As a paleoecologist, I use various analytical tools to study local climatic conditions, foraging strategies, and life history parameters of fossil and extant taxa including stable isotope, dental microwear and body size analyses. I also study taphonomic processes relating to fossil locality formation and fossil preservation.
My primary research focus is the Neogene Siwalik sequence of Pakistan. I am fortunate to be a member of a large collaborative research project led by David Pilbeam that has studied the faunas and sediments of the Potwar Plateau region of northern Pakistan for more than 40 years.
As Museum Curator of Osteology and Paleoanthropology at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, I oversee the Osteology Department that facilitates research and teaching use of Peabody Museum collections, and I conduct collaborative research on Peabody Museum collections.
I edited the Peabody Museum Press volume, Pecos Pueblo Revisited, with contributions and data from many scholars who have studied the archaeology and people associated with Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico.