Day: May 24, 2023

DRS Futures Project Focus Groups Engagement Report

Dear colleagues, I am writing to provide an update on the DRS Modernization (“DRS Futures”) project, which aims to modernize the Harvard Library Digital Repository Service. The project, funded by ITCRB (Harvard IT Capital Review Board), was officially launched at the beginning of FY23 and is expected to span three years. The project consists of three main phases: Discovery,…

April 2023 Project Update

This is an overview of the DRS Futures project updates as of the end of April 2023. For the full update, please visit the Monthly Reports page. Current Project Status: Next Up:…

March 2023 Project Update

This is an overview of the DRS Futures project updates as of the end of March 2023. For the full update, please visit the Monthly Reports page. Current Project Status: Next Up:…