Ethan Shaotran is a Harvard student and founder of Energize.AI. He’s the author of several AI books, patent inventor, and was published by IEEE for his research at Harvard SEAS on autonomous systems. He’s cross-registered at MIT and HBS.
AI, building fast.
- OpenAI Democratic AI: selected by OpenAI to work on AI alignment ($100k grant).
- Energize AI: the scheduling assistant for professionals.
- Harvard SEAS: created algorithms for autonomous vehicles, published in IEEE ICAS.
- Filed 4 patents in computer vision and logistical systems for Amply (acq. by BP).
- Harvard Mountaineering Club.
- Worked as a scuba divemaster in Hawaii over a gap year.
- Research Science Institute (RSI) Scholar in 2019.
Papers & Writings
- E. Shaotran, I. Pesok, S. Jones and E. Liu, “Aligned: A Platform-based Process for Alignment.”
- Aligned: Platform-based Alignment (OpenAI announcement, 2024).
- E. Shaotran, J. J. Cruz and V. J. Reddi, “Gesture Learning For Self-Driving Cars,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS), 2021.
- C. Chace et al. Stories from 2045: Artificial intelligence and the future of work. Economic Singularity Club, 2019.
- E. Shaotran. Stock Prediction with Deep Learning. Amazon, 2018.
Twitter @eshaotran, Github @shaotran