Remembrance Articles
- 2011 Remembrance Articles for John Tate. Here is the Harvard University Minute for John written by the committee consisting of Michael Artin, Benedict Gross, David Mumford, and myself; the committee was chaired by Dick Gross. Here is the memorial article for John edited by Ken Ribet and myself and published in the A.M.S. Notices.
- September 1, 2010 I was the chair of the committee (Benedict Gross, David Mumford and myself) set up by Harvard Mathematics Department to write the memorial minutes for our colleague Andrew Gleason. This appeared in the Gazette. A slightly expanded version of this has been published as a memoir for the American Philosophical Society.
- June 12, 2009: “For John Stallings” [PDF].
- February 7, 2009: “For Raoul Bott” [PDF].
- February 3, 2006: “For Serge Lang” [PDF].