
Below you may find where I was educated. I will be updating this education history as I move along with comments about all the institutions I pass through.

University of California Santa Barbara

My first postdoctoral research position was in the Gravity Group at UCSB.
In practice I found no distinction between the high energy and gravitational physics groups here. Also, the presence of KITP next door meant a constant supply of stimulation from all areas of theoretical physics. Weather and people were warm all the while the physics was top-notch.

Harvard University

I received my Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Harvard. During these fascinating six years I met many of the smartest people I know, so I guess some stereotypes are true after all. The pleasant surprise was that the Department of Physics at Harvard is an inviting rather than an intimidating place full of people who are inclusive rather than exclusive.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

I received my B.S. in Physics from MIT. I enjoyed every moment of the four intense years I spent at this great institute. MIT is well known for its excellence in research and education all over the world; nevertheless, it has by far surpassed all the expectations I had before entering. To support my studies here I received, in addition to financial aid from MIT of course, I also received a scholarship fromĀ “The Dimitri Dellis Scholarship Trust.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

In recognition of my distinctions in mathematical olympiads during high school I was honorably admitted to the Physics Department of the Aristotle University in my hometown Thessaloniki, Greece. I spent here one year before I was offered transfer admission to MIT. At MIT I started over from the beginning though.

American College of Thessaloniki Anatolia

I was fortunate to go to what is likely the best high school in Greece: Anatolia College. I spent six wonderful years at Anatolia with full merit scholarship each year thanks to the generosity of the late Ms. Antigone Raphael.