November 2022 Project Update

This is an overview of the DRS Futures project updates as of November 2022. For the full update, please visit the Monthly Reports page.

Current Project Status:

• The membership of the project executive committee has been finalized and the committee kick-off meeting has been scheduled for mid-December 2022. 
• The team technical architect, Stefano Cossu, in collaboration with other team members, is reviewing current solution architecture and developing foundational technical principles to be used for evaluation of preservation system landscape 
• Senior BA, Miriam Leigh has started interviewing internal stakeholders in LTS to gather information about current system functionality gaps based on support tickets and requests that are submitted to the LTS Support Center 
• The team is planning for Harvard stakeholder engagement activities, which will commence in January 2023 
• Andrew Woods, the team infrastructure consultant will present at Coalition of Networked Information in December about the DRS Futures project and seek peer collaboration opportunities 

Next Up:

• Presentation at Harvard Library All Staff in January 2023
• DRS Futures Open Meeting in January 2023
• Development of internal (Harvard) stakeholder survey tool – to be distributed in early February 2023
• Distribute external stakeholder survey and continue seeking collaboration opportunities with peer institutions