• Here is the text “Questioning answers”, a lecture I gave to high school students about the arithmetic of elliptic curves (this was quite a while ago).
  • I have been asked for some notes “Analyse p-Adique” that I wrote (I’m not sure what date) regarding classical p-adic L-functions and the Berrnoulli distribution. I am thankful to Keith Conrad who provided me with this scanned copy of them.
  • In 1963 or 1964 I wrote an article “Remarks on the Alexander Polynomial” about the analogy between knots in the three-dimensional sphere and prime numbers (and, correspondingly, the relationship between the Alexander polynomial and Iwasawa Theory). I distributed some copies of my article but never published it, and I misplaced my own copy. In subsequent years I have had many requests for my article and would often try to search through my files to find it, but never did. A few weeks ago Minh-Tri Do asked me for my article, and when I said I had none, he very kindly went on the web and magically found a scanned copy of it. I’m extremely grateful to Minh-Tri Do for his efforts (and many thanks, too, to David Feldman who provided the lead).
  • Course notes: (Harvard; Fall 1993) on “Hecke curves and Galois deformations”.
  • “Notes on conformal field theory” (with Beilinson and Feigin).
  • “Questions about Number” (an expository lecture on the ABC conjecture).
  • Here are some rough notes “Arithmetic in the geometry of symmetric spaces” which was the text of a letter I wrote to John Millson in the mid-70’s.
  • An article with Federica la Nave entitled “Reading Bombelli” appeared in February 2002 in the “Mathematical Intelligencer”.
Cover of Imagining Numbers book by Barry Mazur.

I wrote a trade book called Imagining Numbers (Particularly the Square Root of Minus Fifteen) by Barry Mazur, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. Hardcover, 288 pp., ISBN 0374174695.

  • “Math and Art without the filters”. Comment in Los Angeles Times, which appeared on May 18, 2003.
  • Other materials at request from Barry Mazur, email mazur@g.harvard.edu.