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- ”GUIDES” format includes national accounts and other important macro variables that are widely available across countries.
- Data from 1970 to the most recent year (subject to availability)
- For details on the GUIDES framework, see Weinzierl, Matthew, Jonathan Schlefer, and Ann Cullen. “GUIDES: Insight through Indicators.” Harvard Business School Background Note 710-044, January 2010. (Revised November 2017.)
- Source: World Bank & IMF Fiscal Monitor (Overall and Primary Fiscal Balance)
- Note for older HBS cases with US data: in the World Bank & IMF data, the Investment (I) account (also called “Gross Capital Formation”) includes investments done by the government. In the US, the BEA puts the government investment into G. So, if you are comparing the World Bank and BEA shares for I and G , the WB data will show more I and less G.