von Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014980791
  • Rekade, Christiane and Francesca Boenzi, eds. Throwing balls in the air. Milano : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926341
  • Renaldi, Richard, author, photographer. Manhattan Sunday. New York : Aperture, 2016. HOLLIS 014917803
  • Rennie Collection. Rodney Graham : 31 May to 4 October 2014. Vancouver, British Columbia : Rennie Collection at Wing Sang, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938813
  • Reupert, Ute, Thomas Trajkovits, and Winfried Werner, eds. Denkmalkunde und Denkmalpflege : Wissen und Wirken : Festschrift für Heinrich Magirius zum 60. Geburtstag am 1. Februar 1994. Dresden : Lipp, 1995. HOLLIS 015011800
  • Reynolds-Kaye, Jennifer, author. Small-Great Objects : Anni and Josef Albers in the Americas. New Haven, [Connecticut] : Yale University Art Gallery, 2017. HOLLIS 014931595
  • Reynolds, Michael, ed. Enrico Baj : the artist’s home. New York : Skira Rizzoli Publications, Inc., 2017. HOLLIS 014944210
  • Ribeiro, Aileen, 1944- author. Clothing art : the visual culture of fashion, 1600-1914. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929304
  • Riccòmini, Marco, ed. Felsina antiquaria : dipinti, disegni, arredi e sculture a Bologna. [Italy] : [publisher not identified], [2016]. HOLLIS 014938563
  • Rigoni, Alberto, ed. Noël Dolla : degré zéro. La Spezia : Menhir arte contemporanea, [2016]. HOLLIS 014854556
  • Riopelle, Christopher, ed. Australia’s impressionists. London : National Gallery Company Limited, 2016. HOLLIS 014944206
  • Rissolini, Aldo, author. Tapices del Uruguay : tendencias y artistas, 1960-2015. Montevideo, Uruguay : Fondo Concursable para la Cultura, MEC, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura : Correo Uruguayo, 2016. HOLLIS 014942123
  • Roberts, Veronica, ed. Nina Katchadourian : curiouser. Austin, Texas : Blanton Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014923223
  • Rodney, Lee. Looking Beyond Borderlines: North America’s Frontier Imagination. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York. Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies, 19. 2016. HOLLIS 014956150
  • Rodrigues Widholm, Julie and Gregory J. Harris, eds. Dianna Frid + Richard Rezac : split complementary. [Chicago, IL] : [DePaul Art Museum], [2016]. HOLLIS 014917793
  • Rodríguez Bolufé, Olga M., ed. Estudios de arte latinoamericano y caribeño. Ciudad de México : Universidad Iberoamericana, 2016-. HOLLIS 014905848
  • Romanelli, Giandomenico, ed. Bellini e i belliniani : dall’Accademia dei Concordi di Rovigo. Venezia : Marsilio, febbraio 2017. HOLLIS 014955941
  • Romero, Anthony, ed. Organize Your Own: The Politics and Poetics of Self-Determination Movements. Soberscove Press, Chicago. 2017. HOLLIS 015005208
  • Romero, Betsabeé, 1963-, artist. Sin rodeos. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México : Instituto Cultural Cabañas, 2014. HOLLIS 015000143
  • Rommens, Aarnoud, author. The art of Joaquín Torres-García : constructive universalism and the inversion of abstraction. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014917795
  • Rondeau, James. Paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago : highlights of the collection. Chicago, Illinois : Art Institute of Chicago, 2017. HOLLIS 014986202
  • Rosa, Sergio, author. Pedagogia del vasaio : andare a bottega nell’epoca barocca. Castelli (TE) : Verdone editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938571
  • Rösch, Adina Christine. Das Burgschloss König Ludwigs II. auf dem Falkenstein – ein “kaum existierendes Kunstwerk”. Braubach : Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e.V., 2016. HOLLIS 014980801
  • Roselione-Valadez, Juan, ed. No man’s land : women artists from the Rubell Family Collection. Miami : Rubell Family Collection, Contemporary Arts Foundation, [2015]. HOLLIS 014944204
  • Roselione-Valadez, Juan, ed. Rubell Family Collection : highlights & artists’ writings. Miami, FL : Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation, [2014]-. HOLLIS 014944208
  • Rosseau, Valerie. The Hidden Art: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Self-Taught Artists from the Audrey B. Heckler Collection. American Folk Art Museum, New York. Published in association with Skira Rizzoli, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York. 2017. HOLLIS 014938818
  • Rossi Vairo, Giulia and Joana Ramôa Melo. Encontro Internacional sobre Claustros no mundo mediterrânico : séculos X – XVIII. Coimbra : Almedina, 2016. HOLLIS 015010827
  • Rovati, Federica, author. L’arte dell’Ottocento. Torino : Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a., [2017]. HOLLIS 014998757
  • Royal British Society of Sculptors, author. Sculpture shock : site-specific interventions in subterranean, ambulatory and historic contexts. London, UK : Black Dog Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014956139
  • Rubin, Robert M.. Avedon’s France: Old World, New Look. New York : Abrams, 2017. HOLLIS 015010223
  • Rueda, Juan Francisco. Nacho Martín Silva. [Santander] : Nocapaper Books & More, S.L., [2016]. HOLLIS 014915723
  • Rusch, Julia Regine, author. Konzerthäuser in Deutschland nach 1945 : vergleichende Untersuchung zu Planung, Architektur, Akustik und Nutzung von Aufführungsstätten konzertanter Musik. Köln : Abt. Architekturgeschichte, 2016. HOLLIS 014924731
  • Rushdie, Salman. Jantar Mantar: Simon Chaput. Nazraeli Press, Paso Robles. 2016. HOLLIS 014917804
  • Ryan, Holly Eva, author. Political street art : communication, culture and resistance in Latin America. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014923237
  • Sala Amós Salvador and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León. Pamen Pereira : la mujer de piedra se levanta y baila = the stone woman gets up to dance. Logroño : Sala Amós Salvador : León : MUSAC : Santander (España) : Nocapaper, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926342
  • Salamatina, Oksana, ed. Nabil Mousa : breaking the chains. Milano : Skira, 2016. HOLLIS 014945374
  • Salgado, Sebastião, 1944- photographer, author. Kuwait : a desert on fire = eine Wüste in Flammen = désert en feu. Cologne, Germany : Taschen, [2016]. HOLLIS 014862807
  • Salvadori, Alberto and Rischa Paterlini, eds. Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone. Milano : Skira, [2016]-. HOLLIS 014938561
  • Saman, Moises, 1974- photographer, author. Discordia. [Place of publication not identified] : [Publisher not identified], [2016]. HOLLIS 015013993
  • Sánchez Martínez, María Esther and María del Carmen Bernárdez de la Granja. Servicios urbanos en las ciudades mexicanas de los siglos XIX y XX. Ciudad de México : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, 2016. HOLLIS 014905865
  • Sander, Birgit and Christian Spies, eds. Ersehnte Freiheit : Abstraktion in den 1950er Jahren. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014980784
  • Santamaria, Ulderico and Fabio Morresi. New light on the Deposition by Caravaggio. Città del Vaticano : Edizioni Musei Vaticani, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955945
  • Santilli, Fabio, ed. Gabriele Galantara : la missione della caricatura nella storia e nell’arte. Montelupone : Centro studi Gabriele Galantara per la satira sociale e di costume, [2016]. HOLLIS 014854559
  • Santner, Markus, author. Bild versus Substanz: die Restaurierung mittelalterlicher Wandmalerei im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis (1850-1970) : Entwicklungslinien in Kärnten und Österreich. Wien : Böhlau Verlag, 2016. HOLLIS 015000229
  • Saracino, Francesco, author. Il Messia a Parigi. Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2016. HOLLIS 014938572
  • Saunders, Gil, et al. Eclectic: The Julie and Robert Breckman Collections at the Victoria And Albert Museum. Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 2016. HOLLIS 014986185
  • Savoia, Enzo and Stefano Bosi, eds. Antonio Mancini, genio ribelle. Milano : Bottegantica, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986120
  • Savoia, Enzo and Stefano Bosi, eds. I maestri del colore : arte a Venezia nell’800. Milano : Bottegantica dipinti dell’Ottocento, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986119
  • Savoia, Stefano, ed. Lanfranco : fantastica libertà. Mantova : Il rio, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986129
  • Scheicher, Harald, ed. Werner Berg Museum Bleiburg/Pliberk. München : Hirmer, c2016. HOLLIS 014980780
  • Schiff, Thomas R.. The Library Book: Thomas R. Schiff. Aperture Foundation, Inc., New York. 2017. HOLLIS 015005222
  • Schilling, Jörg. Das Landhaus J.H. Baur in Altona : ein Bau von Christian Frederik Hansen im Wandel der Zeit = The country house of J.H. Baur in Altona : a building by Christian Frederik Hansen over the course of time. München : Dölling und Galitz Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014944589
  • Schmidt, Hans-Werner and Anette Hüsch, eds. Nolde und die Brücke. München : Hirmer, c2017. HOLLIS 014980799
  • Schneede, Uwe M., Kathrin Baumstark, and Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, eds. Paula Modersohn-Becker – der Weg in die Moderne Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, 4. Februar bis 1. Mai 2017. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 014952999
  • Schneider, Karin and Begum Yasar, eds. Situational diagram. New York, NY : Dominique Lévy, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938811
  • Scholz, Klaus-Peter. Franz Herpel : Marinemaler und Segler in Königsberg. Husum : Husum, c2016. HOLLIS 014980802
  • Schöneich, Fabian, ed. Helke Bayrle Portikus under construction 1992-2016. Frankfurt/Main : Portikus Press ; Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944563
  • Schöneich, Fabian, ed. Minouk Lim united paradox. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980772
  • Schoppmann, Wolfgang, Peter Friese, and Guido Boulboulle, eds. Mir ist das Leben lieber Sammlung Reydan Weiss = I prefer life : Reydan Weiss Collection. Heidelberg : Kehrer Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980789
  • Schuchter, Bernd, ed. Die grossen Schrecken des Krieges : 18 Radierungen. Innsbruck : Limbus Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 015000212
  • Schuppli, Madeleine and Aargauer Kunsthaus, eds. Cinéma mon amour : Kino in der Kunst = film in art. Zürich : Scheidegger und Spiess, c2017. HOLLIS 014980767
  • Sedler, Irmgard, ed. Markus Lüpertz : Einblicke : Skulpturen und Arbeiten auf Papier. Düsseldorf : Kunstverlag Galerie Till Breckner, c2016. HOLLIS 014952996
  • Seele, Ralf-Michael, ed. Eva Skupin : Süße Last : Skulpturen und kalligrafische Bilder. Meiningen : Städtische Galerie Ada, c2016. HOLLIS 014953006
  • Seeler, Annette. Aufstand! : Renaissance, Reformation und Revolte im Werk von Käthe Kollwitz. Köln : Wienand, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980795
  • Serrano-Barquín, Héctor and Carolina Serrano-Barquín, eds. Lo binario femenino masculino : simbolismos de género en conventos novohispanos. Toluca, Estado de México : Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México : Gobierno del Estado de México, 2015. HOLLIS 015000125
  • Seyfarth, Ludwig, ed. Erwin Gross : Malerei = paintings : 2010-2015. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 014944561
  • Sharp, Jane A.. Thinking pictures : the visual field of Moscow conceptualism. New Brunswick, New Jersey : Zimmerli Art Museum, [2016]. HOLLIS 014993675
  • Sheng, Zhenhua, Zhang Li, and He Li. Shi huang ling di gong zhi mi. [Beijing] : Zhongguo guo ji dian shi zong gong si, [2003]. HOLLIS 014911859
  • Shorr, Kathy. Kathy Shorr: Shot — 101 Survivors of Gun Violence in America. Brooklyn : PowerHouse Books. Distributed by Penguin Random House LLC, New York, 2017. HOLLIS 015005221
  • Siegel, Katy and Christopher Wool, eds. Painting paintings (David Reed) 1975. New York, NY : Gagosian Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986197
  • Siegert, Dietmar, Zdenek Primus, and Manuel Fontán del Junco, eds. Desde el centro de Europa : fotografía checa, 1912-1974 : Colección Dietmar Siegert. Madrid : Fundación Juan March : Editorial de Arte y Ciencia ; [Barcelona] : RM Verlag, S.L., [2016]. HOLLIS 014945388
  • Sierra Kehoe, María de las Mercedes, author. David Alfaro Siqueiros : Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros : entre el éxtasis y la reinterpretación. Cuautitlán, Edo. de México : UNAM, Cuautitlan, 2016. HOLLIS 014905847
  • Sijens, Doeke, ed. Een storm van kleur. Groningen : Philip Elchers, 2017. HOLLIS 014983674
  • Sileo, Diego, ed. Carlos Martiel : vivere nel tuo corpo. [Rimini] : NFC edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938555
  • Sinclair, Catherine and Ottawa Art Gallery. Nichola Feldman-Kiss: Witness/Temoin. Ottawa Art Gallery, 2015. Published. 2016. HOLLIS 014938816
  • Singapore Art Museum. President’s Young Talents. Singapore Art Museum. 2015. HOLLIS 014986186
  • Singletary, Suzanne, author. James McNeill Whistler and France : a dialogue in paint, poetry, and music. London ; New York : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014956153
  • Sleigh, Charlotte, author. The paper zoo : 500 years of animals in art. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press ; [2017]. HOLLIS 015001131
  • Smerling, Walter and Eva Müller-Remmert, eds. David Schnell : Fenster. Bonn : Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur : Köln : Wienand, c2017. HOLLIS 014952988
  • Smith, Esther K. How to make books. New York : Potter Craft, ©2007. HOLLIS 014980754
  • Soldini, Simone, ed. Per Kirkeby : dipinti, sculture, acquarelli, 1982-2011 : 2.10.2016-29.01.2017. Mendrisio : Museo d’arte Mendrisio, [2016?]. HOLLIS 014986130
  • Sorrenti, Maria Teresa and Giuseppe Mantella, eds. Cantieri del ‘900 : il restauro delle sculture del Palazzo del Governo di Reggio Calabria. Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955952
  • Soto, Jorge Francisco, ed. Ernesto Aróztegui, 1930-1994. [Montevideo, Uruguay] : Proyecto Ganador del Fondos de Incentivo Cultural : Uruguay Cultural, Dirección Nacional de Cultura MEC, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, [2014]. HOLLIS 014942126
  • Sotos Fernández-Zúñiga, Miguel, ed. Pointes : 2010-2015 : revista de arte y arquitectura hacia un espíritu crítico. Madrid : Ediciones Asimétricas, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955990
  • Soutif, Daniel, ed. The color line : les artistes africains-américains et la ségrégation 1865-2016. Paris : Musée du quai Branly–Jacques Chirac : Flammarion, [2016]. HOLLIS 014843671
  • Spampinato, Vittorio, ed. Felice Tagliaferri : i sogni prendono forma. Monghidoro (BO) : Con-fine edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955959
  • Spiteri, Hilary, 1982- author. Filial churches in Malta : Qormi, a case study. [Qormi] : Horizons, 2016. HOLLIS 014926338
  • Stadler, Robert and Alexis Vaillant, eds. A reader on things as ideas. Luxembourg : Mudam Luxembourg ; Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2016. HOLLIS 014944588
  • Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, ed. Benjamin Houlihan : salad days. Dortmund : Verlag Kettler, c2016. HOLLIS 014944543
  • Stanislaus, Grace C., author. Instill & inspire : the John & Vivian Hewitt collection of African-American art. Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015005205
  • Starr, Bala, ed. Artists Imagine a Nation: Sg50 — Pictures of People And Places From the Collections of Koh Seow Chuan And Friends. Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore. 2015. HOLLIS 014986189
  • Steinbrügge, Bettina, ed. Cash for gold : Nina Beier. Milan : Mousse Publishing : Hamburg : Kunstverein in Hamburg, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955973
  • Steinmeier, Frank-Walter, Stéphanie Benzaquen-Gautier, et al. Shaded memories : Ann-Christine Woehrl. Baden : Edition Lammerhuber, c2017. HOLLIS 014944556
  • Stiftung Sammlung E.G. Bührle and Fondation Vincent van Gogh. Calme et exaltation : Van Gogh dans la Collection Bührle = Calm and exaltation : Van Gogh in the Bührle Collection. Arles : Fondation Vincent van Gogh, [2017]. HOLLIS 014983711
  • Stoichiță, Victor Ieronim. Über einige telepathische Dispositive : Vittore Carpaccios Gemäldezyklus in der Scuola degli Schiavoni in Venedig = On several telepathic dispositifs : Vittore Carpaccio’s cycle of paintings in the Scuola degli Schiavoni in Venice. [München] : Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte ; Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, c2016. HOLLIS 015000231
  • Stolz, Rudolf and Museum Sexten, eds. Christopher Lehmpfuhl : Plein-Air-Malerei in den Dolomiten = Pittura plein-air nelle Dolomiti. Sexten : Rudolf Stolz Museum : München : Hirmer, c2016. HOLLIS 014953005
  • Striniati, Claudio. Raphael. Bologna, Italy : Scripta Maneant, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938547
  • Strunck, Christina, author. Christiane von Lothringen am Hof der Medici : Geschlechterdiskurs und Kulturtransfer zwischen Florenz, Frankreich und Lothringen (1589-1636). Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944572
  • Sullivan, Marin R., author. Sculptural materiality in the age of conceptualism : international experiments in Italy. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 014917799
  • Sultan, Karim, Barjeel Art Foundation, and Institut du monde arabe. 100 chefs-d’oeuvre de l’art moderne et contemporain arabe / 100 masterpieces of modern and contemporary Arab art : La Fondation d?Art Barjeel / the Barjeel Art Foundation. Heule : Snoeck Editions/Publishers, 2017. HOLLIS 014946659
  • Susanne Pfleger, ed. Aurelia Mihai Wege in die Geschichte(n) = Roads to (hi)stories. Berlin : Distanz Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980765
  • Sutton, Gloria, ed. Sara VanDerBeek. Ostfildern, Germany : Hatje Cantz Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014953014
  • Suzhou bo wu guan, ed. Qiu Ying. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014915924
  • Táboas, Sofía, artist. Sofía Táboas : azul sólido. Burgos : Fundación Caja de Burgos, [2016]. HOLLIS 014915725
  • Taglioni, Alessandro, author. La perfezione : il miracolo del Quattrocento. Arrone (TR) : Edizioni Thyrus, gennaio 2017. HOLLIS 014986108
  • Takahashi, Shigemi and Blum & Poe. Yoshitomo Nara : shallow puddles. Los Angeles : Blum & Poe, 2015. HOLLIS 014944209
  • Taracena, Bertha, et al. Murales del Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de México. [Toluca de Lerdo, Estado de México] : FOEM, Fondo Editorial Estado de México, 2016. HOLLIS 015000139
  • Tate Gallery and David Blayney Brown. J.M.W. Turner : the ‘skies’ sketchbook. Millbank, London : Tate Publishing, 2016. HOLLIS 014986211
  • Tedeschi, Francesco and Alberto Zanchetta. Ignazio Gadaleta : punti – pittura + radianti. Roma : Gangemi editore SpA international publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931503
  • Teh, David. Thai Art: Currencies of the Contemporary. Cambridge : MIT Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015010239
  • Tellgren, Anna, ed. Pontus Hulten and Moderna Museet the formative years. Stockholm : Moderna Museet ; London ; [Köln] : Koenig Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 014953001
  • Ténèze, Annabelle, ed. Raoul Hausmann : dadasophe : de Berlin à Limoges. Rochechouart : Musée départemental d’art contemporain de Rochechouart ; Paris : Éditions Dilecta, [2017]. HOLLIS 014948011
  • Tesner, Linda, author. Pictures that talk : selected works by Tad Savinar. Portland, OR : Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art Lewis & Clak College, [2016]. HOLLIS 014956149
  • Thake, Conrad, 1963- author. The Ottoman muslim cemetery in Malta. [Malta] : Conrad Thake, 2016. HOLLIS 014926339
  • Thom, Ian M., ed. Embracing Canada : landscapes from Krieghoff to the Group of Seven. London : Black Dog Publishing ; Vancouver, BC : Vancouver Art Gallery, [2015]. HOLLIS 014938800
  • Thomas, Son, 1926-1993, artist. James ‘Son Ford’ Thomas : the Devil and his blues. New York : 80WSE Gallery, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938829
  • Thornton, Torey, photographer. Sail yeller. New York : Karma, [2016]. HOLLIS 014917810
  • Tianjin Yangliuqing hua she, ed. Tianjin Yangliuqing mu ban nian hua bo wu guan guan cang. Tianjin : Tianjin Yangliuqing hua she, 2017. HOLLIS 014889534
  • Ticconi, Dimitri, author. Tommaso Mattei, 1652-1726 : l’opera di un architetto romano tra ‘600 e ‘700. Roma : Gangemi editore SpA international, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938557
  • Todolí, Vicente, ed. Carsten Höller : doubt. Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945352
  • Todorov, Tzvetan, 1939-2017, author. Le triomphe de l’artiste : la révolution et les artistes, Russie, 1917-1941. Paris : Flammarion, [2017]. HOLLIS 014948012
  • Toh, Charmaine. Tang Da Wu: Earth Work, 1979. National Gallery Singapore. 2016. HOLLIS 014986187
  • Tōkyō-to Edo Tōkyō Hakubutsukan, et al. Sengoku jidai ten : a century of dreams. [Tōkyō] : Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 2016. HOLLIS 014866341
  • Tompkins, Cade, Mary Dondero, et al. JOHN UDVARDY. Warren : Udvardy Edition. Distributed by University Press of New England, Lebanon, 2016. HOLLIS 014986213
  • Tong, Yanfang, author. Jin shi qi shou : jin shi jia shu hua ming ke te ji. Shanghai : Shanghai san lian shu dian chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833423
  • Torre Vidal, Alfonso de la, ed. Carmen Calvo : todo procede de la sinrazón (1969-2016) = everything comes from unreason. Madrid : Comunidad de Madrid, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945382
  • Torre, Alfonso de la, ed. Ni captius ni desarmats : art, memòria i dolor versus política (o violència) en/des de (l’Espanya del) segle XX (en les coŀleccions 9915 i Martínez Guerricabeitia). Valencia : Fundació General de la Universitat de València, 2016. HOLLIS 014945386
  • Torre, Claudia de la, 1986- artist. The Questions Library Catalogue. Zürich : edition fink, [2016]. HOLLIS 015012999
  • Torres, Ana, author. Muros en movimiento : Mercado Abelardo Rodríguez. Ciudad de México : Universidad Iberoamericana, 2016. HOLLIS 014905857
  • Tosato, Stefano, ed. I Sanmicheli : ingegneri della Serenissima : scritti e disegni. Crocetta del Montello (Treviso) : Antiga edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 014998758
  • Trillmich, Walter, author. Augustus und seine Gründung : Emerita in Hispanien. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014867933
  • Tromans, Nicholas, author. The art of G.F. Watts. London : Paul Holberton Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 014908635
  • Trummer, Thomas D., ed. Theaster Gates : black archive. Bregenz, Austria : Kunsthaus Bregenz, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944590
  • Tuck, Sarah, author. After the agreement : contemporary photography in Northern Ireland. London UK : Black Dog Publishing, [2015]. HOLLIS 014938832
  • Tureba Lara, José Luis, Luis Cardoza y Aragón, Carlos Mérida, and Sergio Raúl Arroyo. Muro y mito : murales de la Ciudad de México. México, D.F. : Artes de México, 2016. HOLLIS 015000140
  • Unia, Flavio, 1974- author. John Constable : la verità di uno specchio. [Zanica] : Soldiershop Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 014945363
  • Universitat de Lleida. Centre d’Art d’Època Moderna, Ximo Company, Clara T. López Menéndez, et al. The Pantocrator of Sant Climent de Taüll : the light of Europe. [Lleida] : Edicións i Publicacións de la Universitat de Lleida : Centre d’Art d’Època Moderna, Universitat de Lleida, [2016]. HOLLIS 014797065
  • Uslip, Jeffrey, ed. Kelley Walker : direct drive. St. Louis : Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944565
  • Vainker, Shelagh. Liu Dan : new landscapes and old masters = Jinling Liu Dan hua. [Oxford] : Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford , [2016]. HOLLIS 014986198
  • Valadez, Juan. New shamans : Brazilian artists from the Rubell Family Collection = Novos Xamãs : artistas brasileiros da Coleção Família Rubell. Miami, Florida : Rubell Family Collection, Contemporary Arts Foundation, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944207
  • Valtieri, Simonetta and Enzo Bentivoglio. Il Giubileo del 1450 e il culto di Santa Rosa : l’arrivo del Rinascimento a Viterbo e la chiesa di Santa Rosa. Rome : GBE/Ginevra Bentivoglio EditoriA, [2016]. HOLLIS 014931512
  • Van Coller, Ian, photographer. Interior relations. New York, NY : Charles Lane Press, September 2011. HOLLIS 014999520
  • Van Eeghem, Kurt. Schone kunsten : Een persoonlijke reis langs mensen, musea, muziek, meesterwerken en alle dingen die ons leven kleur geven. ‘s-hertogenbosch : Uitgeverij Polis, 2017. HOLLIS 014946668
  • Van Severen, Laura. Land : on the brink of some formidably complex matter. [Breda] : The Eriskay Connection, c2016. HOLLIS 014983695
  • Varas, Valeria and Raul Rispa, eds. Sculpture parks in Europe : a guide to art and nature. Basel : Birkhäuser, [2017]. HOLLIS 014747845
  • Vaya, Diego, 1980- author. Luis Gordillo : (insularidad e inconformismo). Sevilla : La Isla de Siltolá, 2016. HOLLIS 014938578
  • Vázquez Díaz, Ramón, author. Portocarrero : obras escogidas. Madrid : Ediciones Vanguardia Cubana, 2015. HOLLIS 014938579
  • Vella, Theresa. Mary de Piro. Malta : Bank of Valletta, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926334
  • Vercheval, Georges. La photographie au Daily-Bul : Affinités et chamailleries. Crisnee : Yellow Now, 2017. HOLLIS 014946669
  • Verein der Freunde and Förderer des Mies van der Rohe Hauses e.V., eds. Beat Zoderer : Nagelfluh. [Berlin] : Form + Zweck, [2016]. HOLLIS 015000211
  • Verhagen, Marcus, author. Flows and counterflows : globalisation in contemporary art. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980778
  • Vermeiren, David. Guy Vandenbranden : Inner Circle. Antwerpen : Stockmans NV, 2017. HOLLIS 014946670
  • Vervoordt, Boris, ed. Maekawa II. [S.l.] : MER PAPER KUNSTHALLE, 2017. HOLLIS 014983696
  • Villeneuve, Pat and Ann Rowson Love, eds. Visitor-centered exhibitions and edu-curation in art museums. Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980755
  • Villet, Barbara. The Lovings: An Intimate Portrait — Photographs by Grey Villet. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, Inc., 2017. HOLLIS 015010245
  • Vincenti, Giovanni, ed. I domenicani a Galatina e la Chiesa di S. Maria della Grazia : atti del convegno di studio (Galatina, 28 aprile 2016). [Galatina] : Mario Congedo editore, 2017. HOLLIS 014986127
  • Volpe, Alessandro, 1966- author. Pietro da Rimini : l’inverno della critica. Milano : Skira, [2016]. HOLLIS 014895256
  • Volpe, Alessandro, ed. La casa di Nostra Donna : immagini e ricordo di Santa Maria in Porto Fuori. [Imola] : Manfredi, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945368
  • Voorhies, James Timothy, author. Beyond objecthood : the exhibition as a critical form since 1968. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938835
  • Vries, Herman de, 1931-. Herman de Vries : all in one – one in all. Konstanz : Galerie Geiger, c2016. HOLLIS 014944582
  • Waiboer, Adriaan E., Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., and Blaise Ducos. Vermeer and the masters of genre painting : inspiration and rivalry. Dublin : National Gallery of Ireland ; Washington : National Gallery of Art ; Paris : Musée du Louvre, [2017]. HOLLIS 014938806
  • Waldkirch, Bernhard von. Peter Wechsler : Kleinteilig wächst die Welt zusammen : Bleistifzeichnungen, Tuschpinselarbeiten, Radierungen. Zürich : Kunsthaus Zürich ; Köln : Wienand, [2016]. HOLLIS 014929979
  • Walther, Ingo F.. Die Galerie der schönsten Bücher. Munchen : Faksimile Verlag, Edition Bel Libro, 2007. HOLLIS 014889751
  • Ware,Chris and Mark Pascale. Along the lines : selected drawings by Saul Steinberg. Chicago, Illinois : The Art Institute of Chicago, 2017. HOLLIS 014956147
  • Weber, C. Sylvia, ed. Wasser, Wolken, Wind : Elementar- und Wetterphänomene in Werken der Sammlung Würth. Künzelsau : Swiridoff Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014944557
  • Weber, Thomas, ed. Ralph Fleck : neue Arbeiten. Köln : Galerie Boisserée, c2017. HOLLIS 014944587
  • Wedde, Ian, ed. Picturing Asia : double take : the photography of Brian Brake and Steve McCurry. Hong Kong : Asia Society Hong Kong Center, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986193
  • Weibel, Peter, Andreas Beitin, and Erec Gellautz, eds. Albrecht Kunkel : quest : Fotografien = photographs 1989-2009. Karlsruhe : Zentrum für Kunst und Medien ; Wien : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, [2016]. HOLLIS 014929970
  • Welling-Wester, Sytske. Het Nederlandse bloembolglas. Leerdam : Nationaal Glasmuseum, ©2015. HOLLIS 014993642
  • Wendelberger, Axel, ed. Willi Gutmann : Form – Bewegung – Skulptur. Heidelberg : Kehrer, c2016. HOLLIS 014944591
  • Weststeijn, Thijs and Menno Jonker, eds. Barbaren & wijsgeren : het beeld van China in de Gouden Eeuw. Nijmegen : Vantilt, © 2017. HOLLIS 014983690
  • Wildschut, Henk. Henk Wildschut. Ville de Calais. Amsterdam : Idea Books 2017. HOLLIS 014993643
  • Williams, John, 1928 February 25-2015, author. Visions of the end in medieval Spain : catalogue of illustrated Beatus commentaries on the Apocalypse and study of the Geneva Beatus. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2016. HOLLIS 014993644
  • Wilmerding, John and Karen Wilkin. Fairfield Porter. New York : Rizzoli, 2016. HOLLIS 015004895
  • Wind, Edgar, 1900-1971, author. Die Bildsprache Michelangelos. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2017]. HOLLIS 014944592
  • Wissel, Stefan, et al. Stefan Wissel : Bewegung 15. Juli. Wien : Verlag für moderne Kunst, c2017. HOLLIS 015000230
  • Wivel, Matthias, 1975- author, organizer. Michelangelo & Sebastiano. London, England : National Gallery Company, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956136
  • Wojciechowski, Gustavo, ed. Domingo Ferreira : XX Premio Pedro Figari. Montevideo, Uruguay : Museo Figari : Banco Central de Uruguay, [2015]. HOLLIS 015010495
  • Wolf, Herta. Zeigen und/oder Beweisen? : die Fotografie als Kulturtechnik und Medium des Wissens. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2016]. HOLLIS 014848046
  • Wolf, Hope. Sussex Modernism: Retreat and Rebellion. London : Two Temple Place, 2017. HOLLIS 015010221
  • Wolf, Markus, 1965- author. Hellenistische Heiligtümer in Sizilien : Studien zur Sakralarchitektur innerhalb und ausserhalb des Reiches König Hierons II. Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, 2016. HOLLIS 014867934
  • Wolff-Thomsen, Ulrike and Museum Kunst der Westküste, eds. Fritz Overbeck & Hermine Overbeck-Rohte : das Worpsweder Künstlerpaar auf Sylt und Föhr. Heide : Boyens, c2017. HOLLIS 014953007
  • Wu, Meifeng. Ming dai gong ting jia ju shi. [China] : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014915860
  • Wunder, Amanda Jaye, 1972- author. Baroque Seville : sacred art in a century of crisis. University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956155
  • Wuxi Helü cheng yi zhi bo wu guan, ed. Qing tong yi yun : Wuxi Helü cheng yi zhi bo wu guan wen wu zhan shi tu lu. [China] : Nanjing, 2015. HOLLIS 014714755
  • Wylie, Liz. Drawing from Life: Installations Of Large-Scale Drawings by Eight Okanagan-Based Artists. Kelowna Art Gallery. 2016. HOLLIS 014993682
  • Wyllie, Louise and Jan Patience. Arrivals and sailings : the making of George Wyllie. Edinburgh : Polygon, 2016. HOLLIS 014928354
  • Xhafa, Sislej, 1970- artist. Benvenuto!. [Macerata] : Quodlibet, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945378
  • Xiang, Si, author. Qianlong nan xun de gu shi = Stories of Emperor Qianlong’s Inspection Tour to the South. Beijing Shi : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014915910
  • Xu, Jianrong and Liu Yiqiang, eds. Hai pai shu hua wen xian hui bian. Shanghai : Shanghai ci shu chu ban she, 2013-. HOLLIS 014915946
  • Xu, Xiaoman and Wang Fukang. Zhonghua tu xiang wen hua shi. Cha tu juan = The cultural history of Chinese iconography. Beijing : Zhongguo she ying chu ban she, 2016 nian 6 yue. HOLLIS 014833566
  • Yamashita, Yūji, Yamazaki Taeko, and Yamatane Bijutsukan Gakugeibu. Hayami Gyoshū no zenbō : nihonga no hakai to sōzō : kaikan 50-shūnen kinen tokubetsuten = The destruction and creation of Nihonga–Hayami Gyoshū : a retrospective : special exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Yamatane Museum of Art. [Tōkyō] : Yamatane Bijutsukan, 2016. HOLLIS 014871457
  • Yamato Bunkakan. Hakubyō no bi : zuzō, kasen, monogatari : tokubetsuten. [Nara-shi] : Yamato Bunkakan, [2017]. HOLLIS 014884951
  • Yamato, Waki, 1948- cartoonist. Asaki Yumemishi emaki = The tale of Genji. Tōkyō : Kōdansha, 2016. HOLLIS 015009224
  • Yang, Boda, author. Zhongguo shi qian yu qi shi. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014915912
  • Yatskevich, Olga, Russet Lederman, and Matthew Carson, eds. CLAP! : 10 x 10 contemporary Latin American photobooks : 2000-2016. New York : 10 x 10 Photobooks, 2017. HOLLIS 015011816
  • Yau, John. Al Taylor: Early Paintings. New York : David Zwirner Books, New York. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., 2017. HOLLIS 015010233
  • Yueshi, ed. Zhongguo shu hua cheng shan jing cui. 6. [China] : Zhejiang ren mei, 2016. HOLLIS 014850951
  • Zabalza, Ramón, photographer. Dónde : visualización, paisaje y morfologías del territorio = visualisation, landscape and territorial morphologies. Madrid : Ediciones Asimétricas, [2016]. HOLLIS 014945390
  • Zamarrón Yuste, Pablo, author. Iconografía musical en la Catedral de Segovia. Segovia : Cabildo de la Catedral de Segovia, Ayuntamiento de Segovia, [2016]. HOLLIS 014955948
  • Zangheri, Luigi, ed. Ville e giardini medicei in Toscana e la loro influenza nell’arte dei giardini : atti del Convegno internazionale, Accademia delle Arti del disegno, Firenze, 8 novembre 2014. Firenze : Leo S. Olschki, 2017. HOLLIS 014948510
  • Zarobell, John, author. Art and the global economy. Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015010240
  • Zed1, artist, author. Tales from the wall. Roma – Italy : Crowdbooks, [2016]. HOLLIS 014986138
  • Zeppelin Museum. Möglichkeit Mensch : Körper / Sphären / Apparaturen : künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Berlin : Neofelis Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 014944586
  • Zervigon, Andres Mario. Photography and Germany. London : Reaktion Books Ltd. Distributed in the U.S.A. by University of Chicago Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015010237
  • Zhang, Pengchuan, author. “Han Xizai ye yan tu” tu xiang yan jiu. Beijing Shi : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014889464
  • Zhang, Wei, Zheng Zhidong, and Zheng Xiangnan. Ming dai gong ting yuan lin shi. Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014915926
  • Zhongguo min zu bo wu guan, Chuxiong Yizu Zizhizhou bo wu guan, and Liangshan Yi zu nu li she hui bo wu guan, eds. Zhongguo Yi zu wen wu ji cui = A collection of cultural artifacts of the Yi people. Beijing Shi : Min zu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014885806
  • Zhongguo wen wu xue hui yu qi zhuan ye wei yuan hui, ed. Si chou zhi lu yu yu wen hua yan jiu = The research of silk road and jade culture. Beijing Shi : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014915907
  • Zinelli, Anna, and Giovanna Tamassia, eds. Tullia Socin, Enrico Carmassi : opere dalla Fondazione Socin di Bolzano. Milano : Skira, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938558
  • Zuckerman, Heidi. Gabriel Orozco. New York : Aspen Art Press. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., 2017. HOLLIS 015010231
  • Zuckerman, Heidi. Permanent Collection: Issue II. New York: Aspen Art Press. Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P., New York, 2017. HOLLIS 014986206
  • Zwaan, Willemijn van der. Bastiaan Woudt. Nederlandse kunstenaar in Marokko. Amersfoort : Waanders Uitgevers sinds 1836 2017. HOLLIS 014983675
  • Zwirner, Lucas, ed. Carol Bove : polka dots. New York, New York : David Zwirner Books, [2016]. HOLLIS 014938825
  • Zybok, Oliver, ed. Lübeck sammelt 1 : von Max Beckmann bis Miroslav Tichý = Lübeck collects 1 : from Max Beckmann to Miroslav Tichý. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 014980794