New Titles – July 2017

View of mosque in Constantinople. Black and white print

We are starting to make room for course reserves for the upcoming Fall semester, but new books continue to arrive at FAL. You can also browse the list of new titles for July 2017 below. Titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.


  • Affentranger-Kirchrath, Angelika, et al. Aufbruch Flora : Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Arthur und Hedy Hahnloser-Bühler. Dresden : Sandstein Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015038578
  • Alkazi Foundation for the Arts and the British Council. Origins : photo UK India. New Delhi : Alkazi Foundation for the Arts in collaboration with the British Council, 2014. HOLLIS 015077449
  • Alonso, Rodrigo, et al. Colección de arte argentino : talento y creación = Argentine art collection : talent and creativity. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones Institucionales, [2016.]. HOLLIS 015056942
  • Amendola, Aurelio, photographer. Aurelio Amendola : il primato della luce. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039928
  • Andhare, S. K. and Late Pandit Laxmanbhai Bhojak. Jain vastrapatas : Jain paintings on cloth and paper. Ahmedabad : Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, 2015. HOLLIS 015059479
  • Andō, Hiroshige, 1797-1858. Utagawa Hiroshige : Nihon no genfūkei o egaita shunsai eshi = 歌川広重 : 日本の原風景を描いた俊才絵師.. Tōkyō : Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 2017. HOLLIS 014944924
  • Asskamp, Rudolf and Kai Jansen. Triumph ohne Sieg : Roms Ende in Germanien. Darmstadt : Verlag Philipp von Zabern, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038592
  • Baione, Mariano. Subte : Life underground. Argentina : Baione Photography LLC, 2009. HOLLIS 015056948
  • Baldini, Isabella, Veronica Casali, and Giulia Marsili, eds. Città cristiana, città di pietra : itinerario alle origini della Chiesa di Bologna. Bologna : Ante Quem, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039932
  • Banco Central de la República Argentina. IV Premio Nacional de Pintura Banco Central 2010 : Museo Nacional de Bella Artes, Octubre 2010. Buenos Aires : Banco Central de la República Argentina, 2010. HOLLIS 015056945
  • Bartholomew, Pablo, 1955- photographer, editor. The Calcutta diaries. New Delhi : Art Heritage, 2012. HOLLIS 015059475
  • Bartos, Adam and Colin MacCabe. Studio : remembering Chris Marker. New York : OR Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015058220
  • Becker-Ritterspach, Raimund O. A., 1942- author. Ratna style temples with an ambulatory : selected temple concepts in Bengal and the Kathmandu Valley. Kathmandu, Nepal : Himal Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015059477
  • Beeck, Hans Op de, 1969- artist, author. Works. Tielt : Lannoo, [2017]. HOLLIS 015042291
  • Belluzzi, Amedeo, Caroline Elam, and Francesco Paolo Fiore, eds. Giuliano da Sangallo. Milano, Italia : Officina libraria, aprile 2017. HOLLIS 015029459
  • Berger, Xanta, Anne van Lienden, Jan Rudolph de Lorm, and Cristina Vives. Cuban art now. Zwolle : Waanders Uitgevers, [2017]. HOLLIS 015042290
  • Bettini, Alba, author. A palazzo e in villa : busti antichi e all’antica di Gio. Vincenzo Imperiale patrizio genovese. Genova : Sagep editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039949
  • Bhattacharyya, A. K. (Asoke Kumar), 1919- author. Hindu deities in Thailand : an iconographic study. Kolkata Asiatic Society 2016. HOLLIS 015059474
  • Blomberg, Katja and Michael Hering, eds. Vermisst : der Turm der blauen Pferde von Franz Marc : zeitgenössische Künstler auf der Suche nach einem verschollenen Meisterwerk. Berlin : Haus am Waldsee : Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038593
  • Bremner, G.A., ed. Architecture and urbanism in the British Empire. Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2016. HOLLIS 014885155
  • Brignone, Daniela, author. Liberty e giapponismo : arte a Palermo tra Ottocento e Novecento. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039929
  • Brown, Stephen and Georgiana Uhlyarik. Florine Stettheimer : painting poetry. New York : The Jewish Museum ; Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario ; New Haven : Yale University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 014993677
  • Buchwald, Antje, author. Fritz Griebel : Künstler, Lehrer und Direktor der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg nach 1945. Dettelbach : J.H. Röll, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038579
  • Busch, Werner, author. Adolph Menzel : the quest for reality. Los Angeles : The Getty Research Institute, [2017]. HOLLIS 014956158
  • Cabado, Pablo. 37°57’35ʺS 57°34’49ʺW. Buenos Aires, Argentina : La Marca Editora : Distributed by Asuntoimpreso ; New York : Available through D.A.P., ©2011. HOLLIS 015056989
  • Cansino, César, et al. La Modernidad exhausta : Posiciones sobre nuestro tiempo veinte años después de la caída del muro de Berlín. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2012. HOLLIS 015057387
  • Casciaro, Raffaele, ed. Palazzi storici e museografia moderna : atti del convegno nazionale (Lecce, Rettorato, 23-24 ottobre 2014). Galatina (Le) : Mario Congedo editore, 2016. HOLLIS 015039939
  • Cassidy, Donna, Elizabeth Finch, and Randall R. Griffey. Marsden Hartley’s Maine. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2017]. HOLLIS 014929295
  • Castagnoli, Patrizia, author. E oltre : sulle tracce di Ernesta Oltremonti, pittrice. Ferrara : Luciana Tufani editrice, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039930
  • Castrizio, Daniele and Cristina Iaria. Bronzi di Riace : l’enigma dei due guerrieri. Reggio Calabria : Città del sole edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039931
  • Cervetto, Renata, et al. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum der Stadt Zug. Zürich : Edition Hochparterre, [2016]. HOLLIS 015038585
  • Chapman, Hilary and Libby Horner. Yoshijiro Urushibara : a Japanese printmaker in London : a catagloue raisonné. Leiden : Hotei Publishing, [2017]. HOLLIS 015042287
  • Cheroux, Clement and Clara Bouveresse, eds. MAGNUM MANIFESTO. International Center of Photography, New York. Published in the U.S.A. by Thames and Hudson Inc., New York. 2017. HOLLIS 015058205
  • Chopra, Tarun, author. Temples of India : abode of the divine. New Delhi, India : Prakash Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015059476
  • Chugh, Lalit, author. Karnataka’s rich heritage : art and architecture : from prehistoric times to the Hoysala period. Chennai, [India] : Notion Press, 2016. HOLLIS 015077446
  • Corsi, Marco, 1984- author. Trasformazioni urbane sui Colli Albani nel secolo XVII : espansioni territoriali e nuovi tracciati viari tra i pontificati di Urbano VIII e di Alessandro VII (1618-1667). Roma : Edizioni Nuova cultura, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039933
  • Croft, José Pedro, artist. José Pedro Croft : medida incerta = uncertain measure. Berlin : Hatje Cantz, 2017. HOLLIS 015038584
  • Dahejia, Vidya and Peter Rockwell. The unfinished : stone carvers at work on the Indian subcontinent. New Delhi : Lustre Press, Roli Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015059483
  • Daljeet (Daljeet Kaur) and V.K. Mathur. Ramayana in Indian miniatures : from the collection of the National Museum. New Delhi : National Museum, 2015. HOLLIS 015077443
  • De Feo, Roberto, 1963- author. Giuseppe Borsato, 1770-1849. Venezia : Fondazione Giorgio Cini ; Verona : Scripta edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039950
  • Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft. Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi. Deutschland. Berlin : Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, 1958-. Additional volume: band 7,1 (Die mittelalterlichen Glasmalereien in Niedersachsen). HOLLIS 004817658
  • Dey, Anil. The Sun Temple of Konark. New Delhi, India : Niyogi Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015077453
  • Donadoni Roveri, Anna Maria. Qibṭi : the Coptic textiles of the Antonio Ratti collection. Como [Italy] : Ratti, c1993. HOLLIS 006520247
  • Dor-zhi, illustrator. Lhag lhaʼi snang brnyan bzo gsar = Zang chuan fo jiao zao xiang ji cui : Duoshirenboqie dian nao zhi zuo fo xiang 100 fu = 藏传佛教造像集萃: 多识仁波切电脑制作佛像100幅 . Chengdu : Sichuan min zu chu ban she, 2012. HOLLIS 015059488
  • Du Crest, Sabine, author. L’art de vivre ensemble : objets frontière de la Renaissance au XXIe siècle. Roma : Gangemi Editore International, gennaio 2017. HOLLIS 014920975
  • Durante, Rossella, 1982- author. Il Museo nazionale d’arte medievale e moderna della Basilicata : la sezione contemporanea. [Rome] : Stamen, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039934
  • Eburne, Jonathan P. and Catriona McAra, eds. Leonora Carrington and the international avant-garde. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014947710
  • Eiden, Maximilian and Martin Oswald, eds. Entfesselt! Malerinnen der Gegenwart. Ravensburg : Schoss Achberg, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038581
  • Eissenhauer, Michael, Dirk Syndram, Bernhard Maaz, Jeffrey Chipps Smith, and Julien Chapuis. Renaissance & Reformation : German art in the age of Dürer and Cranach. Los Angeles, CA : Los Angeles County Museum of Art ; Berlin : Staatliche Museen zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz ; Dresden : Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden ; Munich : Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen München ; Munich : Prestel Verlag, Munich, [2016]. HOLLIS 014882199
  • Fermariello, Sergio, 1961- artist. Sergio Fermariello : la terra di Nessuno. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039951
  • Ferrari, Paolo and Claudio Natoli, eds. Tina Modotti : arte e libertà fra Europa e Americhe. Udine : Forum, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039945
  • Francolini, Marcello, ed. Linea di contorno : creatività differenti : collezione Fabio e Leo Cei di Outsider Art per un’antologia della nuova arte italiana. Napoli : Iemme edizioni, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039953
  • Fujimori, Terunobu, 1946- author. Kindai Nihon no yōfū kenchiku. Kaika hen = 近代日本の洋風建築. 開化篇. Tōkyō-to Taitō-ku : Chikuma Shobō, 2017. HOLLIS 014944926
  • Fundación Banco de la Nación Argentina. Salón Nacional de Pintura 2010 : año del bicentenario. Buenos Aires : Fundación Banco de la Nación Argentina, 2011. HOLLIS 015056946
  • Furuta, Ryô, Okamoto Akiko, and Matsuya Fumi, eds. Sesson : kisō no tanjō = 雪村, 奇想の誕生 = Sesson, a singular painter : special exhibition. [Tokyo] : Yomiuri Shinbunsha, Heisei 29 [2017]. HOLLIS 014944851
  • Futagawa, Yukio, 1932-2013, photographer, editor. Tenjō no niwa : Kyōto gosho, Sentō gosho, Shugakuin rikyū, Katsura rikyū = 天上の庭 : 京都御所・仙洞御所・修学院離宮・桂離宮. Tōkyō : Ēdīē Edita Tōkyō, 2017. HOLLIS 014979306
  • Gardner, Casey, book artist. The gravity series : 3 canticles of attraction. Berkeley, California : Set in Motion Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015059309
  • Geiger, Gisela and Simone Bretz, eds. Heinrich Campendonk : die Hinterglasbilder : Werkverzeichnis. Köln : Wienand, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038583
  • Ghirri, Luigi, 1943-1992. It’s beautiful here, isn’t it–. New York : Aperture : [Distributed by] D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, ©2008. HOLLIS 015068718
  • Ghirri, Luigi, 1943-1992, author. The complete essays 1973-1991. [London] : MACK, [2016]. HOLLIS 015053606
  • Giraldo, Juan C. (Juan Carlos), 1978- photographer. A view from home. [Place of publication not identified] : [Juan C. Giraldo], [2016]. HOLLIS 015059313
  • Goedings, Truusje, 1949- author. Het licht bij noordenwind : Friso ten Holt, schilder. Zwolle : Waanders Uitgevers : [Deventer] : Stichting Otto B. de Kat, [2017]. HOLLIS 015042289
  • Gosudarstvennyĭ muzeĭ-zapovednik “Pavlovsk.”. Gosudarstvennyĭ muzeĭ-zapovednik Pavlovsk : polnyĭ katalog kollekt͡siĭ = Государственный музей-заповедник Павловск : bполный каталог коллекций. Sankt-Peterburg : GMZ “Pavlovsk”, 2008-. Additional volumes: t.4, vyp.2 and t.12, vyp.2. HOLLIS 009356973
  • Gosudarstvennyĭ muzeĭ-zapovednik “Pavlovsk”. Pavlovsk : khudozhestvennye kollekt͡sii = Pavlovsk : art collections. Saint Petersburg : State Museum “Pavlovsk, “, 2010. HOLLIS 014951151
  • Götze, Oliver, 1978-. Der öffentliche Kosmos : Kunst und wissenschaftliches Ambiente in italienischen Städten des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. München : Utz, c2010. HOLLIS 012952437
  • Gramatzki, Rolf, 1937- author. Das Chorgestühl der Stiftskirche St. Alexandri zu Einbeck. Oldenburg : Isensee Verlag, [2016]. HOLLIS 015038582
  • Grover, Andrea, ed. New art/science affinities. Pittsburgh, Pa : Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University and CMU STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, 2011. HOLLIS 015053481
  • Gruber, Karl and Hans Nothdurfter. Vor-Romanik in Südtirol. Bozen : Athesia Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015039952
  • Guangdong Sheng bo wu guan, ed. Tian fu jiang xin : Sichuan bo wu yuan cang jing pin zhan = Ingenuity : selected collections of Sichuan museum = Tianfu jiangxin : Sichuan bowuyuan cang jingpinzhan = 天府匠心 : 四川博物院藏精品展 . Guangzhou : Ling nan mei shu chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014638379
  • Gupta, Malini, 1972- book artist. The fortune teller. [Portland, Oregon] : Ochre (art + design), 2015. HOLLIS 014807124
  • Han dai Xiyu kao gu yu Han wen hua guo ji xue shu yan tao hui (2012 : Wulumuqi, China), author. Han dai Xiyu kao gu yu Han wen hua = 汉代西域考古与汉文化. Beijing : Ke xue chu ban she, 2014. HOLLIS 014243817
  • Harland, Beth and Sunil Manghani, eds. Painting : critical and primary sources. London ; New York : Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2016. HOLLIS 015015558
  • Hashmi, Salima, ed. The eye still seeks : Pakistani contemporary art. Gurgaon : Penguin Studio, 2014. HOLLIS 015059487
  • He, Shan, 1941- author. Xiyu wen hua yu Dunhuang yi shu = The culture of western regions and the art of Dunhuang = 西域文化与敦煌艺术 . Lanzhou Shi : Gansu ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2014. HOLLIS 014607426
  • Heidenreich-Seleme, Lien and Sean O’Toole, eds. African Futures : thinking about the future through word and image. Bielefeld, Germany : Kerber, [2016]. HOLLIS 014992972
  • Henan Sheng wen wu ju, ed. Xichuan Machuan mu di Dong Zhou Chu mu = 淅川马川墓地东周楚墓 . Beijing : Ke xue chu ban she, 2017. HOLLIS 014943743
  • Hoerschelmann, Antonia and Anita Haldemann, eds. Maria Lassnig : Zwiegespräche : Retrospektive der Zeichnungen und Aquarelle : Albertina, Wien, 5. Mai bis 27. August 2017 : Kunstmuseum Basel, 12. Mai – 26. August 2018. München : Hirmer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038588
  • Hollihan, Kerrie Logan. Reporting under fire : 16 daring women war correspondents and photojournalists. Chicago, Illinois : Chicago Review Press, [2014]. HOLLIS 014251048
  • Ido, Misato. Sengokuki fūzokuzu no bunkashi : Kikkawa Mōri-shi to “Tsukinami fūzokuzu byōbu” = 戦国期風俗図の文化史 : 吉川・毛利氏と「月次風俗図摒風」 . Tōkyō : Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2017. HOLLIS 014917849
  • Kanagawa Kenritsu Kanazawa Bunko. Mandara : tsudou hotoketachi : tokubetsuten = 曼荼羅 : つどうほとけたち : 特別展 . Yokohama-shi : Kanazawa Bunko, 2008. HOLLIS 011486394
  • Kanagawa Kenritsu Kanazawa Bunko. Tokubetsuten Kamakura Hōjō-shi no kōbō = 特別展鎌倉北条氏の興亡 . Yokohama-shi : Kanagawa Kenritsu Kanazawa Bunko, Heisei 19 [2007]. HOLLIS 014945638
  • Karki, Binod and Sachin Yagol Shrestha. The great Boudha stupa. Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal : Government of Nepal, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Shree Boudhanath Area Development Committee, 2016. HOLLIS 015077452
  • Kawanabe, Kyōsai, 1831-1889. Kyōsai shunga : Gōrudoman korekushon = 暁斎春画 : ゴールドマン・コレクション = Sex and laughter with Kyōsai : shunga from the Israel Goldman collection. Kyōto-shi : Seigensha, 2017. HOLLIS 014944859
  • Khantayālongkot, Sumittrā, author. Borommakhru : sinlapin thaiphap ekkarong = The legend of black & white photo. Krung Thēp : Phiphitthaphan Sinlapa Thai, 2556 [2013]. HOLLIS 015070013
  • Kintera, Krištof, 1973- artist. Krištof Kintera : post-naturalia. Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana editoriale, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039935
  • Kobayashi, Hiromitsu, author. Chūgoku hanga shiron = 中国版画史論 . Tōkyō : Bensei Shuppan, 2017. HOLLIS 014917445
  • Kovalʹ, L. V. Frant͡suzskiĭ farfor i steklo XVIII – nachala XX veka v kollekt͡sii Pavlovskogo dvort͡sa = La porcelaine et le verre français du XVIII – début du XX siècles dans les collections de Pavlovsk. Sankt-Peterburg : GMZ “Pavlovsk”, 2010. HOLLIS 014951153
  • Krčma, Ed, author. Rauschenberg/Dante : drawing a modern Inferno. New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 2017. HOLLIS 015025357
  • L’Abbate, Vito, ed. Il “Tesoro” di San Benedetto : storia, arte, devozione e vita quotidiana nel Mostrum Apuliae. Foggia : Claudio Grenzi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039947
  • Latimer, Quinn and Adam Szymczyk, eds. Documenta 14 : daybook : Athens 8 April-Kassel, 17 September 2017. Munich : Prestel Verlag, 2017. HOLLIS 015038580
  • Liévin, de Hamme and Mary B. Rotthier. Ancient and modern Palestine. New York : The Meany Printing Co., [c1898]. HOLLIS 015053014
  • Linrothe, Rob and Heinrich Pöll, eds. Visible heritage : essays on the art and architecture of Greater Ladakh : 16th Conferences of the International Association for Ladakh Studies, Heidelberg 17-20 April, 2013. New Delhi, India : Studio Orientalia, 2016. HOLLIS 015070012
  • Love, Iris. Ophiuchus Collection. Florence : Centro Di, c1989. HOLLIS 001903486
  • Magani, Fabrizio, author. Unosetteseidue. Verona : Scripta edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039937
  • Malutzki, Peter, 1951-. Collagebuch zwei (2). Flörsheim am Main, Germany : [Peter Malutzki], 2008. HOLLIS 014807127
  • Michels, Anette, ed. Menschenbilder : Sammlung Heide & Wolfgang Voelter : Begleitband zur Ausstellung, Städtische Galerie im Schloss, Isny, 20.11.2016-19.02.2017. Reutlingen : Edition Walbaum, [2016]. HOLLIS 015038590
  • Mikami, Miwa, author. Hara Sankei to Nihon kindai bijutsu = 原三溪と日本近代美術 . 東京 : 国書刊行会, 2017. HOLLIS 014928498
  • Morim de Carvalho, Edmundo. Variations sur le paradoxe. Paris : Harmattan, 2007-. HOLLIS 011261849
  • Mosi͡akin, Aleksandr, 1953- author. Strasti po Filonovu : sokrovishcha, spasennye dli͡a Rossii = Страсти по Филонову :$$bсокровища, спасенные для России. Sankt-Peterburg : Amfora, 2014. HOLLIS 014895522
  • Munson, Howard, artist. An Imaginary Visit to the Russian Avant-Garde Theatre 1913-1935. San Francisco : Howard Munson, 2017. HOLLIS 015059311
  • Murata, Takako. Ukiyoe ni miru Edo bijin no yosooi = 浮世絵にみる江戶美人のよそおい . Tōkyō : Pōra Orubisu Hōrudingusu Pōra Bunka Kenkyūjo, 2017. HOLLIS 014944844
  • Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori. El Grupo de París. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori, [2015]. HOLLIS 015056943
  • Museum Georg Schäfer, issuing body. Die Kunst selbst ist Natur : Johann Georg von Dillis, 1759-1841 : Gemälde und Zeichnungen in der Sammlung des Museums Georg Schäfer, 22. Januar bis 23. April 2017, Museum Georg Schäfer, Schweinfurt. Schweinfurt : Museum Georg Schäfer, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038586
  • “Nihon ni okeru ’bijutsu’ gainen no appudeito” Kirokushū Henshū Iinkai. “Bijutsu” gainen no appudeito : “bunrui no jidai” no owari ni =「美術」概念の再構築(アップデイト) :$$b「分類の時代」の終わりに. Tōkyō-to Kunitachi-shi : Buryukke, 2017. HOLLIS 014944848
  • Nogami, Hideo, 1945- author. Nihon bijutsu o aishita chō : Hoissurā to Japonisumu =日本美術を愛した蝶 : ホイッスラーとジャポニスム . Tōkyō : Buntakusha, 2017. HOLLIS 014944846
  • Ōnishi, Makiko, 1970- author. Tōdai Bukkyō bijutsushi ronkō : Bukkyō bunka no denpa to Nittō kōryū = 唐代仏教美術史論攷 : 仏教文化の伝播と日唐交流 . Kyōto-shi : Hōzōkan, 2017. HOLLIS 014944843
  • Onjōji kanshū and Onjōji no Butsuzō Hensan Iinkai. Onjōji no butsuzō : Chishō Daishi seitan 1200-nen kinen = 園城寺の仏像 : 智証大師生誕一千二百年記念 . Kyōto-shi : Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2016-. HOLLIS 014170851
  • Paiato, Maria Letizia, author. L’illustrazione umoristica fra Otto e Novecento a Modena : satira, immagini e ricerche. Pescara : Sala editori, [2016]. HOLLIS 015039938
  • Parmiggiani, Sandro, ed. Antonio Ligabue. Milano : Skira, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039948
  • Pedretti, Carlo and Sara Taglialagamba. Leonardo da Vinci : the “Virgin of the rocks” in the Cheramy version : its history & critical fortune. Poggio a Caiano (Prato) : CB edizioni, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039955
  • Peter-Müller, Irmgard. Cravates : women’s accessories in the 19th century. [Como?] : [Ratti], [1994]. HOLLIS 007856181
  • Pietromarchi, Bartolomeo, ed. MAXXI arte : catalogue of collections. [Macerata] : Quodlibet, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039954
  • Pignatelli, Luca, 1962- artist. Luca Pignatelli. Firenze : Maschietto editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039956
  • Ramaswamy, Sumathi, author. Husain’s raj : visions of empire and nation. Mumbai, India : Mārg, 2016. HOLLIS 015059485
  • Ranaldi, Renato, 1941- artist, author. Scioperíi. Pistoia : Gli ori, [2016]. HOLLIS 014887357
  • Riva, Costanza, author. La Cavalcata dei Magi di Benozzo Gozzoli : storia, ermetismo e antiche simbologie : Palazzo Medici Riccardi-Firenze. Firenze : Angelo Pontecorboli editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039940
  • Rizhao dong fang yi shu guan, issuing body. Zuo wei Zhongguo mei shu zhi liu de Riben hui hua : Shandong Rizhao dong fang yi shu guan cang Riben hua jing pin = 作为中国美术支流的日本绘画 : 山东日照东方艺术馆藏日本画精品. Beijing Shi : Wen wu chu ban she, 2013. HOLLIS 014599957
  • Rossi, Sergio, 1948- author. Oltre il Giubileo. Roma : Lithos, [2017]-. HOLLIS 015039941
  • Safvi, Rana, author. Where stones speak : historical trails in Mehrauli, the first city of Delhi. Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India : Harper Element, 2015. HOLLIS 015077451
  • Sannomaru Shōzōkan. Meishoe kara fūkeiga e : jōkei to no taiwa = 名所絵から風景画へ : 情景との対話 . [東京] : 宮内庁, 2017. HOLLIS 014992440
  • Santorī Bijutsukan. Emaki mania retsuden : Roppongi kaikan 10-shūnen kinenten = 絵巻マニア列伝 : 六本木開館10周年記念展 = Picture scroll enthusiasts : celebrating a decade in Roppongi. [Tōkyō] : Santori Bijutsukan, 2017. HOLLIS 014944981
  • Sasaki, Tatsuo, et al. Chūkinsei tōjiki no kōkogaku = 中近世陶磁器の考古学. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Yūzankaku, 2015-. HOLLIS 014573130
  • Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 1884-1976, author. Briefe nach Chemnitz, 1940-1975. [Chemnitz] : Chemnitzer Verlag, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038591
  • Schmidt, Hans-Werner and Jan Nicolaisen, eds. Max Klinger, Markus Lüpertz : zeitgenössische Kunst. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, [2017]. HOLLIS 015038589
  • Shanxi Sheng kao gu yan jiu suo, Yuncheng Shi wen wu gong zuo zhan, and Ruicheng Xian lü you wen wu ju, eds. Qingliang si shi qian mu di = 清凉寺史前墓地 . [China] : Wen wu chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014631396
  • Shenyang Shi zheng xie xue xi xuan chuan wen shi wei yuan hui. Shenyang lao jian zhu = 沈阳老建筑 . [China] : Shenyang chu ban she, 2015. HOLLIS 014777693
  • Shrestha, Samundra Man Singh, 1980- artist. Embodied enlightenment : contemporary Newar Paubha paintings. Kathmandu : Bodhisattva Gallery, 2016. HOLLIS 015059486
  • Simonis, Giovanni, author. La dimora della valle Vigezzo : storia e attualità : catalogo ragionato dei 141 disegni esposti nella torre del XIV secolo di Santa Maria Maggiore. Verbania : Tararà, 2016. HOLLIS 015039944
  • Sligh, Clarissa T., author. Transforming hate : an artist’s book. [Asheville, North Carolina] : Clarissa T. Sligh, [2016]. HOLLIS 014807123
  • Srivastava, A. L., 1936- author. Indian art icons : revealing some glaring glimpses. Delhi : B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2016. HOLLIS 015059481
  • Storm, Eric, 1966- author. The discovery of El Greco : the nationalization of culture versus the rise of modern art (1860-1914). Chicago : Sussex Academic Press, 2016. HOLLIS 014919384
  • Sulimov, Andrzej. Sandomierz w malarstwie Jurija Sulimowa. Sandomierz : Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Sandomierz, 2017. HOLLIS 015057844
  • Suzhou bo wu guan. Liuru zhen ru : Tang Yin de ru meng ren sheng = The dream life of Tang Yin = 六如真如 : 唐寅的如梦人生 . Beijing : Gu gong chu ban she, 2014 nian 11 yue. HOLLIS 014599955
  • Tarasewicz, Iza, 1981- artist, author. Turba Turbo. Warszawa : Zachęta Narodowa Galerie Sztuki, 2016. HOLLIS 015040038
  • Taylor, Joanne and Jon Lang. The great houses of Calcutta : their antecedents, precedents, splendour and portents. New Delhi : Niyogi Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015059478
  • Tetenbaum, Barbara, artist. Gymnopaedia. No. 5, A Day Without Words. Portland : Triangular Press, 2016. HOLLIS 015059315
  • Tetenbaum, Barbara, author, artist. Artist’s book ideation cards. Berkeley, California : Flying Fish Press ; Portland, Oregon : Triangular Press, 2013. HOLLIS 014807120
  • Thatte, Ram Anant, 1934-2014, author. Ajanta. New Delhi : B.R. Publishing Corporation, June 2016. HOLLIS 015059480
  • Thierry, François. Les monnaies de la Chine ancienne : des origines à la fin de l’Empire. Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2017. HOLLIS 015029231
  • Tōda, Masahiro, 1948- author. Japonisumu to kindai no Nihon = ジャポニスムと近代の日本 . Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku : Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2017. HOLLIS 014944849
  • Tōkyō-to Edo Tōkyō Hakubutsukan. Edo to Pekin : 18-sseiki no toshi to kurashi = Jianghu he Beijing : 18 shi ji de du shi yu sheng huo = Edo and Beijing : cities and urban life in the 18th century = 江戶と北京 : 18世紀の都市と暮らし = 江戶和北京 : 18世纪的都市与生活. [Tōkyō] : Tōkyō-to Edo Tōkyō Hakubutsukan , 2017. HOLLIS 014944854
  • Tretʹiakov, N. S. (Nikolaĭ S.), ed. Dvort͡sovo-parkovye ansambli Rossii i khudozhestvennai͡a kulʹtura Zapadnoĭ Evropy : konet͡s XVIII–pervai͡a tretʹ XIX veka. Sankt-Peterburg : Gos. muzeĭ-zapovednik “Pavlovsk”, 2011. HOLLIS 014951130
  • Tretʹiakov, N. S. (Nikolaĭ S.), ed. Pavlovsk : dvoret͡s i park = Pavlovsk : palace and park = Павловск : дворец и парк . Sankt-Peterburg : Gos. muzeĭ-zapovednik “Pavlovsk”, 2009. HOLLIS 014951134
  • Tretʹiakov, N. S. (Nikolaĭ S.), ed. Pavlovsk : imperatorskiĭ dvoret͡s : stranit͡sy istorii. Sankt-Peterburg : Art-Palas, 2004-2005. HOLLIS 014951147
  • Um, Nancy, author. Shipped but not sold : material culture and the social protocols of trade during Yemen’s age of coffee. Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015040264
  • Urbano Poggi, Rafaela. II Premio Nacional de Pintura Banco Central 2008 : Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Dr. Urbano Poggi, Rafaela, marzo-abril de 2009. Buenos Aires : Banco Central de la República Argentina, 2009. HOLLIS 015056944
  • Vajracarya, Gautam Ratna, artist. Mandala deities in the Niṣpannayogāvalī. Kathmandu, Nepal : Vajra Books, 2016. HOLLIS 015070006
  • Vecere, Laura, author. In assenza : appunti sull’autoritratto contemporaneo. Pisa : Pisa University Press, [2017]. HOLLIS 015039946
  • Voet, Hanka van der, Wim van der Beek, and Lidewij Edelkoort. Ravage : illustre inconnu. [Eindhoven] : Lecturis, [2017]. HOLLIS 015042288
  • Von Barghahn, Barbara, author. Jan van Eyck and Portugal’s “illustrious generation”. London : The Pindar Press, 2013-2014. HOLLIS 015015557
  • Werthein de Trovarelli, Ana Lía. Ana Lía Werthein : más acá del horizonte = the near side of the horizon. Buenos Aires, Argentina : A.L. Werthein, 2008. HOLLIS 015056947
  • White, Sara. There : an archive of built places. Tuscaloosa, Alabama : Southern Pests Books and Prints, 2014. HOLLIS 014807121
  • Wu, Juan, ed. Zhongguo Ming Qing shi qi tao ci guan yao wen hua ji qi dang dai jia zhi = 中国明清时期陶瓷官窑文化及其当代价值 . Beijing : Gao deng jiao yu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014943734
  • Yako, Dani, 1955- photographer. El silencio. C.A.B.A. : Planeta, [2016]. HOLLIS 014990575
  • Yang, Chengyin, ed. Zhongguo li dai shu fa li lun ping zhu : Jin xian dai juan = 中国历代书法理论评注 : 近现代卷 . [China] : Hangzhou, 2016. HOLLIS 014889510
  • Yang, Chengyin, ed. Zhongguo li dai shu fa li lun ping zhu : Xian Qin Liang Han Nanbei chao juan = 中国历代书法理论评注 : 先秦两汉魏晋南北朝卷 . [China] : Hangzhou, 2016. HOLLIS 014889516
  • Yang, Chengyin, ed. Zhongguo li dai shu fa li lun ping zhu : Yuan dai juan = 中国历代书法理论评注 : 元代卷 . [China] : Hangzhou, 2016. HOLLIS 014889525
  • Yarshater, Ehsan, ed. Encyclopædia Iranica. London ; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul ; Winona Lake, Ind. : Distributed by Eisenbrauns Inc., 1982-. Additional volumes. HOLLIS 000103482
  • Zervigón, Andrés Mario, author. Photography and Germany. London : Reaktion Books, 2017. HOLLIS 015010237
  • Zhang, Zhizhong, author. Zhongguo gu dai ming yao. Xing yao = 中国古代名窑. 邢窑 . Nanchang : Jiangxi mei shu chu ban she, 2016. HOLLIS 014979242
  • Ziembińska, Ewa and Aline Magnien. Rodin, Dunikowski : Kobieta w polu widzenia = Visions of women. Warszawa [Poland] : Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie ; Kraków [Poland] : Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, [2016]. HOLLIS 015040046
  • Zorin, A. V. (Aleksandr Valerʹevich), author, editor. Sto vosemʹ buddiĭskikh ikon iz sobranii͡a Instituta vostochnykh rukopiseĭ RAN = Сто восемь буддийских икон из собрания Института восточных рукописей РАН . Sankt-Peterburg : Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2013. HOLLIS 014934796