Announcing the Next Director of the Institute of Politics

To the HKS Community:

I am delighted to announce that Setti Warren will be the new permanent director of our Institute of Politics. 

Setti has been directing the IOP in an interim capacity since Mark Gearan left last summer.  We undertook a national search for Mark’s successor and received valuable input from many people associated with the IOP; we are pleased that Setti emerged as the selection.

Setti has been a respected senior leader at HKS for the past five years, and he has had an accomplished career in public service, including both civilian and military service at the national level as well as extensive service in local government.  He has a deep commitment to Harvard’s students, and I look forward to all that he and the students and staff at the IOP will accomplish in the years ahead.

For more information about Setti Warren, please see the press release.  And please join me in offering him your congratulations!

