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Sara Zaia

“I recently obtained my PhD in Archaeology in the Anthropology Department presenting a dissertation involving the use of geospatial techniques in the study of people’s movement across foreign landscapes and the identification of commercial pharaonic routes connecting Egypt to eastern Sudan. The study of such routes aimed to infer the development of complexity in Egypt…

Joyce Ho

“I am grateful that the ASPR Fund lent support towards my studies last summer, at the 8-week Russian language program, Middlebury Language Schools. Becoming proficient in Russian comprehension is essential for my upcoming archaeological research in Central Asia. With an effective language pledge in place at Middlebury, students and instructors together foster a Russian-only experience…

Percy Ho

“I was awarded funds from ASPR to support my enrolment at the Russian Language Program at the Middlebury Language Schools during the summer of 2023. Recognized as one of the best language schools both in the country and globally, the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian offers an 8-week summer intensive language program for Russian…