New Titles – September 2017

Color photo of Islamic titles of the dome

Just in time for the end of the month, here is the list of new arrivals for September 2017. As always, titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.

  • Abbate, Francesco and Antonello Ricco, eds. Ritorno al Cilento : anteprima della mostra. Foggia : Claudio Grenzi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070876
  • Abu ElDahab, Mai, Marnie Slater, and November Paynter, eds. These are the tools of the present. Brussels : Mophradat ; Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2017. HOLLIS 015063561
  • Agnetti, Vincenzo, 1926- artist. Vincenzo Agnetti : oltre il linguaggio = beyond language. Milano : Osart Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015078520
  • Agudelo Rendón, Pedro, author. Cuerpo (en)marcado : ensayos sobre arte colombiano contemporáneo. Medellín, Colombia : Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, 2016. HOLLIS 015087353
  • Agus Dermawan T., 1952- author. Basoeki Abdullah, painter of kings. Jakarta : PT Dwi Samapersada : Masterpiece, 2016. HOLLIS 014864726
  • Agustoni, Fabrizio and Giulio Lari. Catalogo completo dell’opera grafica di Paul Gauguin. Milano : Salamon e Agustoni, [1972]. HOLLIS 015118148
  • Ai, Weiwei. Ai Weiwei : ruptures. Nordhavn : Faurschou Foundation Copenhagen, ©2015. HOLLIS 014992974
  • Ainsworth, Maryan W., ed. Workshop practice in early Netherlandish painting : case studies from Van Eyck through Gossart. Turnhout : Brepols, [2017]. HOLLIS 015087295
  • Akdeniz, M. Gül, author. Tarih öncesi ve ilk çağ mimarlığı. Fatih, İstanbul : İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık, 2016. HOLLIS 015133033
  • Albayrak, Arif Ali, 1956- author, artist. Albayrak’ Art 60 yıl – 2016. Ümraniye, İstanbul : Göl Kitap Yayıncılık, 2016. HOLLIS 015133059
  • Alberti, Rafael, et al. Ritratti d’artista : Renato Guttuso. Parma : IMP, 2017. HOLLIS 015070890
  • Albrecht, Donald and Thomas Mellins, eds. Mexico modern : art, commerce, and cultural exchange, 1920-1945. New York : Museum of the City of New York ; Munich : Hirmer, c2017. HOLLIS 015077213
  • Almqvist, Kurt and Louise Belfrage, eds. Hilma af Klint seeing is believing. London ; Köln : Koenig Books : Stockholm : Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077188
  • Ameri, Gianluca, author. Lo specchio del principe : i beni preziosi e il collezionismo di Leonello d’Este. Genova : De Ferrari : Genova University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015064542
  • Ammer, Manuela, Karen Kelly,and Barbara Schröder, eds. Always, always, others : Ulrike Müller & Manuela Ammer. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063520
  • Anadol, Ayşen and Erman Ata Uncu. Feyhaman Duran iki dünya arasında = Feyhaman Duran : between two worlds. Istanbul : Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, 2017. HOLLIS 015132978
  • Andersen, Niels Arthur, author. Gold and coral : presentation arms from Algiers and Tunis. [Denmark] : Niels Arthur Andersen, [2014]. HOLLIS 015114374
  • Andreeva, Ekaterina, Aleksandr Borovskiĭ, et al. Aktualʹnyĭ risunok = Актуальный рисунок. Sankt-Peterburg : FGBUK “Gosudarstvennyĭ Russkiĭ muzeĭ” : Palace Editions, 2013. HOLLIS 015075522
  • Annex Galleries. Gustave Baumann : color woodcuts. Santa Rosa, Ca. : The Galleries, ©2005. HOLLIS 015117891
  • Aoki Garō. Ikkakujū no henshin : Aoki Garō kuronikuru 1961-2016 = 一角獣の変身 : 青木画廊クロニクル1961-2016 . Tōkyō : Fūtōsha, 2017. HOLLIS 015035021
  • Aomen yi shu bo wu guan. Chao yi xiang wai : Zhongguo chou xiang hui hua zhan zuo pin ji = 超以象外 : 中国抽象绘画展作品集 = Beyond the surface : works of Chinese abstract art exhibition. Aomen : Aomen yi shu bo wu guan, 2008. HOLLIS 014765870
  • Aomen yi shu bo wu guan. Yi shen guan shen : Zhongguo xing wei yi shu wen xian zhan 2012 zhuan ji = 以身觀身 : 中國行為藝術文獻展2012專集 = Inward gazes : documentaries of Chinese performance art = Olhares interiores : documentarios sobre performance art Chinesa. Aomen : Aomen yi shu bo wu guan, 2012. HOLLIS 014764626
  • Aponte Pareja, Jesús Andrés, author. Escultura en el Nuevo Reino de Granada : siglos XVI-XVII. [Bogotá] : Embajada de España en Colombia, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo en Colombia : J.A. Aponte, 2015. HOLLIS 015087356
  • Appella, Antonio, author. Trionfo e salvezza : il coro ligneo di Orsoleo. Policoro (Mt) : Edigrafema, [2016]. HOLLIS 015078521
  • Arroyo, Eduardo. A la pata coja : colección Eduardo Arroyo. Madrid : La Fábrica, 2017. HOLLIS 015070896
  • Arvidsson, Björn. La belle époque de l’ornement : Genève 1890-1920. [Gollion] : Infolio, ©2015. HOLLIS 014992986
  • Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sinesi Komutanlığı. Askeri Müze koleksiyonları = Military Museum collections. Harbiye, İstanbul : Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sinesi Komutanlığı, 2016. HOLLIS 015132906
  • Asshoff, Elisabeth, author. Der Weimarer Cranach-Altar : ein ernestinisches Bekenntnis zur Reformation. Weimar : Tourist Verlag, Imprint des Knabe Verlag Weimar, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063534
  • Astafʹev, Leonid Romanovich, 1931-2004, artist. Leonid Romanovich Astafʹev : zhiznʹ i tvorchestvo = Леонид Романович Астафьев : жизнь и творчество. Moskva : [publisher not identified], 2011. HOLLIS 015086284
  • Atwood, T. (Tom), photographer. Kings & queens in their castles. [Bologna] : Damiani, [2017]. HOLLIS 014910884
  • Autsch, Sabiene and Sara Hornäk, eds. Material und künstlerisches Handeln : Positionen und Perspektiven in der Gegenwartskunst. Bielefeld : Transcipt, c2017. HOLLIS 015063551
  • Avcı, Yasemin, author. Osmanlı hükümet konakları : Tanzimat döneminde kent mekanında devletin erki ve temsili. Eminönü, İstanbul : Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2016. HOLLIS 015130090
  • Aynur, Hatice and A. Hilal Uğurlu. Osmanlı mimarlik kültürü : Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi’nin hatırasına. İstanbul : Kubbealtı Neşriyat, 2016. HOLLIS 015131887
  • Baldacci, Paolo and Gerd Roos, eds. Contributi al catalogo di Giorgio De Chirico. Milano : Scalpendi, 2011-. HOLLIS 013165432
  • Barbera, Gioacchino and Maria Concetta Di Natale, eds. Il Museo dell’Università : dalla Pinacoteca della Regia Università di Palermo alla Galleria di Palazzo Abatellis. Palermo : New Digital Frontiers, [2016]. HOLLIS 015070872
  • Bardaouil, Sam, author. Surrealism in Egypt : modernism and the Art and Liberty group. London ; New York, NY : I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2017. HOLLIS 014980757
  • Beijing Liao Jin cheng yuan bo wu guan, ed. Xi jing yin ji : Datong Liao Jin wen wu = 西京印迹 : 大同辽金文物 . Beijing : Beijing lian he chu ban gong si, 2016. HOLLIS 014822811
  • Benzakin, Joël. Michel Mouffe : Alphabet. Gent : MER.paperkunsthalle, 2017. HOLLIS 015071041
  • Berber, Mersad, artist. Mersad Berber : Bir Bosna Allegorisi = An Allegory of Bosnia. Istanbul : Pera Museum, 2017. HOLLIS 015132000
  • Berges, Werner, 1941-. Werner Berges. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015077226
  • Bering, Kunibert and Robert Fleck, eds. Der “iconic turn” und seine Folgen : Bildbegriff, zeitgenössische und ältere Kunst. Oberhausen : Athena, 2016. HOLLIS 015077189
  • Berksoy, Semiha, 1910-. Semiha Berksoy : catalogue raisonné. Istanbul : Galerist ; Berlin : Revolver Publishing, c2017. HOLLIS 015063533
  • Bernabeu, Mira, et al. Pareidolia : Joan Fontcuberta. Bogotá : Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, [2016]. HOLLIS 015087365
  • Bernardelli, Francesco and Francesco Poli. Mettere in scena l’arte contemporanea : dallo spazio dell’opera allo spazio intorno all’opera. [Monza] : Johan & Levi, [2016]. HOLLIS 015070866
  • Beshty, Walead, 1976-. Walead Beshty : procedurals, Petzel 2014-2017. Berlin : Distanz Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015063519
  • Bevza, Petro, 1963-. Et caetera : al’bom. Kyïv : Holovne upravlinni͡a kulʹtury Kyïvsʹkoï misʹkoï derzhavnoï administratsiï, 1996. HOLLIS 015124501
  • Bidni͡ak, Mykola, 1930- artist. Mykola Bidni͡ak : z͡hyvopys, hrafika. Kyïv : Mystet͡stvo, 2008. HOLLIS 015124466
  • Bier, Carol, author. Reverberating echoes : contemporary art inspired by traditional islamic art. Berkeley, CA : Graduate Theological Union, [2017]. HOLLIS 014930937
  • Biernoff, Suzannah, author. Portraits of violence : war and the aesthetics of disfigurement. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071426
  • Billeter, Felix and Daniel J. Schreiber, eds. Purrmann und der Expressionismus : Katalog zur Ausstellung, Buchheim Museum der Phantasie, 2. April bis 9. Juli 2017. Bernried am Starnberger See : Buchheim Museum : [Feldafing] : Buchheim Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077222
  • Bilous, Li͡udmyla and Svitlana I͡At͡senko, eds. Kateryna Bilokur–mystet͡stvo ta obraz krizʹ pryzmu chasu : naukovyĭ zbirnyk za materialamy naukovo-praktychnoï konferent͡siï do 110-richchi͡a vid dni͡a narodz͡henni͡a K. Bilokur = Катерина Білокур–мистецтво та образ крізь призму часу : науковий збірник за матеріалами науково-практичної конференції до 110-річчя від дня народження К. Білокур. Kyïv : “ADEF-Ukraïna”, 2012. HOLLIS 015122056
  • Bindman, David, Suzanne Preston Blier, and Vera Ingrid Grant, eds. Art of jazz : form/performance/notes. Cambridge : Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015028127
  • Bismuth, Pierre, 1963-. Pierre Bismuth : things I remember I have done, but don’t remember why I did them – towards a catalogue raisonné. Berlin : Sternberg Press, ©2017. HOLLIS 015063501
  • Bo, Songnian. Zhongguo mei shu shi jiao cheng = 中國美術史敎程 . Xi’an : Shanxi ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2000. HOLLIS 014797243
  • Boccardo, Carlos, 1933-. Carlos Boccardo esculturas : del 3 al 20 de junio de 1999, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires : Centro Cultural Recoleta, 1999. HOLLIS 015100058
  • Bochner, Mel, 1940- artist. Mel Bochner : Voices. New York, NY : Peter Freeman, Inc., [2017]. HOLLIS 015088859
  • Boelen, Jan and Gabrielle Kennedy, eds. Notes on ghosts, disputes and killer bodies. Eindhoven : Design Academy Eindhoven, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071047
  • Boissieu, Jean-Jacques de, 1736-1810. Jean Jacques de Boissieu. [München] : [Galerie zur Mühle], [1981]. HOLLIS 015117907
  • Borgrave, Elie, 1905-1992. Elie Borgrave. Heule : Snoeck Editions/Publishers, 2017. HOLLIS 015071038
  • Bowlt, John E., ed. Russian art of the avant-garde : theory and criticism, 1902-1934. [London] : Thames & Hudson, [2017]. HOLLIS 015123474
  • Boylan, Alexis L., author. Ashcan art, whiteness, and the unspectacular man. New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. HOLLIS 015062195
  • Boz͡hko, Nina. Nina Boz͡hko : z͡hyvopys, hrafika = Nina Bozhko : painting, graphic art. Kyïv : Vyd-vo “BONA MENTE”, 2000. HOLLIS 015124464
  • Brand, Michael, ed. Wie Bonifatius in den Reichstag kam. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063562
  • Braun, Niina Lehtonen. These foolish things remind me of you. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 015077217
  • Brink, Sonja and Hans-Joachim Eberhardt, eds. Idea et inventio : italienische Zeichnungen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf am Museum Kunstpalast. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag : Düsseldorf : Museum Kunstpalast, [2017]. HOLLIS 015025414
  • Brög, Ralf, 1967-. Ralf Brög : Werkschau. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015063530
  • Bruycker, Jules de, 1870-1945. L’oeuvre gravé de Jules de Bruycker, avec une notice critique et biographique. Bruxelles, Nouvelle société d’éditions, 1933. HOLLIS 015118032
  • Bubi, 1956- artist. Bubi. İstanbul : Akasya Kültür Sanat, 2016. HOLLIS 015132953
  • Buscaroli Fabbri, Beatrice, author. Utopia e progetto : sguardi sulla scultura del Novecento. Poggibonsi (SI) : Carlo Cambi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070878
  • Çağman, Filiz, author. Osmanlı sarayı tasvir sanatı. Kağıthane, İstanbul : Masa, [2016]. HOLLIS 015131680
  • Cai, Wanqiu and Jian Yan’er, eds. Dun huan jiu guan : Yi bo guan guan zang hui hua xiu fu = 頓還舊觀 : 藝博館館藏繪畫修復 = Return to the origin : restoring MAM collection = Retorno à origem : restauros da colecção do MAM. Aomen : Aomen yi shu bo wu guan, 2014. HOLLIS 014765872
  • Campt, Tina, 1964- author. Listening to images. Durham : Duke University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015073795
  • Cánovas, Andrés, author. El Ara Pacis y la ambigüedad dimensional. Madrid : Ediciones Asimetricas, [2016]. HOLLIS 015070898
  • Cantagallina, Remigio, approximately 1582-1656, artist. Remigio Cantagallina (Borgo San Sepolcro 1575-Flroence 1656) : il viaggo nelle Fiandre : le voyage d’un artiste florentin dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux. Gent : Snoeck, 2017. HOLLIS 015071049
  • Cao, Yuansheng, author. Gui fan yu chuang xin : tan jiu ling yi zhong Zhongguo hua shi guan de cun zai = 规范与创新 : 探究另一种中国画史观的存在 . Shanghai : Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015047827
  • Carandini, Andrea and Paolo Carafa, eds. The atlas of Ancient Rome : biography and portraits of the city. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014931877
  • Carbonell, Bettina Messias, ed. Museum studies : an anthology of contexts. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. HOLLIS 015106517
  • Casagrande, Peter, 1946- artist. Peter Casagrande : das grosse Format. Schweinfurt : Kunsthalle Schweinfurt, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063529
  • Castañeda, Sigrid and Cristo Hoyos, eds. Aparente ingenuidad : pintores primitivistas en la colección de arte del Banco de la República. Bogotá : Banco de La República, [2016]. HOLLIS 015087347
  • Castro Flórez,Fernando, José Miguel Marinas, and Imma Prieto. Mateo Maté : canon. Madrid : Comunidad de Madrid, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070900
  • Cavalli-Björkman, Görel. Kvinna i avantgardet : Sigrid Hjérten : liv och verk. Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Förlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063478
  • Cengizkan, N. Müge, ed. Mimarlar Odası XIV. / 2014 ulusal mimarlık sergisi ve ödülleri : yayınlar, projeler, fikirler = The Chamber of Architects of Turkey National architecture exhibition and awards XIVth / 2014 : buildings, projects, ideas. İstanbul : TMMOB Mimarlar Odası, 2015. HOLLIS 015132958
  • Certo, Valentina, 1989- author. Caravaggio a Messina : storia e arte di “un pittore dal cervello stravolto”. Terme Vigliatore (ME) : Giambra editori, maggio 2017. HOLLIS 015070864
  • Chen, Ge, author. Xinjiang kao gu lun wen ji = 新疆考古论文集. Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2017. HOLLIS 015012065
  • Chen, Haoxing, Pan Xingting, and Li Zhixing. Nan zong bei dou : Dong Qichang shu hua xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji = 南宗北斗 : 董其昌書畫學術研討會論文集 = The light of the Southern School : theses on Dong Qi Chang’s calligraphy and painting. [Aomen] : Aomen yi shu bo wu guan, 2008. HOLLIS 014764643
  • Chen, Ruixian, 1943- author. Anatomy of a free mind : Tan Swie Hian’s notebooks and creations = 解析自由心 : 陈瑞献稿本与创作. Singapore : National Library Board, Singapore : Editions Didier Millet, 2016. HOLLIS 014908995
  • Chen, Xiaojuan, author. Zhongguo dang dai yi shu de yi jing chong gou = 中国当代艺术的意境重构. Wuhan : Hua zhong shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014802715
  • Chen, Yimei, author. “Lan ting xu” yu Zhongguo shu fa yi shu = the preface of the Orchid Pavillion” & the Chinese calligraphy = $a《兰亭序》与中国书法艺术. Shanghai : Shanghai da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014845164
  • Chen, Yongyi, ed. Pan Tianshou bian ti hua yan jiu = 潘天寿变体画研究 . Hangzhou : Zhejiang ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015029759
  • Cheng, Hao, author. Ci qi shang de Zhongguo wen ren shu hua : Tao qu zhai cang qian jiang cai ci ji xiang guan cai ci jian shang = 瓷器上的中国文人书画 : 陶趣斋藏浅绛彩瓷及相关彩瓷鉴赏. Guangzhou : Ling nan mei shu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014999566
  • Cheng, Yiwei and Ye Liqun. Liaoning dang dai mei shu shi : 1949-2014 = 辽宁当代美术史 : 1949-2014. Shenyang : Shenyang chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014777681
  • Chéroux, Clément, ed. Magnum manifeste. Arles : Actes sud, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071060
  • Christie’s Amsterdam B.V. Adriaen van Ostade’s etched copper plates : the property of the heirs of the late E.H. Kok. Amsterdam : Christie’s Amsterdam B.V., 1995. HOLLIS 015124663
  • Christoffersen, Helga and Massimiliano Gioni, eds. Carol Rama : antibodies. New York : New Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015085776
  • Chua, Chye Teck, 1974- photographer. Beyond wilderness. Singapore : Epigram Books, [2016]. HOLLIS 015128731
  • Cleri, Bonita, author. Una dinastia di pittori tra Marche, Umbria e Roma : i Nardini. [Foligno] : Editoriale umbra, [2017]. HOLLIS 015059306
  • Coco, Alberto and Alessandro Cortesi, eds. Committenze e opere d’arte in San Domenico di Pistoia. Firenze : Nerbini, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070881
  • Cogeval, Guy, ed. Au-delà des étoiles : le paysage mystique de Monet à Kandinsky. Paris : Musée d’Orsay : Réunion des musées nationaux, [2017]. HOLLIS 015118073
  • Compareti, Matteo, author. Tang feng chui fu Samaerhan : Sute yi shu yu Zhongguo, Bosi, Yindu, Baizhanting = 唐风吹拂撒马尔罕 :$$b粟特艺术与中国, 波斯, 印度, 拜占庭. Guilin : Li Jiang chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014865359
  • Condorelli, Céline, artist, interviewee. Céline Condorelli : bau bau. Milan : Mousse Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070868
  • Cortjaens, Wolfgang, ed. Winckelmann – das göttliche Geschlecht : Auswahlkatalog zur Ausstellung im Schwulen Museum* Berlin, 16. Juni bis 9. Oktober 2017. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015063563
  • Coşkun Orlandi, Ayşe and Yonca Kösebay Erkan. Kapalıçarşı ustalarının izinde cevher ve zanaat = Gem and craft : in pursuit of the artisans of Grand Bazaar. Cibali, İstanbul : Rezan Has Müzesi, 2017. HOLLIS 015131734
  • Cotroneo, G., M. F. Guida, and M. Mandosi, eds. Musei aperti al cambiamento : prospettive, politiche e pratiche a confronto. Monte Compatri (RM) : Edizioni Espera, [2017]. HOLLIS 015078525
  • Coulondre, Ariane. Fernand Léger : le beau est partout. Metz : Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2017. HOLLIS 015071059
  • Crabb, Jon, author. Graven images : the art of the woodcut. London : The British Library, [2017]. HOLLIS 015009119
  • Cragg, Tony, 1949- artist. Anthony Cragg. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]-. HOLLIS 015063503
  • Creimer, Georgia, 1964-. Georgia Creimer : incorporado. Wien : Schlebrügge.Editor, c2017. HOLLIS 015069530
  • Cresti, Carlo, author. Art Nouveau e altri modernismi. Firenze : Angelo Pontecorboli editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015078522
  • Cueto, Barbara and Bas Hendrikx, eds. Authenticity? : observations and artistic strategies in the post-digital age. Amsterdam : Valiz, 2017. HOLLIS 015071042
  • Czestochowski, Joseph S., ed. Ira Moskowitz : graphics – a catalogue raisonné. Baltimore, Maryland : Ferdinand Roten Galleries, 1975. HOLLIS 015124579
  • Daneshvari, Abbas, ed. Contemporary Iranian photography : five perspectives. Costa Mesa, California : Mazda Publishers, 2017. HOLLIS 014979053
  • Darıyerli, Yusuf, 1958- photographer. Yular. Mecidiyeköy, İstanbul : İlke Basın Yayım, 2017. HOLLIS 015132053
  • Dascher, Ottfried, ed. Sprung in den Raum : Skulpturen bei Alfred Flechtheim. Wädenswil : Nimbus, Kunst und Bücher ; [Berlin] : Georg Kolbe Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063560
  • De Petra, Giorgio, author. Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane, il Cardinal Federico e il Palazzo dei Duchi Cesi di Acquasparta. Perugia : Deputazione di storia patria per l’Umbria, 2016. HOLLIS 014895231
  • Del Roscio, Nicola, ed. Cy Twombly drawings : catalogue raisonné. München : Schirmer/Mosel ; [S.l.] : Gagosian Gallery, 2011-. HOLLIS 012799776
  • Denysenko, Olʹha, Inha Dolhanova, and Volodymyr Nosanʹ, eds. Kharkivshchyna mystet͡sʹka : istorii͡a, tradyt͡sii͡a, suchasnistʹ = Art of Kharkiv region : history, tradition, present. Kharkiv : Kharkivsʹka orhanizat͡sii͡a Nat͡sionalʹnoï spilky khudoz͡hnykiv Ukraïny, 2008. HOLLIS 015127984
  • Dervent, Utku, artist. Her Resim Bir Otoportredir = Every Painting is a Self-Portrait. Istanbul : Bozlu Sanat ve Yayincihk, 2016. HOLLIS 015131683
  • Desbuissons, Frédérique, Laurence des Cars, Fabrice Masanès, Bertrand Tillier, and Musée d’Orsay. Courbet et la Commune : Paris, Musée d’Orsay, 13 mars-11 juin 2000. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, ©2000. HOLLIS 015117440
  • Deydier, Christian, author. Du dong Zhongguo qing tong qi : wen hua, xing shi, gong neng yu tu an = 读懂中国青铜器 : 文化, 形式, 功能与图案. Shanghai : Yi lin chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833589
  • Diehr, Ursula, Holger Steinemann, and April von Stauffenberg, eds. Art Basel Unlimited 2017. Berlin : Hatje Cantz Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077225
  • Dippel, Andrea and Matthias Strobel, eds. Zwischen den Farben : Inge Gutbrod / Markus Kronberger. [Wien] : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063544
  • Doğanay, Aziz, ed. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Mülayim armağanı : sanat tarihi araştırmaları. İstanbul : Lale Yayıncılık, 2015. HOLLIS 015131889
  • Dohe, Sebastian, Malve Anna Falk, and Rainer Stamm, eds. Die Gemäldegalerie Oldenburg : eine europäische Altmeistersammlung. Oldenburg : Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg, Augusteum ; Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063509
  • Dombrowski, Damian, Markus Josef Maier, and Fabian Müller, eds. Julius Echter, Patron der Künste : Konturen eines Fürsten und Bischofs der Renaissance. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077211
  • Dong, Shaopeng and Wen Siqi. Ri xia yi zhen : Beijing jiu cheng si he yuan jian zhu wen wu yan jiu = Rixia yizhen : Beijing jiucheng siheyuan jianzhu wenwu = 日下遗珍 : 北京旧城四合院建筑文物研究 . Beijing Shi : Beijing Yanshan chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014777719
  • Donohashi, Akio, 1948- author. Aoniyoshi : kodai bijutsu sansaku = 丹青よし : 古代美術散策. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Chūō Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan, Heisei 29 [2017]. HOLLIS 015035018
  • Drebusch, Thomas. Wilhelm Morgner : ein Sonderfall der Aktion “Entartete Kunst”. Soest : Ikonom Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063508
  • Dresler, Nastasja S., author. Das Menschenbild in der Kunst des Symbolismus : Entwurf einer ikonischen Anthropologie. Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077215
  • Dryansky, Larisa, author. Cartophotographies : de l’art conceptuel au Land Art. [Paris] : CTHS : Institut national d’histoire de l’art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071053
  • Duhem, Sophie, Estelle Galbois, and Anne Perrin Khelissa, eds. Penser le “petit” de l’Antiquité au premier XXe siècle : approches textuelles et pratiques de la miniaturisation artistique. Lyon : Fage éditions, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071054
  • Duin, Paul van, ed. Collector’s cabinet with miniature apothecary’s shop, Rijksmuseum, inv. no. bk-1956-44. [Amsterdam, Netherlands] : Rijksmuseum Publications, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071043
  • Dülgeroğlu, Yurdanur, Elmira Gür, and Dilek Yıldız, eds. İstanbul’da konut : [binbir çeşit]. Teşvikiye, İstanbul : İTÜ Vakfı Yayınları, 2016. HOLLIS 015133072
  • Durant, Mark Alice, author. 27 contexts : an anecdotal history in photography. Baltimore, Maryland : Saint Lucy Books, ©2016. HOLLIS 015120737
  • Durusoy, Elifnaz, 1989- author. Tarihi yoldan kültürel rotaya : Milas ile Labraunda arasındaki yolun korunması ve yönetimi. Çankaya, Ankara : ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 2016. HOLLIS 015131998
  • Eberle, Matthias, author. Im Spiegel der Geschichte : realistische Historienmalerei in Westeuropa 1830-1900. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077203
  • Egli, Michael and Hans Christoph von Tavel . Niklaus Manuel : catalogue raisonné. Basel : Schwabe, c2017. HOLLIS 015017565
  • Enwezor, Okwui, ed. Frank Bowling : mappa mundi. Munich : Prestel, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077205
  • Erbay, Fethiye and Mutlu Erbay, eds. Üniversite müzeleri. Beyoğlu, İstanbul : Mimarlık Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesi, 2016. HOLLIS 015131738
  • Erbslöh, Adolf, 1881-1947, artist. Adolf Erbslöh : Maler, Freund und Förderer. Murnau : Schlossmuseum Murnau, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069527
  • Erkilet, Alev, 1962- author. Kenti dinlemek : kültürel miras, kentsel ayrışma ve yoksullağa dair yazılar. Fatih, İstanbul : Büyüyenay Yayınları, 2017. HOLLIS 015131702
  • Ertuğ, Tekin, author. Işıkla resmedenler : (yaşam – söylem). İskitler, Ankara : Alter Yayıncılık, 2015-. HOLLIS 015131866
  • Eshetu, Theo, 1958-. Theo Eshetu : the body electric. Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2017. HOLLIS 015077223
  • Eyice, Semavi, author. Mimar Sinan’ın gurbette kiliseye çevrilen eseri Bosnalı Sofu Mehmed Paşa Camii. Cağaloğlu, İstanbul : Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2017. HOLLIS 015130038
  • Fabiani, Giuseppe, 1897-1965, author. Cola dell’Amatrice secondo i documenti ascolani. Ascoli Piceno : Edizioni Lìbrati, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070882
  • Fan, Shuying, ed. Shanxi Han Tang mu zang mei shu yan jiu = 陕西汉唐墓葬美术研究 . Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014979054
  • Farinati, Lucia and Claudia Firth. The force of listening. Berlin : Errant Bodies Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015085783
  • Feyter, Theo de, 1947-. Mensen en ruïnes : Syrië revisited. [Amsterdam] : Uitgeverij Bulaaq, c2017. HOLLIS 015071044
  • Fildhuth, Jesko. Das Byzantinische Priene : Stadt und Umland. Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069529
  • Firmin, Gwenola, Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan, and Thierry Sarmant, eds. Pierre le Grand, un tsar en France : 1717. Paris : LienArt, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071061
  • Fleischer, Robert, 1941- author. Die Felsgräber der Könige von Pontos in Amasya. Tübingen : Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015017566
  • Fonti, Daniela, Elisabetta Seeber, and Carla Cerutti, eds. Thayaht : un futurista eccentrico : sculture, progetti, memorie. Cesena : Manfredi edizioni, 2017. HOLLIS 015070877
  • Font-Réaulx, Dominique de, ed. Maurice Denis et Eugène Delacroix, de l’atelier au musée. Paris : Le Passage, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071055
  • Förderverein der Jeanne-Mammen-Stiftung e.V., Berlin and Frankreich-Zentrum, Freie Universität Berlin, eds. Jeanne Mammen : Paris, Bruxelles, Berlin. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077190
  • Foshan Shi Zumiao bo wu guan, ed. Lingnan sheng yu : Foshan zu miao li shi wen hua chen lie = 嶺南聖域 : 佛山祖庙历史文化陈列 = A sacred place in Lingnan : a display of the history and culture of Foshan Zumiao temple. Beijing : Ke xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015012059
  • Friedrich-Sander, Silke, author. Johann Moritz Rugendas : Reisebilder zwischen Empirie und Empfindung. Frankfurt/Main : Edition Fichter, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063491
  • Frommel, Sabine and Eckhard Leuschner, eds. Incisioni di architettura e di ornamento all’inizio dell’era moderna : processi di migrazione in Europa. Roma : Campisano editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 015021206
  • Frühmorgen-Voss, Hella, ed. Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters. München : In Kommission bei C.H. Beck, <1987-2016>. Additional volume: Bd. 7, Lfg.  5.  HOLLIS 001228078
  • Fufeng Xian bo wu guan, ed. Fufeng yun zhen : Fufeng Xian bo wu guan guan cang qing tong qi jing cui = 扶風韞珍 : 扶风县博物馆馆藏青铜器精粹 = Excellent bronzes from fufeng county museum. Xi’an Shi : Xi bei da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015012069
  • Galavan, Susan, author. Dublin’s bourgeois homes : building the Victorian suburbs, 1850-1901. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 015062194
  • Galerie Barbazanges. Auguste Brouet : son œuvre : première exposition en France. Paris : Galerie Barbazanges, [1922]. HOLLIS 015117990
  • Galerie Nierendorf. Jubiläumskatalog zur 100. Ausgabe der Kunstblätter der Galerie Nierendorf : 100 ausgewählte Werke von 41 Künstlern : Ausstellung 31.3.2017-22.9.2017, Galerie Nierendorf, Berlin. Berlin : Galerie Nierendorf, 2017. HOLLIS 015017567
  • Galerie Trudelhaus. Pioneers from a hidden country. Schaan : Visarte (Liechtenstein) e.v., c2016. HOLLIS 015077221
  • Gama Chirolla,Ximena and Nicolás Gómez Echeverri, eds. Luis Roldán : periplo : una retrospectiva, 1986-2016. [Bogotá, Colombia] : Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá, [2016]. HOLLIS 015087364
  • Gans, Henning, 1967- author. Halikarnassos in Sachsen? : Der “Totenberg” in Sahlis, ein Kenotaph im Grünen. Leipzig : Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015063538
  • Gartlan, Luke and Roberta Wue, eds. Portraiture and early studio photography in China and Japan. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014890760
  • Gezgin, Ümit, ed. Erol Deneç : Retrospektif = Retrospective. Beyoğlu, İstanbul : Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2017. HOLLIS 015132069
  • Gielen, Denis, ed. Philippe de Gobert de toutes pièces : oeuvres 1972-2017 = works 1972-2017. Hornu : Musée des Arts Contemporains de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071034
  • Gifu-ken Gendai Tōgei Bijutsukan, ed. Dai Oribe ten = Oribe : Furuta Oribe yonhyakunenki = 大織部展 : 古田織部四〇〇年忌 . [Tajimi-shi] : Dai Oribe Ten Jikko Iinkai, [2014]. HOLLIS 015018066
  • Ginwala, Natasha, ed. Hearings : a reader : polyphonic worlds, justice as medium. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015017320
  • Gioni, Massiliano and Micola Brambilla, eds. The restless earth. Milano : Electa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070893
  • Giorgia von Albertini, Florian Vetsch.. Günther Wizemann : der schwarze Garten = The black garden. Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063540
  • Giraldo Escobar, Sol Astrid, ed. Jorge Cárdenas : maestro, palabra y obra : exposición Centro de Artes Biblioteca Luis Echavarría Villegas. [Medellín, Colombia] : Universidad EAFIT, [2016]. HOLLIS 015087362
  • Glasmeier, Michael and Tania Prill, eds. Typografie als künstlerisches Ereignis. Hamburg : Textem, [2016]. HOLLIS 015077201
  • Glasmeier, Michael, 1951- author. Geräusche, Ritornelle für eine Kunstgeschichte des Klangs : von Fra Angelico und Claudio Monteverdi zu Marcel Duchamp und Terry Fox. Hamburg : Textem, [2016]. HOLLIS 015077216
  • Gohr, Siegfried, Lucas Haberkorn, Carla Schulz-Hoffmann, Erik Steffensen, and Jacob Thage. Georg Baselitz : eksperiment og fornyelse = Experiment and renewal. Silkeborg : Museum Jorn, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063479
  • Goldberg, Rochelle, 1984- artist. Rochelle Goldberg : no where, now here. Bergamo : GAMeC books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070883
  • Golsenne, Thomas, author. Carlo Crivelli et le matérialisme mystique du quattrocento. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017. HOLLIS 015071062
  • Gomes, Rosa Varela, Tânia Manuel Casimiro, and Mário Varela Gomes, eds. Proceedings of the First International Conference of Portuguese Faience (16th-19th centuries). Zaragoza (España) : Pórtico Librerías : Lisboa : Instituto de Arqueologia e Paleociéncias, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2016. HOLLIS 015070902
  • González, Olga Lucía, author. Del olvido a la memoria : rescate de un mural de Luis Caballero en la Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá : Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, 2017. HOLLIS 015087354
  • Gordijn, Herman, 1932-. Herman Gordijn. Zwolle : Waanders & De Kunst, c2017. HOLLIS 015071037
  • Gosudarstvennyĭ istoricheskiĭ muzeĭ (Moscow, Russia). Kupecheskiĭ portret XVIII – nachala XX veka iz sobranii͡a Istoricheskogo muzei͡a : zhivopisʹ, dagerrotipii͡a, fotografii͡a = Купеческий портрет XVIII – начала XX века из собрания Исторического музея :$$bживопись, дагерротипия, фотография. Moskva : Gosudarstvennyĭ istoricheskiĭ muzeĭ, 2013. HOLLIS 015091084
  • Grabowski, Carin, author. Maria Sibylla Merian zwischen Malerei und Naturforschung : Pflanzen- und Schmetterlingsbilder neu entdeckt. Berlin : Reimer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063524
  • Graeff, Alexander, 1976- author. Wassily Kandinsky : Maler, Grafiker und Pädagoge in Weimar. [Wiesbaden] : Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft in der Verlagshaus Römerweg, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063539
  • Grenet, Frantz, author. Shi xiang Samaerhan de jin se lü cheng = 驶向撒马尔罕的金色旅程. Guilin : Li Jiang chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014865361
  • Gröminger, Petra, 1967- author. Bladmannens ansikten : the Green Man som konsthistoriskt motiv och nutida fenomen. Göteborg : Makadam, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063480
  • Groos, lrike and Eva-Marina Froitzheim, eds. Kubus. Sparda-Kunstpreis im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart : Leni Hoffmann, Myriam Holme, Corinne Wasmuht. Köln : Wienand Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063494
  • Grúň, Daniel, Kathrin Rhomberg, and Georg Schöllhammer, eds. Július Koller : one man anti show. Köln : Walther König, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063546
  • Gründig, Matthias, author. Der Schah in der Schachtel : soziale Bildpraktiken im Zeitalter der Carte de visite. Marburg : Jonas Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 014926955
  • Gu gong bo wu yuan (China). Gu gong cang si seng shu hua quan ji = 故宮藏四僧書畫全集 . Beijing Shi : Gu gong chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015011982
  • Gu gong bo wu yuan, ed. Da yin yu chao : Gu gong bo wu yuan cang pin san nian qing li he dui cheng guo zhan = 大隐于朝 : 故宮博物院藏品三年清理核对成果展 . Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014999563
  • Gu gong chu ban she, ed. Di shang de tian gong : Gu gong bo wu yuan cang Qing dai hou fei huang zi wen wu = 地上的天宮 : 故宮博物院藏清代后妃皇子文物 = The palace of heaven on earth : artifacts on lives of empresses, imperial concubines and princes in the Qing dynasty. Beijing Shi : Gu gong chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014997922
  • Güneştekin, Ahmet, 1966-. Ahmet Güneştekin : sun road. Berlin : Galerie Michael Schultz, c2017. HOLLIS 015063489
  • Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. Hui feng he chang : zhe shan ji cui te zhan = 惠風和暢 : 摺扇集萃特展 = The Art of a Gentle Breeze : a Special Exhibition of Painting and Calligraphy on Folding Fans. Taibei Shi : Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan, Zhonghua Minguo 105 nian [2016]. HOLLIS 015122069
  • Hadjithomas, Joana and Khalil Joreige. Two suns in a sunset : Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige = Se souvenir de la lumière : Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige = شمسان في المغيب : جوانا حاجي توما، خليل جريج = Shamsān fī al-maghīb : Jūwānā Ḥājī Tūmā, Khalīl Jurayj. Sharjah : Sharjah Art Foundation ; London ; [Köln] : Koenig Books, ©2016. HOLLIS 014847826
  • Haldemann, Anita, ed. The hidden Cézanne : from sketchbook to canvas. Munich : Prestel, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077209
  • Harris, Shawnya L. and David Driskell. Expanding tradition : selections from the Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson collection / with essays by Shawnya L. Harris and David Driskell. Athens, GA : Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, 2017. HOLLIS 015085774
  • Hasan, Ahmadrashidi, Mizan Hitam, and Abd Rasid Ismail.. Islamic Art in the Malay World. Shah Alam, Selangor : Penerbit Universiti Teknologi Mara, UiTM, 2016. HOLLIS 015120853
  • Hashmi, Salima and Samina Iqbal, eds. Naya daur : Shakir Ali and Lahore art circle : exhibition catalogue, November 2016. Lahore : Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2017. HOLLIS 015123842
  • Hasol, Doğan, author. 20. yüzyıl Türkiye mimarlığı. Istanbul : YEM Yayın, 2017. HOLLIS 015132034
  • Hassrick, Peter H., author. The best of Proctor’s West : an in-depth study of eleven of Proctor’s bronzes. Cody, Wyoming : Buffalo Bill Center of the West, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088857
  • Hattori, Hitoshi. Hakkenden nishikie taizen : Kuniyoshi Sandai Toyokuni Yoshitoshi egaku Edo no hīrō = 八犬伝錦絵大全 : 国芳, 三代豊国, 芳年描く江戶のヒーロー . 東京 : 芸艸堂, 2017. HOLLIS 015045966
  • He, Guiyan, author. Qian wei de mo luo : dang dai yi shu pi ping yu li lun wen ji = 前卫的没落 : 当代艺术批评与理论文集 . Shanghai : Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014762797
  • Hennig, Sebastian, 1972-. Ernst Lewinger : in Verbundenheit schwebend, 1931-2015. Neustadt an der Orla : Arnshaugk Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 015063543
  • Hildebrandt, Toni. Entwurf und Entgrenzung Kontradispositive der Zeichnung 1955-1975. Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink, [2017]. HOLLIS 015105302
  • Hinteregger, Herbert, 1970- artist. Herbert Hinteregger : untitled (flow). Köln : Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, c2017. HOLLIS 015069532
  • Höfer, Candida, 1944- artist. Candida Höfer : nach Berlin. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063535
  • Hollstein, F. W. H. The new Hollstein : Dutch & Flemish etchings, engravings, and woodcuts, 1450-1700. Roosendall, Netherlands : Koninklijke van Poll in cooperation with the Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum, 1993-. Additional volume: v. 32, Johannes Teyler and Dutch colour prints, pts. 1-2. HOLLIS 005554985
  • Holubet͡sʹ, O. M., author. Suchasne mali͡arstvo Lʹvova = Сучасне малярство Львова = Lviv contemporary painting. Lʹviv : Vydavnyt͡stvo “BaK”, 2014. HOLLIS 015124573
  • Horobet͡sʹ, Pavlo, 1905-1974. Pavlo Matviĭovych Horobet͡sʹ 1905-1974 : tvory z pryvatnykh zbirok : kataloh. Poltava : ASMI, 2006. HOLLIS 015127957
  • Hou, Yuanchao, 1966-. Gu gong bai nian, huang yuan qian qiu : Hou Yuanchao bo jin she ying zuo pin ji = 故宮百年, 皇園千秋 : 侯元超鉑金攝影作品集 = Um século do palácio e jardim imperiais : fotografias de Hou Yuanchao = A century of the imperial palace and gardens. Aomen : Aomen yi shu bo wu guan, 2011. HOLLIS 014765874
  • Hubei Sheng wen wu ju and Hubei Sheng nan shui bei diao guan li ju . Shayang Tazhong Chu mu = 沙洋塌冢楚墓 = The Tazhong Chu tomb in Shayang county, Hubei pvovince. Beijing : Ke xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014999568
  • Hubert, H. J. The etched work of Jozef Israëls; an illustrated catalogue. Amsterdam, Scheltema en Holkema’s boekhandel [introd. 1909]. HOLLIS 015118691
  • Ichikawa, Masanori, author. Chikasa to hedatari/sonzaisuru, bijutsu = 近さと隔たり/存在する, 美術. 東京 : 書肆山田, 2017. HOLLIS 015018068
  • Ilchman, Frederick, Thomas Michie, C.D. Dickerson III, and Esther Bell, eds. Casanova : the seduction of Europe. Boston : MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, [2017]. HOLLIS 015117009
  • Intorre, Sergio, author, compiler. Coralli trapanesi nella collezione March. Palermo : Osservatorio per le arti decorative in Italia “Maria Accascina” : Palermo University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070869
  • Itō, Ikutarō . Korai seiji · Richō hakuji eno omāju = 高麗青磁・李朝白磁へのオマージュ . Kyōto : Tankōsha, 2017. HOLLIS 014944925
  • Izenbek, Fedir, 1890-1970. Fedir (Ali) Izenbek : z͡hyvopys, hrafika, rysunok. Kyïv : Stalʹ, 2006. HOLLIS 015124517
  • Jahn, Johannes, 1892-1976. Lucas Cranach d. Ä., 1472-1553 : das gesamte graphische Werk : mit Exempeln aus dem graphischen Werk Lucas Cranach d. J. und der Cranachwerkstatt. Herrsching : M. Pawlak, [1972?]. HOLLIS 015118131
  • Jakupsson, Bardur . William Heinesen myndlistamadur = The artist. [Vestmanna] : Sprotin, 2016. HOLLIS 015063488
  • Jansma, Linda and Jayne Wilkinson, eds. Visitor information : Lise Beaudry, Michèle Pearson Clarke, Martie Giefert, Morris Lum, Jeff Thomas. Oshawa : The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088851
  • Jarry, Alfred, 1873-1907. Ubu’s almanac : Alfred Jarry and the graphic arts. [Lawrence, Kan.] : Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, [1998]. HOLLIS 015118698
  • Jaune, Oda, 1979-. Oda Jaune : white sculptures. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, c2017. HOLLIS 015063528
  • Jean dit Cazaux & Associés. Collection du Docteur Pierre Lafargue, partage successoral : Rodolphe Bresdin, Odilon Redon. Bordeaux : Jean dit Cazaux & Associés, 2005. HOLLIS 015117963
  • Jiang, Gang, author. Wen hua yan jin yu hu dong : Taihang Shan liang yi Xia Shang Xi Zhou shi qi qing tong wen hua yan jiu = 文化演进与互动 : 太行山两翼夏商西周时期青铜文化研究. Beijing : Ke xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014943740
  • Johannesson, Lena, 1945- author. Fougstedts : familjen och sakligheten. Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063481
  • John Szoke Graphics (New York, N.Y.). Peter Milton: prints and drawings — organized by Jamie Szoke Gallery, New York : [Exhibition] October 9-November 5, 1984. New York : John Szoke Graphics, ©1984. HOLLIS 015118781
  • Jonas, Joan, 1936- artist. Joan Jonas is on our mind. San Francisco, CA : CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088854
  • Jörns, Klaus, 1943- author. Die Stuckdekoration in der ehemaligen Jesuiten- und Hofkirche St. Andreas in Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf : Grupello Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015063545
  • Julia Stoschek Foundation e.V., ed. Generation loss : 10 years Julia Stoschek Collection. Bielefeld : Kerber, c2017. HOLLIS 015077207
  • Kahn, Wyatt, 1983- artist. Wyatt Kahn : object paintings. St. Louis : Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis [2016]. HOLLIS 015085781
  • Kamakura Kokuhōkan, ed. Zōnai nōnyūhin : Kamakura o chūshin ni = 像内納入品 : 鎌倉を中心に . Kamakura : Kamakura Kokuhōkan, Heisei 9-nen [1997]. HOLLIS 015112915
  • Kamakura-shi Kaburaki Kiyokata Kinen Bijutsukan. Kamakura-shi Kaburaki Kiyokata Kinen Bijutsukan shūzōhin zuroku = 鎌倉市鏑木清方記念美術館収蔵品図錄. Kamakura-shi : Kamakura-shi Kaburaki Kiyokata Kinen Bijutsukan, 2014. HOLLIS 014884955
  • Kanagawa Kenritsu Kanazawa Bunko, ed. Hōjō Sanetoki : 21-seiki kaimaku kinen tokubetsuten = $a北条実時 :$$b21世紀開幕記念特別展 /$$. Yokohama-shi : Kanagawa Kenritsu Kanazawa Bunko, Heisei 13 [2001]. HOLLIS 014945642
  • Kanemura, Osamu and Takazawa Kenji. Chōhatsusuru shashinshi = 挑発する写真史. Tōkyō : Heibonsha, 2017. HOLLIS 014979298
  • Kansai Chūgoku Shoga Shūzō Kenkyūkai, ed. Zhongguo shu hua zai Riben : Guanxi bai nian jian cang ji lu = 中国书画在日本 : 关西百年鉴藏纪录 . Shanghai : Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015029713
  • Kashuba-Volʹvach, Olena, author. Mystet͡sʹki storinky “Novoï generat͡siï” 1927-1930 : tematychnyĭ pokaz͡hchyk z obrazotvorchoho mystet͡stva, pobutotvorchoho mystet͡stva, arkhitektury, kino- ta fotomystet͡stva i teatru = Мистецькі сторінки “Нової ґенерації” 1927-1930 : тематичний покажчик з образотворчого мистецтва, побутотворчого мистецтва, архітектури, кіно- та фотомистецтва і театру . Kyïv : Feniks, 2016. HOLLIS 015114322
  • Kasuya, Makoto and Yamamoto Satomi, eds. Yamai no sōshi = 病草紙 = Illustrated scroll of illness. Tōkyō : Chūō Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan, Heisei 29 [2017]. HOLLIS 015032978
  • Kendrick, Kathleen M. Official guide to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015085778
  • Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971. Rockwell Kent : the Joseph and Marjorie Relkin Collection. [Boston] : Bond Baiano LLS/Childs Gallery, ©2009. HOLLIS 015118706
  • Kentridge, William, 1955- artist. The juvenilia of William Kentridge : an unauthorized catalogue raisonné. Sitges : Cole & Contreras, 2016. HOLLIS 015118020
  • Kern, Susanne. Steinernes Mosaik des Todes : die Inschriften des Stiftes St. Stephan in Mainz. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015063547
  • Kerst, Michael. Bert Gerresheim : ein Bildhauerleben. Düsseldorf : Grupello, 2017. HOLLIS 015063548
  • Kessel, Elsje van, author. The lives of paintings : presence, agency and likeness in Venetian art of the sixteenth century. 1706. HOLLIS 015017568
  • Khodak, Iryna, author. Natali͡a Kot͡si͡ubynsʹka i Kabinet ukraïnsʹkoho mystet͡stva Vseukraïnsʹkoï akademiï nauk : z istoriï vitchyzni͡anoho mystet͡stvoznavstva 1920-kh – pochatku 1930-kh rokiv = Наталя Коцюбинська і Кабінет українського мистецтва Всеукраїнської академії наук : з історії вітчизняного мистецтвознавства 1920-х – початку 1930-х рокiв . Kyïv : Nat͡sionalʹna akademii͡a nauk Ukraïny, Instytut mystet͡stvoznavstva, folʹklorystyky ta etnolohiï im. M.T. Rylʹskoho, 2017. HOLLIS 015112373
  • Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 1880-1938. Das graphische Werk. München : Prestel, 1991. HOLLIS 015118735
  • Klemm, Federico, 1942- artist. Sansón y Dalila : metáfora contemporánea = Samson and Delilah : contemporary metaphor. [Buenos Aires] : Centro Cultural Recoleta, [2002]. HOLLIS 015100064
  • Klip, Olʹga, ed. I͡A Mone, I͡A Shishkin, I͡A Malevich : vsebelorusskai͡a vystavka iskusstva : Dom kartin khudozhestvennai͡a galerei͡a, 02.02 – 26.02 vtornik-voskresenʹe 12:00-21:00 = Я Моне, Я Шишкин, Я Малевич : всебелорусская выставка искусства : Дом картин художественная галерея, 02.02 – 26.02 вторник-воскресенье 12:00-21:00 . [Minsk] : Dom kartin khudozhestvennai͡a galerei͡a, [2017]. HOLLIS 015087336
  • Kloosterhuis, Jürgen. Friedrich der Grosse in Leitmeritz? : Überlegungen zum militärhistorischen Quellenkontext einer unvollendeten Menzel-Gouache. Berlin : Selbstverlag des Geheimen Staatsarchivs PK, 2017. HOLLIS 015063549
  • Kochanski, Roman, 1983-. Roman Kochanski : Pirat mit Heimweh. Backnang : Stadt Backnang, c2016. HOLLIS 015063532
  • Kogler, Leopold, 1952-. Leopold Kogler : Kunst Weiten. Bad Traunstein : Steinverlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015077193
  • Koida, Tomoko, 1973- author. Ikai e izanau onna : emaki, Nara ehon o himotoku = 異界へいざなう女 : 絵卷・奈良絵本をひもとく. Tōkyō : Heibonsha, 2017. HOLLIS 015004114
  • Kojima, Masayoshi. Ryōkan ibokushū : sono hito to sho = 良寬遺墨集 : その人と書 . Kyōto-shi : Tankōsha, Heisei 29 [2017]. HOLLIS 014979308
  • König, Kasper, Britta Peters, and Marianne Wagner, eds. Skulptur Projekte Münster 2017. Leipzig : Spector Books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063518
  • Konttinen, Riitta, 1946- author. Täältä tullaan! : naistaiteilijat modernin murroksessa. [Helsinki] : Siltala, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063486
  • Kravchenko, Olʹha, artist. Zacharovana kolʹorom. Kyiv : ADEF-Ukraïna, 2013. HOLLIS 015127938
  • Krebber, Michael, 1954-. The living wedge. London : Koenig Books ; Porto : Museu de Serralves ; Bern : Kunsthalle Bern, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063516
  • Kremeier, Ulrike, ed. Schlaglichter : Sammlungsgeschichte(n) : Ausstellung in drei Teilen in Cottbus, Eisenhüttenstadt, Frankfurt (Oder), 28.1. bis 17.4.2017. Cottbus : DKW, Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus : Eisenhüttenstadt : Kunstarchiv Beeskow, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077198
  • Krishnan, Gauri Parimoo, ed. Nalanda, Srivijaya and beyond : re-exploring Buddhist art in Asia. Singapore : Asian Civilisations Museum, [2016]. HOLLIS 015128735
  • Kroner, Sven. Sven Kroner. Berlin : Hatje Cantz Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015077199
  • Kulturreferat der Stadt Amberg, ed. Marion Anna Simon der Winterkönig im Schlamm der Kunst. Köln : Wienand, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077194
  • Kurita, Isao, author. Da mei zhi fo xiang : jian tuo luo yi shu = 大美之佛像 : 犍陀罗艺术 = Gandharan art. Beijing : Wen wu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014997928
  • Kusama, Yayoi. Kusama Yayoi zenhanga = 草間彌生全版画 = Yayoi Kusama prints 1979-2017. Tōkyō : Abe Shuppan, 2017. HOLLIS 015018064
  • La Villéon, Emmanuel de, 1858-1944, artist. Emmanuel de la Villéon : couleur fondamentale. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070879
  • Laboureur, Jean Emile, 1877-1943. J.E. Laboureur : peintures, aquarelles, dessins, estampes, livres illustrés : exposition, Galerie Marcel Lecomte [19 avril-11 mai, 1974]. Paris : Galerie Marcel Lecomte, 1974. HOLLIS 015118753
  • Laks, Anna, ed. 400-letie doma Romanovykh v proizvedenii͡akh zhivopisi, skulʹptury, grafiki i dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva iz sobranii͡a Russkogo muzei͡a = 400-летие дома Романовых в произведениях живописи, скульптуры, графики и декоративно-прикладного искусства из собрания Русского музея . Sankt-Peterburg : Palace Editions, 2013. HOLLIS 015077480
  • Landacre, Paul, 1893-1963. Paul Landacre : wood engravings : prints, drawings, original blocks from the estate. Los Angeles, Calif. : Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, 1986. HOLLIS 015123052
  • Lange, Thomas, 1957- artist. Thomas Lange : non sporcare il fiume. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070884
  • Lassnig, Maria, artist. Maria Lassnig : woman power, Maria Lassnig in New York 1968-1980. New York : Petzel, [2016]. HOLLIS 015062186
  • Latimer, Quinn and Adam Szymczyk, eds. The Documenta 14 reader. Munich : Prestel Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063536
  • Lewandowsky, Mirjam. Im Hinterhof des Realen : Index – Bild – Theorie. Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink, c2016. HOLLIS 015077218
  • Li, Kan, 1245-1320, author. Zhu pu xiang lu = 竹譜詳錄 . Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833594
  • Li, Li, author. Han hua xiang de xu shu : Han hua xiang de tu xiang xu shi xue yan jiu = 汉画像的叙述 : 汉画像的图像叙事学研究. Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833382
  • Li, Ling, 1948- author. Wan bian : Li Ling kao gu yi shu shi wen ji = 万变 : 李零考古艺术史文集. 北京市 : 生活.读书.新知三联书店, 2016. HOLLIS 014833585
  • Li, Yongqiang, 1980- author. 20 shi ji Zhongguo hua ming jia zai Guangxi de yi shu chuang zuo yu huo dong = 20 shiji Zhongguohua mingjia zai Guangxi de yishu chuangzuo yu huodong = 20世纪中国画名家在广西的艺术创作与活动 . Nanning Shi : Guangxi mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014889493
  • Licha, Emanuel, 1971- artist, author. Emanuel Licha : et maintenant regardez cette machine. Montréal : Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088849
  • Lijster, Thijs, 1981- author. Benjamin and Adorno on art and art criticism : critique of art. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071046
  • Liu, Hui, 1978- author. Zhong yuan bei fang zao qi Mile zao xiang yi shu yan jiu = 中原北方早期弥勒造像艺术研究 = Early maitreya statues art in northern central plains. Shanghai Shi : Shanghai san lian shu dian, 2016. HOLLIS 014999577
  • Liu, Yicun, author, photographer. Yongjia gu ting = 永嘉古亭. Hangzhou Shi : Zhejiang she ying chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014777697
  • Llorens, Elena and Eduard Valles, eds. Pere Torné Esquius : poética cotidiana. Barcelona : Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, 2017. HOLLIS 015070901
  • Lloyd, Jill, Ingrid Pfeiffer, and Raymond Coffer, eds. Richard Gerstl. [Munich, Germany] : Hirmer ; [Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany] : Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt ; New York, New York : Ronald S. Lauder Neue Galerie, Museum for German and Austrian Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071065
  • Loboda, Viktor, 1911-1992, artist. Viktor Mykolaĭovych Loboda. Lʹviv : Manuskrypt-Lʹviv, 2009. HOLLIS 015127913
  • Low, Sze Wee, ed. Artist and empire : (en)countering colonial legacies. Singapore : National Gallery Singapore, 2016. HOLLIS 014986190
  • Lozynsʹkyĭ, Taras, 1959- compiler. Rushnyky Naddnipri͡ansʹkoï Ukraïny. Lʹviv : Instytut kolekt͡sionerstva ukraïnsʹkykh mystet͡sʹkykh pam’i͡atok pry NTSh, 2017. HOLLIS 015123707
  • Lü, Peng and Ye Caibao. Tu xiang jing shen yu wen ben xu shi : Cui Xiuwen yi shu dang an = 图像精神与文本叙事 : 崔岫闻艺术档案 . Beijing : Zhongguo qing nian chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015047829
  • Lunois, Alexandre, 1863-1916. Alexandre Lunois : a centenary exhibition, December 7, 1982-January 2, 1983, Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, Dickson Art Center, University of California, Los Angeles. Los Angeles : The Center, [1982]. HOLLIS 015123813
  • Luoyang Shi wen wu kao gu yan jiu yuan, ed. Luoyang Shi Dingding bei Lu Tang Song zhuan wa yao zhi kao gu fa jue bao gao = 洛阳市定鼎北路唐宋砖瓦窑址考古发掘报告 . Zhengzhou Shi : Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014763311
  • Lusheck, Catherine H., author. Rubens and the eloquence of drawing. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2017. HOLLIS 015131213
  • Lybke, Gerd Harry and Bettina Ruhrberg, eds. Martin Eder : those bloody colours. Berlin, Deutschland : Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063527
  • Ma, Shichang, 1939- author. Zhongguo fo jiao shi ku kao gu wen ji = 中国佛教石窟考古文集 . Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2014. HOLLIS 014824530
  • Machida, Keiichi, 1927- author. Edo zenki Kamigata irozurishi no kenkyū : gurōbaru na shinka no katei no shita de = 江戶前期上方色摺史の研究 : グローバルな進化の過程の下で. 東京 : 印刷学会出版部, 2017. HOLLIS 015021834
  • Mader, Heribert, ed. Heribert Mader. [Weitra] : Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069533
  • Maĭorova, N. O. and Gennadiĭ Skokov. Russkai͡a zhivopisʹ, 1800-1850 = Русская живопись, 1800-1850. Moskva : Belyĭ gorod : Voskresnyĭ denʹ, [2014]. HOLLIS 015077458
  • Maĭorova, N. O. and Gennadiĭ Skokov. Russkai͡a zhivopisʹ, 1850-1860 = Русская живопись, 1850-1860. Moskva : Belyĭ gorod : Voskresnyĭ denʹ, [2014]. HOLLIS 015077459
  • Maldonado, Guitemie and Christoph Vögele. Gilgian Gelzer – Pencilmania Zeichnungen und Fotografien. [Solothurn] : Kunstmuseum Solothurn ; Wien : Verlag für moderen Kunst, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069531
  • Malvasia, Carlo Cesare, conte, 1616-1693. Felsina pittrice : lives of the Bolognese painters. London : H. Miller, 2012-. HOLLIS 013340558
  • Mammucari, Renato, ed. Regina viarum : Appia via … cammino solare. Città di Castello : Luoghinteriori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070889
  • Marchuk, Ivan, 1936-. Kartyny-prytchi (ranniĭ period) = Parable paintings (early period). Kyïv : Feniks, 2017. HOLLIS 015123683
  • Margolles, Teresa, 1963- artist. Teresa Margolles : mundos. Montréal : Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088850
  • Mari, Maria, author. Cortile del pappagallo : hortus conclusus. Città del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, [2016]. HOLLIS 014905609
  • Mark, Peter, Peter Helman, and Penny Snyder, eds. The mountains in art history. Middletown, Connecticut : Wesleyan University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015073793
  • Marshaa, Boris, author. Tujue ren, Sute ren yu Nana nü shen = 突厥人, 粟特人与娜娜女神. Guilin : Li Jiang chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014865358
  • Martínez, Jusepe, 1600-1682, author. Practical discourses on the most noble art of painting. Los Angeles : The Getty Research Institute, [2017]. HOLLIS 015062191
  • Mascolo, Marco M., author. “Un occhio finissimo” : Wilhelm R. Valentiner (1880-1958) storico dell’arte tra Germania e Stati Uniti. Roma : Viella, maggio 2017. HOLLIS 015070885
  • Matsuura, Hisao, Nakabayashi Kazuo, Sawayama Ryō, and Hayashi Michio. Kaiga to no keiyaku : Yamada Masaaki saikō = 絵画との契約 : 山田正亮再考 = Yamada Masaaki. Tōkyō : Suiseisha, 2016. HOLLIS 014883171
  • Matveeva, Elena, author. Russkai͡a zhivopisʹ, 1860-1870 = Русская живопись, 1860-1870 . Moskva : Belyĭ gorod : Voskresnyĭ denʹ, [2014]. HOLLIS 015077460
  • Mayer, Hans, 1950-. Hans Mayer. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2017. HOLLIS 015063541
  • Mayer, Marc (Marc Daniel), 1956- author. Art in Canada. Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088852
  • Mazzanti, Claudio, ed. Dalí experience. Monghidoro (BO) – Italy : Con-fine edizioni, 2017. HOLLIS 015078523
  • McBey, James, 1883-1959. Etchings and dry points from 1924 by James McBey, 1883-1959 : a supplement to the catalogue by Martin Hardie. Aberdeen : Aberdeen Art Gallery, 1962. HOLLIS 015124492
  • McKenna, Kristine, author. Joe Goode : paintings 1960-2016. Los Angeles, CA : Kohn Gallery, [2017]. HOLLIS 015085779
  • McMaster Museum of Art. Living building thinking : art & expressionism = Vivre bâtir penser : l’art & l’expressionnisme. Hamilton, ON : The McMaster Museum of Art, [2016]. HOLLIS 015088847
  • Melʹnyk, Oleksandr, Olesʹ Soloveĭ, Larysa Maksymenko, and Olʹha Basanet͡sʹ, eds. Ukraïna vid Trypilli͡a do sʹohodenni͡a v obrazakh suchasnykh khudoz͡hnykiv : kataloh Tretʹoï vseukraïnsʹkoï vystavky. Kyïv : Nat͡sionalʹna spilka khudoz͡hnykiv Ukraïny, 2008. HOLLIS 015127933
  • Mendes, Margarida, ed. Matter fictions. Lisbon : Museo Coleç̦ão Berardo : Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2017. HOLLIS 015063552
  • Mesa Sánchez, Juan Luis. Babel : Alejandro Castaño C. [Medellín, Colombia] : Universidad EAFIT, 2017. HOLLIS 015087350
  • Mezei, Kristina. I Knutens hjärta : en bok om konstnären Berit Pettersson. Stockholm : Carlssons, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063483
  • Milberg, Judith. Judith Milberg : Arbeiten auf Papier und Leinwand 2015-2017 = Works on paper and canvas 2015-2017. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015077191
  • Miner, Carolyn, ed. In pursuit of Caravaggio. Turin : Allemandi, 2016. HOLLIS 015070867
  • Minge, Ward Alan, author. Casa San Ysidro : the Gutiérrez/Minge House in Corrales, New Mexico. Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088856
  • Miraglia, Juan Carlos, 1900-1983, artist. Todo el arte en una vida. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Buenos Aires Ciudad, Ministerio de Educación : Museo Quinquela Martín de Bellas Artes de Artistas Argentinos : Fundación OSDE, Noviembre 2013. HOLLIS 015100063
  • Mironneau, Paul, ed. Trésors princiers : richesses de la cour de Navarre au XVIe siècle. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071056
  • Mlynarzewicz, Ariel. Revolucionarios : Ariel Mlynarzewicz. Buenos Aires : Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2013. HOLLIS 015100065
  • Móbil, José A., author. Del realismo a la abstracción : la plástica y sus vínculos con la historia de Guatemala, 1954-2014. Guatemala, C.A. : ServiPrensa Centroamericana, 2016. HOLLIS 015087355
  • Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 1876-1907. Die Radierungen. Lilienthal : Worpsweder Verlag, ©1978. HOLLIS 015118786
  • Moeller, Magdalena M., Kathrin Baumstark, and Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, eds. Max Pechstein : Künstler der Moderne. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063496
  • Montali, Sandro José, Sergio Kiernan, and Daniela Zattara. Catálogo artístico. [Buenos Aires] : Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, [2012?]. HOLLIS 015100062
  • Mora, Francesca, ed. Alfabeta, 1979-1988 : prove d’artista nella collezione della Galleria civica di Modena. [Milan] : Mudima, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070880
  • Morat-Institut für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft, ed. Elly Weiblen : recherches. Freiburg i. Br. : Modo Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069528
  • Morgan, Nigel, Stella Panayotova, Martine Meuwese, et al., eds. Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge : a catalogue of western book illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge colleges / edited by Nigel Morgan & Stella Panayotova with the assistance of Martine Meuwese … [et al.]. London : Harvey Miller Publishers in conjunction with the Modern Humanities Research Association, c2009-. HOLLIS 011832918
  • Mori, Masahide, author. Bukkyō no joshintachi = 仏教の女神たち. 東京 : 春秋社, 2017. HOLLIS 015021829
  • Mori, Masahide, author. Mikkyō bijutsu no zuzōgaku = 密教美術の図像学 = Iconology of Tantric Buddhist art. Kyōto-shi : Hōzōkan, 2017. HOLLIS 014944841
  • Moss, Marlow, 1890-1958. A forgotten Maverick – Marlow Moss. Berlin : Hatje Cantz Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015063521
  • Mühleisen, Hans-Otto and Arno Zahlauer, eds. Kloster, Priesterseminar, geistliches Zentrum : von Kunst, Geschichte und Gegenwart der vormaligen Benediktinerabtei St. Peter auf dem Schwarzwald. Lindenberg/Allgäu : Kunstverlag Josef Fink, 2016. HOLLIS 015063550
  • Mühleisen, Hans-Otto, author. Kloster St. Peter und Schloss Ebnet : von den Chancen eines ikonographischen Vergleichs. Lindenberg i. Allgäu : Kunstverlag Josef Fink, 2016. HOLLIS 015063553
  • Muller, Alfredo, 1869-1940. Alfredo Müller : Livorno 1869-Parigi 1939 : opera grafica : acqueforti, litografie, puntesecche, monotipi : Museo progressivo d’arte contemporanea, Villa Maria, 7 agosto-9 ottobre 1982. [Livorno] : Comune di Livorno, ©1982. HOLLIS 015124591
  • Müller, Vanessa Joan, ed. Leonard Qylafi : pavilion of the Republic of Albania at the 57th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063495
  • Münch, Birgit Ulrike, Andreas Tacke, Markwart Herzog, and Sylvia Heudecker, eds. Künstlerinnen : neue Perspektiven auf ein Forschungsfeld der Vormoderne. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015017569
  • Munck, Jacqueline, ed. Derain, Balthus, Giacometti : une amitié artistique. Paris : Paris Musées, [2017]. HOLLIS 015119767
  • Murphy, Stephen A., et al., eds. Cities and kings : ancient treasures from Myanmar. Singapore : Asian Civilisations Museum, [2016]. HOLLIS 015128733
  • Musée Jean Cocteau. Raoul Dufy : les couleurs du bonheur : une collection particulière = the colours of joy : a private collection. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070874
  • Musée national d’art moderne. Les cahiers du Musée national d’art moderne : hors série : Georges Duthuit. Paris : Centre Pompidou, 2016. HOLLIS 015114200
  • Museum Angewandtekunst, Charlotte Trümpler, and Matthias Wagner K., eds. Picknick-Zeit. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063500
  • Myzhina, V. V. (Valentyna Vasylivna), O. Denysenko, and V. Katsaĭ. Tvort͡si ukraïnsʹkoho peĭzaz͡hu : tvory z kolekt͡siï Kharkivsʹkoho khudoz͡hnʹoho muzei͡u : kataloh vystavky = Творці українського пейзажу : твори з колекції Харківського художнього музею : каталог виставки. Lʹviv : Nat͡sionalʹnyĭ muzeĭ u Lʹvovi imeni Andrei͡a Sheptyt͡sʹkoho, 2015. HOLLIS 015122131
  • Nagakura, Hiromi, 1952- photographer. Across borders. 東京 : 未来社, 2017. HOLLIS 015131444
  • Nagakura, Hiromi, 1952- photographer. El Salvador. 東京 : 未来社, 2017. HOLLIS 015131451
  • Nagakura, Hiromi, 1952- photographer. “Ko do mo” = Children. Bunkyō-ku, Tokyo : Miraisha, 2017. HOLLIS 015131445
  • Nagakura, Hiromi, 1952- photographer. Massoud. 東京 : 未来社, 2017. HOLLIS 015131449
  • Nagakura, Hiromi, 1952- photographer. Silk Road. 東京 : 未来社, 2017. HOLLIS 015131447
  • Nani, Attilio, 1901-1959, artist. Attilio Nani : la scultura disegnata. Bergamo : GAMeC books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070886
  • Nanjing Minguo jian zhu bian wei hui, ed. Nanjing Minguo jian zhu tu dian = 南京民国建筑图典 . Nanjing : Nanjing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014999584
  • Narayama, Mitsuteru, 1977-. Shoku no bijutsu : kagami to sekizō ibutsu ni miru gokanki no shisen bunka = 蜀の美術 : 鏡と石造遺物にみる後漢期の四川文化. Tōkyō : Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2017. HOLLIS 015045986
  • Nat͡sionalʹnyĭ muzeĭ narodnoho mystet͡stva Hut͡sulʹshchyny ta Pokutti͡a, author. Skarby Nat͡sionalʹnoho muzei͡a narodnoho mystet͡stva Hut͡sulʹshchyny ta Pokutti͡a im. Ĭ. Kobrynsʹkoho = Скарби Національного музея народного мистецтва Гуцульщини та Покуття ім. Й. Кобринського. Lʹviv : Manuskrypt-Lʹviv, 2015. HOLLIS 015123712
  • Nesbit, Molly, 1952- author. Midnight : the tempest essays. New York, NY : Inventory Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088860
  • New Art Gallery Walsall. Idris Khan : a world within. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063510
  • Ni, Zhiyun, 1960- author. Gu dian de si bian : Zhongguo hua xue cong lun = 古典的思辨 : 中国画学丛论. Shanghai : Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014762747
  • Nittenshi Hensan Iinkai. Bunten, Teiten, Shin Bunten, Nitten zen shuppin mokuroku : Meiji 40-nen–Shōwa 32-nen : Nitten shi shiryō = 文展・帝展・新文展・日展全出品目錄 : 明治 40年–昭和 32年 : 日展史資料 . Tōkyō : Nitten, Heisei 2 [1990]. HOLLIS 015010401
  • Nkanga, Otobong, 1974- artist. Otobong Nkanga : Luster and Lucre. Frankfurt : Portikus : Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077196
  • Nonaka, Natsumi, author. Renaissance porticoes and painted pergolas : nature and culture in early modern Italy. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. HOLLIS 014800084
  • November, Hans. Chiharu Shiota : between the lines. Zwolle : WBooks ; ‘s-Hertogenbosch : Het Noordbrabants Museum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015057741
  • Nyberg, Klas, ed. Ekonomisk kulturhistoria : bildkonst, konsthantverk och scenkonst 1720-1850. Stockholm : Kulturhistoriska Bokförlaget, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063171
  • Nylund, Lotta, ed. Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s art collection. Helsinki : Signe & Ane Gyllenbergs Stiftelse, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063484
  • Odenthal, Stefanie and Christiane Stah, eds. Nautilus : Schnecken, Muscheln und andere Mollusken in der Fotografie. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015063498
  • Oehy, Milena, 1984- author. Mexican graphic art. Zurich : Scheidegger & Spiess, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077220
  • Ōkubo, Yūji. Shōgan yuishin = 賞玩唯心. Tōkyō : Sōjusha Bijutsu Shuppan, 2017. HOLLIS 015018058
  • Ólafur Elíasson, 1967-. Olafur Eliasson : green light – an artistic workshop. Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2017. HOLLIS 015063554
  • Olsen, Marius, 1963- artist. Marius Olsen : prent = prints 1980-2016. [Vestmanna] : Sprotin, 2016. HOLLIS 015063482
  • Olson, Liesl, author. Chicago renaissance : literature and art in the midwest metropolis. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015100954
  • Omuka, Toshiharu, 1951- author. Hijōji no modanizumu : 1930-nendai Teikoku Nihon no bijutsu = 非常時のモダニズム :$$b1930年代帝国日本の美術 = Modernism in a time of crisis : art in 1930s Imperial Japan. Tōkyō-to Meguro-ku : Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 2017. HOLLIS 014948441
  • Oppenheim, Dennis, 1938-2011. Dennis Oppenheim : terrestrial studio. New Windsor, NY : Storm King Art Center, 2016. HOLLIS 015088853
  • Ortiz Serrano, Gustavo A., ed. 50 años MAC : Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia : Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá : UNIMINUTO, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2016. HOLLIS 015087346
  • Oschlies, Wolf, author. Stalins linker Fuss wog 72 Tonnen : die abenteuerliche Geschichte eines Monster-Denkmals im goldenen Prag. Klagenfurt : Wieser Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063555
  • Özgen, M. Mithat, author. Osmanlı redif binları : Sultan İkinci Abdülhamid Han Devri. İstanbul : Hamidiye Kitaplığı, 2016. HOLLIS 015131664
  • Özsel, Nermin, 1946- author. Evliya Çelebi’nin izinde İstanbul’un camileri : “yüz tarihi cami”. İskitler, İstanbul : Gece Kitaplığı, 2016. HOLLIS 015132083
  • Paeffgen, C. O., 1933- artist. C.O. Paeffgen : Liebes- und Fragezeichen : Katalog zur Ausstellung bei Grisebach, Berlin 2017. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063507
  • Pairon, Marc, Eric Min, Michelle Leglez, and Pierre Duroisin. Belgian Impressionism : a tribute to Jean Colin, the hidden masterpieces = Impressionisme belge : un hommage à Jean Colin, les chefs-d’œuvre inconnus = Belgisch impressionisme : een eerbetoon aan Jean Colin, de verborgen meesterwerken. Aartselaar : Fondation Charles Catteau, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071048
  • Palencia Cerezo, José María, ed. Antonio del Castillo en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Córdoba. Córdoba : Diputación Provincial de Córdoba ; [Seville] : Junta de Andalucia, Consejería de Cultura, 2016. HOLLIS 015070897
  • Papin-Drastik, Ivonne, et al. Arkas Koleksiyonu’nda ışığın ustaları = Les luministes, de la collection Arkas = The luminists, from the Arkas collection 18.01.2017 – 31.03.2017. İzmir : Arkas Sanat Merkezi, 2017. HOLLIS 015131687
  • Parla, Canan and Orhan Cezmi Tuncer. Yazıtları ve betimlemeleriyle Diyarbakır surları. Diyarbakır : T.C.Diyarbakır Valiliği, 2016. HOLLIS 015132943
  • Pascin, Jules, 1885-1930. Pascin : gravé la nuit. Paris : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1997. HOLLIS 015124692
  • Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich, 1862-1945, author. Zametki ob iskusstve : perepiska = Заметки об искусстве : переписка. Moskva : A TEMP, 2015. HOLLIS 015085356
  • Pechornyĭ, Petro, 1932-. Petro Pechornyĭ = Петро Печорний = Petro Pechorny. Kyïv : Sofii͡a A, 2005. HOLLIS 015124498
  • Pelletier, S. W. (S. William), 1924-2004. Sir Muirhead Bone : his etched and drypointed portraits and figure studies. [Athens, Ga.] : Georgia Museum of Art, [1999]. HOLLIS 015117935
  • Penz, Helga, ed. Das Kloster der Kaiserin : 300 Jahre Salesianerinnen in Wien. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063525
  • Peroni, Paolo, artist. Paolo Peroni : orizzonti a parte. Milano, Italy : Studio Museo Francesco Messina, [2016]. HOLLIS 015070888
  • Petrova, Evgenia, ed. Ivan Aivazovsky : on the 200th anniversary of the artist’s birth. [Sankt Petersburg] : Russian Museum ; [Bad Breisig] : Palace Editions, 2016. HOLLIS 015034812
  • Petrova, Evgenii͡a . Priglashenie k obedu : povarennai͡a kniga Russkogo muzei͡a = Приглашение к обеду : поваренная книга Русского музея. Sankt-Peterburg : Russkiĭ muzeĭ : Palace Editions, 2013. HOLLIS 015085317
  • Petrova, O. M. (Olʹha Mykolaïvna), author. Inshi berehy … = The other shores. Kyïv : ADEF-Ukraïna, 2012. HOLLIS 015124516
  • Petrussen, Juana, Jessie Kleemann, Jørgen Chemnitz, and Peter Poulsen. Anne Birthe Hove. [Nuuk] : Milik Publishing, 2016. HOLLIS 015063477
  • Pi, Daojian, author. Chu yi shu shi = 楚艺术史. Wuhan Shi : Hubei mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833380
  • Pils, Tobias Raphael. Tobias Pils : untitled [room] & Marfa paintings. Bottrop : Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop ; London ; Köln : Koenig Books, c2017. HOLLIS 015077200
  • Pippin, Steven, photographer. Steven Pippin : Aberration optique. Paris : Editions Xavier Barral, 2017. HOLLIS 015071057
  • Platter, Johanna. Mitleiden, Mitwissen, Mitfühlen : über das Moment der körperlichen Wahrnehmung in den Werken von Teresa Margolles und Doris Salcedo. Freiburg i. Br. : Modo, c2017. HOLLIS 015063556
  • Pohl, Michael, 1958- author. Johann Bernhard Kamm : fürstbischöflich Bambergischer Hofbildhauer (1736-1816) : ein Meister des späten Rokoko : Leben – Werk – Familie. Memmelsdorf : Edition Hübscher, im Genniges Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063557
  • Polke, Sigmar, artist. The Editions : Aus der Sammlung Kunstraum am Limes anlässlich der Ausstellung Sigmar Polke — Die Editionen” im me Collectors Room Berlin. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König [2017]. HOLLIS 015069539
  • Poltavets, N. I. (Natalʹia Ivanovna), ed. Rukoi͡u mastera : tvorchestvo khudozhnikov Minshchiny : alʹbom = Рукою мастера : творчество художников Минщины : альбом = By a master’s hand : works of the artists of Minsk region. Minsk : Zvi͡azda, 2016. HOLLIS 015087331
  • Ponce de León, Carolina. Jesús Abad Colorado : mirar de la vida profunda = a gaze at life profound. Bogotá, Colombia : Paralelo 10 : Editorial Planeta Colombiana, 2015. HOLLIS 015087360
  • Qing hua da xue (Beijing, China). Yi shu bo wu guan, current owner. Bi zhong bi xin : Qing hua da xue yi shu bo wu guan cang tong jing = 必忠必信 : 清华大学艺术博物馆藏铜镜. Shanghai : Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015029653
  • Qingyuan lang qiao bo wu guan, ed. Tu huo yi cui : Qingyuan lang qiao bo wu guan cang ci qi jing mei ji = 土火遗粹 : 庆元廊桥博物馆藏瓷器精美集 . Hangzhou : Xi ling yin she chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015012070
  • Quraishī, ʻĀbid Ḥusain, 1946-. Art of Pakistan : indigenous elements and western influence. Lahore : Pakistan Writers’ Co-operative Society, 2017. HOLLIS 015123840
  • Raissis, Peter. Victorian watercolours : from the art gallery of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia : Art Gallery of New South Wales, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088848
  • Ramaix, Isabelle de. Frans Huys : catalogue de l’oeuvre gravé. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1969?]. HOLLIS 015118169
  • Ramírez Jaramillo, John Fredy, Daniel Jerónimo Tobón Giraldo, and Carlos Vanegas Zubiría, eds. ¿Arte sin estética?. Medellín : Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Antioquia, 2016. HOLLIS 015087348
  • Ramirez, Arely, ed. Microhistorias y macromundos. México : Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes : Museo Tamayo, ©2010-. HOLLIS 015075418
  • Ramos, Imma, author. Pilgrimage and politics in colonial Bengal : the myth of the goddess Sati. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2017. HOLLIS 015085782
  • Rayne, Blake, 1969-. Blake Rayne: tense and spaced out : polar nights, glacial chaos, and the ecology of misery. Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2017. HOLLIS 015063506
  • Rebeyrolle, Paul, 1926-2005, artist. Les animaux de Paul Rebeyrolle. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070875
  • Reed, Arden, 1947- author. Slow art : the experience of looking, sacred images to James Turrell. Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015062190
  • Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669. Einhundertdreissig Radierungen Rembrandts im besitze der Kunsthandlung C.G. Boerner, Leipzig. [Leipzig], [Poeschel & Trepte], [date of publication not identified]. HOLLIS 015124698
  • Reulens, Kristof. Eugène Verdyen 1836-1903 : voorloper van het impressionisme = précurseur de l’impressionnisme. Oostkamp : Stichting Kunstboek [2017]. HOLLIS 015071039
  • Richau, Joachim. Joachim Richau : Fragment, oder, Die Gegenwart des Zweifels. Heidelberg : Kehrer, c2017. HOLLIS 015063511
  • Richter, Gerhard, 1932- artist. About painting : early works. Munich : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077208
  • Ries, Hans Christian, author. Josef Wittmann (1880-1968) : Maler des Neubarock. Lindenberg/Allgäu : Kunstverlag Josef Fink, 2017. HOLLIS 015063531
  • Risco, Ana María and Eugenio Dittborn. Pintura : Claudia Hidalgo. Santiago de Chile : D21 Editores, 2016. HOLLIS 015087366
  • Robert, Hubert, 1733-1808. Gi͡uber Rober : pevet͡s ruin : k 275-letii͡u so dni͡a rozhdenii͡a khudozhnika : katalog vystaki = Гюбер Робер : певец руин : к 275-летию со дня рождения художника : каталог выстаки. Sankt-Peterburg : GMZ “Pavlovsk, “, 2008. HOLLIS 014951127
  • Roda Peña, José, author. Retablos itinerantes : el paso de Cristo en la Semana Santa de Sevilla. [Sevilla] : Diputación de Sevilla, [2016]. HOLLIS 015070903
  • Rodríguez, Marta, ed. Voces íntimas : relatos e imágenes de mujeres artistas. Bogotá : Museo Nacional de Colombia, 2016. HOLLIS 015087370
  • Rojas Sotelo, Miguel Leonardo, author. Irrupciones, compresiones, contravenciones : arte contemporáneo y política cultural en Colombia. Bogotá : Ediciones Uniandes, 2017. HOLLIS 015087359
  • Rong, Jian, Du Kangling , and Zhejiang chang cheng ying shi gong si zhi zuo. Qin huang ling he bing ma yong = 秦皇陵和兵马俑 = Mausoleum of emperor of Qin Dynasty and Terracotta warriors and horses. [Haikou] : Hainan sheng dian zi yin xiang chu ban she, 2002. HOLLIS 014911759
  • Roveda, Vittorio, author. In the shadow of Rama : murals of the Ramayana in Mainland Southeast Asia. Bangkok : River Books, 2015. HOLLIS 014663556
  • Rozell, Mary, ed. Lucian Freud : closer : works from the UBS Art Collection = Werke aus der UBS Art Collection. Berlin : Berliner Festspiele, Martin-Gropius-Bau, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063526
  • Ruan, Rongchun and Zhang Tongbiao. Cong Tianzhu dao Huaxia : Zhong Yin fo jiao mei shu de li cheng = 从天竺到华夏 : 中印佛教美术的历程 . Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2017. HOLLIS 014997926
  • Rutherford, Sarah. Capability Brown and his landscape gardens. London : National Trust, [2016]. HOLLIS 014532434
  • Ryūsawa, Aya, author, editor. Emaki de yomu Genji monogatari : Mōri Hakubutsukan shozō “Genji monogatari emaki” = 絵卷で読む源氏物語 : 毛利博物館所蔵「源氏物語絵卷」 . 東京 : 三弥井書店, 2017. HOLLIS 014979302
  • Saar, Betye, author, artist. Betye Saar : still tickin’. Scottsdale, Arizona : Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088846
  • Sadowsky, Thorsten. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. München : Klinkhardt & Biermann, c2017. HOLLIS 015063559
  • Salamanca, Claudia, ed. Verde : el color de la catástrofe. Bogotá : Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, [2017]. HOLLIS 015087369
  • Salas, Sixto Aurelio, 1924-1992 artist. Gracias maestro! : Sixto Aurelio Salas : 18 de abril al 17 de mayo de 2013. Buenos Aires, Argentina : Consejo Federal de Inversiones, [2013]. HOLLIS 015100059
  • Salcedo Fidalgo, Diego, ed. Lorenzo, no como los otros Lorenzo : homenaje nacional a Lorenzo Jaramillo. Bogotá : Editorial UTADEO, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, 2016. HOLLIS 015087363
  • Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie e.K., Bielefeld, ed. Lehmä pitää viedä jäälle, jotta se tanssii : Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, June 10 – August 19, 2017 : exhibition of art from Finland, curated by Martin Born = For the cow to dance, drag it on the ice = Die Kuh muss aufs Eis, damit sie tanzt. Bielefeld : Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie e.K., [2017]. HOLLIS 015069535
  • Satō, Tōru, 1961- author. Bi to jitsuzai : Nihon-teki biishiki no kaimei ni mukete = 美と実在 : 日本的美意識の解明に向けて . Kyōto-shi : Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2016. HOLLIS 014883170
  • Schäfer, Julia and Franciska Zólyom, eds. Travestie für Fortgeschrittene. Leipzig : Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst ; Wien : Zaglossus, 2017. HOLLIS 015077224
  • Schauerte, Thomas Ulrich, 1967- author. aut. Dürer als Zeitzeuge der Reformation : neuer Geist und neuer Glaube. Nürnberg : Museen der Stadt Nürnberg, Albrecht-Dürer-Haus : Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015105281
  • Schávelzon, Daniel, author. El silencio es oro : tráfico de arte durante el nazismo en la Argentina. Buenos Aires : Olmo Ediciones, [2017]. HOLLIS 015100067
  • Scheibler, Ingeborg. Die Malerei der Antike und ihre Farben : Aspekte und Materialien zur Koloritgeschichte. Weimar : VDG Weimar im Jonas Verlag für Kunst und Literatur GmbH, c2017. HOLLIS 015077197
  • Scheicher, Harald, ed. Gottfried Helnwein Kind. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063492
  • Schmidlin, Laurence, ed. Vertige de la couleur : l’estampe en France a la fin du XIXe siecle = Enraptured by color : printmaking in late 19th-century France. Vevey : Musée Jenisch – Cabinet cantonal des estampes ; Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077202
  • Schmidt, Eike D., Marco Ciatti, and Daniela Parenti, eds. Il cosmo magico di Leonardo : l’Adorazione dei Magi restaurata. Firenze : Giunti : Firenze musei ; marzo 2017. HOLLIS 015008358
  • Schmidt, Hans-Werner and Jeannette Stoschek, eds. Max Klinger : ” … schon der leiseste Zwang nimmt mir die Luft”. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, ©2015. HOLLIS 015077195
  • Schneider, Rona. Stephen Parrish, the etchings : a catalogue raisonné. New York : The Old Print Shop, ©2007. HOLLIS 015124679
  • Schumacher, Anne-Claire, ed. Poteries décorées de Suisse alémanique : 17e-19e siècles : collections du Musée Ariana à Genève = Keramik der Deutschschweiz : 17.-19. Jahrhundert : die Sammlung des Musée Ariana, Genf. [Geneva] : Ariana, Musée suisse de la céramique et du verre : Milan : 5 continents, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070873
  • Schwarzkopf, Alexandra. Axel Bundsen : um 1800 : dänisch-deutsche Architektur an der Epochenschwelle. Neumünster : Wachholtz Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015069538
  • Schweigert, Horst, author. Studien zur Kunstgeschichte Steiermarks : ausgewählte Schriften zur Kunst des Mittelalters bis zur Kunst der Gegenwart. Kumberg : Sublilium Schaffer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063517
  • Seaman, Kristen and Peter Schultz, eds. Artists and artistic production in ancient Greece. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015095316
  • Şehitoğlu, Sergen, photographer, interviewee. Sergen Şehitoğlu : kill memories. Turkey : Umur Basım A.Ş., 2016. HOLLIS 015132948
  • Seligman, Thomas K. and Usha R. Balakrishnan. Enduring splendor : jewelry of India’s Thar Desert. Los Angeles : Fowler Museum at UCLA, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088855
  • Semet-Haviaras, Marie-Noëlle. Les plasticiens au défi de la scène (2000-2015). Paris : L’Harmattan, c2017. HOLLIS 015071058
  • Sen’oku Hakukokan. Sen’oku Hakuko : kindai nihonga = 泉屋博古 : 近代日本画 . Kyōto : Sen’oku Hakukokan, Heisei nijū-kyū-nen. HOLLIS 015010405
  • Senol, Elmas and Christina Végh, eds. Abstrakt – Konkret – Absolut : Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart und die Kestner Gesellschaft. Hannover : Kestner Gesellschaft, 2017. HOLLIS 015077214
  • Shandong Sheng wen wu kao gu yan jiu suo, Zibo Qu wen wu guan li ju, Han Weidong, Wei Chengmin, and Wang Huitian. Linzi Shanwang Cun Han dai bing ma yong = 临淄山王村汉代兵马俑 . Beijing Shi : Wen wu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015012067
  • Shanghai bo wu guan, ed. Zai du Suiyang wu lao : yi shu shi de wei du = Zaidu Suiyangwulao = 再读睢陽五老 : 艺术史的维度 . Beijing Shi : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014990962
  • Shannon, Joshua, 1972- author. The recording machine : art and fact during the Cold War. New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015062188
  • Shanxi Sheng wen wu zi liao xin xi zhong xin, ed. Jin bao zang : Shanxi Sheng guan cang wen wu jing hua = 晋宝藏 : 山西省馆藏文物精华 . Taiyuan : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 015012063
  • Shaull, Warren L. and Edwin E. Elliott. Charles M. Capps, master printmaker : a catalog raisonné. Dodge City, KS : Gall and Shaull, ©1994. HOLLIS 015118099
  • Shawky, Wael, 1971- artist. Wael Shawky : Al Araba Al Madfuna. Torino : Hopefulmonster editore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014920286
  • Shimizu, Noriyuki, ed. Yokoo Tadanori zenhanga : hanga jungle = 横尾忠則全版画 = Yokoo Tadanori : prints retrospective : hanga jungle. Tōkyō-to Itabashi-ku : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2017-nen 4-gatsu 22-nichi. HOLLIS 015018049
  • Shimohara, Miho, 1965-. Sumiyoshi-ha kenkyū = 住吉派研究 . Hirosima : Geika Shoin, 2017. HOLLIS 015021241
  • Shimono, Akiko. Tonkō Butchō Sonshō Daranikyō hensōzu no kenkyū = 敦煌仏頂尊勝陀羅尼経変相図の研究 . Tōkyō : Bensei Shuppan, 2017. HOLLIS 014923518
  • Shioya, Jun, Mashino Keiko, and Emi Chizuko. Kindai Kōshitsu imēji no sōshutsu : Meiji, Taishō jidai = 近代皇室イメージの創出 : 明治・大正時代 = The Meiji and Taishō periods : creating the image of a modern imperial family. Tōkyō : Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2017. HOLLIS 015120738
  • Sierra, Gabriel, 1975- artist. Gabriel Sierra : plain words. [Wien] : Secession ; Berlin : Revolver Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063537
  • Silva, Ana Clara and Eugenio Valdés Figueroa, eds. Adiós utopía : arte en Cuba desde 1950. Miami, : CIFO , [2017]. HOLLIS 015056927
  • Skop-Druzi͡uk, Halyna Petrivna and Petro Skop. Ikonostas XVI-XVIII stolitti͡a iz sela Staroï Skvari͡avy : alʹbom = Іконостас XVI-XVIII століття із села Старої Скваряви : альбом . Lʹviv : Lohos, 2009. HOLLIS 015122272
  • Smerling, Walter, ed. Luther und die Avantgarde : zeitgenössische Kunst im alten Gefängnis in Wittenberg mit Sonderpräsentationen in Berlin und Kassel = Contemporary art in the Old Prison in Wittenberg with special presentations in Berlin and Kassel. Köln : Wienand : Bonn : Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., [2017]. HOLLIS 015063512
  • Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, author. Photography after photography : gender, genre, history. Durham : Duke University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015091484
  • Sompot Upa-in, 1934-2014, artist. Sompot Upa-in, 1934-2013. [Bangkok, Thailand] : [Isr Upa-in], [2014]. HOLLIS 015120855
  • Soth, Alec, 1969-. Sleeping by the Mississippi. [U.K.] : MACK, [2017]. HOLLIS 015087510
  • Söylemez, Mehmet Mahfuz and Salih Karslıoğlu, eds. Uluslararası Cumhuriyet’ten Günümüze Şehir ve Şehircilik : (02-04 Kasım 2012, Çorum). Ankara : Çorum Belediyesi, 2014. HOLLIS 015131696
  • Spampinato, Vittorio, ed. Lanfranco : l’arte libera. Monghidoro (BO) : Con-fine edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070870
  • Spike, John T. and Alessandro Cecchi. Botticelli and the search for the Divine : Florentine painting between the Medici and the bonfire of the vanities. [Willimsburg, VA] : Muscarelle Museum of Art ; Florence, Italy : Centro Di, [2017]. HOLLIS 014909883
  • Sprengel Museum Hannover, Kestner Gesellschaft, and Kunstverein Hannover. Produktion : made in Germany drei. Köln : Snoeck, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069537
  • Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Heike Biedermann, and Andreas Dehmer, eds. Italienbilder zwischen Romantik und Realismus : Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts. Dresden : Sandstein [2017]. HOLLIS 015063493
  • Stadt Osnabrück, ed. Danse macabre = Totentanz. Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063490
  • Stadt Regensburg, Amt für Archiv und Denkmalpflege, ed. Spolien–steinerne Zitate der Geschichte : von Römersteinen, Judensteinen und falschen Gräbern : Beiträge des 30. Regensburger Herbstsymposions für Kunst, Geschichte und Denkmalpflege vom 20. bis 22. November 2015. Regensburg : Dr. Peter Morsbach Verlag, 2016. HOLLIS 015063502
  • Staniak, Michael, 1982- artist. Michael Staniak : Img_. St. Louis, MO : Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, [2016]. HOLLIS 015085780
  • Stäuble, Jürg, 1948-. Jürg Stäuble : mehr sein als System. Berlin : Hatje Cantz Verlag, c2017. HOLLIS 015077192
  • Stepken, Angelika, Eva-Maria Troelenberg, and Mariechen Danz, eds. Unmapping the Renaissance. Vienna : Verlag für Moderne Kunst, [2017]. HOLLIS 014912602
  • Stepovyk, D. V., author. Neobaroko : ikony Oleksandra Okhapkina. Kyïv : Vydavnyt͡stvo imeni Oleny Telihy, 2015. HOLLIS 015122197
  • Stevanin, Federica, author. Fotografia, film e video nella land art. Padova : CLEUP, maggio 2017. HOLLIS 015070891
  • Stevens, MaryAnne, ed. Sisley, l’impressionniste. Paris : Hazan, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071063
  • Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten. Luther! : 95 treasures – 95 people : book to accompany the national special exhibition : Augusteum, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 13 May – 5 November 2017. Munich : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077219
  • Storr, Robert, author. From the masterpieces to rooms full of art – and back? : Watson Gordon lecture 2015. Edinburgh : National Galleries of Scotland, in association with The University of Edinburgh, [2017]. HOLLIS 015085777
  • Studer, Daniel. Faszination Farbholzschnitt : der japanisierende Farbholzschnitt als Kunstform des Jugendstils : mit einem Katalog der Holzschnitte von Martha Cunz. St. Gallen : VGS Verlagsgenossenschaft St.Gallen, [2016]. HOLLIS 015077204
  • Suárez Londoño, José Antonio, 1955- artist. Planas : dibujos de José Antonio Suárez Londoño : del primero de enero al treinta y uno de diciembre del año 2005 = the drawings of José Antonio Suárez Londoño : from January 1st to December 31st 2005. [Bogotá] : Galería Casas Riegner, [2016]. HOLLIS 015087367
  • Suárez, Gilma, ed. Fotográfica Bogotá 2015 : VI encuentro internacional de fotografía : la fotografía construida. [Bogota, Colombia] : Fotomuseo, [2015]. HOLLIS 015087357
  • Sundgren, Nils Petter. Vän med demonerna skulptören Bo Andersson. [Stockholm] : Carlssons, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063485
  • Surudz͡hiĭ, N. M., ed. Pysanky nashykh babusʹ : zibranni͡a pysanok I͡Urii͡a Ferenchuka = Our grandmothers pysankas : pisankas collection of Yuiy Ferenchuk. Chernivt͡si : Misto, 2016. HOLLIS 015134222
  • Tala, Alexia, ed. Horas blancas, tierra negra : Francisca Aninat. [Santiago] : D21 Editores, 2015. HOLLIS 015087358
  • Tapia, Luis (Luis Eligio), 1950-. Borderless : the art of Luis Tapia. Long Beach, California : Museum of Latin American Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 015088858
  • Tatay, Helena . Johanna Calle : silentes, 1985-2015. Bogotá : Museo de Arte Banco de la República, [2015]. HOLLIS 015087361
  • Täube, Dagmar R. (Dagmar Regina), 1961- author, interviewer. In) Formation : Zur Philosophie und Kunst von Alice Teichert = On the philosophy and art of Alice Teichert. München : Hirmer Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015077210
  • Tauscher, Sabine, ed. Gil Schlesinger : Werke 1961-2016. Berlin : Xenomoi Verlag, c2016. HOLLIS 015063523
  • Teramoto, Noriko, author. Pari Bankoku Hakurankai to japonisumu no tanjō = パリ万国博覧会とジャポニスムの誕生 = Les expositions universelles de Paris et la naissance du japonisme = Les expositions universelles de Paris et la naissance du japonisme. 京都 : 思文閣出版, 2017. HOLLIS 015018054
  • Terenziani, Andrea, 1965- artist. Andrea Terenziani. Milano : Prearo editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070892
  • Testori, Giovanni, et al. Occhi di Testori : Giancarlo Vitali e la poesia. Lucca : Cinquesensi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070887
  • Thierry, François. Les monnaies de la Chine ancienne : des origines à la fin de l’Empire. Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2017. HOLLIS 015029231
  • Thije, Steven ten, author. Het geëmancipeerde museum. Amsterdam : Mondriaan Fonds oktober 2016. HOLLIS 015071050
  • Tøjner, Vibeke, 1961- author. Vibeke Tøjner : Camus’ ansigt. Kastrup : Kastrupgårdsamlingen, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063487
  • Trümper, Timo, ed. Meisterwerke der französischen Kunst : das Puschkin-Museum Moskau zu Gast. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063513
  • Tsamakda, Vasiliki, ed. A companion to Byzantine illustrated manuscripts. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071051
  • T︠s︡vilʹ, Volodymyr, author. Nevidomyĭ Kandynsʹkyĭ. Kyïv : Vydavnychyĭ dim “Kyi͡evo-Mohyli͡ansʹka akademii͡a”, 2017. HOLLIS 015127897
  • Ungno, Lee. Lee Ungno : l’homme des foules. Paris : Paris-Musées, 2017. HOLLIS 015071052
  • Urrea Fernández, Jesús and Enrique Valdivieso. Pintura barroca vallisoletena. Sevilla : Universidad de Sevilla : Valladolid : Universidad de Valladolid, 2017. HOLLIS 015070904
  • Utagawa, Kuniyoshi, 1798-1861. Utagawa Kuniyoshi : 21-seiki no kaigaryoku = 歌川国芳 : 21世紀の絵画力 . Tōkyō : Kōdansha, 2017. HOLLIS 014979295
  • Vaĭsberh, Matviĭ. Stina = Стіна = Wall : 28.01-8.03.2014. Kyïv : Aukt͡sionnyĭ dim “Dukat” : Zhurnal ob antikvariate, iskusstve i kollekt͡sionirovanii “Antikvar”, 2014. HOLLIS 015124500
  • Vander Weg, Kara, ed. Michael Heizer : altars. New York, NY : Gagosian Gallery, [2016]. HOLLIS 015088845
  • Vargas Vázquez, Sebastián, Guadalupe López Monteagudo, and Sergio García-Dils de la Vega. Mosaicos romanos de Écija (Sevilla). Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2017. HOLLIS 015079072
  • Velde, Henry van de, 1863-1957. Raumkunst und Kunsthandwerk : ein Werkverzeichnis in sechs Bänden = Interior design and decorative arts : a catalogue raisonné in six volumes. Weimar : Klassik Stiftung Weimar : Seemann, 2009-. HOLLIS 014992434
  • Verdon, Timothy and Giovanni Serafini, eds. E la Parola si fece bellezza : atti del Convegno internazionale sugli amboni istoriati toscani : 19-28 maggio 2016. Firenze : Mandragora, [2017]. HOLLIS 015078489
  • Vervoordt, Boris, ed. Ryuji Tanaka. Gent : Axel Vervoordt Gallery : AsaMER, an imprint of MER. Paper Kunsthalle, [2016]. HOLLIS 015057720
  • Villet, Jeffrey Michael. The etchings of Maxime Lalanne : a catalogue raisonne. Washington, D.C. : Jeff Villet, 2006. HOLLIS 015118773
  • Vischer, Theodora, ed. Wolfgang Tillmans. Riehen : Fondation Beyeler : Berlin : Hatje Cantz, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069540
  • Vlčková, Lucie and Radim Vondráček, eds. Il Liberty e la rivoluzione europea delle arti : dal Museo delle arti decorative di Praga. Venezia : Marsilio, 2017. HOLLIS 015070871
  • Volrábová, Alena, ed. Wenceslaus Hollar, 1607-1677 and Europe between life and desolation. Prague : National Gallery in Prague, ©2007. HOLLIS 015087597
  • Wagini, Susanne. Lucas van Leyden (1489/94-1533) : Meister der Druckgraphik. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077212
  • Wagner, Christoph and Dominic E. Delarue, eds. Michael Ostendorfer und die Reformation in Regensburg. Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, 2017. HOLLIS 015063497
  • Wagner, Florian, author. Das Ringen um “China” in der chinesischen Gegenwartskunst : der Kunstkritiker Wang Nanming. Baden-Baden : Nomos, [2017]. HOLLIS 015017570
  • Wallner, Julia, ed. Georg Kolbe. Köln : Wienand Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063522
  • Wallraf-Richartz-Museum and Fondation Corboud, eds. Paris erwacht! : Hittorffs Erfindung der Place de la Concorde. Köln : Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063499
  • Walsh, Megan. The portrait and the book : illustration & literary culture in early America. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015071425
  • Wang, Ganghuai, author. Zhi shui ge cang jing = 止水阁藏镜. Beijing : Qing hua da xue chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014649569
  • Wang, Qingsong, 1966-. Zhongguo dang dai sheng huo de xu shu zhe = 中国当代生活的叙述者 = Narrator of China’s contemporary life. Beijing : Zhongguo she ying chu ban she, 2007. HOLLIS 015048801
  • Wang, Yaoting, 1943- author. Ru he kan Zhongguo hua = 如何看中国画 . Beijing : Zhong xin chu ban ji tuan gu fen you xian gong si, 2016. HOLLIS 014802718
  • Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987, artist. Andy Warhol : l’opera moltiplicata : Warhol e dopo Wahrol = (the multiplied work : Warhol and after Warhol). Bergamo : GAMeC books, [2017]. HOLLIS 015070894
  • Wechsler, Diana B., ed. Bernardí Roig : Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires : EDUNTREF, [2016]. HOLLIS 015100068
  • Wei, Wenbin, 1965- author. Maijishan shi ku chu qi dong ku diao cha yu yan jiu = 麦积山石窟初期洞窟调查与研究 . Lanzhou Shi : Gansu jiao yu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014997920
  • Weinbrenner, Friedrich, 1766-1826. Promenade der Klassik : Friedrich Weinbrenner in Baden-Baden. Bad Saulgau : Triglyph Verlag, 2015. HOLLIS 015063558
  • Weinhart, Martina, ed. Peter Saul. Frankfurt : Schirn Kunsthalle : Köln : Snoeck, [2017]. HOLLIS 015069536
  • Weinland, Yves, author. Projekt Grubenmann : eine untersuchung des forschungslabors IBOIS, zusammen MIT studierenden der EPFL = Grubenmann project : a contemporary analysis by the IBOIS Laboratory and students at the EPFL. St. Gallen : VGS, Verlagsgenossenschaft St. Gallen, [2016]. HOLLIS 014993107
  • Wendel, Nicole, 1975- artist. Nicole Wendel : Présence. Berlin : ArtInFlow, [2017]. HOLLIS 015063514
  • Weng, Jinyan. Mo ing yan yue : Ming mo Qing chu Jinling hua pai ji qi yi shu = 秣陵煙月 : 明末清初金陵畫派及其藝術 . Aomen : Aomen yi shu bo wu guan, 2010. HOLLIS 014764645
  • Werner, Ferdinand. Der lange Weg zum neuen Bauen. [Worms] : Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, c2016. HOLLIS 015077227
  • Wessely, J. E. (Joseph Edward). John Smith : Verzeichniss seiner Schabkunstblätter. Hamburg : Haendcke & Lehmkuhl, 1887. HOLLIS 015124709
  • Westheider, Ortrud and Michael Phillip, eds. From Hopper to Rothko : America’s road to modern art. Munich : Prestel, [2017]. HOLLIS 015077206
  • Wetter, Evelin and Frits Scholten, eds. Prayer nuts, private devotion, and early modern art collecting. Riggisberg : Abegg-Stiftung, 2017. HOLLIS 015028630
  • Widodo, Johannes, et al., eds. Hidden gems : retracing tradition and modernity in the monastic architecture of Mandalay. [Singapore] : Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA), Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore, [2016]. HOLLIS 014847018
  • Wilde, Johan de. Johan De Wilde : Hands of time (plein été). Gent : MER.paperkunsthalle, 2017. HOLLIS 015071045
  • Wilde, Sanne De, 1987-. The island of the colorblind. Lichtervelde : Kannibaal bvba / Hannibal, c2017. HOLLIS 015071035
  • Wolf-Rehfeldt, Ruth, artist. Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt : Signs Fiction. Berlin : Chert Galerie ; Berlin : Motto Berlin, 2016. HOLLIS 015106037
  • Wright, Harold J. L. The etchings, drypoints and lithographs of Alphonse Legros, 1837-1911, being a lecture delivered to the Print Collectors’ Club on Friday, November 20th, 1931. London, Print Collectors’ Club, 1934. HOLLIS 015123788
  • Wu, Pei, 1957- collector. Guyang zhen cang wai xiao ci tu jian = 古洋珍藏外销瓷图鉴. 上海市 : 上海社会科学院出版社, 2016. HOLLIS 015047823
  • Wünsche-Werdehausen, Elisabeth. Venedig. Stuttgart : Reclam, c2016. HOLLIS 015063564
  • Xia, Wenyan, active 14th century. Tu hui bao jian = 图绘宝鉴 . Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833591
  • Xiao tao zhuan ke shu hua hui. Xiao Tao zhuan ke shu hua hui si shi wu zhou nian hui yuan zuo pin ji = 啸涛篆刻书画会第四十五周年会员作品集. Singapore : Xiao tao zhuan ke shu hua hui, 2015. HOLLIS 015128730
  • Xiawujiao, 1966-, artist. Tuo qi ming tian de tai yang : Beijing yi shu bo wu guan cang zuo pin xuan juan. Xiawujiao juan = 托起明天的太阳 : 北京艺术博物馆藏作品选卷. 夏吾角卷 . Tianjin : Tianjin ren min mei zhu chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014456947
  • Xuan, Guangyu, Zhao Yang, and Jian Yaner. Yi shen guan shen : Yazhou xing wei yi shu yao qing zhan 2008 zhuan ji = 以身觀身 : 亞洲行為藝術邀請展2008專集 = Inward gazes : performance art in Asia exhibition by invitation 2008 = Olhares interiores : performance art na Asia : exposição por convite 2008. [Aomen] : [Aomen yi shu bo wu guan], 2009. HOLLIS 015131685
  • Xuan, Guangyu, Zhao Yang, and Jian Yaner. Yi shen guan shen : Zhongguo xing wei yi shu wen xian zhan 2008 zhuan ji = 以身觀身 : 中國行為藝術文獻展2008專集 = Inward gazes : documentaries of Chinese performance art 2008 = Olhares interiores : documentários sobre performance art Chinesa 2008. [Aomen] : [Aomen yi shu bo wu guan], 2009. HOLLIS 014764628
  • Yalçın-Çelik, Dilek, author. Mengen’de geleneksel giyim kuşam : (mikro ölçekli kültür tarihi çalışması). Bolu : Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, 2015. HOLLIS 015132111
  • Yamazaki, Hiroshi, 1946-2017, photographer. Yamazaki Hiroshi keikaku to gūzen = 山崎博計画と偶然 . Tokyo : Musashino Bijiutsu Daigaku Shupppankyoku, 2017. HOLLIS 014979303
  • Yan, Fabao and Cheng Huamei s. Shangdang si guan bi hua = 上党寺观壁画 . Beijing : Zhongguo min zu she ying yi shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014885807
  • Yiğit, İrfan and Ülku Ünlüsoy. Hıdırlık Ulumezarlık Osmanlı dönemi Çorum mezar taşları. Çorum: Çorum Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, 2014. HOLLIS 015131666
  • Youssouf Bey, 1856-1933, author. Youssouf Bey : the charged portraits of fin-de siècle Pera : Ömer M. Koç collection. Istanbul : Vehbi Koç Foundation, 2016. HOLLIS 015132032
  • Yu, Zhongwen, author. Xian Qin yi shu si xiang shi = 先秦艺术思想史 . [Wuhan] : Wuhan da xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 015012040
  • Yüksel, İbrahim. Afyonkarahisar’da canlanan tarih. Ankara : Afyonkarahisar Valiliği, 2005. HOLLIS 009854041
  • Zanelli, Gianluca, ed. La Giustizia di Giovanni Pisano : i cinquant’anni di un’acquisizione. [Genoa] : Sagep editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015078524
  • Zhang, Changping, 1964- author. Shang Zhou shi qi nan fang qing tong qi yan jiu = 商周时期南方青铜器研究 = ShangZhou shiqi nanfang qingtongqi yanjiu. 北京 : 商務印書館, 2016. HOLLIS 014833582
  • Zhang, Chengguang and Zhang Chenghui, eds. Qing feng mo yun : Zhongguo gu dai shu hua shan mian shang xi = 清風墨韵:中國古代書畫扇面賞析 . Changsha Shi : Hunan mei shu chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014833460
  • Zhang, Jingfeng, author. Dunhuang Yin shi yu Mogao Ku yan jiu = 敦煌阴氏与莫高窟研究 . Lanzhou Shi : Gansu jiao yu chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014999556
  • Zhao, Yang and Jian Yan’er, eds. Guan wo : yi ge Zhongguo ren de ying xiang ren sheng = 觀我 : 一個中國人的影像人生 = Introspecção : retratos de um homem Chinês = Insight to self : portraits of a Chinese. Ao men : Ao men yi shu bo wu guan, 2013. HOLLIS 014765875
  • Zhejiang Sheng bo wu guan. Gao shan yang zhi : Ji nian Huang Binghong yi bai wu shi zhou nian xi lie zhan tu lu = 高山仰止:纪念黄宾虹诞辰一百五十周年系列展图录. [China] : Zhejiang ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014631408
  • Zhejiang Sheng wen wu kao gu yan jiu suo and Hu Jigen, eds. Zhejiang Han mu = 浙江汉墓 . Beijing Shi : Wen wu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833474
  • Zheng, Yan, 1966- author. Wei Jin Nan Bei chao bi hua mu yan jiu = 魏晋南北朝壁画墓研究 . Beijing Shi : Wen wu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014988508
  • Zhong gong zhao an xian wei, ed. Zhao’an li dai shu hua jing pin ji = 诏安歷代書畫精品集 . Fuzhou : Fujian mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014833391
  • Zhu, Li, ed. Hao su sheng chun : Wuhan bo wu guan cang qing dai shu hua zhen pin lu = 豪素生春 : 武汉博物馆藏清代书画珍品录. Beijing : Wen wu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014997932
  • Zhuang, Wubin, 1978- author. Photography in Southeast Asia : a survey. Singapore : NUS Press, [2016]. HOLLIS 015034315
  • Zou, Lu, author. Jin xi bin fen : Xinjiapo 50 wei zhi ming yi shu jia fang tan lu = 金禧缤纷 : 新加坡50位知名艺术家访谈录 = Bounteous golden jubilee. Singapore : Xinjiapo mei shu zong hui, 2016. HOLLIS 014765830
  • Zuschlag, Christoph, ed. HAP Grieshaber – Totentanz von Basel. Landau : Knecht Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015063542
  • Dong Zhou wang cheng yi zhi yu Dong Zhou che ma keng yan jiu = 东周王城遗址与东周车马坑研究. Zhengzhou : Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she, 2014. HOLLIS 014777734
  • Octante : revista del Departamento de Estudios Históricos y Sociales. Número1. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Bellas Artes., 2016. HOLLIS 015100061
  • Salón de nuevas expresiones plásticas 1980-1982 : Premio de Curaduría Contemporánea MAC – IDARTES 2013-2014. [Bogotá] : UNIMINUTO, Corporacion Universitaria Minuto de Dios : Museo de Arte Contemporáneo : Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá D.C., Instituto Distrital de Cultura y Turismo, [2014]. HOLLIS 015087368
  • XX Artists of Ukraine : end of the century = XX khudoz͡hnykiv Ukraïny : kinet͡sʹ storichchi͡a. Kyïv : Halerei͡a “Atelʹe Karasʹ”, 2001. HOLLIS 015124496