June 2023 Project Update

This is an overview of the DRS Futures project updates as of the end of June 2023. For the full update, please visit the Monthly Reports page.

Current Project Status:

  • The team has completed prioritizing functional requirements collected as the result of the stakeholder engagement.
  • The Digital Preservation consultant has produced the first draft of the RFP and the team is currently reviewing the draft and recommending changes and adjustments.
  • Technical foundational principles are complete and are also being prioritized for inclusion in the RFP. Once prioritization is complete, they will be shared with stakeholders.
  • The team is proceeding with final stages of recruitment for the budgeted project positions of two software engineers and a change manager, with the intent to start them in July 2023.

Next Up:

  • Complete hire of project positions for FY 24-25
  • Review and finalize the RFP
  • Distribute the RFP to vendors.
  • Schedule vendor presentations.