January 2023 Project Update

This is an overview of the DRS Futures project updates as of January 2023. For the full update, please visit the Monthly Reports page.

Current Project Status:

  • The team held the DRS Futures open meeting on January 25. The meeting had over 120 attendees and included stakeholder engagement exercises and introduced the stakeholder survey tool. A digest of themes that emerged in stakeholder exercises will be sent to the stakeholders and the Executive Governance project committee by Friday 2/17.
  • As a follow-up to the Open Meeting, the stakeholder survey tool has been distributed to stakeholders in Harvard community. The survey is closing on 2/17, after which time the team will analyze the results and prepare a digest of themes that emerged in the survey. As of 2/15/23 the survey has over 70 responses.
  • The Project Architect, Stefano Cossu, in collaboration with other team members, is reviewing current solution architecture and developing foundational technical principles to be used for evaluation of preservation system landscape.
  • Senior BA, Miriam Leigh and Project Architect Stefano Cossu are interviewing current DRS clients at Harvard to gather information about current system workflows and desires for improvement and adding resulting use cases to a central use case repository document.

Next Up:

  • Analysis of stakeholder survey results and a digest of common themes
  • Focus groups and office hours to be held in March – April 2023
  • Start planning for software engineering integration work for future DRS repository
    • Develop a list of integration tasks and ecosystem dependencies
  • Finalize Foundational Technical Principles for the future DRS repository
  • Continue work on abstract content modeling for the future DRS repository
  • Tabulate and prioritize collected use cases to prepare for transforming into functional requirements document