Year: 2024

Harvard Summer Program in Kenya: Week Three

Tuesday began with the students’ last Swahili class, which was followed by a lecture by Dr. Green on global warming. We learned about international treaties and agreements, including the UNFCCC, The Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement, which aim to reduce global emissions. After a quick tea break, the class reconvened for a discussion about…

Sara Zaia

“I recently obtained my PhD in Archaeology in the Anthropology Department presenting a dissertation involving the use of geospatial techniques in the study of people’s movement across foreign landscapes and the identification of commercial pharaonic routes connecting Egypt to eastern Sudan. The study of such routes aimed to infer the development of complexity in Egypt…

Joyce Ho

“I am grateful that the ASPR Fund lent support towards my studies last summer, at the 8-week Russian language program, Middlebury Language Schools. Becoming proficient in Russian comprehension is essential for my upcoming archaeological research in Central Asia. With an effective language pledge in place at Middlebury, students and instructors together foster a Russian-only experience…

Percy Ho

“I was awarded funds from ASPR to support my enrolment at the Russian Language Program at the Middlebury Language Schools during the summer of 2023. Recognized as one of the best language schools both in the country and globally, the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian offers an 8-week summer intensive language program for Russian…

Dietary Variation Among Hunter-Gatherer Groups

Dan Lieberman, an executive officer of the ASPR and the organization’s treasurer, recently led an analysis of the Paleo diet using evidence from contemporary hunter-gatherer populations. The Paleo diet, which has become increasingly popular in the last few decades, recommends calorie ranges of 19-35% protein, 22-40% carbohydrates, and 28-47% fat, while also prohibiting dairy, grains,…

Tao River Archaeology Project

The Tao River Archaeology Project (TRAP), the result of a collaborative effort between  the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Peking University, and Harvard University, and led by ASPR director Rowan Flad, began in 2011 and continued until 2019. During its first two years, TRAP investigated 531 Neolithic and Bronze-Age sites in the Tao River valley,…

Mount Carmel Excavations

Between April of 1929 and August of 1934, the American School of Prehistoric Research partnered with the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem to fund seven seasons of excavation at the caves of Nahal Me’arot in modern-day Israel. The archaeological significance of this area was realized in 1928, when the cliffs were threatened by British…