July 2023 Project Update

This is an overview of the DRS Futures project updates as of the end of July 2023. For the full update, please visit the Monthly Reports page.

Current Project Status:

  • The team has completed vendor shortlist that will be used for formal engagement with the vendors.
  • The RFP draft has been reviewed by the team and is now being reviewed by three third-party Harvard reviewers. The review period closes on 8/15, after which the RFP will be loaded into the Vendor Management Office (VMO) B2P Sourcing Module. Official contact with prospective vendors will be initiated shortly after by the project manager as per guidelines from the HUIT VMO.
  • The team has completed recruitment for three budgeted project positions of two software engineers and a change manager. The change manager has started on 7/31 and the software engineers will start in late August and early September 2023.

Next Up:

  • Distribute the RFP to vendors.
  • Engage in formal RFP Q&A with vendors.
  • Review bidder submissions.
  • Make selection decision.