DRS Futures Focus Groups Invitation

Dear colleagues,

Following the introductory meetings and the DRS Futures Stakeholder Survey, Harvard University Library Technology Services and Harvard Library invite you to participate in the Digital Repository Services (DRS) Futures Remote Focus Groups that are meeting during the months of March and April 2023.

More information about Focus Groups topics and discussion questions

Goals for focus groups

  • Articulate the preservation services and functions that should stay the same, the challenges and pain points, and the aspirations and opportunities for growth in the next generation of DRS.
  • Create exchanges between user communities (or potential user communities) and networks of engagement that will give a birds-eye view of how DRS stakeholders are engaging with the service.
  • Collect user stories – whether for immediate, anticipated, or aspirational needs – for different functional areas of the DRS system that can be codified into user requirements.

Please see information about focus groups topics and registration below:

  1. Curatorial topic: Curators and Administrators – this group is intended for those that rely on content getting into the DRS and for those who are interested in exploring the DRS but do not currently use the service. More information and registration:
  2. Functional Topic: Deposit – this group will be focused on the needs and desires for deposit in the DRS Futures system. More information and registration: Registration Link: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqdeCtrDMuHN1t6-cdeUmpX07mYumE8QZ8
  3. Functional Topic: Managing content – this group is intended to provide DRS stakeholders with an opportunity to discuss their needs and concerns around how to manage content in the DRS. More information and registration:
  4. Functional Topic: Reporting – this group is intended to focus on the information and reporting needs of repository users. More information and registration
  5. Functional Topic: Access Policies – this group is intended to provide DRS stakeholders with an opportunity to discuss their needs and concerns around DRS access policies. More information and registration

You are welcome to participate in multiple groups if your concerns span topical areas.  Please note that if the meeting time slots at the registration links for a particular focus group don’t work with your schedule, we will be happy to meet individually, or you can submit your thoughts to our feedback email address: drs-futures-feedback@HU.onmicrosoft.com.

The DRS Futures team will facilitate the focus groups in accordance with the DRS Futures Principles of Collaboration.

Many thanks,

Vitaly Zakuta

Senior IT Project Manager | Library Technology Services

Harvard University Information Technology