What is the DRS?
The Digital Repository Service (DRS) is Harvard’s homegrown digital preservation repository. First developed and launched in 1999, it has been in production for over two decades.
What is ITCRB?
The IT Capital Review Board (ITCRB) reviews project funding proposals for multi-year, University-wide, administrative and academic information technology projects.
How can I get involved?
Throughout all three project phases, a Project Consultant and Business Analyst will engage stakeholders across the University through interviews, acquiring user stories and use cases, focus group testing, and more. To stay up to date on the status of the project, please review the monthly project reports and check the newsfeed.
Contact information
If you have questions or feedback about the DRS Futures project, please contact the team at drs-futures-feedback@HU.onmicrosoft.com.
Image acknowledgements
Some images found on this site are available without copyright restriction based on the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. The original, unedited images are available by following these links: network hardware image, computer server image, data rack image, and server room image.