Harvard University Library Technology Services and Harvard Library invite you to the Digital Repository Services (DRS) Futures Open Meeting to learn more about the work to modernize the infrastructure and programmatic services preserving the University’s digital scholarly resources and institutional records.
WHAT: The Digital Repository Services (DRS) Futures Open Meeting – this meeting will be an overview of the project and discussion about community priorities.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 3:00pm-4:00pm ET
WHO: The entire Harvard community (yes, you! The DRS is available for use by all University units and affiliates.)
WHERE: Virtual meeting – registration required
The Digital Repository Services (DRS) Futures Open Meeting welcomes the entire Harvard community. Your insights will help us envision the ideal repository and shape the requirements and outcomes for DRS Futures.
Please feel free to share this information to anyone who might be interested in attending or learning more about the DRS Futures work. Have questions? Please reach out to us at: drs-futures-feedback@HU.onmicrosoft.com