
CAFH Statements

“Every member of the academic community should be free from fear of reprisal for positions they defend, questions they ask, or ideas they entertain…[and] should enjoy full standing to speak and be heard, regardless of background or social position…We also have a moral duty to listen, and to approach disagreement in a spirit of genuine curiosity, motivated by the desire to learn from each other, and open to the possibility that any of us, at any time, might be wrong.”
The Freedoms of a University (Adopted January 31, 2024)

“No institution is above criticism…Censors always say that the ideas they want to punish are harmful. But no one is infallible, and only when ideas are expressed and debated can we know their implications.”
CAFH Response to Dean Bobo on Punishing Faculty Speech (June 19, 2024)

CAFH Leadership Statements

Statement on the Congressional Subpoenas of Harvard (2/28/24)

CAFH Governance

Governance Policies