Kayla Worthey

Kayla Worthey
ASPR Postdoctoral Fellow

Kayla Worthey is an archaeologist and biogeochemist studying the Late Pleistocene terrestrial environments of North Africa and their impacts on humans during the Middle and Later Stone Ages. She principally uses stable isotope-based proxies from organic biomarkers and faunal remains sampled from archaeological sites. In particular, she is interested in tracing the extent and nature of vegetation change during humid periods in the Sahara and neighboring regions at local scales. Kayla received her PhD from the University of Arizona (2024) where she studied relationships between paleoclimate and forager land-use in the Stone Age of Morocco. She also has ongoing zooarchaeological projects in northwestern Mexico at terminal Pleistocene hunter-gatherer sites and is studying early caprine management at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site Aşıklı Höyük, Türkiye.