Category: Past Research

Mount Carmel Excavations

Between April of 1929 and August of 1934, the American School of Prehistoric Research partnered with the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem to fund seven seasons of excavation at the caves of Nahal Me’arot in modern-day Israel. The archaeological significance of this area was realized in 1928, when the cliffs were threatened by British…

La Quina

The site of La Quina, located about 1.5km southwest of the village of Le Pontaroux in Charente, France, was first discovered in 1872. Organized excavation began a few decades later in 1905 and was led by Dr. Henri-Martin. He began his investigations at a section of the site he called the “station amont”, which was…

Abri des Merveilles

One of the ASPR’s first excavations took place at the “Abri Des Merveilles”, which is located near the commune of Sergeac in south-west France in the Castel-Merle valley, where it is one of numerous paleolithic sites (O’Hara et al., 2015). It was first discovered in 1878, and the ASPR began excavating there in 1924 after…