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- Another Freedom: The Alternative History of an Idea (University of Chicago Press, 2010)
- Ninotchka: A Novel (SUNY Press, 2003)
- Kosmos: Remembrances of the Future – photographs by Adam Bartos, text by Svetlana Boym (Princeton Architectural Press, 2001)
- The Future of Nostalgia (Basic Books, 2001)
- Common Places: Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia (Harvard University Press, 1994)
- Death in Quotation Marks: Cultural Myths of the Modern Poet (Harvard University Press, 1991)
Author Page on Amazon
Art-related publications and presentations
- PMLA 2005 (cover image from “Touching Writing: Homage to Derrida”),
- Artefact Magazine (Manifesto of Nostalgic Technologies and Broken Tech Art),
- ArtMargins, ArtForum, BookForum, Liubljana Galerija Moderna, ICA, Boston, Berlin Journal, Harpers, Critical Inquiry, Representations, Public Culture, Bomb Magazine